[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

It seems to me it might be nice to run them down, and then convince this town that they don't need to tip off any more Wyld hunts. These DB will just regroup and come at us with more. The fact that they murdered some townspeople just to get to us should give us some pull at the villagers. At least that they don't want more DB showing up and burning more of their 'fair' city.
If my pirates got fucked up by one of those Dragon-blooded, I'd like to kill her.

Also, the wonderful results of my Dex + Athletic check, since I don't wanna clutter up the game thread with just a roll.

Raddy rolled the following in his 4 dice:
1, 1, 5, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in a botch.
Well, Rad falls and somehow ignites his normally stable ammunition to die a horrible, fiery death.



This was the worst ever successful fend off of the Wyld Hunt ever.
lol, if it would have lasted and your pirates wouldn't have come we might have had a lot more trouble tho. we should book this place fast. We peacin, Outtie Yo.
Yeeeeeeeah. As much as I would love to cut them down, if we chase them we just look like the bad guys even more and the city will send the guard for us fast which will incur more people knowing our faces.

So I say we breeze. When we encounter them next time, we'll be better equipped.
@ Sarky

I updated my status list so you should have all my random bonuses and things.


We should probably go say hi to the mysterious archer as well. :)
Devlin said:
Didn't plan that far ahead myself yet >_>
Does Radiance have like a boat or something?
A boat? Baby, I've got the boats.

And I see no reason in worry for hunting down the Wyld Hunt and killing them, if we think we can manage. Then we just turn around and blather on about how the Sun has Risen Again and All Evil Dragons will be Slayn and for the Honest Among Ye to Follow Us in our Glory.


edit: Boat?! It's a ship!
note to self: aim actions are always, ALWAYS a bad idea. the ST will find a way to completely ruin the attempt.

yeah because after that guy used that one charm, that adds either 1 stam (based off description) or +2 soak, I only have to deal with.... what, 17, 18 soak now? Halved to 9? Could attack, but I don't think it'd do much. Eh, oh well. Worth a shot anyways I guess.
Aim actions are -awesome- if you're in a situation that you can aim from.

Although, I do have that badass charm that lets me get the full benefits of aiming -much- faster than the full ticks, too. Kerpow!
keep talking, I need to find out where the voice is so I can AIM AT IT.

naw but I'll start taking out the soldiers bugging you guys. least I can do now that captain asshole has more soak than God. ffff Tobi you need to get a goddamn 12 foot long super daiklave or something so I don't have to do any work
Without going into terribly personal details:

I'm doing this new thing! It's like, 'working' and 'paying rent on time' so I don't get 'kicked out'. So I'm going to have less free time. Although all my time recently has been free time, so it shouldn't be terribly noticeable. I'm going to be going to bed early and working my ass off until a normal day's work isn't tiring. Eventually I'll relax a bit, but not until I think what I'm doing is 'easy work' as opposed to 'oh my god the sun this is horrible why are we digging holes I hate using tools that weigh more than me oh my god'.


Stupid money.
I like money.

It'll let you buy more Exalted books to take equipment from...

And Tabby, if you want to shoot one of the Dragon-Bloods that's fine by me. If you kill one I won't have to type up stats for them :)
He was going to leap into the middle of you with Wood Dragon's Claw and supernatural martial arts, to be precise. But alas, reason prevailed. That would have been awesome
Kain's so wonderfully spoiled, rich boy, annoying. Picturing the scenes hes been in so far with everyone just kinda like -_- ' when hes around is just how I imagined it.
I'm sure the other Solars will knock that out of him.

Or cause it to flare up as a defence mechanism.

Either way.
Eventually, I would hope so. He wasn't a fighter, but he sure as hell was built to have some good character development.

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