Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Sarah entered the main bathroom and walked towards the shower. She was impressed by it's size as she removed the blanket. She got into the shower and turned it on after looking at the various nozzles and buttons. She felt a bit better as she showered but still didn't relish the thought of going to the mall. She hoped that Sara wouldn't appear or that someone would insult her or anything that could attract Sara in general.

After she had showered, she got a clean dry towel and dried herself with it before wrapping it around herself. She put the blanket around herself and slowly walked towards her room. She saw the pile of clothes Alice had left for her and was glad that the girl had been kind enough to lend her some. She looked at the different jeans and shirts before picking a shortsleeved thin green top with dark blue jeans. She put the clothes on and knew she would have to ask Alice for some undergarments. It would be very embarrassing for her and she didn't really want to ask. She walked towards her boots and retrieved her socks from them. She put them on and the boots before slowly walking down stairs due to how hungry she was.

She got very nervous by the time she arrived in the kitchen and avoided looking at anyone. She walked towards the sink to wash her hands. Afterwards, she made herself a cup of coffee and got a plate. She got some of the bacon,beans,fried eggs and toast. She put some ketchup all over the breakfast. "A-alice, c-could i borrow some er... you know?" She asked Alice and hoped she would know that she meant some undergarments. She didn't look at her and had elected to stare at the plate. It wasn't that she was unfriendly, she didn't believe that it was safe to look at other people in case Sara appeared. She hated Sara and what the other girl had done to her. She hated that Sara cost her every friend she had and her confidence. Sara hated Sarah for being "Weak" and "Pathetic". "C-can i-i eat this in my room?" She quietly asked Frithe.
Alice blinked, still talking to Iggy. At first, she didn't understand, but then she realize the girl was talking about undergarments. "Oh, uh, sure, you can borrow some of mine. But you should check the lost and found first. It's in the basement, in the hallway before you enter the pool room. I'm sure there's some there and nobody will miss them." She smiled at the girl as she leaned against the counter.
Iggy let out a sigh, and nodded. " Yea, i've personally never enjoyed the morning, especially when other people are around. I guess you could say I'm more of the night owl kind of guy hah.. Plus it didn't help that I had to listen to Skylar sleep talk all night.." He turn to look at her with a small smirk on his face. " Oh, and your probably going to want you phone right?"
Alice nodded vigorously, "Yes, I need my phone pleeeease." She held out a hand expectantly but then withdrew it slowly, taking in all that Iggy had said, "Why were you sleeping with Skylar?"
He rolled his eyes at her, and laughed lightly. " Who said I was sleeping with Skylar? I slept on the roof last night, and it just so happened the only place on the roof where I could hide from the rain was next to Skylar's window. Not to mention she is really loud when she sleep talks." He looked her in her eyes, and smiled at her. " Do I really look like the type of guy to kiss one girl ,and sleep with another?"
"Th-thanks." Sarah said to Alice and walked out of the kitchen with her breakfast. She took her meal up to her room and placed it on the bed. She took her coffee with her to the lost and found. She hoped that she would find some undergarments that would fit her because she didn't want to go commando. She was feeling uncomfortable without any on as she walked. She drank her coffee as she searched the lost property with her right hand..
Alice blushed and bit her lip, feeling stupid for letting this boy make her feel this way. Suddenly she was replaying last night over again in her head. "Oh okay, sorry, and uh..." She grinned, "Yeah you kinda do have that look." She gestured to his skater appearance, "But once someone gets to know you I guess you're pretty alright." Al smirked, "Now about that phone..?"
He shook his head, and playfully pushed her. " Hmm, your phone… Oh yea.." he gave her a small grin, and would pull out her phone from his back pocket. He stepped close her hand it to her, and would put his other hand around her waist, and would gently pull her in, and kissed her. As he kissed her he slipped her phone into her back pocket. When he pulled away he smiled down at her, and looked into her eyes. " Have a little more faith if you don't mind, oh, and have fun with trying to unlock your phone."
Mr. Frithe put down the paper, checked his watch, and yelled, "Please come into the dining room now, everyone! The mall outing is not optional, thank you!"

Alice playfully gasped as he pushed her, and waited for her phone. The next minute, however, he kissed her, and she kissed him back, slipping her hand around his neck. She felt her phone being put into her pocket and when she pulled away, she grinned and started towards the dining room, "Asshole." She muttered.
Sarah searched the lost property and saw many lost phones. She saw some lost soft toys, books, a diary with "KEEP THE **** OUT!" written on the front of it, a rubber duck, a pair of sunglasses that were chipped and many other things one could find around a house full of teens. She eventually found the clothes and looked through the shirts,trousers and shoes. They were very unlikely to fit her and she didn't want to take them. A few minutes later, she found some undergarments but only saw one that looked like it was her size. It wasn't something one would wear every day unless they were on holiday and intended on swimming. It was a bright pink bikini that looked like it hadn't been used at all. At least, that what Sarah thought. She put down her coffee and removed her top in order to try the bra on. It was a bit loose but just about fitted her. She put the shirt back on and removed her jeans. The bottom portion of the pink bikini was also a bit loose but just about fitted her. She put her trousers on and picked up her coffee.

She walked back towards her room and began to eat her breakfast. She enjoyed the meal and felt more calm now that she was by herself. She hoped that Sara wouldn't make an appearance today and was dreading the mall. Public spaces scared the **** out of her because of Sara being stronger around other people but why? Sarah had no idea and neither did the various doctors. Prehaps it was due to a childhood incident. Prehaps she had a phobia of public spaces or prehaps it was just one of life mysteries. 
Sarah sighed after Frithe called for everyone to make theri way to the dining room. She had left her door open in case Frithe or a nurse wanted to talk to her. She put the empty plate on the ground and slowly made her way downstairs. She felt nervous as she approached the dining hall. She entered the room and immeditaly headed to the corner of the room. She sat down and hoped no-one would sit near her because of Sara.
Iggy took a moment to regain his composure, and then walked after her. His eyes went to the Doc, and he rolled his eyes. " If I just go to sleep, then I don't have to go." Iggy was definitely not pleased with the fact that someone else was controlling his life. He looked over at Alice, and gave her a smirk. " He whispered into her ear " I'm not the asshole when your the one who's enjoying the kiss."
"Who says I'm enjoying it?" She grinned and stood at the end of the table, waiting for everyone else to arrive. Al turned around and exaggerated looking Iggy up and down. She shrugged, "Eh, still an asshole." Alice took out her phone and tried three times to unlock it.

Mr. Frithe finally said, "Alright everyone, there's a van waiting for us out front. Load in quickly."
"W-will i get some new cl-clothes?" Sarah asked Frithe in a nervous manner as she walked towards the van. She doubted she would enjoy this trip because of her history with public places. She couldn't remember the last time she enjoyed a trip and hope that this would be the first one without any incidents. She would head towards the back seat as soon as she got into the van and try to avoid contact with the rest because of Sara.
" It's easy to tell that you are enjoying them,because you were talking it about all last night. Oh, and you might as well not even try to unlock your phone." He playfully smack her ass as he grabbed his hat from her, and walked outside to the van. He was whistling a tune, as he pulled out his own iPhone, and began looking through all of his music as he walked to the van.
"Yes, of course. You each get a hundred dollars to spend, paid for by your parents." Mr. Frithe smiled, and then lowered his voice, "Except you, Alice, of course." He said as he passed Alice on the way to the van.

Skylar quickly followed him and the others.

Alice tilted her head, "I was talking about it all last night?" She rolled her eyes and put her phone back in her pocket as she walked out to the van with the others. "Hey!" She said as he smacked her ass and took the hat. She grinned and snatched his phone, jumping to the back seat of the van. "You don't get this back until you tell me how to open my phone." Al crossed her legs and held tightly to Iggy's phone.
"o-one hundred!?" Sarah exclaimed in a bit of a happy tone. She saw Alex jumping next to her and said "I-i-i found a b-bikini." to the girl and stared out of the window. She budged right up to the window to try and keep herself away from Alice as a precaution. "I-if she appears, p-please don't be mad at me." She said to her whilst getting more nervous due to someone sitting near her.
Oliver wordlessly headed to the van with the others. Once or twice, he'd found himself staring at Sarah. He was nervous approaching Al, but it was hidden behind his usual deadpan. "Hey, mind if I take this seat instead?" He gulped uncomfortably, trying to avoid looking at SArah.
Sarah heard Oliver ask Ali if he could take the empty seat and sighed. "Y-yes but p-please don't be m-mad at me if S-sara returns." she muttered to him whilst staring out of the window. She didn't notice he was staring at her once or twice because of her position and hoped she had not just made a big mistake by letting him sit near her. He may have noticed bruises starting to form around her the eye that she had punched earlier and yesterday, the scar over her right eye as well as the many bruises all over her forehead. If he looked at her arms, he would have seen a lot of scars. They varied from small to large and had been caused by the woman self harming.
He quickly ran after her yelling "Hey!" He jumped in the back of the van after Alice. " Nope give me my phone girl." He grinned at her, and gave her an evil glare. " Or I'm gonna make you give it back to me." Iggy gently put his arm around Alice's waist, and began to tickle of her right side. " Come one Alice, hand it over."
Oliver looked over to Sarah, before returning his eyes to Al. He felt compact and pushed over as Iggy inconsiderately piled in next to him. "Do you mind?" He glowered with a stern tone.
Iggy looked over at Oliver with a childish smirk on his face. " Nah I don't mind, there ole chap." He gently patted Oliver's head, and laughed lightly. " You'll be ok Oliver." His voice held jocular tones, and also of a hint of apology.
Alice giggled, and instinctively thrust herself away from him, as one always does when being tickled. She grinned as Oliver appeared annoyed at Iggy. "Goddamnit Iggy, you're causing shenanigans." She tried to keep herself from laughing just because of saying the word shenanigans. "And the only way you're getting your phone back is by telling me how to get into mine." She clutched the phone tightly, still smiling. "Also, this is a three-person seat, so according to the laws of safety, you should pick a different seat." Al winked and held her hand up for a high five from Oliver.
Oliver looked at her palm, clearly unamused. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe you could find a different seat too. I just need to talk to-..." He motioned with his head toward Sarah, unsure if he correctly remember her name. He looked away, casually as if he were trying to see out the window.
Sarah felt a bit more nervous after Iggy appeared due to the amount of people that were near her. She started to breath in a nervous manner and anyone that looked at her could probably tell how she felt. "P-please s-s-s-stop." She muttered to Iggy as she stared at the window. She hoped that Iggy wouldn't continue and that Sara wouldn't appear on the van but Iggy wasn't helping her by causing a commotion. "S-s-s-she'll appear." She muttered and shuffled as much as she could away from the pair. It wasn't much and didn't make her feel better.
Marcus has followed everyone out the door when it was time. He really doubted his mum gave $100 for him to spend. His grandmother maybe, his mother most definetly not. He walked over to Skylar and smiled at her. "Hey, um, mind if I sit with you?"

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