[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

I promise to get down there and help as so as I have some info on where things actually are relative to me. :)
I already took the DB commander mostly out of commission, this shot should total him. Also drew the Fire aspect and half the archers away from you guys. If Kain's butterflies do some good damage to the remaining extras, Aero&Radiance shouldn't have too much more to deal with than the 5 extras there and the mage, and depending on what's left after Kain's attack, Kana can probably help out.

-IF- we're careful and lucky, we'll be fine. Just don't Flurry or blow any really big attacks unless you're certain that you won't be hit before your DV refreshes, abuse dodge/parry charms and hard cover, and it'll all be over soon.

....But it'd be a LOT easier if Raddy's crew showed up. -_-
I'll answer all your questions very soon. Lots of shit hit a very very big fan today so I've been a bit distracted, to say the least. Sorry about that.
After I get Ebon Devils I can reload my revolvers Grenadier style. Only, I'll half to use one of our lady exalts to bounce my ammo off of.

But still!

edit: Hahah, I spelled 'haf' as in 'have' as 'half'.
Sexual harassment charges. Kain and Radiance don't have 5 resources for no reason. They need it.
Don't worry, Valentine, the crew is on its way. It takes a mortal a while to work up the nerve to fight the Wyld Hunt, don't you know. Also, half of them were drinking and whoring.

I'm going to use my INCREDIBLE Paint skillz to draw a very rough map of things as they stand.
What the hell how much freaking soak do DB get, he's going to be at like 80 after this stunt

Between stamina, armour hardness and Jade articulated plate, quite a lot of soak. He has a couple levels of Ox Body in there too. Cathak Celadus is a tough bastard. You'll be glad to know the others are rather more fragile. I'll post stats up for them after you get away or defeat them. EDIT: I think it would be more interesting to add in stats as you discover what they're capable of. Working on it now.

Also, MAP!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_08/map.jpg.c919fd799d5e925198ceafc7d51315f8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_08/map.jpg.c919fd799d5e925198ceafc7d51315f8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ahh, nice map. No sarcasm; now I actually know where people are. Also! What happened to Kain's Butterflies? I was kinda counting on them to fuck up/distract enough people to semi-cover my attack, but... haven't heard anything yet about how that went. <_<
Shit, I must have missed that bit. Sorry. I'll retcon the situation and get back to you.

Apologies folks, I've had a rather manic weekend.
I don't know how I missed that. Fixed now. Read the fixed entry at viewtopic.php?f=206&t=1823&p=52178#p52178

Shouldn't affect anyone's posts. Although the 5 leftmost soldiers at the front of the inn are now out of action. 3 survived (and are keeping their heads firmly down), and a few more are with the Fire Aspect, hunting for Alia (and failing, seeing as she's nearly around the side of the inn now).
So I'm thoughtfully looking over the map. I glance at the fire and


Thank you for that. I laughed so hard. Hahah.
Indeed. Don't worry, now you all know the Wyld Hunt is after you you'll be much more prepared for the next time.

Have a post almost ready to go, just waiting to see if Kana wants to use her Avoiding Getting Impaled By Javelins Approach charm...
They really were just expecting 2 Solars at most. 5 is a bit much. They might be brutal, but they're not stupid :)

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