Looking for Players

I will post a message in Lunar Fury to see if anyone would mind another player joining in.
I would love to be part of either game, although more so a game that could really use another character. I like filling niches.
Yeah, Team Realm is two men down. It could use another character, preferably a Sidereal to add some more Celestial Exalt power to the side.
Woot! You said the magic word....Sidereal.. :) Sids are a very close 2nd for my fave Exalted, Lunars.

Do you have any type or niche that really needs filling? I could go with my faves: Sorcery and MA.
We need more DBs in team Realm! As it seems kind of... strange that a Realm team is made of 50% celestial exalted. :D
That's probably because without them you'd all be screwed. DBs suck! :P

And I've asked for Coyotekin to be added to the forum.
Besides, everyone knows that DBs lick, it's the OTHER exalts that suck. :D

Remember... we just need to carve out those tattoos before pattern spider touches work. :twisted:
The guild one? That is the only one on here I haven't looked much into so far... it is on the reading list though. I am currently catching up on Lunar Fury, the way things are organized gave me some trouble (nothing was sealed or labeled what went when like in Biohazard), but I am just reading the stickies in order from oldest to newest which seems logical enough.

Edit after reading the first page of the OOC: is it 1e?
It's 2e... none of the games here are 1e from my understanding ^_^

And I'm just neurotic that way in wanting the game stuff to be easily read.
magnificentmomo said:
The guild one? That is the only one on here I haven't looked much into so far... it is on the reading list though. I am currently catching up on Lunar Fury, the way things are organized gave me some trouble (nothing was sealed or labeled what went when like in Biohazard), but I am just reading the stickies in order from oldest to newest which seems logical enough.
Edit after reading the first page of the OOC: is it 1e?
I hadn't realized that other people would be looking over my posts, so I had no reason to put any notes on what order they should be read in. :oops:

Soooo, what do you think of it so far?
Lunar Fury? Once I figured out what was going on (realized that the locked icon didn't appear because you still had them stickied) I have been thoroughly enjoying it. It seems like a really good game. I am currently in the middle of the hunt for RR, after that all I have left to read is on the road again. Isn't Tome on hiatus with Crashing Wave? What is happening with him and LF?

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