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"Nightshade, that was ingenious!" Ramis yipped. The boss was almost defeated.

Ramis watched with awe as the group took down the massive goblin.

And suddenly achievements popped up. Huh, fame points??

She couldn't help but laugh, tension easing. "Ah, oh god." She brushed her hair back from her eyes and smiled wider as she leveled up.

The group of players surrounding them let out a gasp as the boss went down. Some with admiration, some with bitter defeat. A huge chunk of them scrambled off, but surprisingly, a number of players ran up to her.

"That was so cool!" a short-haired, buff-looking human rogue girl said as she towered over Ramis.

"Nice," another player said, giving her a thumbs up. He was a healer as well. An indimidating orc.

"Hey, are you in a guild? Do you wanna join ours?" an elven mage asked with a nasal voice. 

"Oh..." Ramis made a face, overwhelmed. She quickly looked at the others, who soon got surrounded by their own "admirers". 

Loki had already entered relax mode, but at least a dozen people now surrounded her. 

Bad idea, Ramis thought.

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Max fell to his knees after crawling away from the Hobgoblin mosh pit. It was his first kill, and he got two levels instantly.

He looked in awe at the large sum of money in his inventory; 500 gold. He was somewhat regretting being an elf; the extra MP did him no good, and the 10% bonus to gold drops would be a nice touch right about now. But, gold was gold, and he figured that he could make more efficient use of it by taking up smithing, and getting a few levels of crafting. Speaking of, he opened up the stat menu. He looked at his health and MP which were, surprisingly enough, already full just seconds after beating the boss. Power of the Spirit stat, he guessed.

"Alright, time to do some damage control," he said, with exhausted breaths. He immediately sunk all his skill points into all stats except Spirit, putting the points he would have put there into Strength. When all was said and done, his new stats were;

HP/MP: 90/33

Strength: 5 + 2 Class Bonus = 7

Intellect: 3

Agility: 3

Spirit: 22

Constitution: 7 + 2 Class Bonus = 9

He smiled at his new stats. It wasn't much, but it was improvement. At least he'd be able to put up some sort of a fight against creatures, and he'd be able to support the team. Speaking of which, he looked back at the rest of the group. Maybe it wasn't so bad. He cracked a grin at everyone celebrating, and getting swamped with fans. He was relatively untouched, being obviously the weakest of the group.

And then, he passed out.

@Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze @LyssiNae @RaynaFon
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Yuna made a little jump from exitement when the announcement popped up, that was just too good! she was so happy that the boss was defeated, and the bonus was really great aswell, 500 gold really helped comming closer to her goal of buying a battle mount, but even sweeter was that she was level three now, halfway level four even! The very next thing she would do was go out and find herself a fox to tame. 

she chuckled when she heard Loki's request to make her a pillow "and why me?" she asked curiously. 

with a sigh, she sat down with her legs crossed and her back against a tree, she noticed that the lower levels were trying to get their attention, which she didn't like at all, when they came her way, she simply stood up and walked away from them but when that didn't work, she decided to search it higher up and she used her agility to climb up in a tree where she sat down on a thick branch, letting one foot swing back and forth. 

from her high place she had a good overview of what was going on everywhere, so she also saw how Nightshade suddenly fainted, "wait, what..." she muttered "guys, did anyone else see that? is Nightshade allright?" she asked the others. 

Mahan was a bit overwhelmed by the crowd of players coming up to them praising them for killing the boss. He was getting many request asking him if he would join someone's guild or if he could be paid for to help with leveling up. Before he started to play when he was helping to make the game he might of considered to help any of them out. Right now though he was starting to realize that whatever he was going to do it had to be in the best interest in himself.


"Sorry everyone but I'm just far to busy right now," he lied. "I just will be to busy to join any of your guilds so have a nice time." He walked off keeping a good pace trying to get away from all of them.


He had just gotten near to the tree that Yuna had perched herself in when she mentioned Nightshade. He looked over to the last place to where he remembered to see him and in that spot was Nightshade passed out on the ground. "Gosh he really was pushing himself hard." Mahan ran to him trying to shake some sense into him. "Come on buddy wake up."


"Hey everyone Yuna was right Nightshade is down." It was official Nightshade had just made it to the list o people to be respected in Anthony's book. To go from having stats as bad as his and still being able to help with defeating a boss. This was just something unheard of from what he knew. "Yo we've done enough for now, we should head back to town so we can rest up. Remember this may be a game but you still will need to stop every once in awhile."


Loki watched, in upside down vision, as Yuna climbed a tree to escape all of her fans. Sitting up, Loki gave her own fans a face that would make a child cry. Most took the hint and backed off, but a few stick stuck around; some even seemed to like her more for it. 

"Great, it seems I've just earned the 'tough girl' fan group...or they're those kind of freaks. I'd rather not have either though, too much of a hassle."

Waving her hand as to dismiss the others' worries, Loki made her own comment on Nightshade.

"Let'em sleep. I say he's earned it. As for going back.." Loki hopped to her feet and stretched a bit. "...You're welcomed to go on ahead, but, Imma stay a bit more and do some gathering. I didn't reach the goal I wanted to, but the goblin did push us pretty far ahead of everyone one else, so some material gathering can make up for the rest I suppose. So if you all go back to town, I'll catch up a bit later.

Truth was, Loki was pretty tired herself, but she didn't want to let it show, and she really did want to stay ahead of the rest of the players. Which meant working until you're near passing out. Grinning, Loki looked up at Yuna. 

"Hmm, Cause I get a feeling from you that you'll make a good wife one day, hehe."

Dusting off her back, Loki started to pick the herbs and flowers that were around where everyone was. As she was picking plants, Loki went over everything that happened during the fight. They had some problems with coordination a bit, but they seemed to do well as a party. Everyone in the group had gotten the Goblin Slayer title and a 5% buff to rare drops which was nice. Both Mahan and Nightshade earned an achievement, and she herself unlocked a new skill. The gold bonus was also nice. 550 gold thanks to her racial buff wasn't a bad deal at all for the work that was put in. However, speaking of skills.

"Hey Mahan, did you know about these hidden skills? I was able to unlock a pretty neat skill for 'leading' the group."

Mahan watched as Loki started to gather herbs, he could respect her decision to do as she wants. That really made him think over what he was going to do while he was in the game. Helping others was a good thing for sure but he didn't want to if it stopped him from doing what he wanted to do. He had to make sure that no matter what if he was going to help with someone that it didn't stop him from what he wanted.


"Huh, skills....right got you. Yeah I know about all the skills in Titan's Age," he replied to Loki. "If you don't remember I was the one in charge of making every single skill. Including the ones for all the classes, the ones you get from the trainers, and as you have discovered, the ones that are secret." He didn't really feel that he was saying anything that was much of a secret. In time everyone in the game was gonna find out how to get these other skills anyways so it wasn't cheating or anything.


"The one you got was more or less one of the easier skills to get. Also if you read more of the description it doesn't just give a bonus in battle but has an impact on how you can conduct yourself in the game. Say for instance you are in a shop and want to by something and what you want is just a bit to expensive. With charisma you can convince the NPC that runs the shop to sell it to you for less. Mind that this is not a guarantee as they are all programmed to resist any attempt at a player trying to lower the price."


He wrapped one arm around Nightshade's waist and threw him over his shoulder and stood up. Quickly he realized that thanks to his stats picking up Nightshade was really easy. "It has other applications but it would take to long for me to tell you now, so we can talk about it later if you want. Meet me at the inn when you are done for the day and we can have a chat about anything you wanna know." He walked heading back to the city thinking that maybe Nightshade was not the only one that made it onto his list of people to respect. Loki had seemed to make it there too even if it was not for the same reasons. 


Yuna narrowed her eyes when Loki made that coment about becoming a good wife. She bit her lip and jumped down the tree, completely ignoring Loki. Instead she went over to Mahan and nightshade "oh dear, what do you think has happened to him?" she asked, she didn't know that this game was that realistic that you could indeed pass out, maybe something had happened in the real world? 

She listened to Mahan talk about those hidden skills, that was pretty cool! she was gonna have to think about some that she could maybe unlock herself. 

Despite her tiredness, Yuna didn't feel like going back to the city yet, first she really wanted to tame a fox "I think I'm gonna stay here for a while, see you at the inn" she said "but be carefull with Nightshade, I mean, we don't know what happened to him and all of that..." Yuna was pretty worried about Nightshade, not only because he was actually a really good player despite his terrible stats, but also because she had accepted him as a friend and she always wanted her friends to stay happy and healthy. 

she wanted to walk away but then she remembered one more thing, she didn't exactly know how to tame a beast, she had the skill now but how did she use it. she shrugged her shoulders and thought that she could probably figure it out herself, no use bugging others with questions even longer.
Ramis watched the whole ordeal of Nightshade's fainting with worry. But Mahan seemed to have it under control.

"Would my heals help?" she asked him, glancing at Nightshade. "Ah, maybe not." Probably exhaustion.

She glanced back at Loki and Yuna, and smiled a little. Maybe they could bond a bit if she went back to the city with the guys.

"I could use some items, so I'll go back to the city."
"Autsch. Völlig ignoriert." Loki said to herself, smiling, as Yuna walked towards the rest of the group. Loki waved her hand as the rest of the group left for the city, leaving Yuna and Loki behind.

"Right, see ya all there then."

Standing up, Loki turned towards Yuna.

"Need and help with your fox hunt? I can hold'em down while you try to tame it. Better than you using mp for both things. Besides, since we'll be moving around, that means more stuff for be to gather."

She got a little closer to Yuna and spoke so that only she could here.

"Also, between you and me, I'd rather be somewhere with...less people trying to get my attention, if you know what I mean."

Mahan had made some good distance in the time he had been walking. Ramis had decided to come back as well and had mentioned that she wanted to by some items. This got him thinking about getting some stuff for himself.


"Hey Ramis I'm gonna head on to the armor and weapon shops so if you want to you can meet up with the rest of us later." He didn't really wait for her to answer while walking off with a smile on his face. In fact as he was walking over to where he was going he realized that he was getting strange glances from the other players that he past.


"Darn it, I forgot that I was carrying Nightshade this whole time." It was true, Nightshade wasn't that heavy so it was easy to forget that he was there. Well it was too late for him to worry about it now since he made it that far. Plus leaving him somewhere didn't seem like the right move right now.


Mahan may had been a developer but before that he was an avid gamer who played mmorpgs all the time. In most of those games it wasn't wise to leave someone alone at the beginning because other players who want to get good at stealing and PKing were always looking for the next person to get at. It was true that yes there were guards in the city but if a player did something when they weren't around it was possible to get away with it just as easy.


Walking into the armor shop he decided for now it wasn't a problem to walk around with him until he woke up or at least until they got to the inn. "Now let me see I need a full set of steel armor." It was pretty expensive but with the gold from the goblin king it was not outside his price point. 190 gold down and he was the proud owner of a very nice set of armor. Other players in the store looked shocked by his purchase so it seemed that for now him and the other might have earned the most during the day. He almost thought of buying another for Nightshade but decided to not and let him choose what he would want. If he didn't want it he would be out of a lot of gold and he couldn't ask for the money to reimburse him for something that he got without thinking first.


He took a moment check out what he was going to get for all this armor. It was looking great, an extra 15 constitution and 4 strength was a great thing to have for his level. "This should be good for me for a while. Now let me get some weapons to complement this." Walking out of the store he was so pleased with himself that he equipped the armor and made his way to the next shop. "Now I look like a real paladin."
Max, while quick to pass out, was a very light sleeper. In the middle of a particularly boring dream, even by his standards, he was startled awake by the rattling of Mahan's armor. His startled motion caused him to accidentally slip free of Mahan's grasp, but he managed to land on his feet. He looked up and down Mahan, noticing that he had brand new armor on.

"Hey, nice armor," he said. He then thought for a moment; Wait, if Mahan had time to get back to town and buy armor...

"... How long have I been out?" He finished the thought out loud, as it was a question Mahan had the knowledge to answer. "Aw, hell, did I embarrass myself?" He asked as a follow-up question. How could he not have? He collapsed in front of everyone, and probably made the rest of the group look bad. The rest of the group was probably disappointed. Max began to feel a little guilty.


Mentioned: @Summer Breeze @RaynaFon @LyssiNae
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Yuna smiled when Loki offered to help her catching a fox "that would be very helpfull, thank you" she said with a smile. It was very nice of her to offer her help. "What kind of things are you gonna gather, actually?" she asked out of curiosity. She knew that Loki had picked up the potion making skill so maybe she wanted some stuff for that. 

Then she realised something else "if we move around, I can also work on making a map of the area, I got that skill but I need to practice" she said and was exited to try it, it was always usefull to know where you were, especially in such a big and realistic world like this.

Yuna nodded when Loki told her to go somewhere with less people around, she understood what she ment. But, she also took a step back, she wasn't too fond of people being in her personal space. 

"So, eh, shall we go then?" she asked as she started walking deeper into the forest.

Mahan had only gotten halfway to the weapon shop before Nightshade started to move. He was going to put him down but Nightshade just slipped from his grasp and land upright. From what Mahan could tell he was fine just a bit shocked about the situation that he found himself in. "Thanks I was eyeing it earlier before we left and I just wanted it." 


"Relax buddy," Mahan had to assure Nightshade that everything was fine. "You weren't out long at all. There is still plenty of daylight left." He was surprised that Night shade would think that he did anything embarrassing. "And no you didn't embarrass yourself at all. If anything I was the one who should be embarrassed from all the looks I have been getting since we got back."


(It is really going to take some time before I understand what makes this guy tick) 


"Hey how about we get something for you to celebrate our big victory." He was certain that Nightshade would want something for himself. If it got him any closer to calm him down it was well worth the time spent.


Max sighed. "Well, that's good. I mean, not that you were embarrassed but..." he ran out of words, not sure how to follow up. "Anyway," he said, changing the subject,"I was going to actually make my own gear, save some money. I like to make things anyway. In fact, I could make you a weapon instead. It might not be as good as the blacksmith's, but I can put a unique spin on it. I'll even pay for it, if you decide you don't like it," he said. He didn't like the thought of that; after all, the 500 gold from the fight was all he had, so he wasn't exactly any more rich than most of the town. However, all he had to do was make it to sufficient quality; Mahan was an honest guy, after all.


Mahan had to admit that he was a bit surprised to hear that Nightshade wanted to make gear. Not a lot of players in his time have he met have ever chosen to craft their own gear. But he had to admit that those other games were not like Titan's Age. Here you could actually make almost anything as long as you had the materials and the skill to make it. "That sounds cool. I wouldn't mind if you made something for me. And don't worry if you need any help with the cost don't hold back to ask me." He normally wouldn't do this for anyone as he tends to keep his money close but what could he say, he was growing on him.


"If you haven't gotten the smithing and crafting skill yet we need to stop at the trainers for those then we can head to the town forge. All of the things needed to make anything are all there for player convenience." This was all looking good as far as Mhan was concerned. Having a friend who crafted gear was always a good thing to have around. That reminded him of something he meant to ask earlier. "Hey add me to your friends list, I have a feeling that we might be seeing a lot of each other in the future."


Max smiled, and added Mahan to his friends list. "We should add the others when they come back to town," he said. He had grown on the others — yes, even Loki — as much as he hated to admit it. He hoped they didn't bail on them, and would eventually try to meet up again. He then sprinted — well, jogged at a reasonable pace — to the crafting and smithing skill guilds, getting smithing and as many levels of crafting as he could.

He ran into the resource store, and immediately began to take on the personality of a kid in a candy store. The shop had everything a craftsman could ever want; even gems, for particularly ambitious projects. They had raw materials, refined materials, leather, cotton, nails, and... magic dust! Without a single word, he bought a needle, thread, one leather, one unit of magic dust, three silver ore, and two gold ore. The charge set him back 191 gold; absurd for the cost of a weapon at this level, but he wasn't bothered one bit. He simply rushed with the armful of materials to the town forge, and immediately began to make the ore into ingots. As he melted down the ore and began clearing impurities, he let the image of the weapon he had in mind form more clearly. By the time he finished smelting the metal and mixing the magic dust throroughly, he knew full well what he was going to do.

He immediately began shaping the silver into the shape of a blade; a falchion of silver, perfect for an undead-slaying paladin. However, that alone wasn't enough. He then began shaping a separate piece of gold, into a similar, yet smaller shape to the main piece. After he got a basic shape, he then merged the pieces, giving the weapon a golden spine. He let the blade cool on the anvil for just a moment, before rushing it to the grindstone to refine the edges. He made sure not a single scratch or hammer mark was left on the blade, and the edge was sharp enough to cut like a scalpel. It would be dull the second it hit flesh, sure, but it was always nice to get a good start with a weapon. He then cleaned up the handle, bound it in leather, and used the needle and thread to secure the leather in place. He dipped it in the water and waited for it to cool, and then rushed out of the forge, holding the blade over his head.

"Not done yet!!!" He said as he passed Mahan on the way out.

To top off the weapon, he went to the Enchanting guild. He got a level in Enchanting to work with, and began to attempt Enchanting the weapon. He began carefully carving runes into the gold spine of the weapon, speaking an incantation from the Enchanting guidebook; a basic light affinity enchantment. After finishing the encantation, he felt like passing out again. He looked at the weapon he created; the divide between the gold and silver part was clean and flush against each other, the blade was straight, and the edge was sharp. The gold gave it the extra weight it needed to cut that much deeper, and surely it and the magic dust offered a bonus for enchantments. The handle was comfortable and balanced. Not a bad first try, but it was Mahan who got to judge the weapon.

He carried it out to Mahan rather sluggishly, tired from all the running to make the weapon. When he was back to Mahan, he fell to one knee, and presented the sword to Mahan as a servant would present a King a scepter.

"Your blade, sir. I left it unnamed so you could name it yourself." He was strangely humble for some reason he couldn't quite place his finger on.

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"Hmm." Loki shrugged when Yuna asked her what she planned on gathering.

"Pretty much any gatherable plant really." She answered honestly, following after the ranger. Loki didn't really see a need to lie to the girl about something as mundane as plant picking.

"I simply want to fill up as much knowledge as I can about the game's mechanics right now. So I plan on making a bunch of stuff into potions or using them to cook with. In a game like this knowledge is a form of power too. I think your map making skill will come out to be really useful too. Hmm, speaking of which, how does that skill work? You need some special kind of paper or something?"

As they went deeper into the forest, Loki found a bush of berries and picked some to bring back with her. 

x3 Sininen berries.

"Sininen huh? Guess it's nice to know what they're called."

The berries in question looked almost like razz-berries, but were indigo in color and had no seed stocks coming out of it. Instead, a small black pit seemed to fill the center of the berry, which would normally be empty if it was a razz-berry.

The favor text read: "A slightly bitter-sweet berry commonly found in the forests of Malabar." 

"Hmm, I wonder if it's ok to use these to cook with... guess there's only one way to find out."

Picking three more berries, Loki left the bush and caught back up to Yuna. It'd probably be a bit before they found a fox she liked, so Loki would have plenty of time to find some more berries if they're common within the forest. It'd be better for her to focus on getting more herbs to make potions. Judging by the look on Nightshade's face, they probably aren't usable for her yet.

"Speaking of potions. I might need your help too. Though, I can't say it'll be the most pleasant of things. I don't think my potions are up to par. The heal yes, but that's all they do. I don't think they're good at, going down. To put it bluntly, they seem to taste horrid. I need to find a way to not only make them effective, but also drinkable."

Mahan watched as Nightshade went off to get everything he need to make some gear. He wasn't sure if he needed to give Nightshade any assistance but by the looks of hi face when he got to the resource shop it was not needed. 


"Hmm silver an interesting choice." Nightshade seemed to not react to his comment as it was nothing to him at this moment. The he got the magic dust and gold, that made him just stay quiet. What ever he was going to make was going to be amazing. Now it made him even wonder why stuff like gold and silver was sold so cheap. In any event NIghtshade was moving with intent to make something that had never been made before.


Mahan thought he was done when he came out with some kind of sword in hand. Nope he was not apparently he was going for the whole enchilada. He was working on the enchanting for a while and Mahan was not sure if he was ever going to finish. 


Finally after all the waiting and wondering Nightshade came out with the sword and presented it to him like it was an offering. Taking it in hand the only thought about it he could think of was that it was unreal. Checking the properties of it he almost fainted from what was just made.


Weapon Type: Falchion
Weapon Damage: 12
Properties: +3 Strength +2 Intelligence +1 Constitution/ 10% extra damage to all undead, werewolves, or vampires/ Deals 10 light damage

Weapon Speed: 1.5 seconds
Quality: Rare


"Wait this is for me? Nightshade this is work worthy of a master smith." It was unbelievable to know that he could walk around this early in the game with a item marked rare. "Well if I'm going to name it I'll call it Silverlight."



Player: Nightshade

Achievement: Work of a master- Create an item that is at least of rare quality with items that are not intended to go together

Effect: 5% chance of creating an item of at least Unique Quality


Congratulations: You have created an original item and have been listed as the creator. As of now you are able to remake this item with much greater success.


"Well master smith maybe I should be kneeling to you."


Mahan couldn't see it since Max was looking down towards the ground exhausted, but Max was grinning from ear to ear. "Heh, thanks. It set me back 191, including the needle. Can you cover that cost?" He asked. He knew the sword was worth more, much more, but he did this more for the crafting experience more than anything, and he got an achievement bonus out of it, too. That was more than enough for him.

He got back to his feet and wiped the sweat off his brow, taking, once again, a moment to appreciate how the game didn't miss a single detail."Hey, maybe I can buy some logs and set up a weapons stall, make some money," he said,"How mad would the NPC weapons dealer get?"


Mahan had no problem paying Nightshade back for his work. He would've given him more but right now he couldn't afford to just hand out all his money to anyone. Even a new friend that made something that would bring back big returns. After handing him the gold coins he thought about what Nightshade was proposing. The NPC weapons dealer couldn't do anything to stop anyone from selling weapons, but there was one problem.


"Yeah setting up shop is fine but you will have to make some more gold before you can actually even put a tent to sell stuff from in the city walls. You have to buy property or a permit to have a stall or shop in any of the major cities." It really was a shame that he couldn't have his own shop now. He could make a killing at this rate from the amazing weapons that he could possibly make. "I do have to tell you that you still are able to just stand around in the common areas in the city and look for players willing to buy from you." 


That got him thinking about what else Nightshade was going to need. "You might also need a way to make more money to get materials or a way to get them yourself. At the rate our money is going we might have to sleep under the stars every night."


Max figured there would be a catch. No matter, they could make money adventuring and doing quests. After all, they did have a chance at rare quest opportunities since they got a server first. "Hmm. Well, that's a shame. For now, let's go grab drinks at the inn and relax for a while, until everyone else comes back to town. As for the issue of shelter, maybe we can build a cabin in the woods if we make enough money."


"Maybe, we can see about that later lets get to the inn." That's all he could say for now as he thought what kind of miracle would they have to come across next to be able to get the 2500 gold to even afford land to build a house on. There still was the cave dungeon that they still can do but even then there was no guarantee that  they could come up with that money from that alone. For all they know someone already made it threw and got the first kill, the fame points, and any extras you get from completing it first.


Making it to the inn he found them a table to wait at and started to see if there was anything good to drink. "I wonder when the others are going to make it?"


Max, wanting to save his money, only requested water. "Beats me. I just hope they're okay." Max decided to open his menu and check the logout. "Well, it's not back yet. Any idea how long it'll take?" He asked Mahan, sipping his water. He, understandably, didn't want to be stuck comatose in his bed all day; he had things to do tomorrow. He glanced around the inn. It certainly was busy... Hmmm...

"Hey, Mahan, does this inn have a message board? Maybe I can set up a flyer saying I do weapon commissions." He figured maybe he didn't need a stall, after all; just enough people who want their own personalized weapon. Of course, it would bite into his questing time, but there was no denying that there was good money in weapon-crafting.

Around the city Ramis could see players that wouldn't embrace the situation. Lone players sitting against a street corner, face in hands, crying. They reminded her of the situation, it was actually kind of severe. People had stuff to do. They couldn't play games all day, be stuck in a game forever.

As much fun as it had been, beating the goblin, the sight of terrified players made Ramis think about not so pleasant things too.

She made her way to the shop, and bought the Caster's Robes, Caster's Hat, and the Enchanted Boots. Putting it on and looking in the mirror, she looked visibly more like an experienced player. Since she could choose the colors herself, she went with a soothing white and baby blue color scheme. Fitting for a healer.

As she exited the shop, Ramis walked up to the building on the other side of the cobblestone road. Touching it lightly, she felt the texture of the masonry. Amazing. 

The building looked and felt like a late medieval European merchant's building. The developers of the game really had paid attention to the aesthetics.

Raising her hands skywards, stretching, she made an uncomfortable face as she saw some players looking at her in recognition. Some of them had observed the goblin fight.

No, thank you, Ramis thought and looked around, searching for the inn, the rendezvous point.

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