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A big smile appeared Yuna's face "that would be lovely!" she said happily. She couldn't wait untill she could practice with it tomorrow. Maybe she could go out with Fabian and see if she could learn the fox some tricks aswell. That way he could come in handy in battles. But on the other side, she hoped that there wouldn't be a 'tomorrow' and that the log out problem would be fixed soon and she could go back to the real world, the twins surely missed her a lot.

As ramis sat down by their table with a plate full of food, Yuna nodded at her as a greeting "hello" she said kindly "good to see you"

She nodded when Nightshade explained what he thought had happened, she nodded, it sounded logical enough, this game was so realistic that it was probably also a feature to pass out if you exhausted yourself. She made a mental note to watch out for that the next time she got in a fight.

Ramis comment about the beer made her realise something, she could drink already, and the other also seemed like they were around that age. Yuna herself was nog even officially an adult yet, soon she would be but not yet. She didn't exactly know what to do with this information, it probably didn't matter anyway but she would still remember it.

Yuna yawned and stretched "hmm... I'm getting tired, I'm probably gonna go to bed soon" she said, then she got up and got a room in the inn, she didn't like spending money on such things and would defenitly look into the camping skill tomorrow so that she could stay outside instead of having to buy a room in the inn every night.

She walked to her room and got undressed. As she layed down in the bed, Fabian jumped on it and layed down next to her. Yuna smiled and wrapped her arm around the soft warm body of the fox. She was still surprised at how real everything felt, the softness of the bed and the warm body of the fox next to her, it was allmost too real. Those thoughts quickly faded away as she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Max rattled a hand-forged bell outside of the inn in an attempt to wake the rest of the group up. He had decided to not sleep the previous night, instead beginning his weapon commission business. Of course, it was nighttime, and he wasn't a well known craftsman, so he got very little in terms of work. Combine that with the cost of the iron bell in his hands, and the dagger he made for Yuna, he just barely managed to break even that night.

He was particularly cranky without sleep. "We have a busy day, get up!"

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze RaynaFon RaynaFon LyssiNae LyssiNae
Mahan had decided to just lay in his bed a little longer since he had been up for a while and no real desire to get up. He took the time to think about his future (well game future). After some thought making his own guild came to mind. One for players that had something they wanted to do and were willing to help each other to accomplish these goals. That sounded like the perfect guild to him so that way he didn't get stuck helping tons of others and missing out on what he wanted. The next question was, who will join him?


Rolling out of his bed he almost hit his head from being shock from the loud sound of a bell and someone yelling. "Who the heck?" He wasn't why someone was being so loud in the inn but he was not to thrilled by the wake up call. He stood up and put on his clothes and head down to see the commotion.

"Alright who ever did that I suggest you stop before someone who is not nice shows up."
RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche LyssiNae LyssiNae
Yuna's eyes shot open when she heard the bell. For a moment she was confused about where she was, and why there was a fox in her bed, and why she wasn't at home, and that she should make breakfast for the twins but then she realised what was going on and that she was trapped in this game, still. She yawned and stretched and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She equipped her clothes and looked in the mirror, she still had to get used to seeing herself with dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

she went downstairs, folowed by Fabian "okay, who did that?" she asked when she looked around, she spotted Nightshade "what are you doing here so early?" she asked him "and why did you think it was a good idea to wake us up like this? I'm not sure that everyone will appreciate that, so I would hide that bell and make sure that they don't suspect you, or you might get in some trouble" she yawned again and took a deep breath to clear her thoughts, the cold morning air helped her wake up a little bit.

then she was Mahan, he didn't seem to have spotted them yet "good morning, Mahan" she said and waved at him to show him where they were "I was just telling our dear alarm clock that he should put away his bell, not nice people won't appreciate this indeed" she chuckled. now that she was awake she was in a good mood, Yuna was a morning person and she was usually in a good mood when she woke up.

Sizniche Sizniche Quinlan63 Quinlan63 RaynaFon RaynaFon LyssiNae LyssiNae
As Freja slept a familiar scene played out in her mind. She was staring out of her room's window towards the sky. The moon was always lovely too look at. For some reason she could forget everything watching it. Suddenly there was a loud crash downstairs and then the sound of something being hit.

Freja sighed. This scene had been replay so many times, not just in her head but in life as well, that she knew what had happened just from hearing it alone. Her mother threw something at her father and then he hit her for it. It was the same story every time she had this dream. Her mind shifted to when her parents told her about their divorce. Of course she wasn't surprised by it at all. Freja gave a flat "Oh? Alright." or something along those lines she thinks. It was hard to remember somethings because it was such a boring response. She then questioned why they were fighting in the first place before walking off.

Freja mind drifted off again towards another face. A girl her age when Freja was little. The girl was smiling at her and holding her hand out. It would seem as though she was going to have a pleasant dream for on-


Or someone had a death wish instead. Loki's eyes opened and she groaned. Getting out of bed, she dressed and ran her hand through her hair; which barely help straighten out her bed head at all. Opening the door to her room, she saw Yuna head downstairs. Following behind she heard her speaking to someone.

"I was just telling our dear alarm clock that he should put away his bell, not nice people won't appreciate this indeed"

Loki yawned and chimed in. "Sadly, not nice has already found him. I won't ask why you ruined a very rare dream of mine."

Loki out stretched her hand with one eye fully open and the other just barely starting to open up. A light started to gather in her hand then form into crystals.

"However, since you're a friend...I'll give you a ten second headstart. Oh...right. Do try to run in a straight line. My eyesight hasn't fully gone back to normal from waking up and I'd rather not hit anyone else."

Crystal Shard and almost full charged as Loki started to countdown. Other's in the Inn started to look their diction to see if it was a joke or she'd really try to kill him. Of course, she paid them no mind.


Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Max looked at Loki charging her spell. On a normal day, he would run in terror. Right now? He was too tired for this.

"Alright, fine. Kill me. But I won't make you your scythe. Oh, and the guards will come flooding in. Plus, I'm carrying Yuna's new dagger, so if my gear despawns... Oh, right, Yuna's here..."

He tossed Yuna her dagger. "Well, the rest of my point stands. Guards, scythe, blah blah blah. I have 90 health now, anyway, so I doubt you'll kill me in the first blast."

He looked at Loki with sunken, sleep deprived eyes. He hadn't eaten or slept yet because he didn't want to spend any money. Besides, he could eat and sleep once he got out.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Quinlan63 Quinlan63 LyssiNae LyssiNae
Yuna shook her head, it was best to keep peace in their little group. "Loki, please, be reasonable" Yuna said as she put a hand on Loki's shoulder "It's clear that Nightshade isn't hundred percent in his mind right now. If he carries on like this he will damage himself without your help aswell. Best to stay out of trouble and not allert the guarss now, please" she hoped that this would settle it, she didn't feel like whitnessing a fight in the early morning allready.

when Nighshade tossed the dagger at her she caught it and looked at it, it was a fairly simple dagger but it was beautifull to her. it felt good in her hand, had the right weight and all. she smiled. "thank you, nightshade, it's wonderfull" she said happily.
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Mahan finally notices that Nightshade was the one with the bell when Yuna waved over to him. But he had no time to stop him before Loki came down looking displeased by the wake up call they just got. With other players starting to scatter for their lives it was clear that Loki was meaning business. Mahan wasn't really to worried about this kind of situation for the most part. It was not uncommon in games for players to attack each other inside cities. Even if they were gonna be sent for respawn from the guards it was enjoyable for them at the moment.

He could see nothing against the rules from what was happening so he just decided to just sit back and relax. Besides with his new sun shield skill it would take awhile for him to die if he got caught in the cross fire by accident.

"Hey Loki just try not to destroy the inn and Nightshade good luck to you. If you both want to go at it I won't get in the way." He look ed over at Yuna who was trying to stop them. "Keep at trying to stop them if you want but it really is up to them at this point if they will listen to you."

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Katta sighed and she frowned a little , she was used to being alone because most people didn't trust a rogue but some people do " hmm i wonder" she said and she picked up her dragger and she she started to walk around looking for something to do , she didn't know if she could find someone or something to mess with today but she sure would try.

Katta rubbed her hands and she started to walk out to the fields and she smiled " Hmm maybe i should go to the next city or something" she whispered and she went to the inn and she sat down at a table and order herself something to drink and she smiled happily as she drank some water.
Loki still felt like blasting Nightshade, even if he did have some points. In fact, she didn't even seem to care then she saw someone enter the Inn, instead of running out of it. She continued to count reaching 5 when Yuna placed her hand on Loki's shoulder.

Loki was still up however, she thought of a good alternative to killing Nightshade.

"The payment shall still be fulfilled for my poor dream!"

Looking at Yuna, Loki smiled.

"I didn't know we were at personal space bases now, hehe."

Loki quickly turned around and hugged Yuna. She had planned on teasing her, but felt a sudden wave of dizziness. Closing her eyes Loki placed her head on Yuna's shoulder. She was still way to tired to bother anyone.

"Ugh...five more minutes then..."

Morning were always the worse. Whoever invented morning was truly the purest of evil existences. Loki admitted she was no match for them.
"Alright, we can hash that out later," he said to Loki, ending the sentence with a yawn. He felt like he could pass out at any moment, but he chose to power through it. He gave a quick smile when Yuna said she liked her dagger before going back to what he was going to say. "Anyway, remember that forest or dungeon or whatever you were talking about yesterday, Mahan? I still haven't got a server-first alert for it yet, so we're going to go do a dungeon run of it. We're probably going to need a rogue, though, so check around town."

He looked around the group. "And could someone please wake up the healer?"

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze LyssiNae LyssiNae RaynaFon RaynaFon
"Hu?" Yuna said confused, but then she realised Loki was talking about the hand she had placed on her shoulder, mainly as a way to hold her back if needed and hadn't thought of other ways to see her little gesture.

She quickly removed her hand but was too late, as Loki already hugged her, which made Yuna only more confused, and uncomfortable, a hand on a shoulder was one thing but a hug was a few steps further already. She squirmed to get free but gave up as Loki put her head on her shoulder. She seemed to be tired so she decided to leave it, at least no one got killed now.

Nightshade seemed to have a good idea to go to the forest dungeon, although Yuna wasn't so keen on the idea of inviting another person into their group, it was already big enough to her. Not that she had anything to say about it though, she wasn't the leader and it wasn't up to her to decide what happened.
Katta looked over at the group and she walked over , sitting down next to them and she listened to them and she shivered a little from being cold but she shook it off and she stood up Looking at them " Hello there...are you guys like a group or something ?" she asked and she held her dagger close to make sure if they attacked her , she could defend herself.

Katta rubbed her hands and she smiled at them " Mind if i join...?" she asked smiling happily before she put her daggers away "That is if you are a group?" she said smiling.
Loki heard Nightshade say something about hashing something out and a rogue. She didn't quite get what he was talking about but didn't really care either. The smell of nature tickled her nose. Was it because Yuna was a ranger or maybe it was the smell of her fox? It was sweet and made Loki want to sleep more Loki was about to drift off when she her a voice. Opening one of her eyes, Loki spotted a small girl smiling and looking to join them. Waving her hand, Loki gestured to the rest of the group.

"I guess you can say that. Hmm, in truth I kinda made the party to fight the boss monster in the forest and we kinda just fell into a group. I'm much to tired to make any decides right now so I'll leave that up to everyone else."

Loki was silent for a bit then opened her eyes once more.

"Oh right...if anything important comes up, don't forget we have group chat so we can speak to everyone at once even if we're far away."

Loki closed her eyes again. Yuna's shoulder was surprisingly comfortable.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Tsutarji Tsutarji
With Loki settled down and taking a nap on Yuna everyone else around them all seemed to calm down. "Gosh well that now that you have that settled, Nightshade it is a bit early to try that without getting a couple more levels for some of us." He wasn't opposed to going there but if they went as a group they would need more than just numbers on their side. "I do agree though that a rogue would be a good addition."

Just as he says this a girl walks up to them asking to join there group. And from what he could see from the dagger she was holding was that she was in fact a rogue.

How in the world do we ever get this lucky?

Loki spoke her peace about how she felt about the girl joining them so Mahan thought that he would take charge. "Sure we were just talking about having a rogue join us but we did know who we might ask. "

"Nightshade, we might be able to run that dungeon like you wanted too." He wasn't sure if this girl would be able to do much for only being level 1 but if it got bad that would only prove that they really were going to need more time before they could finish it. Besides they weren't that high level either.

"So if no one is opposed might I welcome you to our group, my name is Mahan."

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Tsutarji Tsutarji
Katta put her hands together and she chuckled , she may be level one but she knew how to attack with speed and her strength was high enough so she would do a bit amount of damage. Katta nodded at Nightshade and Mahan.

"Oh nice to meet you , my Name is Katta"
Katta smiled happily at them and she sighed " I"m glad you let me join your group...i know i'm level one but i'm good i promise i can defend myself and defeat other maybe" she said and she smiled happily before she sat down next to them.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche Quinlan63 Quinlan63
"Good, we have a rogue," Max sighed. That was quicker that he expected. "Alright, Mahan, how far is the forest-slash-dungeon you were talking about? If we need to take a carriage on this one, speak now or forever hold your peace." He looked down at his own blade. "Now might also be the last chance to upgrade gear, so if anyone wants anything, tell me now. Oh, and if you ask for something, you better be ready to pay for it."

He then walked over to the new rogue of the group. "Welcome, the name's Nightshade." He offered his hand to shake.

"For the love of God, everyone, get the healer!"

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze LyssiNae LyssiNae Tsutarji Tsutarji
Katta looked at them and she nodded "Oh hi" she said shaking his hand "The named Katta" she said smiling at her and she chuckled at him and she rubbed her hand " Can i have a strong dagger or some armor pieces?" she asked and she held a pouch of coins "i did a few bounties before i came here....and i got some money or coins" she said as she opened her UI "what would you recommend for my class?" she asked smiling at him. Katta had only the basic weapons and she wanted more useful weapons.
Sizniche Sizniche Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze RaynaFon RaynaFon
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Yuna wasn't actually feeling like clearing a dungeon today, she wanted to explore more and work on her skills a little bit. She stayed silent and watched the others introduce themselves to the new girl, Katta was her name appearently. "Hi Katta, nice to meet you, my name is Yuna" she said and waved at her as a greeting. She didn't want to move around too much since she didn't want to disturb Loki, seeing at how grumpy she was about being woken up before it was best to give her some peace and quiet now.

Katta seemed to be quite a capable player so maybe the would be able to clear the dungeon without her help "ehm... I don't think I'll join you guys" she announced quietly "I want to work on my skills and such, and, you know, practice a bit on my own. And I also wouldn't have anyone to look after Fabian if I were to go there right now. He needs training first" she nodded to the fox that sat on the ground next to Yuna, looking at everything that was happening around them.

When nightshade mentioned payment she opened her own UI and looked at what she could give him "how much do you want for the dagger you made for me?" she asked, not sure how much she had to pay him. Or maybe she could give him something else, seeing how he hadn't eaten anything since they were in the town, and she was carrying around some of the food she had made yesterday.
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Mist walked up to the group that was being really loud. "Um... hey..." She said as she looked at the group. "Did I hear you guys were going into the dungeon?" she asked as she pulled her new bow out. It wasn't really new, but it did seem her starter bow had been upgraded. "I recently got my bow reforged and I was wondering if I could join you guys?" she asked with a smile. Although they were trapped in the game, she felt as though she should at least try to make some friends. "My name is Mist by the way."
Tsutarji Tsutarji RaynaFon RaynaFon
Leon, or Alimore as he had chosen to be called, had just survived his first day. He had gotten himself an inn room with some extra gold that he had acquired and was just trying to sleep after such a crappy first day in the game.

Well, the monk's wonderful sleep was soon interrupted by a loud and extremely annoying bell was rung over and over again. He let out a long groan as he tossed and turned in the bed as he reached towards his pillow and tried to cover both ears with it. Thankfully, the awful noise finally stopped. However, Alimore would most likely not be able to get anymore sleep. It was 8 o'clock after all.

Realizing that sleep would be pretty much impossible at this point, Alimore let out a large and clearly exaggerated sigh as he rolled out of his bed and onto the hard, wooden, floor.Eventually, he got up and changed into his clothes. He walked outside and let out a short yawn. He looked around and already saw a group of people starting to form. He looked at them for a second before staring at his map for a while. He'd eventually have to level up, but he also needed to find an area where he could find decent mobs that offered decent EXP. He could ask one of those strangers for help, but Alimore and strangers didn't exactly mix well. They were talking about going to a dungeon, but Alimore didn't know them at all. It was probably best to stay away from now.
Katta saw the girl and she waved , she smiled happily before she grabbed her dagger and she chuckled " Hmm Sure you got my vote because your kind of cute" she laughed and she sat down "Hi there i'm Katta i'm a Rouge" she said and she waved " So Mist you level one? too?" she asked looking at the new girl. " So Reinforced bow " she smiled at her "thats pretty cool...i have the basic daggers but other than that i'm pretty strong" she said smiling at her.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Max looked over at Yuna. "You don't need to pay me for the dagger, I broke even last night anyway," he said, smiling, "Anyway, are you sure you don't want to come? It wouldn't be the same without you." He meant that both in a polite sense and a literal one; aside from not wanting Yuna to be left behind, he knew their party would be useless without a ranged fighter.

How convenient, then, that another ranger approached the group.

He really didn't want to make the dungeon run without Yuna and have her miss out on all the loot and EXP. After all, they'd become a group. But he was running out of excuses, and he respected Yuna's choice to stay and work on skills.

Max then looked over at the rogue, who revealed her name to be Katta, and the new ranger, whose name was Mist. "Well, I can tell you two have hit it off. Rogue, I would recommend against armor, or at the very least minimal leather armor. Otherwise, the gear will weigh you down. As for daggers, maybe I can serrated the ones you already have..." Max looked at Katta's daggers.

Tsutarji Tsutarji Summer Breeze Summer Breeze RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Just when adding Katta to the group another player had came by who just happened to be an archer. With Yuna not wanting to go it seemed ok for them to let her come. Although he didn't even get a chance to say anything before Katta gave her own approval of having the girl join them. It wasn't really a big deal to him since he was going to let her come with them anyway.

It was becoming a concern though that the level of Katta and Mist were only at level one. He wasn't sure what was going to happen in the cave but it was common knowledge that having players that were too low in level in a party could become problematic. He could only hope that Nightshade could make them something to help them out.

"Hmm, alright everybody we might might need to level sme of you up more before wee take on the dungeon. Otherwise we might not even get passed the first floor."

"Yuna if you want to later you can join us. Odds are we won't be going in there right away so you have time to think about coming." Mahan sure didn't want to go in there if Yuna wasn't coming. Even with Mist they would definitely need a ranger that is at least Yuna's level.

"So if no one other than Yuna is not going to go we can leave when Loki is done with her nap." He was not going to risk anything by trying to wake her up now.​

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