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Mahan moved as fast as he could out of the way right as he heard that Loki had stunned it. There really wasn't much time but some how Nightshade did the most insane thing that you could do at his level, try to hold the boss down. And it was working for the time being from how Mahan could see it. The Goblin King unfortunately had changed his focus to Nightshade, who at this point most likely earned an achievement doing something that brave. Mahan acted completely on impulse, charging with his shield up rushed to intercept an attack that was aimed at Nightshade.

"Gosh that still hurt more then I expected even with having 34% reduced damage." He shield held up but the force of the attack almost threw him half way back to the city of beginnings. That hit for 19.8 damage, almost 20% of his max HP. He almost healed himself but thought better on that matter and wait it out. If it got any worse Ramis would handle it, for all he had to focus about was making sure that no one else needed to be healed until the reinforcements arrived.

Mahan's HP/MP 80.2/110

Current Boss HP: 439.2/500


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Ramis watched horrified as Nightshade ran first thing into the boss. Miraculously, he didn't get hurt and even managed to damage the massive creature. Not by much, but a little. Ramis watched Yuna and Loki, standing close to her. They were the back line. Mahan and Nightshade were at the front lines. 

The dwarven healer extended her hands in front of her and concentrated her eyes on a fixed point by the boss' feet. 

"Rune of life!" she said aloud and cast the corresponding spell, creating a rune on the ground. Mahan immediately regained his lost HP.

Damn, Ramis realized. She was too hasty. With her current stats, that spell healed and damaged 54 points. She gritted her teeth.

Wait for it, Johanna. Patience is a virtue if I want maximum value.

It did do damage, though. Ramis straightened her back and glanced at the battlefield analytically. She quickly opened her UI and checked her cooldowns.

Quickly nodding to Loki, aknowledging her mistake, she took a step back and intensely focused on Mahan and Nightshade.

Ramis HP/MP: 120/140

Current Boss HP: 385,2/500
Of course, Max's sword wasn't going to hold out for long, especially since he was more focused on not dying than holding the sword down. He only had a passing moment to feel guilty about Mahan taking the hit for him before the Goblin King lifted the foot, along with the Max and the sword, and swung both of the latter off with a swift kick at nothing in particular. The sword did another pathetic 6.5 damage on the way out, and Max took kinetic energy damage when he hit the ground again; about 8 damage, since it wasn't actually a hit from the boss. Hurt like hell, though.

He got up, dusted himself off, and rushed back into fighting range. He took jabs at the Goblin King, most of which missed, but one did a single point of scratch damage. It didn't matter; the goal wasn't damage, anyways. The intent was to draw the Goblin King's aggro.

Nightshade HP/MP: 42/11

Current Boss HP: 377.7/500

@Quinlan63 @RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @LyssiNae
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Yuna did as she was told, she stayed at the back of the fight and tried to hit the boss as often as possible. her arrows didn't do much damage, only a pathatic 8.5 weapon damage. from afar she watched Nightshade do something rediculously stupid but brave at the same time, she held her breath as she whatched what was going on but it seemed to turn out allright so she released her breath again. she didn't feel good staying here in the back, doing basicly nothing, she could use her agiligy skill to take some pressure away from nightshade. 

she went over to Loki, while she also kept shooting at the boss, sometimes using a special shot but never so that she would almost run out of MP. "hey, how about nightshade and I switch with keeping the boss distracted?" she suggested, she wanted to get in there and actually do something since she felt so useless right now, fighting like this was almost boring. "I know I was supposed to get in there when the boss spawns his goblins but... I wanna do something" 

current HP/MP: 50/40

current boss HP: 335
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Loki almost lost her concentration when a flashed across her vision. It said something about an unlocked skill of some sort, but she didn't have the time for that. The battle was proceeding rapidly so Loki quickly dismissed the message and bought her focus back to the fight.

"I know I was supposed to get in there when the boss spawns his goblins but... I wanna do something" 

Loki turned her head to the side to see Yuna next to her. Loki checked the boss' hp rate.

"No need it seems. If I know mmo boss design, then your role will be coming up any moment now."

Loki gave out new orders to the little raid group.

"Mahan, the boss is at less than 3/4ths hp, back off and group up with Yuna, prepare for extras! Mahan, get ready for a battle of attrition! Ramis, once you can, shield Mahan and fall back to recover mp, we'll need your heals for later in the fight!"

As if on que, six level two goblins spawned in from behind the Goblin King.

"There might be six of them, but they're all level 2, you guys can make short work of them! Stay on your toes everyone, things will get harder from here!"

After saying that Loki blasted the boss with crystal shard again, adding another two second stun and dealing 24 damage.

Loki's HP/MP: 110/170

Boss' HP: 311

Mahan jumped out of the way of an attack that was head for him right when Loki gave him his orders. Gaining some distance from the boss he could see that the new goblins were more or less the same as the ones he killed when he was farming. Although because there was six he had to be careful (well maybe just a little reckless just once). 


He ran over to the goblins to keep them distracted for Yuna and decided to be a little more innovative with his fighting method. From the start he forgot that even though he designed all the classes and the skills that the because there is a heightened level of realism to any action that they do. He turned his sword upside down in his hand and rushed past the goblins. 


With a smile on his face he got the desired result. Each goblin was slashed by his sword taking 16.5 points of damage and went after him. 


"Yuna quick while they are distracted, take them out!" Good thing for him they are a lot slower then him so all hadd to do was keep moving and keep the attention on himself.


Goblin HP 23.5

Goblin HP 23.5

Goblin HP 23.5

Goblin HP 23.5

Goblin HP 23.5

Goblin HP 23.5

Boss' HP 311

Mahan's HP/MP 100/110


Meanwhile, Max made an effort to hold the Goblin King's aggro until Mahan cleaned up the summons. Unfortunately, with his miserable agility, this mostly meant staying out of attack range as long as possible. It was kind of pathetic, actually; he had to run away and be chased by the boss to keep the boss busy. He quickly began to lose stamina and his already poor speed dropped to a crawl, leaving him in the attack range of the boss. Max turned around in time to see a swing coming straight for his head.

The shield cast on him stopped the first, but he wasn't as fortunate on the follow-up. He got be the first in the party to feel the full force of the blow; a whopping 27 damage. If this were real (thank God it isn't), his ribcage would probably be in pieces. He hit the ground with a thud, clutching his sides.

Nightshade's HP/MP: 15/11

Boss's HP: 311/500

  @Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze @RaynaFon @LyssiNae
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"finally" Yuna muttered when the goblins spawned, she ran closer to them. She folowed Mahan as he hit all the goblins. when they were distracted by him, Yuna took her bow and tried to hit the goblins, because they were moving around so much, they were a bit hard to hit and only three arrows hit their goal. those goblins turned towards her but she Jumped out of their way. She hit another one of the goblins that were chasing her with an eagel shot and then used trapshot to trap them for a few second so that she could gain some distance. 

then Yuna saw that Nightshade was hit, inmediately ran towards him "are you allright?" she asked as she helped him stand up. then she turned to the boss and also hit him with a trapshot to give Nightshade some time to recover, even if it were just a few seconds. in the meantime she managed to hit the boss twice since he didn't move around so much anymore. she wanted to use a special shot but she couldn't since she was starting to run a bit low on her MP. 

current HP/MP: 50/15

goblin HP: 5

goblin HP: 15

goblin HP: 15

goblin HP: 23.5

goblin HP: 23.5

goblin HP: 23.5

boss HP: 294
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Loki ran up to Nightshade and Yuna.

"Yuna it's great you're helping out your teammate, but don't do more than what's necessary. Don't forget about formation, you've left Mahan to fight all six of the goblins himself now."

Pulling up her inventory, Loki bought out one of her three usable potions that gave +10 hp and tossed gently towards Nightshade. She still didn't know how'd they taste so this was a good chance to find out while helping him out at the same time. For progress, as the saying went. 

"It'll restore ten points of health. Fall back to Ramis if you think that wouldn't be enough, I'll keep the boss busy long enough for you to heal. Yuna, extras so we can start lowering the boss' hp again!" 

After saying that, Loki rushed the mob and activated Creeping Shadows. The AoE skill would be the best choose for damage dealing while kiting the boss. Loki kept the boss' attention while she continued to side step around the boss. She was glad that even though this was VR, goblins were still programed dumb. When the boss went to take a swing at her, after breaking free of Yuna's trap, she ducked under his arm and moved behind him. Loki jabbed the boss in the back from time to time after sidestepping him, however since she was using a staff it did no damage and only served to piss off the boss even more. But that was fine, it was exactly what Loki wanted. She needed to keep the boss on her for now, Creeping Shadows would more than make up. Still, she had to watch her footwork. The perspective was much different than from on a computer screen. Even though she had a shield she couldn't ignore the fact the the boss may have some sort of secret skill and didn't want to lose her shield from a normal attack if that was the case. Loki had to watch the Goblin's actions and plan a step ahead of it. When she saw it begin to raise it's arm, she starting to duck and lunge behind it, when it's foot started to move forward, she would jump back in anticipation of a kick.

As she kept the boss busy, Creeping Shadows met it's mark and passed through the boss dealing 36 damage. Now all Loki needed to do was keep this up and Hopefully the others will be done soon. She was starting to run out of breath since she wasn't standing still and holding her ground, but this was what she could do right now.

Loki's HP/MP: 110/150

Boss' HP: 275

Mahan had looked back to see that Yuna had done a good amount of damage to the goblins for him to finish a couple of them off. He almost hesitated when he saw her running to see if Nightshade was ok. But he could see that this was not going to be a problem as Loki seemed to have the boss covered so they would not get hurt from not paying attention to the boss.This allowed him to focus cutting the goblins down to size.


Turning Back to the goblins he tried to stay light on his feet and focus on landing the hits that would matter the most. The first one only had 5 Hp so he went down with no effort really needed. The next two had 15 each but with a quick stab into a faint leading to a slash across the chest they both went down without touching his HP.


The other three on the other hand were another matter. He could only get a hit in on one because they all still had enough HP to try and get him together. He was getting tired pretty quick after all he had done but decided it was best to wait it out and keep moving to not make it easy for them. "Guy's some assistance would be greatly appreciated!"


Goblin HP: 7

Goblin HP: 23.5

Goblin HP: 23.5

Mahan's HP/MP: 100/110

Boss' HP: 275
Max drank the potion. Absolutely disgusting, but it was a free 10 HP. Since Yuna moved to help him, he made a snap decision to take over her role and go to Mahan to back him up with the goblins. Charging in, he used the only ability he had enough MP to afford, Cleave, on one of the goblins with higher health, dealing 9.75 damage to them. He head-butted the Goblin with the lowest health and stabbed it for a combined 7.5 damage, finishing it off. He stepped back and prepared to fight the one goblin, and shouted to Mahan,"finish the other Goblin off and back me up!"

Nightshade's HP/MP: 25/1

Goblin HP: 13.75

Goblin HP: 23.5

Boss's HP: 275

@Quinlan63 @RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @LyssiNae
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Yuna thought she had done well by helping nightshade but it seemed that she had made a mistake. "sorry" she said quickly and wanted to return to helping Mahan but Nighshade already did and they seemed to be doing fine. Yuna decided to leave them both to it and focus on the boss again. she waited for her MP to be restored a little bit and then shot another trap shot at the boss, folowed by two quick arrows that both hit their goal. now she had the bosses attention. he charged at her but Yuna dashed away, but he tried it again and this time she was just not quick enough so she took a hit while she tried to avoid it. she got thrown asside but quickly scrambled up again. her HP had dropped 27 points, a little over her half of her HP. 

Yuna ran back and waited to her HP to go up again, she didn't want to make use of anyones help or healing potions or spells, she wanted the others to focus on their task and not trouble them more as she needed to. and even when she had a little more distance, she could still hit the boss. she pulled back her bow and fired three arrows, one missed but the other two hit, she quickly ran to the other side so that the boss wouldn't get a chance to hit her again.

current HP/MP: 23/65

boss HP: 241
Ramis quickly renewed everyone's shields as soon as the cooldown finished. She looked at Nightshade, worried, but Loki was a quick thinker and gave him a health potion. Checking her MP, slowly regenerating, she nodded quickly. Loki was right, she should save most for the last part of the fight.

Yuna ran up beside her, and Ramis topped up her health with her basic heal spell. "Get back in there, girl," she said with a tone that was equally tense and worried. 

We're over halfway there!

Ramis couldn't help but smile, even in the stressful situation.

Ramis quickly turned and gasped. A huge crowd had gathered behind them. Most of them looked like they were low-level players, like herself and her group. Collectively, they had an aura of nervous determination.  They kept their distance, respectfully, but she could see it in their eyes.

If you fail, we will finish him off. And get all the rewards.

Well, it had to be like this. Every player in the vicinity would've heard the announcement. 

We can't lose. No way.

She couldn't afford looking away from the battlefield. She just needed to tune the audience out.

"Fight, Mahan!" she yelled.

"Nightshade! Keep it up!" She yelled with all her might.

"Loki, finish him!" She bit her lip.

"Yuna, you can do this!"

Maybe she was making a fool out of herself. And she didn't know why she so desperately wanted to win. But she readied her spells.

"If any of you fall, I won't forgive you!"

Ramis HP/MP: 120/120
"It's fine, just don't stay out of formation too long or it'll break."

Loki replied to Yuna's apology, but her head quickly turned when she got hit. It didn't look good. 

"Careful Yuna! You alright? Don't get too close."

Ramis cam by with a healing save tho. Taking back arrgo from the boss, Loki gave Ramis and Yuna time to recover.

 It was then Loki noticed the crowd starting to gather around. They needed to speed this up; everyone had to push themselves to the limit. It was now or never. Loki switched to party chat, almost like she had telepathy, her voice spoke into the other's heads.

"Be careful of the others, we're outside of the town. If we have to, I don't care if we run this boss all the way to the town gates to reset it, I won't let anyone steal what we've worked so hard for, but for now.."

Loki went back to speaking normally. "Mahan, Nightshade! Switch!" 

Ducking under the boss again, Loki ran towards the party's melee fighters. Since they had the two goblins close together, Loki decided this would be the best course of action. Casting Creeping Shadows, Loki killed both level two goblins in one hit and ran being the two of them.

"Mahan, our shields are back so you take front, Nightshade you deal extra damage from the side or back! Yuna and Nightshade, be ready, he's under half HP so the hobgoblin can come at any moment! When it does, I'll hold it down with my CC skill, do as much damage as possible, when it breaks free I'll use Crystal Shard to hit it with a two second stun, try to finish it off then!" 

The Goblin King Charged towards Mahan, Nightshade and Loki after realizing where the girl had ran off too.

"Here it comes everyone, let's finish it off with this push!"

Loki's HP/MP: 110/130

Boss' HP: 241

"Alright moving back into position," Mahan with renewed strength charged back in ahead of everyone to draw the Goblin King to himself. Starstruck 

 Now with  the focus put back on him a new light shell around him he laid in one more extra hit taking off a chuck of the bosses life.


It was much but now Mahan was the only one getting targeted by the Goblin King. He decided to use the same strategy he use on the normal goblins and kept moving. Even with the shield he didn't want to waist it like he did at the beginning.


From the corner of his eye he could see why the others were so pressed to get this over with. With all the extra players showing up made sense that if we failed they would come in and steal the kill that was rightfully ours. That lit a fire in him that burst a flame that had never been there before deep inside him.


"Like heck I'm gonna let anyone else get there chance at what we earned."


"Guy's now give it all you got before it calls in the Hobgoblin!" Its HP was getting low and at any moment They were going to have a visitor.


Mahan's HP/MP 100/100

Boss' HP 224.5

@RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @Sizniche @LyssiNae
Max was about to make a move towards the Goblin King, since there was little else he could do. Then, he paused. He looked over at the groups of lowbies gathering around them, waiting for a kill steal. His face immediately cracked a devilish grin. Hobgoblin, huh?

"Let the Hobgoblin spawn! I'll take the aggro!" He shouted to the group, "Save your MP for the last hundred points of damage!" He charged at the Goblin King to do what little damage he could, waiting for the Goblin King's summon.

@Quinlan63 @RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @LyssiNae

Nightshade HP/MP: 25/1

Boss HP: 218
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Ramis' encouragement and Loki telling her what to do was exactly what she had needed "get your head in the game, Yuna, you can do this!" she muttered to herself as she ran back in the battle scene. but before that she looked over her shoulder and saw all the other players waiting for them to fail, this gave her the last bit of encouragement "sorry everyone, not today" she chuckled as she turned back to the others. 

she nodded that she had understood what they all said, charge at the boss and then focus on the hemogoblin when it spawns. she noticed that mahan was getting chased by the boss so yuna used a trapshot to keep him in place for a few seconds so Mahan could create a little more distance, when the boss was trapped she quickly shot two arrows at him that both hit their goal because the boss couldn't move anymore. she didn't use a special shot because, as Nighshade said, she had to save her MP for last. 

current HP/MP: 50/75

boss HP: 201
Loki was grinning as they slowly lowered the boss' hp. Games had always been an escape for Loki, even long before she started becoming the mischievous person she was, and this felt...so real. It was as if the was actually in a real fight. No, it might as well be at this point. It was like a dream come true. Here there was only her will to become the best, no one to tell her who she should be or what she should or shouldn't like or what she did or didn't have time for. For now, this this game was her life, and she'd enjoy every second of it.

"It's almost down guys! This is the last push!"

Loki casted to normal energy blasts while the boss was locked in place both dealing 8 damage each. With that, the hobgoblin appeared behind the boss.

"Yuna, Nightshade, it's time!"

Loki then decided to active her new skill. No better time for a stat boost than now right? 

"This is it everyone! Let's take it down and be the first boss raiders in the game!"

Party Bonus Charisma: +4 to all skills for 30 secs


"This is it, let's go!"

With a flash, Loki cast Crystal Shard at the boss once more.

"157. We're almost there!"

Loki's HP/MP: 110/110

Boss' HP: 157
A drop of sweat ran down Ramis' forehead. She touched it, amazed at the realism. Made her wonder what exacly was going on here.

But that was a matter for another time. She squinted her eyes and cast another Rune of Life at the boss' feet, healing up Nightshade and Yuna and damaging the boss.

Ramis inhaled and kept her hands extended from herself, ready to cast spells when necesary. 

They were almost there, and they wouldn't throw away this shot.

"Go!" Ramis continued to yell. She had a lot more dead time in the fight than the frontliners. May as well continue to cheer them on.

She quickly glanced back at the crowd, sending them a determined look.

Ramis HP/MP: 100/120

Boss HP: 103

Mahan could feel  a surge of extra power flowing threw him from somewhere. Taking a glance up he could see that he indeed did have a bonus to have to all his stats. Taking advantage of the of Yuna holding it down he turns around and landed it with a hit that dealt 21 points of damage. To be honest even in that moment he didn't suspect that just and increase like that would make him deal that kind of damage. This came with the quick realization that the th Goblin King had already summoned the Hobgoblin. He held himself back to remember that they could handle him without his help.


Starstruck, another shot to the boss and he once again was focus on Mahan. For the last of the time he had the stat boost he decided to use the extra agility to dodge his attacks. Which apparently was very easy at this point sense he felt like he was walking on air compared to how he was before. 


"Come on guys we are almost the there, finish off the Hobgoblin so we can claim our reward." The first time in a long time from his whole gaming history he had never wanted to beat a boss more than he wanted then. 


"Abolish, I've got him stunned for the next 6 seconds guys we can do this." If they kept up this momentum he truly believed that there was no way that they could fail.


Boss' HP: 82

Mahan's HP/MP: 100/85
The stat boost and Ramis's heal did wonders on Nightshade; he finally felt like he could fight. For the very first time in-game, he drew his blade and broke out into a sprint towards the Hobgoblin. He didn't feel drained or overexerted; he just let his legs carry him. He slashed at the Hobgoblin for 8.5 damage, and drew its aggro. Then, with the Hobgoblin in tail, he rain straight at the clusters of lowbies gathering around the fight. He charged at the largest cluster he could find, barreling into them. Proud in terrorizing the other players, he rose above the chaos to shout, "BANZAI!!!"

Soon, the lowbies were more than occupied with the Hobgoblin. He rushed back into the fray with the Goblin King, slashing at the Goblin King for another 8.5 damage.

Boss HP: 73.5

@Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze @RaynaFon @LyssiNae
Loki smiled and gave Nightshade a thumbs up. Guess he wasn't as useless as she had first thought he was. Not only had he gotten rid of both their hobgoblin and kill stealers problem, but spread some chaos while doing it. He had gained some respect in Loki's eyes for it. Placing her focus back on the boss, Loki used surge on herself and using the last seconds of her War Shout buff, hit the boss with Creeping Shadows. With 46.2 damage done to it, the boss had lost nearly all of it's HP.

"This is it guys, one more strike and we've won! Let's finish it off!"

Loki moved to a spot were she could view both the Boss and the Hobgoblin in case the lowbies try to pull off the same move Nightshade did to him. She grinned as she watched one of the low levels get cut down by the goblins attack. Holding her staff tighter, Loki the announcement telling her party they defeated the Goblin King. The victory was so close now she could feel it and her heart beat faster. Soon all their hard work was gonna pay off!

Loki's HP/MP: 110/90

Boss' HP: 27.3
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Yuna had prepared herself to help Nighshade with the hemogoblin but appearently her help wasn't needed. "mon dieu" Yuna muttered as she whatched him, this wasn't the nightshade she knew at all! not that it was a problem, he was doing great! "great move, nightshade" Yuna said as she turned back to focus on the boss, after Loki's last attac he was almost down, they could do this!

Yuna got herself in postition and quickly fired two arrows in a row, one missed but one hit goal. She wished she could do more damage, like the others, even with her stat boost she only did a miserable 11.5 damage. oh well, she shouldn't be so harsh to herself, she wasn't after the glory anyway, she just wanted to have a little bit of fun, which was exactly what she was having, she hadn't felt so alive in forever! 

with another arror hitting the boss, it's HP was allmost gone, Yuna let herself fall back a bit, she didn't want to be the one who finished him off, she wanted that honour to go to someone else. she lowered her bow slightly and waited for the fight to be over, which could be any moment now. 

current HP/MP: 90/120

boss HP: 4.3

Mahan was pleased to see that Nightshade had taken advantage of the crowd to lighten the load from them. Yeah he didn't always condone behavior that would hurt other players but right at that moment he would let it slide. He kept up the little dance he came up with to make sure the boss couldn't land a blow. It was strange its movements were now starting to create a pattern that could be easily followed. It might have been from the result of its HP dropping into the red. 


Yuna's last shot had lowered the Goblin King's HP enough that Mahan knew it was time to spring into action. "I got this guy's!" He leaped forward almost taking a punch from the the boss. It was a close call but he landed just next to the boss where there was the perfect opening. One good thrust to that side of the Boss and he disintegrated into dust and sparks. He was so excited for dealing the final blow that he almost didn't see the announcement.


Congratulations: Mahan, Loki, Nightshade, Yuna, and Ramis

Each player has been rewarded 200 EXP and 500 Gold

Bonus Exp: 240 Exp each

Bonus: 500 Fame Points

Achievement: Goblin King Slayer- Effect/ You now deal 10% extra damage to all goblins


Player: Mahan

Achievement: Last Strike- Increases damage to all bosses by 5%


Congratulations: Mahan, Loki, Nightshade, Yuna, and Ramis

Due to your Fame all of Malabar is talking about you. Rumors have spread about your great deeds/ Rare quest may become available


First Kill Bonus: Each player has an additional 5% chance of acquiring an item of at least rare quality


There was so much that he couldn't believe that they went from just a group of players to possible the most elite players of the time. "Am I the only one seeing this?" He had totally forgotten that if you are the first to do anything that you would get rewards that would make any player wish that they were you. The sound of him leveling up the only thing to bring him back to normal.


Loki smiled as she saw the announcement. Standing straight up she gave everyone a thumbs up.

"Good job everyone, we did it. First boss killers of Titan's Age. Has a good ring to it, huh?"

She had also leveled up as well. She was exhausted from the battle, but at least now she had a full bar of health and mana. That would make getting to level 6 easier. She wanted to kill the hobgoblin too, but seeing how many people were on it, the exp wouldn't be worth it. The low levels could deal with it, or she could kill it after it had dealt with everyone. For now...

"Ahh.." Loki laid down in the grass.

"Man, grass has never felt this good before. Haha...Have to admit, wasn't as easy as I thought it would be."

She never noticed it before, but the cool breeze felt nice. She could almost fall asleep. VR was a little scary if you thought about it hard enough, however, she didn't feel like thinking about anything very hard right now.

"Hey, Yuna, you should take up tailoring and make me a pillow, heh."

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