[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Nah, it's ok. You won't die just yet.

Should have a new thread up soon enough. Then the funtiems can begin.
And mostly for Aero's benefit, since I know that he's too illiterate to read.


Trait Increase Cost Training Times

Attribute rating x 4 (rating) months

Favored or Caste Ability (rating x 2) – 1 immediate

Out-of-Caste Ability rating x 2 (rating) weeks

Essence (to 3) rating x 8 immediate

Essence (above 3) rating x 8 (rating) months

Virtue rating x 3* immediate

Willpower rating x 2 immediate

New Trait Cost Training Times

Ability 3 3 weeks

Specialty 3** 3 weeks

Favored/Caste Charm 8 (Min. Ability) days

Out-of-Caste Charm 10 (Min. Ability + Min. Essence) days

Non-Solar Charms 16*** (Min. Ability + Min. Essence) weeks

Spell (Occult Favored/Caste) 8 (spell circle) weeks

Spell (Out-of-caste Occult) 10 (spell circle) weeks
And with that out of the way, Alia:

Performance 4>5 ((4x2) -1)=7XP

Archery (Powerbows +1) Speciality: 3XP

10XP spent, 2 stored for the next delectable tasty nuggets of glorious XP.
Forgive me, I've never had an Exalt alive long enough to get to XP. For training an increase, do you need that much time doing nothing else?

To put it in DnD terms (where I'm far more familiar) is it like magic enchanting (and the poor wizard does nothing else) or is it like mundane crafting (and it's done, most typically, off screen or during times like 'lol first watch')?
Well it dramatically looks like I need more dodge or combat skills, but that seems horribly metagaming when I planned on getting a solid grasp on some social charms.

And this little guy here -really- wants Ship-Claiming Stance. I'm at a loss!
Yes, but even if he is a massive otter, the Kentucky Derby doesn't allow any other animal then horses.
Devlin said:
Yes, but even if he is a massive otter, the Kentucky Derby doesn't allow any other animal then horses.
That's nothing a little talkin' won't change.

"Screw the rules, they've got halos!"
So confused. What does rating mean? Like If boosting a stat requires for XP and you times it by 2, it's 8, so you need 8 points per favored stat boos for one dot?
Valentine said:
Devlin said:
Yes, but even if he is a massive otter, the Kentucky Derby doesn't allow any other animal then horses.
That's nothing a little talkin' won't change.

"Screw the rules, they've got halos!"

Also, Kain has been updated.
Blacklion said:
So confused. What does rating mean? Like If boosting a stat requires for XP and you times it by 2, it's 8, so you need 8 points per favored stat boos for one dot?
"rating" = "whatever the current skill/attribute is at"


Attribute rating x 4 (rating) months

Means if you have Strength 4 and want to go to 5, it requires 4x4 = 16xp, and takes 4 months to train.

Or so I believe.
Due to it being late and my absolute fretting at ALL THE COOL THINGS I could be learning to do, I think I'm just going to bank for now.
guys there's no less than three dragon blooded and heavily armored mortals.

We've got a combat-useless pirate, a drunken pretty-boy with an otter, a mechanic, and an angsting teen/young adult. Oh, and shooty-arrows up there doing god knows what.

My suggestion for tactics easily follows along with what everyone was already thinking: Send in the Otter, he's our last hope.


...Damned be the Sun, he takes after Master!
The only thing even remotely as badass as an otter is a badger. I think we're in good hands.

...unless one of those DBs has a badger familiar.

Hahah! If we live long enough to have persistent BBEGs, there should definitely be an evil badger involved just to tango with the otter.
My otter will dawn his war suit and go into battle courageously!

I should name him before then I think. Got any good ideas?
Devlin said:
My otter will dawn his war suit and go into battle courageously!
I should name him before then I think. Got any good ideas?
Barley! Patches! Mittens!

Or something like "The Twice Glorified Golden Hammer, That Which Slinks Naughtily: Hugo, Celestial Otter."

Ain't no rules that say Otters can't Exalt.

"Well, actually--" GOLDEN HALOS "Ain't no rule, Cap'n!"

The eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
I dare say he better not exalt, lest we all have to face the power of my solar otter.

Seymour I think I will call him Seymour

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