[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

So, if I wanted to pounce on this guy and keep him from finishing his spell.. is that something that I think I could do? I mean I could roll occult or something to find out if you want. If that is a thing that you do in this game... if it is maybe I want to do that to figure out what he's casting, and if it's interruptable by a sai to the face given what it would take to get there and that sort of stuff. I think I'm more likely to run down the wall and stab him than I am to actually try to jump on him, but whichever would let me cover the distance and hit him would be prefered.
Possible issue: essence backlash.

If a sorcerer is attacked mid-spellcast he has to make a roll to keep from fizzling, for each HL of damage he takes post-soak, the difficulty boosts by 1. So. Even a basic 2-attack flurry could easily ruin his spell. The issue is essence backlash, I forget the exact numbers but if the sorc fails that roll, the spell explodes on him and anyone within a meter or three, even for terrestrial circle sorcery.
So... what you are saying is if I could resist that somehow then I'd have effectively used him to wipeout all his mortal lackeys?

*evil grin*
Feantari said:
So... what you are saying is if I could resist that somehow then I'd have effectively used him to wipeout all his mortal lackeys?
*evil grin*
"you take 15L damage"

"Dodge charms."

"What? No, I mean you just jumped 40 feet and got hit by an essence backlash erupti-"


"...You take 0 damage and get a stunt bonus."

Kain has just cast his spell. Time start phase two of Kain's battle strategy. Run like a bitch and cry.
So, according to the core book. If he just fails the spell it's not so dangerous. It's only if he botches things become a problem. I'll wait for Sarky to let me know if I'm in range of this guy, can figure out what he is casting, and if I think I can get there before he finishes before I join up in this battle thing.



That means none of us are schooling or working right now.

And instead of doing anything sociable...
Valentine said:


That means none of us are schooling or working right now.

And instead of doing anything sociable...
The way it should be! I gave up going to QT for smokes to do this!
I'd walk down to the gas station, but it's like a 20 minute walk. (Moved from the city to the country. D:) And I had a heat stroke and being in heat is not awesome.

So I can't get cigarettes. I'd have alcohol, but I'm twenty, so I can't purchase it.

meaning obviously the only thing I can have delivered to my house is cannabis.

I blame the government.
You're standing to fight the Wyld Hunt? Awesome.

Apologies for not replying sooner, I was caught up in something rather important.

Right. First off, the alley you kids are in is small, 2 people fighting side-by-side is really all it will manage. Even then you'd want to be careful about hitting your colleague.

The Realm troops have been hanging back around the corner to the side of the inn (you're at the back, remember), but Ever-Flowing Radiance's yelling drew them out. There are 5 Realm soldiers between you and the 2 Dragon Bloods. Popping up stats for the soldiers now...
Oh, well I guess I won't be interrupting any spells, but can you tell me how far away this DB is? I'd like to figure out if I can get down and hit him in a surprisy sort of fashion, or at least do so before getting attacked. Would have been much easier if he was casting. :-P

So, if I wanted to pounce on this guy and keep him from finishing his spell.. is that something that I think I could do? I mean I could roll occult or something to find out if you want. If that is a thing that you do in this game... if it is maybe I want to do that to figure out what he's casting, and if it's interruptable by a sai to the face given what it would take to get there and that sort of stuff. I think I'm more likely to run down the wall and stab him than I am to actually try to jump on him, but whichever would let me cover the distance and hit him would be prefered.
I'm hesitant to actually fire again until I find out if/what Kain's spell did; needs moar distractions or I'll get noticed way too quickly.

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