Looking for Players

Well since Silver in the Bank is on post talking about doing it hiatus I am bereft of pbp Exalted fun. I would volunteer to start a game but I am still getting my ST legs IRL, let alone pbp. I have read up to date on all of the games except Sunlit Hearts, and I don't see any openings exactly so I think I am gonna have to take a guard action for a little bit.
So, are there any games accepting players, or do I just start PMing people running games until I either get banned or someone takes pity on me and lets me in?

If nothing is open, I might be open to starting a First Age game now that I have digested my delicious copy of DotFA. That is, if there is any interest in a First Age game...
Haku said:
Did... did someone say they wanna RUN a First Age game?

One that will allow me to let my inner Otaku-Geek shard out?
http://pbp.patternspider.net/viewtopic.php?t=181 :D
Sadly, no - at least not directly. I don't know enough about those sources to do them properly.

Long, winding story short- Old circle of Solars/Lunars go out and hunt down something big every century or so to keep themselves fresh and impress each other. Some of them died last time and the players play their reincarnated selves. So you get some time in Meru before the rest of your 'friends' point you in the direction of something big so they can watch you kill it. Mysteries! Thrills! Conspiracies! Ma-Ha-Suchi hitting on you! All sorts of fun can be found in the Age of Dreams!

By the by, I'd say yes to letting you into my games... but they're kinda at their limits of maximum amount of players at the moment... :oops:
Le Sigh- And there was this Lunar that I wanted to use in a western game some day. Full Moon/Changing Moon pirate who's as subtle as a Glowing Green Tyrant Lizard rampaging through Wavecrest because that's his totem (or is that his totem because he's like that? It doesn't matter much when you get down to it)

Agreed... mind you, you'd fit right in there in the game. ^_^ ;;;

As for those sources, think Bladerunner, think high tech covert ops, think mecha... ^_^
Eh, keep me in mind then, in case anyone needs to drop out or something. Maybe there's room in the Lunar Fury game.

Haku said:
As for those sources, think Bladerunner, think high tech covert ops, think mecha... ^_^
I thought that's how everyone thinks normally :?
"]Eh, keep me in mind then, in case anyone needs to drop out or something. Maybe there's room in the Lunar Fury game.
Haku said:
As for those sources, think Bladerunner, think high tech covert ops, think mecha... ^_^
I thought that's how everyone thinks normally :?
heh... point. It's an amusing thought.
Anyone interested in serving Walker in the Darkness ?

Now that aby2 is out, I can rewrite a setting I used for a campaign I ran for the last two years. It unfortunately stopped when I moved abroad.

First chapters are in Creation, and CoCD:U is coming out soon, so I'll have materials to work with to write some chapters in dark places :)
An Abyssals game sounds intererting, and Midnights are always fun to play. What Path did you plan on setting the game up as? Wickedness, Defiance, or Enlightenment?
It will depend on how the group will react to the events and the infos.

All paths are opened :)
By the by... when I say DB, I don't mean Dragonblooded, rather Devious Bastard. :twisted:
cyl said:
Anyone interested in serving Walker in the Darkness ?
Now that aby2 is out, I can rewrite a setting I used for a campaign I ran for the last two years. It unfortunately stopped when I moved abroad.

First chapters are in Creation, and CoCD:U is coming out soon, so I'll have materials to work with to write some chapters in dark places :)
Ooh, pick me, pick me! I've had a Day caste written up for nearly two years that I wanted to play...
I should read post dates, shouldn't I?

Oh well. Back in the box with you Acolyte of Broken Faith...
What? How dare you let real life interfere with your gaming? :shock:

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