Looking for Players


Magic Eight Ball
Hey everyone,

Who's interested in a game? I am, for one. So. I need players, that would be where you come in.

Looking for: A perfect circle of Solar PC's (this is my first pbp game, so while I would be willing to entertain the notion of something else, I'd prefer everyone stick to solars--the possibility of one of your first age circle coming back as an abyssal has crossed my mind, but I'd really rather not cross that threshold at this point).

Also looking for: Mature players who are interested in creative roleplay and interesting characters. Aka, if I think you want to play a Twilight just so you can not get hurt in combat, you're probably not right for my campaign. That isn't to say that all your characters need to be social-fu . . . far from it, lack of social skills can make for a really fun and interesting character.

Storyline: I'm really fairly open to a player-directed storyline. Once I get players, we can all sit down in an aim chatroom and figure out where we want to go. I've found that usually, giving characters missions like in DnD games doesn't work, because solar exalted are just too big for that. I'd be open for pretty much anything, but I don't have something in mind now. Lunar involvement I'm ok with, but I pretty much want to completely skirt Sidereals. They're just messy. I do want something more complex and interesting than, "let's go kill the realm."

Details: I want players to have their caste and character concept mostly fixed at creation, but have players roll a heroic mortal and Exalt them in play. If you want to start with some sorcery, I'll allow the pre-exultation character to be an awakened mortal and count a few spells towards your starting charms, or something similar.

I'm generally fairly generous with starting stuff (aka, I give a few extra background and bonus points for things), but I don't allow players to start (start being a relative word, since you have to FIND your stuff after your exaltation) with magitech above three dots, or other artifacts above four, although I do count all forms of regular artifact armor as no higher than four dots, because superheavy plate does not deserve five, in my opinion. Also, any player who mentions the words "start with" and "harmonizer" in the same sentence is likely to be summarily booted unless it comes up as part of a really good and otherwise interesting character concept. And I mean really, really good . . . my first age self happened to like jade hearthstone bracers and not having to double attune them does NOT cut it.

I also tweak anima powers a bit. Dawn I tone up a bit (I've done this a couple of ways before, I'd be open to player suggestions on just how they want to do it), while Twilight has to roll for their regen, with 0's allowed to double.

There's a few other things, but that's a wall of text enough for now. :-)
I am definetly interested in playing more Exalted. I would like to see some more info on the story and location of the game. It would suck to take a bunch of Sail charms to discover that you are having the game in the middle of the desert.

As far as the perfect circle, are you looking for one Exalt of each caste?
That's what a perfect circle entails.

And the location and theme of the game will be discussed between myself and the players BEFORE characters are made. If the players want to do sailing in the west, I can do that . . . if they want to do tuareg and Gem in the south, I'm cool for that also, or your average scav lands campaign. I might be the storyteller, but it'll be everyone else's story just as much as mine, so you might as well have some input on its foundation. This also ensures that everyone makes characters who will be compatible with each other's goals and motivations.
I place my vote on a Night Caste martial artist/assassin.
This is honestly the type of game I'm most interested in. The type of game where you need to have relatively balanced characters, with character sheets that make sense and correlate to how you roleplay the character. Ya know, the emphasis on the character him/herself, rather than the statblock around which said character has been formed.

Sadly, as of now I'm way too busy for this. If that clears up, I would love to join. If it comes up, I would personally love to play an Eclipse.
if fhgwdads doesn't join, I'd like to play my favorite Eclipse, Captain Kye Anrai of the Underhanded Venture.
Ok, I think you're in, since fhgwdads can't commit for sure . . . if he does, I'd love to see him in, but it looks like Thorn gets Eclipse. Sherwood, I see you too, so we have our Eclipse and our Night caste.

Thorn, are you asking to use a character from previous games? I guess reusing a concept is ok, but mechanically and story-wise, the actual character needs to be from-scratch for this game. I'd actually prefer an entirely new character, though.

Also, my aim screen name is now in my profile, feel free to contact me whenever if you have any questions about the game, want to discuss your character, or are interested in playing.
I'd join... but my plate is kind of full at the moment... mayhaps, Jack could join? He did express an interest at Thorn's KH game...
I don't know Jack (no pun intended . . . no, really . . . :lol: ), but he's welcome to.
I'm trying to get a Legend of the Five Rings game together, but if it falls through and the slot is open I've been in the mood for a Dawn caste wrestler. Terrestrial Hero style. I just like snapping peoples spines I guess.
I used it on a PC of mine while DM'ing a game and the style has a nice visual sense and lends itself to cool moves very well.

Plus it has a good combo. The one that gives you an extra attack per 1m and Trireme Strikes the Rocks. Grapple 4 guys and break each of their spines! FTW!
Oooops . . . just realized that I'd say Zenith instead of Twilight in the part about animas . . . fixed now.
If I could offer a idea or two for the story, either trying to free Thorns from Mask of Winters, or a story to reclaim Rathess from the jungle. A whole campaign can take place trying to rebuild the city.
Perhaps as exceptionally long-term goals . . . but for essence 2/3 solars just starting out? Mask of Winters or Ma Ha Suchi would have you all for breakfast. Hell, one of their essence 5 lunar or deathknight minions would. Just keep scale in mind . . . right now, I'm playing a face to face game where our characters are essence 5, have hundreds of points of experience, and have built our own airship, our own city, and are in the process of reclaiming Denandsor. My character leads a squadron of awakened mortals and dragonbloods flying firelance-armed warbirds for close air support of our army.

And we still would get wiped by Mask of Winters--at that point, Rathess and Ma Ha Suchi MIGHT be in our league, but very, very unlikely, and anyway, do you really want to stir up the Lunars against you?
Well it's not to say that direct combat is the only way to liberate Thorns and get rid of Mask. There can be as many ways one's imagination allows. If the circle is meet him in combat, Plot devices would be necessary to decrease the gap in strength.

Either way, Mask is kind of bland for my tastes... Rathess is better, but not by a whole lot.

Stuff like Darkbroods, fallen Gods, the Fair Folk, the more subtle workings and manipulations of the Yozis, the secret identity of the Emissary, the vast and destructive influence of the Guild, the Kha-Khan of the Delzhan, Vanileth, the bowels of Gethamane, Luthe (wait, we're already doing this one :P ); those are all possible things that you could have the game involved with.

I think I may be able to do this, we're up to about 90% in terms of probability. As long as you aren't planning to start anything for at least the next week and a half. >.>

Hey Thorn, any chance you would be willing to pick a different Caste? I've yet to play an Eclipse in any game. :(
I was just tossing ides out to see what people thought. We could do a romp around Nexus, or battle Fae.
Oisin said:
Thorn, are you asking to use a character from previous games? I guess reusing a concept is ok, but mechanically and story-wise, the actual character needs to be from-scratch for this game. I'd actually prefer an entirely new character, though.
Don't worry, I was gonna rebuild him a bit for this game. I just loved the concept though, and the game died out, which made me sad.
We need to start to narrow down a storyline and location so appropriate gear and charms can be selected. Shall we foil a plot from the Empire to capture Nexus? Restore a hidden First Age factory cathedral? Get an airship and be sky pirates? Hmmm, I kinda like that one. :D
Oisin said:
Once I get players, we can all sit down in an aim chatroom and figure out where we want to go. I've found that usually, giving characters missions like in DnD games doesn't work, because solar exalted are just too big for that. I'd be open for pretty much anything, but I don't have something in mind now. Lunar involvement I'm ok with, but I pretty much want to completely skirt Sidereals. They're just messy. I do want something more complex and interesting than, "let's go kill the realm."
I'd like to wait till we have a set group of players. Character sheets should come last, long after we've got solid concepts of storyline and characters AND backstories, IMO.

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