Looking for Normal [Inactive]

"Maybe just ever so slightly." Marcus smiled at Skylar offering his hand to her waiting for her to take it before running in and dragging her to the section filled with them. Giant giraffes and tigers stood at attention while piles of pooches and kittens looked as though they were in a cuddley hug. "Want to help me pick some out?"
He gently closed the door behind her, and let out a deep breath. He'd gently wipes a tear off of her lower cheek, and moved some of her hair from her cheeks. Iggy gently placed his arm behind her back,and around her waist, and walked with her. " Whats wrong Alice? Today is supposed to be a fun day." He laughed lightly, and kissed her cheek. " Plus check your left pocket." His voice was excited to see her reaction to the surprise he had given her before. " You probably don't remember, but tomorrow is my last day here, and I want you to enjoy it."
Skylar took his hand and allowed herself to be led to the stuffed animal section. "Cute!" She said, passing some of the animals. "Of course I do, what are you looking for?" Sky picked up a small, stuffed whale.

Alice sighed, feeling a little bit better by Iggy's presence. She just decided to let it all out, "My parents are gone. The police can't find them, nobody can. I guess I was never really close to them, so that's not the worst thing that could happen, but no parents means no money means no more program. They're going to put me in an institution, Iggy." Al looked up at him, her eyes glistening. She reached into her pocket and took out the card, "Oh!" She stared at it, blinking, for a moment, trying to grasp what was going on. "Thank you." Alice stood on her toes and kissed him, "I'm sorry. I'll be --" She stopped, "Tomorrow's it..?"
Marcus chuckled at her. "Anything you think is cute and or fluffy." He smiles looking at a medium sizzed stuffed wolf that actually stands. With it being only $15 he decides to buy it not caring about taxes.
Iggy was surprised by Alice's urge to open up so quickly. The realization that she now he no parents made him shocked. Couldn't the government just simply track the parents through their bank accounts, or credit cards. He knew there had to be ways to find her parents, and he knew the people who could maybe do something to help her. Besides that Iggy knew he had one of two options, convince his parents to take her in, or pull some strings with some people he knew back in California. As she continued to explain her situation he rubbed his forehead, and let out a sigh. He knew she would probably be medicated for the rest of her life, and kept in a 4x4 cell being forced to talk to a shrink all day. She didn't reserve that kind of life. He pulled an emotional mask over his face to mask his current emotions. When she pulled out the card, and he watch her reaction. It was the least he could do at the moment to change her mood. When she turned to kiss him, he gave her a smile, and kissed her back. " After the kiss she had realized he was leaving very soon, he couldn't help but frown, and nod. " Yea.. My parents texted me this morning with the news.. I knew it would be coming sooner rather than later. But I can help you, at the very least I can pull some strings to get you to stay here. But I know I can do more, It's just I can't do it here.."
Skylar laughed and smiled at the cute wolf, "That's adorable, good choice."

Alice sighed, "Sorry for dumping all of that on you." She forced a smile, "Let's just enjoy today, you don't need to help me." She looked into the windows of a few stores.
Iggy, looked over at her with a smile, and laughed lightly. " Its fine Alice, I'm used to it, but I have to help you." I'm pretty confident if you get placed into an institution your gonna do something really stupid. The last I need is to turn on the news, and see the word suicide under your name. " He kept his arm around her waist, and let out a sigh. " Trust me you deserve someone special who can take care of you."
Alice smiled, actually feeling a lot better now. "Thank you Iggy. But, let's just enjoy today while we still have it." She ran her fingers through her hair, scanning the perimeter for any sign of familiarity. Al bit her lip as she looked, and then saw Sarah and Oliver walking together. "Hey guys!" She called out to them.

((Bed time for me c: ))
"I-i-i-i-i c-c-c-can't help it." Sarah told Oliver. "P-place l-l-like these a-always m-make me n-n-n-n-nervous b-because of h-her. " She stuttered as they walked. Alice called to them and she looked up from the ground to look at the woman and iggy. "H-h-h-hey!" she nervously called back to them "t-t-t-there i-i-is a cl-clothes s-s-store ther-there."She said to Alice and pointed in the direction of the shop before looking back at the ground.
" Yea true…" He watched as she scanned the mall, and then called out to the others. Iggy wasn't the biggest fans of the others, however with that being said he hadn't gotten to know them like he did Alice. Personally he would have taken the time to get to know them, but currently his time was limited. As she was calling out to the others he reached into his back pocket, and grabbed out his own iPhone, then slipped it into his right pocket. He knew she couldn't have cracked into his own iPhone his password was the same as what he changed her's to. He couldn't help but smile at the other two. Oliver was a pain in the ass, and Sarah wasn't exactly all their, but in some way they did accept each other. Just had Alice had accepted him.
Skylar shook her head, smiling, "It's fine! I have my own card." She went to the counter and swiped her card to pay for the whale.

Alice smiled politely at Sarah and Oliver. She was trying her best to be nice to everyone, even though the only one that she had gotten to know and care for was Iggy. Her feelings towards Sarah were ones of pity and wanting to comfort the girl, while she didn't quite know what to feel about Oliver. She noticed as Iggy slipped his phone from her, and wrinkled her nose at him. "Not fair." Al grumbled, as Sarah approached, speaking of a clothing store. She nodded, "We should all get swimsuits and go in the pool later tonight."
Sarah didn't notice Iggy or Alice smiling at her due to her staring at her feet. "I-i l-l-like t-the p-p-pool. I-i-it m-makes m-me h-happy." Sarah said as she looked at her feet and thought of the pool. "Th-thank you fo-for lending me t-these." She said to Alice. "I c-c-couldn't r-resist t-t-the p-pool ye-yesterday aand w-went s-swimming in m-my clothes." She informed her as she looked at the ground.
He'd laugh lightly at her reaction to his retrieval of his phone from her. " All's fair in love, and war heh." He loved that quote the most, and found it to be pretty accurate about the situation. " Yea hah, that would be pretty fun." He couldn't help but agree with Alice that a night swim wouldn't be bad for all of them. Espically since it would allow everyone to kinda meet, and greet everyone else in a more relaxed way then what the old man tried to do for them
"I-it w-would." Sarah remarked whilst staring at the ground. "U-u-unless S-s-ara t-turns up." She muttered under her breath. If iggy and Alice looked at her, they may have been able to tell that she was very nervous about being inside the mall. "C-can w-we go to t-t-the cl-clothes s-shop n-now?" She asked the trio.
Oliver had already gone ahead and started eyeing the outerwear that he could see from just outside. He turned back to the others. "Wait, there's a pool?" he asked, coming back. "And you know how to swim?" He seemed to be addressing Sarah in particular.
"Y-yes." Sarah told Oliver as she risked a glance at the shop's display before resuming staring at her feet. "T-the p-p-p-pool i-is in the b-b-basem-ment." she informed him. "I-i-i c-c-c-can sh-show you w-w-went w-w-we get b-back i-if you w-want." she said to him. She hoped that Sara would stay put when they were in the pool. She had learned how to swim when she was 7 years old and was a decent swimmer.
As he neared the others, he stopped close by Sarah's side, leaning in to her ear. "Could you teach me how?" he said in a low mumble, hoping the others wouldn't hear. He turned around and continued on toward the store. There were very few people to whom he'd ever admitted his inability to swim, and he tried to play casual to avoid tipping off Iggy and Al.
"Er.. Y-y-yes." Sarah whispered back to Oliver and followed him towards the store. She was surprised that he wanted her to teach him and hoped that she could teach him without Sara trying to harm him. She got more nervous as she approached the store and the trio may have noticed that she was getting more nervous.
Oliver was the first inside and delved directly into the outerwear. His first pick was a black hoodie with an intricate draconic design upon the back. Second to that was a long orange peacoat - a pricey item but one that caught his fancy. He also picked out a smooth black waistcoat, despite the fact that he may rarely wear it.
Sarah slowly walked after Oliver whilst staring at her feet. She quickly glanced up and saw some baskets before looking down again. She picked up the basket and slowly walked towards the shirts after risking a look in their direction. She browsed them after stalling for a few minutes. She hoped that Alice or Oliver was near by due to how nervous she was.
"Whatever." She stuck her tongue out at Iggy, "And yeah, that'll be fun." Alice noticed that Oliver had taken an interest in swimming, and how he had been a bit embarrassed of something, so she just assumed he didn't know how, or wasn't good, or was afraid. She didn't ask about it though, so as not to embarrass him further. Al walked into the store and went to the swimwear section, near Sarah and the baskets. She examined some string bikinis.
Sarah looked at the shirts and couldn't decide which ones to get. So she walked towards the swimwear section and saw Sarah browsing the string bikinis. "H-hey." She said to her and browsed some bikinis as well. "a-are d-drinks allowed n-near th-the p-p-p-pool?" She asked Alice as she looked at a normal red bikini. "W-what are t-those?" She asked Alice a few seconds later. She had never seen a string bikini before and was curious about it.
Iggy stayed outside of the store. He sat down on a bench, and pulled out his phone as quickly starting text multiple people. He was smart enough to already bring his own swimsuit in his duffle bag back at the mansion. Plus he wanted to let Alice do her thing with Sarah, and Oliver. When he looked over, and saw Sarah holding up a bikini with a confused look he couldn't help but laugh to himself. He knew she was a smart girl, but how she didn't know what a string bikini was, was definitely quite comical.
"Hey Sarah." Alice smiled, "Yeah, Mr. Frithe doesn't care about drinks." She blinked at the girl for a second, trying to decide if she was serious about the string bikinis. "They're called string bikinis." Al picked one up and pointed out that they're held together by a rather thick "string". "Maybe we'll try something else." She suggested, and picked up a bandeau bikini.

((For all you guys, a bandeau bikini looks like this, with or without straps.))


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