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Katta stopped and she sighed " Mist thanks" she said and she went to the rabbit and she bent down, she smiled "Cmon mist these are your kills i only killed two..." she said and she grabbed her two rabbits and she walked over to her and she smiled "Thanks" she said hugging her " i don't know what i would do without you" she smiled at her and she smiled "ok so i got two rabbit meats and four hide out of two rabbits" she said smiling and she giggled and she kissed mist cheek to tease her. " I'm glad you were here" she said and she sat on the grass taking out the hot cake and she smiled "want some?"

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Yuna was surprised that Nigthshade decided to join them, the poor guy was probably so tired he couldn't even think straight anymore. She accepted his friend request but his question about their own lifes made her slightly nervous, she didn't like telling about her situation because people tended not to understand it. Luckily Loki went first, Yuna noticed she was quite short with her answer, maybe she didn't like telling about herself aswell.

it was still interesting to hear about the others, where they lived and what they liked to do in real life and such. she had heard Loki speak german so it didn't come as a surprise that she was from germany, and it was also not surprising that Nightshade enjoyed chess, he seemed like the type to enjoy such a thing.

She had hoped that they would forget about her if she stayed silent but she was out of luck since Nighshade addressed her now. "eh..." she said "well, I life in france but you probably already guessed that, I live in the grand city of Paris, in a small apartment with my mother, my grandmother and my three-year-old siblings, Wendy and Peter, they're twins. My mother Owns a bakery and I don't go to school anymore. I like baking and cooking and playing guitar and singing in real life" she said, hoped this would satisfy their curiostiy and they wouldn't ask for more details.

Sizniche Sizniche RaynaFon RaynaFon
Mahan, well wasnt impressed by what he just saw. Mist did well from what she was doing but Katta was running around like a crazy woman. It did end well with the rabbits dead but he almost jumped in to save Katta. "No you have to let her do it herself," he said to himself. If he saved her now it would become a thing that would happen all the time. He just needed to trust that she would figure out how to do it without getting overwhelmed.

"Alright that was good you need to remember to dodge more. Also you attracted too many rabbits. I know they only do 1 damage but they hurt just like if they were real." Frankly he was getting bored but it wasn't right to abandon them just so he could go kill some goblins. If he couldn't handle this he had no right to start his own guild later. He looked over to see that Katta was getting real friendly with Most. That didn't seem to be any of his business, but when she say down that started to be a bit frustrating.

"Katta come on, we can rest when are some. These rabbits won't kill themselves." He tried his best not to scream that because he really wanted to get this over with. He only needed 155 exp before he was level 5 and was not gonna get there killing rabbits.
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Tsutarji Tsutarji
Mist was blushing from the kiss on the cheek she couldn't respond to Katta's question. She then heard Mahan saying they needed to get a move on. "R-right... m-more Rabbits...." She said as she turned towards Mahan, while hiding her blush, and picked her bow back into her hands. Her quiver at the side was a small thing she got from trading. It did not increase her damage nor any stats, was just there for vanity, still was nice to have something to feel like some reality. The Kiss on the cheek sort of threw her off as she did not see it coming. "H-hey Mahan... sorry if I don't do so well.... this time..." She said as she readied her bow, a bit wobbly this time. "Just tell me where to aim..."

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Tsutarji Tsutarji
As Loki walked she listened to Nightshade and Yuna talk about their own lives. Loki found it cute that she could tell Yuna's mood by how strong her accent was. The more uncomfortable she was the stronger it got. That also got her thinking.

"Well, I guess the same could be said about myself...but since no one says anything about it, who am I to bring it up?"

As they were walking through the forest, Loki noticed a makeshift blockage on the path. Coming out from behind were two players. Loki quickly took a look at their display bars. One was a level 4 mage. 70 HP. Meaning the rest of his stats were probably in Int. The other was a level 2 ranger. 60 HP.

"Hey, you know this is a toll zone right? We bought this space in the game, so if you wanna pass you have to pay us to go through. "

The mage was had a smug look for someone who wasn't very bright. Loki pointed into the forest.

"So then, if we go around it we don't have to pay?"

"Gah..you..." The mage lost his compose a bit then started smiling again, probably having thought up another dumb excuse.

"I wouldn't if I were you, I heard there's a super strong boss in these woods. The only safe route is through here."

"You mean the super strong boss we killed?" Loki thought to herself. "That boss is dead, we killed it ourselves."

The mage laughed at her comment. "Yeah right girl, I doubt you could kill a rabbit, let alone a boss mob. Now pay up before we make you. Unless you and your friend would like to spend some time with us?"

The ranger knocked an arrow, getting ready for a fight as the mage turned to Nightshade. "Get lost kid, unless you want to take the fast way back to town."

Loki sighed and lifted her staff. "Yuna, Nightshade, mind holding down the ranger for me?"

Seeing Loki getting ready to attack, the mage used Magic Shield and got ready to fight. "Ha, wrong choice miss."

Loki ignored the bandit's taunt and used surge, then followed up by using Crystal Shard, taking out most of the mage's shield and stunning him. Loki then followed up with Deadman's hands to keep the mage in place.

"This one's mine..."

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Location: Forest near the City of Beginnings
Syria gets her butt off the ground, stretching out her back as she does so. "So, got some of my health back... only need to regenerate about 1HP, that sure as hell ain't worth sitting around and doing nothing." With her sword still out, she explores the forest. Taking in the lush green environment, as she looks at the rabbits and foxes roam around. "When their not wanting to kill me, the little critters are actually pretty dang cute." For a little while, the young red haired girl was smiling gently at her surroundings. Taking in the environment as she never had before in real life. "Everything is so... beauti-" Suddenly, a creature blindside by bitting her right hip.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" She quickly looks at her right and sees that a wolf was bitting on her. She swings her sword straight down the wolf's side. The blade connects, dealing 12 points of damage and getting the wolf off her hip."You little bugger...." Syria turns to face the wolf, getting in her battle stance. Gripping the hilt of her sword with both hands, and having the blade in front of her. The wolf circles around Syria, staring down at it's prey. But the red haired swordswoman wasn't taking her eyes off the wolf, standing ready for any sudden movements.

Being impatient, the wolf lunges forth baring it's fangs. But with one sidestep, Syria avoids the wolf and counterattacks with a double slash at the wolf's back. "I got ya!" Both of the strikes connect dealing 24 points of damage to the wolf and leaving some nasty gashs on it's back. But to Syria's amazement, the wolf was clinging onto dear life. And with one last effort, howls to the skies. As it does so, the wolf was surrounded in a reddish aura afterwards. "Looks like he buffed himself... guessing it's... maybe... attack?" As she was thinking, with her eyes still trained on the wolf. It charges straight at her, despite being heavily wounded. Without even thinking, Syria runs straight at the wolf her sword now on her right side.

It jumps with it's mouth wide open, but... that was a fatal mistake on the wolf's part, as the red hair swordswoman raises her blade from her side and slice the wolf with a horizontal slash, right through the mouth. It explodes into many particles, as Syria let's out a sign. "Another one down..." She opens up her menu, checking for what it dropped. "Another 15EXP, a wolf pelt... and 5 gold. Not that bad, if I say so myself."
Katta smiled and she nodded, she understood Mahan's word and she smiled happily, she knew her dagger did about Nine damage per hit so it she hit the rabbit about three times. she would be able to kill it. Katta ran forward and she used the poison skill again with bought her MP down again as she ran at the rabbits and slashed at them for Nine damage on three rabbit, who in returned attacked her doing 2 damage to her and she fell down "ow that hurt " she said and she got up and she smiled as her poison slowly killed the Rabbits.

Katta jumped up and she charged at them and she cut thru them again and she groaned when her health dropped from 70 to 66 "crap these things hit harder than i thought" she said running over to Mist.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
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Max decided to kick back against a tree. He felt that there was no real cause for alarm; the player killers were horribly outmatched. Max would be genuinely impressed if they actually managed to do any real damage to Loki or Yuna. He was tempted to join just to make sure neither of them got hurt, but he had a hunch about them. They would probably make quick work of them as a duo.

Instead, Max fell asleep against the tree. A few minutes is all he needs.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Yuna raised an eyebrow when they came across the blockage. It seemed rather odd to her to buy a piece of the forest and make players pay if they wanted to go through it, and also forcing them to go through it. It was just very weird and most of all, unfair.

When things escalated and it came to a fight, Yuna had some second thoughts about it, she didn't want to fight other players, why couldn't they just get along? but on the other hand, if they wanted to rob other players from their money this way they deserved to learn a little lesson.

Quickly Yuna took her bow in her hand and pulled it back, but she noticed the other ranger had done the same. She decided to wait and not be the first one to shoot. The other ranger was more impatient and let the arrow go, but he was inexperienced and she could dodge it. inmediately after that she let go her own arror, she used trapshot to keep the other ranger in place for a little and put another arror on her bow but waited before she shot the other player, she really didn't want to hurt him actually.

she looked at Loki to see what she did, she wasn't sure if she needed to actually shoot the other player or if she just had to scare them a bit.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche
Just as the bandit mage was no longer bound by Loki's skill, he was hit by another Crystal Shards, this time, removing his shield and doing 27 points of damage and another stun for two seconds. Loki was about to attack again, but he quickly recovered and fired back using Magic Spear. He clearly wasn't used to fighting an enemy at the same level. An outstretched arm and a loudly shouted skill name made it easy for Loki to get out of the way.

"Heh, that's not how you use a magic class you know." Loki taunted the bandit at his lack of real pvp skills. "Here let me show you how it's done."

"Huh? the hell are yo-" The bandit's sentence was cut off as he was once again hit by deadman's hands. "The h-hell? You cheap harlot. You aren't even saying skill names! Cheater!"

"Aww. The dog is barking. It's called practice and figuring out the game. It's amazing the stuff you can do in games like these if you take the time out to actually be good at something huh? A tip, ranged classes are good at using CC skills to hold down their opponent so they can do damage."

Conjuring a ball of shadows, Loki used Creeping Shadows doing 42 taking out most of the bandit's hp leaving only one hp left.

Quickly taking out a potion, he restored ten more health and casted another spell. This time it was Magic Bombardment. Thankfully the sleeping Nightshade was out of range as he moved away from the fight to sleep, but Yuna was still close enough to be targeted by the spell.

"Let's see if your friend is as strong as you are, ha!"

"Tsk..coward." Moving in the way, Loki took the hit for both attacks, removing her ward and dealing 14 damage to her. She winched at the pain in her side were the attack that actually did damage hit. It hurt, but she could still move her body just fine. It was probably the reason why the guy she was fighting didn't just faint from all the attacks she had landed on him.

Loki was also pissed though, she didn't quite understand why, attack an ally to distract was a common tactic, but it was pretty lame. Yeah, that was likely it. Using a cheap and cowardly move like that in the middle of their duel. No shame at all.

The bandit mage was about to use another attack, but was soon caught in another stun. "Again!?"

"Didn't I tell you? You aren't good at listening huh?"

Loki started to charge Crystal Shard, when the mage started to yell out in desperation.

"Wait, wait! D-don't kill me! T-that's right...it'd be a bad idea if y-you did!"

"Oh? Really?"

"Right, I-I have other friends a-and they'll hunt you down if you kill m-me!"

"Heh, so that means you have move people I can have a little fun with?"


"Sorry...But I'm not charitable enough to spare those that come after me or my friends' lives. Oh right..what was it that you said before? It was 'get lost or take the fast way back to town right?"

The mage tried to put up a shield once the binding let go, but by that time Crystal Shard had already left Loki's hand and had impaled him. Falling to the ground, the bandit's body laid still then turned into dust, leaving behind all his items in a pile with a marker, like for the bandit to know where he died at. Turning around Loki addressed the other bandit.

"You friend's dead. You can either keep fighting and die too, or get lost. I don't care which. We've got better things we can be doing right now."

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Player: Loki

Achievement: Player Killer 1- You have started upon the path to becoming a player killer
Effect: +5% damage to other players outside war zones

Next Achievement at 50 PK's

RaynaFon RaynaFon
Max promptly slit the bandit's neck from behind. Well, it was more like quickly swinging the sword repeatedly at his neck in short taps to rattle out the damage quickly, but the desired effect was the same. The bandit ranger fell to the ground, leaving behind his gravestone containing his gear. Nobody in the group had noticed he had woken up until this point because of the carnage.

"That should give us some time to get some legwork in, and get ourselves as far from here as possible." His voice showed that he wasn't any less exhausted than before; the nap did nothing.

"What we need to ask ourselves now is this; why, of all classes, were the bandits a mage and a ranger? Why only two? You'd think bandit parties would be made of Healers and Warriors; in other words, tanks, DPS, and support. But we encountered two seemingly un-bandit-like classes."

"But... think about it," he continued,"What do mages and rangers have in common? Ranged attacks, emphasis on support, unburdened by gear, possibly high agility, too. The 'group' was only two people, as well, so they could move faster. You know what that could mean?"

He slowly slid his sword out back into its sheath and looked down at it. "Scouts. We need to get the materials as fast as we can and rejoin the group. We have a camp on our hands."

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze RaynaFon RaynaFon
Player: Nightshade

Achievement: Player Killer 1- You have started upon the path to becoming a player killer
Effect: +5% damage to other players outside war zones

Next Achievement at 50 PK's

Sizniche Sizniche
Mist saw that Katta had already weakened the rabbits threw a rock from the ground to get their attention. She looked at her Quiver as two rabbits came towards her and Maham. "Hey Mahan... Since these will more than likely not kill us..." She said as she took two arrows out and notched them. "Two birds..." She said as she drew the notched arrows and waited for the rabbits to get closer. It was obvious she was still shooken up from the peck on the cheek, but her eyes said she had a plan. As the two rabbits leaped at her she let the arrows go and muttered "One stone..." the arrows hit the rabbits a little ways from Mist. Once the rabbits were hit with the arrows and right next to Mist, she slashed out at the two with her dagger and killed them.

"Did the math. If Katta already hit them twice... and missed her poison strike on those two... they would have about 6 HP left, since her daggers do about 7 damage. If I shot them both with an arrow for 5 damage each and slashed them with my dagger, That would be over 6 damage." She said with a smile. "Of course... the odds of it working were slim, but meh... might as well try it out on weak enemies." She said with a smile. "I made sure to get the rabbits that were not affected by her poison strike seeing that that would have killed them, seeing as it does a few damage every second for... three seconds since she is level 1? I am only guessing on that part."
Tsutarji Tsutarji Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Mahan was more impressed this time, if anything really impressed. Katta was doing much better trying to keep the rabbits off her, even if she got bit a little. And Mist was very precise on how to she dispatched each of them without over doing it unnecessarily. Truthfully besides maybe some addition to Katta's agility there wasn't much that they need to improve with for now. Now if they work together at this rate they would have enough rabbit meat for a week for the whole group and hopefully a month.

"Perfect you two you keep it up like that and we will be done rabbit hunting and we can meet up with the others to see if they need help gathering materials." He did want a chance to see about collecting more silver for an idea he had. Also the faster they were done the faster he could get to the guild building so he can see about starting his own guild.

"Ok from my count you only need to kill 31 more rabbits and we should have enough and you both should make it to level 2." That was going to be a great moment for them and him. They can increase their stats and get new skills and he gets that much closer to not having to watch them when they need to go grinding.

"I might even buy you both a drink when we are done as a reward for your hard work."
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Tsutarji Tsutarji
Katta couldn't help but laugh a little when he said 31 more rabbits "really oh ok...we team work can do this" she said smiling and she ran back into the forest and she slashed at a two rabbits doing 7 damage on each one, about a group of five rabbit started to chase her , Katta ran fast out of the forest into the open so Mist could take them out " Shot this crazy rabbits!" she yelled and she turned around and she activated her Poison weapons Skill and she slashed at them doing 7 damage again which with a amount of Poison they would slowly die.

"OK i think i did good"
Katta gasped and she sighed "crap let my MP regen" she cried as she ran away "cmon Mist lets do this" she smiled at her and she smiled happily before she giggled a little as she ran away from the evil Rabbits.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
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Location: Forest near the City of Beginnings
"Ehhhh... killing these little critters ain't going to make me any gold quick." Syria says as she lays her back up against yet another tree, gripping her sword tightly with her right hand. She outstretch her legs, the gentle grass and the calming air making her feel very relax as she stares into the skies. "Hmmmmm... maybe I should go to that dungeon where those gobos are at... I heard players been talking about that place recently... so maybe I should give it a whi-" Her thinking was cutoff when she heard noises coming from some bushes, making her look away from the sky quickly and getting back up from off the tree.

"What is it now!?" It was yet another rabbit, accompanied by a wolf. "Well, exp is exp... and money is money!" Syria couldn't careless if they noticed her presence and from the looks of things that didn't at all! Taking some bold steps towards the wolf, she slashes at the wolf three times from the surprise attack, dealing 36 points of damage to the poor creature.

The wolf is sent flying from the surprise attack, and slowly brings itself up from it. As it's on the brink of death. The rabbit however made some distance from Syria, lunging straight at her hand. But luckily, Syria dodges out of the way. Causing the rabbit to land on its feet as it touches the ground. "I know how to fight you little buggers now. So, this'll be a snap!" Syria rushes towards the rabbit, swinging her sword horizontally. The blade connect onto the rabbit, dealing 12 damage to it. The wolf let out a howl as it was on it's last legs.

With rabbit circling around her as is the wolf, Syria readies her sword as well as moving her feet along the ground so she can be ready for either of them to attack. With both of them on her sides, the wolf and the rabbit lunge at the same time. "Pincer attack!" Syria back steps to avoid the attack, causing the wolf and the rabbit to collide with each other in the air, and hitting the ground. "Pfft...." Syria smiled a bit, almost wanting to laugh at the duos misfortune. "Well, time to end this!"

Syria's sword turns red, as she brings it close to her right hip. Dragging along the ground. "Take this!" She cleaves through both the rabbit and wolf, finishing them both off with 18 points of damages. "Whew, another battle over and done with. That's another 15EXP for me!" She checks her status, and saw that she was at 0MP. "Huh, weird... that attack cost MP? Weird... but hey got 3 gold, wolf pelt, and a rabbit pelt out of that fight. So, no biggie." Syria with smirked on her face, begins to make her way out of the forest, after the confrontation with the critters.
before Yuna could do something else, she saw that Loki had killed the player, it shocked her a bit to say the least, not that she hadn't expected it from her, it was Loki after all and this once again proved that you shouldn't mess with her, but just the fact that she had killed him. even if this was a game, things hurt like they were real, and they were real people who played those characters.

but she didn't have much compasion for the bandits either, they had tried to harm them first so it was justified, a little bit. moreso, Yuna was shocked by the fact that Nightshade killed the ranger, she hadn't seen him comming closer or anything, and she didn't expect him to do such a thing at all.

She didn't understand why Nightshade was so stressed about geting away from here, they killed the bandits so they were dead now, that was all that mattered, right? no need to worry.

but after he had explained it all, Yuna understood why he was so worried, she still thought he was probably making a bigger problem of this as it really was but the thought that it was possible made her a little bit worried aswell. "are you sure we should go there then? I mean, it doesn't sound safe now, maybe we should find some admins or something..." she suggested but then realised she sounded like a scaredy cat, which she wasn't. "or.. you know, never mind. we're just gonna get our materials and if we see them we'll scare them away" she added quickly. she didn't say 'kill them' because she didn't like that idea at all.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche
"Alright Katta, Wait up!" Mist yelled after her as she notched an arrow in her bow and ran after Katta. Katta seemed to be a free hearted person that did not really care for much danger. She smiled and laughed as she saw Katta run away from the rabbits and continued to fire at the rabbits chasing Katta. Mist knew she would fit in with the group she had just met, although she did not know how it felt to actually fit in.
Mahan was getting pretty bored just watching them kill rabbits and really he wanted to gain something from being out there. "Keep going, I'll be right over here so call if you need me." He walked away a little ways so he didn't start stealing their kills be mistake. Unsheathing his sword he found a group of 6 rabbits hopping around without a care in the world. Well that was because they didn't no that Mahan had put them in his sights. They wouldn't give him much but exp was exp and you can't be picky about how you get it sometimes.

With the extra skills he just got he had more options now to take them all out much easier. "Now six rabbits and one me, I almost feel bad for them." Pointing the tip of his blade at one of the rabbits in the middle of them all and a ball of sun fire shot out hitting it for 15 points of damage. It didn't kill it but that was more of the point as now all of the rabbits became increasingly aggressive to Mahan. He was relaxed and calm that he had this and that the rabbits would not even touch him once. Right as the rabbits were about to pounce a shield that was as bright as the sun surrounded his body stopping all damage for 6 seconds.

Quickly before time ran out he took one wide swing and killed all six in one slice. This rewarded him as the proud owner of 18 gold, 6 rabbit meats, and 30 exp. He watched as his exp went up and tried to do the math to see how many more rabbits he would have to kill to make it to the next level.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted by a wolf that had seemed to be attracted by the screams of dying rabbits. And he wasn't alone as there were two others that had followed behind. The first thing that came to his mind was where the heck were they earlier. The next was that they would make a good addition to exp because there was no way he could lose to them now. Good this for him he was smart to invest points into intelligence otherwise he would have enough mp for what he was about to do.

Instead of dodging like he would normally do, he bit his lip waiting for them to start sicking their fangs in him. "Oh god that hurts you bastards!" The pain was intense but this was just easier than wasting all his energy trying to avoid 15 points of damage. Right as they left their guard down he used healing attack on each of the restoring his hp and downing them quickly relieved that the pain was gone. Another 45 exp put him just a little closer to his goal with the added bonus of 3 wolf pelts and 15 gold.

"I wonder how the others are doing with material gathering."​
Loki shrugged at Nightshade.

"Well he did say he had a lot of friends before I killed him. Oh well, Yuna's right, if more do come, we can just kill them to."

Loki went over to the makeshift blockade and destroyed it, picking up the leftover usable materials.

"Shall we keep going? I'd like to at least gather some stuff we came out here for before we have to meet up with the others."

Going down the forest path, Loki started collecting any berries and herbs she could find, while she talked to the others.

"Speaking of the others, they're probably find since they're just fighting rabbits. So they shouldn't be too far into the forest. Though, I guess we should probably tell him about the bandits, just in case. By the way, is Fabian alright with the sudden fighting?"

Making her way back to the the spot she had collapse the deposit, Loki had collected a total of 50 berries and herbs. It was getting much easier for her to pick low level plants now and she even got a few critical successes, giving her more than just one to three berries and herbs a plant.

Taking out her staff, Loki tried seeing if she could blast the rocks away. It took a total of four attacks before it was cleared. The first try wasn't enough sadly, while the second attack covered it back over with rocks again making it take another two times before the ore was mine-able once more.

As soon as the ore was cleared, Loki set to work. Using what she learned from the mining skill, Loki aimed at a more stable face of the rock so she didn't cause another cave in and fired a controlled Crystal Shard.

Iron ore x1 added

Silver ore x1 added

"No Mithril huh? Well still two more chances on this one so, once more."

Loki used her 'magic mining' again.

Iron ore x1 added

"Tsk, again."

Iron ore x1 added

Silver ore x1 added

Ore depleted. Please wait for respawn.

"Damn. Should have guess with wouldn't be that easy. Here, you can use these more than I can. Consider them the payment for my weapon."

Loki handed Nightshade all of the ore she had and looked around for another deposit. Thankfully there were three next to each other, the one she had just used included in that count. It was probably to keep players from killing themselves over resources. Though knowing people, that will likely still happen anyways. Making sure there were no goblins around, Loki began her brand of mining again. She had to thank the fact her class gained two points to the Int stat when they leveled up; because of it and her gear she had more than enough mp to do this as much as she liked.

Iron ore x1 added


Iron ore x1 added

Silver ore x1 added


Iron ore x1 added

Gold ore x1 added

Mithril x1 added

Adamant x1 added

Ore depleted. Please wait for respawn.

Loki stayed quiet for a bit then fell to her knees.

"Ah, sweet RNG, thank you for coming to save me!"

Going over to Nightshade she handed him all the ore she had collected with a proud face on, as if she had just solo'd a boss mob.

"Heh, another piece of Mithril and something better too."

Just so you guys know I didn't pull that out of my ass, I prtsc'd my roll for the last mine:

XD would had been fun to see Quin's reaction if I had gotten enough for Rune ore too.
Max wasn't a fan of killing. He tried to justify it by repeating in his head,"They will respawn, they will respawn, they will respawn...", but the game made it all too real. He wasn't nearly as confident about the bandit situation as the other two, either. If those two were really scouts, they were probably the least statted members of their bandit party. They needed to be on the lookout of stronger players.

"I'll keep watch while you 'mine'. Who knows what might show up," he said. He found a seat on a rock and shut his eyes as thoughts swam through his head in a chaotic torrent; sword ideas, escape plans, possible moves the bandit could make, recipes for soup, et cetera.

"If there is a bandit camp, they'll expect us to go back to town," he said,"I think, after we're done here, we should meet up with the rest of the group before heading back just to be on the safe side." He opened his eyes to look back at his two fellow group members.

"We may be here a while. Finish off the deposits and see if we'll have enough."

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Loki grumbled and went back to the other usable deposit. Not many players were strong enough to level up near or in the cave yet, so thankfully there wasn't anyone around the party of three. Meaning if there was any bandits near them, they'd be easy to spot unless they were a rouge or ranger with stealth on.

Loki wasn't really sure what everyone was worried about either. If bandits did come, they would simply kill them and move on. It's not like it was real life were death was a permanent thing. Even if it was, she probably still wouldn't care. It was either their lives or the bandits, and she certainly wasn't about to roll over and die for some thief. Oh well, that was a thought for a different time. Loki looked over her shoulder and saw Yuna. She was probably minding her own business. She had wanted to come out here to train her pet after all. Hopefully that goes well for her.

"Wait, why do I care to begin with? Ah, I even called them friends when I killed that bandit. I need to get it together..."

Loki thought this to herself as she turned away from the others to hide her face and set to work.

"Right, ore. Here goes nothing."

Using her magic mining, Loki blasted at the ore deposit.

Iron ore x1 added

Gold ore x1 added

Mithril x1 added

"Nice first try. Hopefully I can keep this up."

Iron ore x1 added

Silver ore x1 added

"Still something I guess. Alright, once more."

Iron ore x1 added

Silver ore x1 added

Mithril x1 added

Ore depleted. Please wait for respawn.

"That'll have to do I guess."

Going over the the first deposit she emptied, Loki checked the time til it respawns.

Wait Time: 1hr 26mins

It was still going to take some time before she could start mining again, so she headed over to Nightshade to dump off her ore.

"I'm gonna gather a few more materials while I wait for the ore to respawn. We got 2 more hours til noon, so mine keeping a look out? Just in case those idiots are actually stupid enough to come back."

Saying that, Loki moved over to where Yuna was to gather more plants.

"Hey Yuna, you're gonna teach your fox some new skills right? What do pets learn anyways?"

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Katta looked at her friend and she giggled as she ran , she ran back into the woods and she started to slash at two small rabbit doing seven damage each and she gasped when a group of eight started to chase her "FUCK!" she cried as she ran out of the woods. Katta used poison blades again and she slashed at them again doing at least seven damage again plus a few bits of poison damage to those who got poisoned. Katta looked at mist and she waved " Shoot them please Mist" she said looking like she was about to cry. She rubbed her arms as she ran. she was used to running by now and plus it was her life that she was running for. Katta growled and she turned around and she charged into the rabbits and she began to slash at them killing at least three of the rabbits before she dropped on the ground tired from fighting the rabbits.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
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Max sighed. "I'm never going to get any sleep, am I," he muttered. He stood up from the rock and picked up a pebble. He then proceeded to patrol around the ore deposits, throwing the pebble up into the air and catching it as he walked. He repeated this motion several times as something to focus on, something to keep him awake. All the while, he kept an eye out for anything unusual: the reflection of light on armor or a sword, the sound of a bowstring being pulled, or any obvious trails left by human feet.

"You know what? If we wait here an hour and a half, we'll be here forever. Maybe we should cut and run for the rest of the group," Max said. The bandit situation was making him incredibly nervous. Maybe he was overestimating them, maybe he was wrong entirely. He didn't want to hang around and find out.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze

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