[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread


Because when you're stealing TVs and running from the police you need to be able to run faster than everyone else!
So anyways. What's the plan with the DB? @Sarky: are they even killable, or is this going to inevitably end up a 'real' battle?

'cause Alia can provide fire support, and if we do decide to actually fight, or if you guys do get discovered and have to fight, she can snipe. 400 meter effective range, Target arrows, sneak attack from 400 meters away and atop a building - Earth aspect All-Encompassing Awareness doesn't work on the upper floors or tops of buildings, I checked - means that since DB don't really have perfect defenses or perfect awareness charms, we can tip the scales in our favor from the start. Assuming the main DB has superheavy plate she'd be doing ~16L base damage after soak before actually rolling damage, so even if she didn't manage to OHKO him it'd still add up to huge wound penalties, letting Aero or Kana carve him up.

Looks like he's Earth aspect; they break weapons and are tough dicks, but I don't think they have perfect defenses. And Target Arrows just lawl at armor.

The lighter chick sounds Fire aspect, good offense, but horribly fragile.

Sorcerer -sounds- like Wood aspect, but without a more accurate description it's hard to tell. Wood or Air. Either way, he could be a huge problem if he starts casting; if we do end up fighting, I'll go for him second.

...Just saying. This is a hella bad situation, but if we're smart about it and use Radiance's crew, we could probably butcher them before the city guard shows up too.
I'm pretty much down for trying whatever. Perhaps a slight leaning towards the killing, but we need to find an upper ground first.

XP expenditures have been noted in my character sheet.

XP expenditures

Elusive Flicker Evasion............8

Athletics 1->2.......................3
Okay. I'm not gonna lie. I've been dying to social combat a DB into joining us since I first rolled Revya, and I still kinda want to do it now. Maybe the Fire aspect, the Earth is going to get a headful of Target Arrow and I've never trusted sorcerers - Kain included and a prime example of the reasoning for it - and Fire aspects are always more fragile.

Tentative idea.

You guys try to escape, but get noticed/caught since none of you have shit for stealth (save Kana, a whopping ONE POINT against an Earth aspect that can sense anyone within 25 meters automatically). Radiance's crew busies themselves with the mortal soldiers, Alia evens the odds a bit by means of harpoon-force arrow to the guy in armor and then goes for the sorcerer, and everyone else just goes for targets of opportunity; the Earth will be dead or heavily wounded - aka large Wound penalties -, Fire aspects have shitty dodge, and sorcerers are made out of paper. Unless they have Skin of Bronze, but a lone DB sorcerer against half a dozen Solars isn't even going to have time to cast, much less kill anyone.

Speaking of which: Alia has speed 4 attacks. Stealth attack the Earth, and even if the mage starts casting pretty much instantly, she'll still be able to attack again before he can cast - and she's out of range of most of his stuff and has reaction time to avoid anything else. He won't be able to cast verus the others while she's pinning him down too, even just a few damage interrupts cast attempts.

granted, this would all happen spontaneously IC without any of the OOC planning, but I'm a meticulous gal. I like planning tactics and strategies.
The plot thickens.

Alright but I mean, It's only four assuming Kain doesn't get involve. To me, it's a pretty viable strategy. It all comes down to a matter two of who's squaring up against who. Since Tabby wants to social the Fire aspect, I say we leave her unconscious and just worry about the other two.

Aeroulus could fight either of the two, though he could make quick work of the Fire aspect and move on to the bigger target in one attack.
Basically, the Wyld Hunt uses a couple of main advantages: numbers, tactics, and when possible, massed firepower. They also have logistics support but for the purposes of tactics - rather than long-term strategy - these are the important aspects.

-We outnumber them in both ways; our Extras can at least hold their own against theirs, and they outnumber them five to one. The crew won't be able to do shit against the DBs, but they don't have to - better to save casualties and just have the focus on the mortals.

-We don't know their tactics yet, but we DO know that splitting them up and decapitating the chain of command as quickly as possible ruins their reaction and gives us an initial advantage, whether fight or flight. Alia can provide covering fire and very possibly OHKO the Earth commander, and possibly the sorcerer too a few seconds later. She has the high ground and an initial advantage she intends to press if (when) the situation requires it.

Essentially, our objectives are to divide the enemy forces, ruin their pre-planned tactics, and annihilate them. If the fast attack forces (Aero & Kana) can distract and kill the Earth commander if he survives and tie down the Fire aspect, Alia's supporting fire and support fire from Radiance can take out or at least pin down the sorcerer and keep him from casting. Couple that with a now-sober Kain using his teammates' cover to cast Death of Obsidian Butterflies or any other spells he happens to prefer using, and we can basically turn the street into a fucking blender. Not subtle, not in the least, but: it's night time. The city watch won't be mobilized instantly, and we'll probably get away safe with minimal witnesses, and more importantly, no surviving enemy DBs - either we kill the Fire or she joins us. We can escape in the night and VOILA! Bonding moment over.
I'm not sure how awesome I'll be at the attacking thing, but distracting finger-gesture attack is a nice assist anyway. :-P

Also, very few of my combaty things are subtle... I mean, even my combat stance is obvious, but it does make my stealth not suck... How does that work anyway?
Tabby said:
@Sarky: are they even killable, or is this going to inevitably end up a 'real' battle?
Oh, they're as killable as any other Dragon-Blood. 4-5 Solars will do it without too much trouble, although you'll take some damage to be sure. But battle isn't inevitable, if you can make good your escape. How you go about solving this little problem is entirely up to you guys. :)
Well, if anyone wants to start jumping out of windows and distracting the DBs before they get out of my sight, feel free to go ahead. Got a target arrow ready to feather someone, itching to start the butchery.
Devlin said:
Feantari said:
I think a few of us are waiting on perception results before doing any leaping.
leaps/girly screaming and running
Well if you all want to figure out that Kain is still there, just follow the noise of someone screaming like a little girl
How far CAN you jump down without hurting yourself? Does graceful crane stance help with that?
Perhaps Kain could make a quick Perception + Awareness roll in the hallway to notice a a certain room facing the back of the inn sporting an open door? (Yes, I'm Deus Ex Machina-ing the shit out of getting you lot together, but I don't care! :) )

Graceful Crane Stance doesn't help with falling damage. It just ensures you land on your feet when you drop.
We aren't really in direct battle yet, so if i use magic now I don't have to make any Join battle rolls do I?
Get 2 successes on a Dex + Athletics roll and you make the first jump no problem. Some Dext + Stealth wouldn't be a bad idea either if you don't like the idea of being chased across the city rooftops by a gang of angry Dragon Blooded. :)

No join battle rolls for sorcery just yet, no. But it will cost you some time, and the Wyld Hunt is seconds away from turning the corner to watch you all jumping out the window. You won't be as far away from them if you stop to get off a spell.

Much as I'm enjoying watching you deal with the first real obstacle to making Creation a Better Place , it's 4am, and I'm very, very tired. I'll deal with further developments after some sleep.
Pose as a team, because someone's corpse is about to freaking get impaled to a concrete wall if he doesn't pull off a wtfbullshit defense. Kain is about to do his thing, Aero has an idea of what to do if or when our "if it moves, fuck it" friend finishes with his glass friend shows up with his goddamn crew, and Kana... well, maybe she can flash the DBs? That might get their attention.
or we could all book it stealth wise and leave, and you could just get killed by DB? That would be funny right? <3 :P
Technically speaking I'm much farther away, still somewhat hidden, and could very easily escape without anyone ever even knowing what my face looked like. So I mean, if you want to go free in a city where people know what you look like and that you're anathema, go for it. But maybe it would be better to kill the guys who know what some of you guys look like, yeah?

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