[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Devlin said:
True story Fean. 333 is the inverse of 666. I think its telling you that you might be satan.
Actually 0.001502 is the inverse of 666. 33 is supposedly the perfect number, but I have 333.. alas
which translates to you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and need to suck a wood dragon claw
It's not really a spiritual inverse in the mathematical sense, but perhaps somewhat like that in meaning. 666, number of the beast everyone knows that one. 3 and 33 were supposed to be good numbers. 33 for the number of years christ lived on earth etc.

according to the great and powerful wikipedia:

333 = 32·37, Mertens function returns 0, Harshad number. Shorthand for <333, meaning 'MUCH LOVE' (more 3's = more hearts) Symbolically used to represent Choronzon, a demon used in the philosophy of Thelema

(no it's totally not a slow day at work I don't know what you are talking about >.> <.<)
Well, Literary nerd here.

3 is a number of death, large change, and the end of stories across most all English literature.

I'd provide examples, but I'm lazy.

edit: Is 11 the 'inverse' of 22? And is 16 the inverse of 8? I have no idea what Dev's logic was.
Valentine said:
Dev, screw Tabby. I think you're awesome.
Fuck yeah man!

One time I was pretty high and browsing the internet. An image made me laugh until I fell asleep.

When I came to, it didn't make me laugh as much. But I saved the picture.

I'm posting it for no reason.


edit: omg I love this picture ahahahahahah
I wanna get baked and look at that picture now. It seems like something I would bust into laughter at.
That picture says to me "Y'know, perhaps internets is not so much serious business after all"
Silly baby, get off that computer, you don't belong on there you look silly, you can't even facebook
I just realized after beating up the Wyld Hunt, we thought it would be a good idea to escape on my precious ships.

...I'm going to get the first dots in Limit, watch.
I could be moving cancers?

I'm alive. Lots of crazy shit just happened, which combined with moving house made net access highly unavailable.

Back now. Will make progress by any means necessary tonight.


Also yay I've been interweb-stalked!

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