Looking for Players

More along the line of I've got my hands in running 2 games and I'm playing in 2... :lol:
cyl said:
Damn, there goes tha leader of tha team ^^'
Really sucks for you and the guy that died. Sorry dude.

Your spot will remain open until you come back (you'll have the pleasure to read all the evil deeds the others have done :D ).

What do you say the others... should I recruit one or more and NPC the Quiet Prince until our friend return ? (Landreu and Nobble expressed interest in the game).
cyl said:
Know what, I'll let you vote ^^
I'll post something in the thread, the one with the highest score (on /10) on those three criterias will join us:

- coolest name

- coolest concept

- coolest description (images are welcomed but are not enough)

And you'll give em marks... this way I'm free of any responsabilities and me and my conscience can sleep well tonight :D

Whaddya say ?
So... who wants in? :twisted:

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