Looking for Players

Yeah, that's right. This will be the last thing countless guild caravans will see.

Yes! We have our team hook! We are the Sky Pirates!
You guys are sick in the head. Obviously mountain ninjas are the coolest choice.

Also, screw it. Is there a place open for Dawn or Night? I have a character concept I'm aching to play.

Basically, what I have in mind right now is: she is crazy. The last reincarnation of her Shard dealt with Yozis for fun and profit. Now her Essence still bears the infernal taints, and the demonic influences have seeped into her mind during her Exaltation... In which her family and friends died horribly. Now, it's been a while, and she can't remember clearly, but she thinks that something came to her, knocked her unconscious and killed everyone that she cared for. That's the only possible explanation. It's something evil that she must avenge. She doesn't know what this "enemy" is, but she does everything that she can to achieve her goal. Her aspiration is to find this "Enemy" and destroy it as brutally as possible. So as she travels and kills anyone and anything that could possibly be the "Enemy", and learns anything from anyone that could possibly make her stronger. Be it spirits, Raksha, Deathlords or even demons, she will work for them as long as they will make her a better killing machine. She doesn't know what this "Enemy" is... she only know that as better a killer she becomes, she feels the "Enemy" is something more terrible than she first expected.

Or something like that. How does it sound?
What are your thoughts on an Eclipse who's almost been rebuilt with Magitech limbs and other components? Story-hook-wise, his best friend received the Black Exaltation in the same explosion that prompted the removal and replacement of his limbs. (and is now an enemy). Of course, the zombie Ninja is very friendly whenever he's face to face with the Cyborg Pirate... but when his back is turned, the ninja is slowly eroding away at the trust of every one connected with the pirate....
I already called dibs on the Night caste. I'm going with more thief than assassin, sort of a Indigo Montoya from Princess Bride/Errol Flynn swashbuckler.

So, for our Airship, do we all need to chip in background points for it or does it come for free? I'm also guessing that it will need many Hearthstones to run, do we need to add some in from our points or does it come with its own powersource?

I'm thinking something along the lines of the Five Metal Shrike. :twisted:
So, I've kinda decided that I'm not interested in running this sort of game, I'm looking for a generally more serious and mature playerbase. It sounds like great fun, just not the sort of thing I'm looking for right now. So, if anyone else would care to run it, feel free, but it's not really what I'm looking for.
I was farily serious about the sky pirate thing, then we got some crazy cyborg ninjas and things went wierd.

I still have a Night Caste thief written up (how sad is this? no board to post on, but I have a character) for the game, and I can PM it to you for approval.
Yeah, more serious games are probably best.

I kind of wanted to play in a two man game. DM and two players. Maybe three. The catch being that they're people who post frequently.
Yeah, more serious games are probably best.
I kind of wanted to play in a two man game. DM and two players. Maybe three. The catch being that they're people who post frequently.
Works great until one disappears. :(
Well, I'm still interested in playing. So, Oisin, are you still looking to run? I still have the Night caste I wrote up... And with Tome being MIA, it has put a crimp on the Clashing Waves game and paused my Lunar Fury one.
Oisin said:
So, I've kinda decided that I'm not interested in running this sort of game
That didn't answer your question? I'd like to be in a game to, but it looks like he doesn't want to.
I'm still interested in hooking up in another PbP game. Since Tome has some Real Life stuff going on that is taking his time, I'm feeling like an addict waiting for his fix. I'm on the site all the time, and would love to get more game time in.

Anyone going to help out a poor Exalted junkie get his hook-up?

I've only heard of the name. I don't even know what kind of system it works with. :( The games that I have a good handle on is Exalted (of course), Palladium system (Robotech and Rifts - they're ok), and my other favorite: Hero system. I love it for the total flexability it gives. Hero and Exalted are in a big fight for number one game for me. I just can't make up my mind which one I like more.
2nd edition is. 3rd is roll and keep. IE, you roll say 8 dice, but only keep 3. It all depends on attributes and abilities though. The real focus of the system is on the RP IMHO.
Oisin said:
So, I've kinda decided that I'm not interested in running this sort of game, I'm looking for a generally more serious and mature playerbase. It sounds like great fun, just not the sort of thing I'm looking for right now. So, if anyone else would care to run it, feel free, but it's not really what I'm looking for.
ANyways, back on subject....sky pirates is serious...look at FFXII...the cyborg ninja thing wasn't my idea...<.<;
Airships and swashbuckling, however, can be dead serious. And don't forget the witty banter... :P
I am really looking forward to getting into a game. Are there any open?

Hello to all BTW and thank you for having me here.

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