Login Here

"No sorry I would only be able to tell you about the stuff I was in charge of making in the game. I never had to work with the code that handles the menu or the logout function." Mahan really wished he could fix that so the players could come and go as they pleased. There were still players around who were not ok with the situation that they have found themselves in. He was only ok because this was his dream, but that was not the same for everyone else. 


Following NIghtshades example he ordered the water while listening to what he was just asked. "Well there should be a forum of some  kind in here for players to post anything. If not I know there is one in your UI that is used so players in the whole game can see. That way everyone can stay informed about the topics they care about." That made him think about what the other player were talking about now. He checked his UI and found the button for the Titan's Age in-game forum.


"Ok wow, I expected to see a lot more people panicking in here." The forum was actually alive with activity from players everywhere. "Hey listen to this there is a group of players that are trying to see how far they can make it in the dark forest. Of course from what I can see they haven't fought any mobs so it is good to assume they aren't high level. If so there would be more about any fights they had. All there is them saying that it's really well, dark and scary with high level enemies everywhere."


"Man, Nightshade you might want to read this." He scrolled down a little further and could see that people were talking about a group that took out the goblin king on their first try. "Tons of people are talking about us. Wondering who we are and if they could have any of us join any of their respective guilds." It was a little funny for him to see all this buzz about one little boss battle on the first day. Well from the looks of it they were being made to look like legends when it was just luck that they all happen to be there at the right time.

Yuna nodded, it sounded like a fair reason, and she was right about knowledge being a kind of power, it were usually the players who knew the most that got the furthest in the game. Then Yuna opened her inventory and equipped some piece of paper and a quill "well, it's not really difficult, it's just drawing on where you have been kinda, not really though, this game made it much easyer, you can just kinda move over the paper with the quill and the places where you have been will appear on the paper." she showed what she ment as she scribbled over a certain area and it appeared on the map, but it was scribly and only a small area "when you get better I believe that it gets more accurate and you can do bigger areas in less time" she explained as she put away her newly made map. 

they walked further through the forest, Yuna kept looking around for foxes, sometimes she saw one in the distance or more nearby but she wanted a very specific one, the most beautifull one she could find, most foxes were a bit brown-ish but earlyer she had some with a beautifull, orangy-red coat, she wanted one like those. 

With interest Yuna watched Loki who found the berries, she picked some herself aswell since they could come in handy for when she was cooking, or just as a little snack maybe. "I'm pretty sure you can use those to cook" she answered. she slighty turned her head sideways when loki told her the potions didn't taste good yet. "eh.... I guess I could help you with that, but my cookig skill isn't that high yet so I doubt I'll be of much use" she admitted, she really wanted to help but also didn't want to dissapoint Loki. 

as they walked a little longer, Yuna spotted a beautiufll orange fur inbetween the trees, she ghasped from exitement and pointed at it "look at that one! isn't it cute?" she said exited. 

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Loki watched as Yuna, explained the map making skill.

 "Well, it's fine...I can't say much about my own cooking skill after all." 

Loki was about to something else when Yuna grasped. Going into attack mode, Loki drew her staff and looked around for danger...until she say the reason for Yuna's excitement. A fox with a rare colored pelt. 

"A-ahh. Yeah. I guess you can say that. So that's the one huh?"

Smiling wryly, Loki pointed her staff at the fox and activated Deadman's hands, pinning the fox down.

"It's all your's Yuna."

Looking at the trapped fox, Loki could say that see how one would think it was cute. Though she preferred a more majestic partner, such as the griffin she saw in the battle mount shop. Plus a creature that could fly would also be a huge advantage as well.
Yuna nodded when Loki pinned down the fox. carefully she walked towards it, not really knowing what to do next. she knew that she had to do something with that skill but how exactly was a mystery. 

she decided that it was best to just try it, she could do it three times before her MP runned out so that shouldn't be a problem. she whispered the name of the skill to activate it and felt a weird feeling, but maybe that was just her imagination that wanted something to happen, or maybe that was the 'magic' of the skill working on her and the little fox that struggled to get free. 

not much seemed to happen so she decided to just do what she thought was most logical and do it like she would in the real world. she kneeled on the ground next to the fox and stuck out her hand. with soft words she talked to the fox in order to calm it down a little bit. "hey there, buddy, calm down... I won't hurt you" she spoke kindly. 

the fox looked up at her, it had really bright and inteligent eyes, Yuna knew that she liked this fox a lot. the skill didn't seem to be working yet so she decided that it wouldn't hurt to try it again while she also kept talking to the fox. 

to her surprise, this time the fox got calmer, Yuna's heart started to beat faster, would it have worked this time? she put her hand on the foxes head and pet it, it stayed calm under her touch. "I believe it worked" she said amazed, too exited to actually believe it did.

Loki gave Yuna a nod as she was picking herbs from the trees and grass.

"Good job. Looks like you got yourself your first pet. I think you can give it a name too. Let's head back to town while you think of one."

Walking back from were they came from, Loki looked around the cave entrance. It seemed everyone had finally cleared out, and the boss hadn't respawned yet either. Loki was about to keep walking when she remembered her new stats from leveling up. Opening up her UI she placed two stats into both strength and Intelligence, and the final one into Agility. Calling out to Yuna, she told the ranger not to forget her own bonus stats.

Looking up from her UI, Loki noticed a mining spot near the cave's entrance. Hmm, it was a shame that she didn't pick up the mining skill. She could have practiced a bit here.

"Well..just maybe.." 

Getting an idea, Loki grabbed her staff and fired a Crystal Shard at it. As she had guessed, rocks and ore exploded out from the impact. 

x1 rocks gained

x1 iron ore gained

x1 gold ore gained

x1 mithril ore gained

"Wow, that actually worked. Man, they weren't kid about it being as real as it can get hu"

Loki was cut of mid-sentence by the ore deposit collapsing and being covered by rocks from the force of the blast Loki's skill created.

"Heh...guess no one can use that now...What do you say to getting out of here before anyone sees?"

Quickly moving, Loki head back to the city gates. Surly she didn't want to keep the others waiting, and the further she was from the collapsed ore deposit...the better.

@Summer Breeze
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Yuna remained sitting in the grass, she petted the fox, it was cute and Yuna felt great about having a little companion in this new world. "You and I are gonna be great friend, aren't we?" she said as she scratched the fox under its chin. 

Then she got up to folow Loki. As she walked a few steps she turned around to make sure the fox folowed her, it didn't. "Come come" she said and tried to call the fox. Slowly the fox took a few steps in her direction. With some more encouragement, it finally walked to Yuna and folowed her "good boy!" she praised him "folow!" she hoped she could teach the fox some tricks, that could be cool.

Yuna, the fox and Loki walked back towards the place where the cave was. Yuna narrowed her eyes when Loki got her staff out, then suddenly an explosion. Yuna wasn't prepared and let out a little yell in surprise. The fox got scared too and ran away to hide a little bit while away. Yuna folowed him and picked him up and carried him back to the entrance of the cave. 

"Whoa..." she said as she realised what Loki did, then she smiled "that's pretty cool actually, good thinking" 

Then the thing colapsed. Yuna chuckled "yea, let's go back to the town, I bet the others are waiting on us" she said. "Plus, I need to introduce the others to Fabian" she nodded to the fox, who she had decided to call Fabian. 
Making it back to the city, Loki made her way to the Inn. Opening the door, Loki scanned the tavern floor and quickly picked out the others.  Waving, she pointed them out to Yuna and walked over to where they were and sat down at their table. She was over 21, so she could order ale, but chose to have some fruit juice.

"So how have you guys been? Yuna got her fox and I learned an interesting way to mine ore."

Loki took out the piece of mithril ore she managed to get from the deposit.

"Speaking of which. Any of you guys able to work with this? I think it can be used to make a pretty good weapon at our level."

@Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze @Sizniche
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Yuna had put Fabian back on the ground "Folow" she ordered him and he listened and folowed her and Loki back to the city. 

Making their way back to the inn, Loki spoke before Yuna got the chance but she sat down and picked up Fabian and put him on her lap. She ordered water because she didn't want to spend too much money, even though she had enough now, she wanted to watch her money and safe it as much as possible. She was used to having barely any money to her disposal and now she had she didn't want to waste it. But it felt good to have some, even though it was only virtual money and not real.

Yuna chuckled when Loki said she found an interestingm way to mine, she was right about it, it was quite interesting indeed. But, she decided not to say anything about it, best to keep in inbetween the two of them, and Fabian of course, but he couldn't say much anyway.

Yuna watched as Loki showed her ore and wondered if she should get another weapon, a bow was usefull but not for melee combat. She got herself lost in thoughts as she thought about which options she had and she stoked Fabians beautifull orange-red fur.
"Damn," Max said. I guess that goes to show you how large this project was to make, Max thought. "Well, this sucks. But, it's only been a few hours, so I don't feel much real need to panic. I just hope it's resolved before class starts tomorrow." He sipped his water. He opened his own UI forum. "I say we go for the dark forest. It will probably be out of our depth, but if we could get into the swing of things the EXP gain could be tremendous."

He then looked at the forums talking about the Goblin battle. "Yeah, my brother always talked about this during his MMO kick through high school. Server firsts are always a big deal. Hey, by the way, how did you manage to make the single server world so effective and stable?" He assumed it was a single server game, because he didn't remember receiving a prompt about server choice, and they had a French person in their group. "As for guilds, I'd say no go. It would probably be more in our interests to form our own guild; though, we'd probably get swamped with join requests. I'd say we're better off independent."

He decided to change the subject. "Hey, is there anywhere in this world I can buy aluminum ore or ingots?" He asked. He figured that, if the game did have it, it would probably be insanely expensive as a parallel to real world history; aluminum is surprisingly hard to find and mine without modern machines. If he remembered correctly, it was even more expensive than gold. But, I digress. He was curious, as he had an idea in mind for a blade that he wanted to make once he had enough skill to do it right. "Also, is it possible for players to craft Mystic quality items at later levels?"

Just then, Max saw Loki walk into the room and hold up the Mithril ore to show the two of them. "Maybe if you had two more. There's no way would could make anything much more than a dagger with just one," he said,"and I've been fine. I made Mahan a pretty decent sword, and we got some drinks and looked through the forums and... wait... how did you know we were in the inn?" He looked over at Yuna. "And, is Yuna alright? She seems kind of out of it, petting that fox."

@Quinlan63 @RaynaFon @LyssiNae @Summer Breeze
Loki tilted her head to Nightshade's question, then remembered.

"Oh right, you where passed out. We chose the Inn to gather back after everyone was done with their own things."

Loki turned her head to look at Yuna. 

"Eh, she seems fine. Probably just thinking about something. At least she's enjoying her new pet. As for the ore...I can't really get any more...Kinda destroyed the mine. Can use use it as a core? I hear that makes the weapon stronger or something. I also got a piece of gold and iron ore."

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"A core? Probably not; it's a shaky prospect to forge a sword around a core in its own, not to mention the metals might bleed together during the forging process and compromise the integrity of both. I'd be more inclined to use it for either a blade, or the non-bladed side of a single-edged sword." He sipped his water. As it began to sink in what Loki actually said, Max immediately spit out his gulp of water onto the floor in shock. "YOU DESTROYED AN ORE DEPOSIT WITH MITHRIL!?!?!?"

Max pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. He took a moment to calm down, though his craftsman-brain was quietly losing it over the loss of such good material. "Why, exactly, did you ruin a perfectly good ore deposit?"

@RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @Quinlan63 @LyssiNae
Yuna looked up when he heard her name "oh, I'm fine, just thinking about a melee weapon for myself" she said quickly "what do you guys think would best?" she asked the others since she wasn't very good with weapons and wanted to know what the others thought. She was thinking of a set of daggers or knives or something like that but maybe the others had a better idea. 

Yuna chuckled when Nightshade seemed to be so shocked about the destruction of the mine. His reaction was priceless. "It's not really destroyed, it just kinda colapsed, you can still use if it you remove the stones that covered it, right?" she squickly said. 

"Also, what do you guys think of Fabian? He's pretty cute right?" she said with a smile. She was already pretty much in love with the little thing but she also wanted to know what the others thought.

@RaynaFon @Quinlan63 @Sizniche
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Loki rubbed her ears after Nightshade's screaming session.

"Well first calm down. People are staring."

Her attention wasn't the only one he had gained after shouting. Alot of the other patrons were looking over their way trying to figure out what had happened.

"Secondly, it wasn't on purpose. After I found it, I realized I didn'thave the mining skill, so I thought: hey maybe I can do some realistic mining and use magic. Well it worked as you can see, but it worked too well. The impact cuased rocks to cover it up." Loki shrugged. "So it's completely inaccessible." 

Loki thought for a bit.

"Well, if one was able to remove the rocks, it might be usable again, but it's completely buried. Well, I get what you mean about the metal."

Loki thought about it for awhile.

"Well, since I'll be using a two handed weapon as a death knight...guess I'll need a lot more ore. When one thinks of a death knight, clearly the weapon that comes to mind is an awesome scythe. So it'll need alot to make it useable in battle, but I won't need as much a battleaxe. Hmm..now to find a way to not blow up the ore."

Loki turned to Yuna.

"I think a dagger would be good for you. Nice for things that get to close, and light enough to throw if need be. It's also a great multi-use tool."

@Sizniche @Summer Breeze
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"I hate you so much," Max said to Loki, "Oh, so so much." He took another drink of his water; his mouth was dry from shouting. He then looked over at Yuna. "He's adorable, but... where are you going to keep him when we're out adventuring? We have no place to stay." He wasn't sure what happened to tamed pets if they died, but he suspected they might not get the same respawn luxury as people. "But, if we're talking weapons, a hatchet isn't a bad alternative, either. But, Loki does have a point with the dagger," he said.

"By the way," Max began talking to Loki again, "If you're looking to make a scythe, one ore might actually be enough. If you want, I could take a crack at it."

@RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @Quinlan63
"Waah." Loki made and obviously fake pouting face when Nightshade declared his hatred of her.

"What did I do?"

Taking a drink of her juice, which tasted suspiciously of cranberries, Loki commented on Yuna's new friend.

"He does look cute, but what are you gonna feed him? He probably eat rab.. oh?"

Loki stopped halfway in her sentence when Nightshade offered to make a scythe. 

"Really? A two handed weapon with just one ore? You need any other materials? I don't mind paying for them if you can make it."

Scythes were the coolest weapon to Loki. Getting one so early in the game was like a kid getti g a Christmas present for her.

@Summer Breeze @Sizniche
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"Well, the only metal part of most scythes is the blade. Metal handles are generally way too heavy, and are impractical anyway, since striking things with a scythe creates a shock that needs to be absorbed by something at least mildly flexible. So, the handle would probably be wood. Let me see the metal," he said, inspecting the ore. "Hmmm... a scythe blade is usually narrow, but very, very long..." He put down the ore. "Sorry for the false alarm, you need at least one more. But, if you clear that ore deposit and bring me a good amount of extra mithril for my own projects, I'll do the scythe for free."

@RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @Quinlan63

Loki put away the mithril ore and finished off her drink. 

"Well, guess I do that tomorrow then. Though, are you sure you want me to be the one to get it?"

Loki smirked a bit, then sat up and ordered a room for herself. 

"I'm going to work a bit on my alchemy and cooking skills, then call it a night. I think that boss pushed us all to a nice enough level where we can clear out the first level of the cave with confidence and we've got enough experience with teamwork to handle if they try to group up on us." 

Dismissing herself from the party, Loki got ready to head to the crafting stations in town.

Mahan was about to answer Nightshade when Loki and Yuna had made it to them. And they did not do anything but surprise him with a fox and a piece of mithril. The fox made some sense as Yuna was a ranger at level 3 so the sight of a cute little fox should not be that much of a surprise. But the mithril was a whole other story because from what he remembered Loki didn't have the mining skill or a pick axe.


Hearing how she got it he almost spit out his water like Nightshade because even though what she did was possible it just was not the way it should be done. And then the fact that there was a cave in was not a good thing to here. There was gonna be work for whoever was gonna be the next player to get around to that.


Then they had gone into a discussion about weapons on what could be made with what and what types they should have. It was so much that all Mahan could think about doing was checking his stats for the moment and let them be. He put three to agility and three to spirit so he could keep them up with the rest of his stats.


Finally Loki was about to leave and Mahan remembered that she wanted to know more about the skills in the game so he decided to take his leave as well. "Yeah sorry guys I'll be back later I have to see about getting a shield." He got up and and caught up with Loki before she was out the door. "Hey you still wanna talk about those skills?"


Loki went through a mental note on what she wanted to do. First she needed to try crafting drinkable potions, then work on making some food. She also decided if to go to the mining tutor and picking up the mining skill so she could learn more about mining deposits and hopefully not blow them up tomorrow. She was drawn from her thought by the sound of Mahan's voice. He seemed to want to talk to her about skills or something.

"Hmm? Ah no not really. However, it would seem that I just created a pretty neat skill though. Haha, magic mining. Now to figure out how to use it in a less destructive way."

Entering the alchemy building, Loki bought a couple of crafting supplies and herbs worth a total of 50 gold. She made another two health potions on her first try.

"Hmm. Looks like a got the recipe down, but, it probably still isn't drinkable yet." Loki muttered to herself "Well...what if I do this."

Taking one of her Sininen Berries, she made another health potion and added the berry in with the mix. There was no difference to the effect as far as she could see, but the game did seem to count it as another item and wouldn't stack it with her other health potions in her inventory. 

Turning to Mahan, Loki gave him both a potion made with and without a berry. 

"Here try these. Tell me what you think of them."

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Mahan was a little surprised that that Loki was no longer interested in knowing anything about the skills he made but it didn't really bother him. If she wants to know anything he would have no problem tell her. It was a bit funny about what she said about her new skill. Not in a rush to get that shield he followed her to see what she was up to doing.


Entering the Alchemy building he thought of how many hours he had to spend thinking of all the materials and combinations that any player could use to make potions and poisons. He watched as Loki bought some supplies and made some potions and seemed to not be happy about her result.


She retried by adding that looked like a berry from what he could see. He wasn't really trying to get into her personal space. Then she turned to ask him to try the potions.


"Ok," he said taking the two different potions. He took the first one that she made and could tell from the fact that he was getting a healing sensation that it was working. Unfortunately it did not have the best kind of taste to it. "Gosh I don't remember this tasting this bad." 


Drinking the next one hoping that there would be a different taste he drank it down. It had the same feeling to it but it had more of a taste like raspberries. "That one taste way better. If you could make a potion like that you would be drowning in gold in no time."


Loki gave a nod to Mahan. 

"Great, now I just need a large supply of them."

Loki crafted 4 more potions use the berries. Two health potions and two mana potions. Then she moved on to the cooking station and tried making some bread. Needless to say, the first attempt was uneatable. The second try made something that was at least capable of being consumed, but did not look like a loaf of bread in the least. The third try finally showed good results. 

Bread Loaf: +2 to max HP; heals hp by +1 for 10secs


Next, taking her final Sininen Berry, she made another loaf of bread with it. It almost looked like bread with blueberries mixed into it thanks to the indigo color of the berry.

Sininen Berry Bread Loaf: +2 to max HP; heals mp by +1 for 10secs


"So the berries have a mp replenishing trait then?"

Well, she had gotten what she wanted to accomplish here. All that was left was to grab the mining skill. After doing so, Loki turned to Mahan. 

"Well, Imma head back to the Inn now. See you tomorrow I guess. If the Login bug isn't fixed by then that is."

Making her way back to the Inn, Loki gave the others a small wave and headed to her room. Closing the door and locking in behind her, Loki undressed and collapsed ontop of the bed. She was extremely tired, and the softness of the bed's covers felt amazing even if it was virtual. Cosing her eyes, she almost immediately went to sleep.
Yuna nodded when the others suggested a dagger aswell "allrighty then, a dagger it will be" she turned to Nighshade "so... you made a cool sword for Mahan? do you think you could make me a dagger?" she asked. 

then she watched Loki and Mahan go away, she waved them goodbye but didn't go herself too. she would work on her skills tomorrow, or maybe not, she didn't know what she was gonna do tomorrow. most of all she wanted to log out tomorrow. when that thought crossed her mind she felt a little bit less happy, how long had she been gone now? way too long, that's for sure. the twins were probably already in bed, they would ask where she was, why she wasn't comming to tell them a bedtime story. she sighed and took a sip from her drink. 

she looked at Nightshade who was also still sitting at the table "hey, how are you feeling? do you know what exactly happened when you passed out? was it just from exhaustion or something?" she asked, wanting to stop thinking about the real world. she wrapped her arms around the fox and gave it a hug, Fabian seemed to be fine with everything she did and just sat on her lap, looking around a bit. 

Ramis eyed the inn-building. The sky was getting darker, purple and orange from the sunset. 

The inn looked very inviting with its warm glow from the windows. The many alleyways in the Town of Beginning began to look rather haunting.

She supressed a shiver and pushed open the door to the inn.

It was way fuller than she'd expected. Many players sat cramped around robust wooden tables, drinking beer or their drink of choice, some eating food. The food looked delicious, Ramis didn't realize she felt hungry. Did food in the virtual world have a taste? 

She ordered a pint of beer and a plate of sausages and potatoes, before scanning the crowd. Two familiar faces, Yuna the ranger and Nightshade the... warrior. 

She approached them, and overheard Yuna ask Nightshade of his current condition.

"Have you tried the food or drinks?" she asked as she plopped down on the bench beside Nightshade, taking a long sip of the beer.

"Huh, what do you know! This beer is fantastic!"

As she started digging into the plate, she glanced at Nightshade. She'd also like to know the reason he's passed out.

Mahan waved goodbye to Loki certain that if they could not leave the game that he would see her the next day. Thinking about what he should next as it was getting late he decided that while he had the chance to make a stop at the weapons shop. He already had the sword Nightshade made for him but he really wanted to have a better shield. The shop only had one other shop for to buy so he got the Knight's Shield and sold his straight sword and shield bringing down the price to 30 gold.It was a nice addition as it had an extra two more constitution and one strength so that would come in handy.


He headed back to the inn and could see that Nightshade and Yuna had been joined with Ramis while he had left. He really was tired and there wasn't anything that he didn't have to urgently talk to them about so he got himself a room in the inn. It was just like any room you could get in an inn. There was a bed, a side table, and a chest that you can store items in for later.


He didn't have much with him so he just took off is armor and stored it in his inventory. He sat down on the bed trying to relax and focus on the days ahead of him. "Well if I don't get out soon I should get better accommodations." He laid back with his head to his pillow and went to sleep thinking of what may come later.
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Max looked over at Yuna when he was asked about making a dagger. "Oh, uh, sure, I can make a steel one for you tonight," he said. He waved a small goodbye to the others when they left the table.

Tonight. It was weird; he was only here for a few hours and he was already assuming they would be stuck here until at least tomorrow. They'd been left out of the loop on the progress, so he had no idea what the dev team is doing or how long it would take. His mind could only assume the worst.

Ramis walked up to the table, and Max welcomed her. Then, Yuna asked about him passing out. "Well, I just kinda... ran out of energy," he said,"Maybe the excitement got to me and I collapsed." He wasn't sure himself what happened, and it almost happened to him again while he was making Silverlight. He doubted it was something in-game; maybe it got his heart racing in the real world and exhausted him out there? He wasn't sure.

He then replied to Ramis's remarks about the food. "I'm saving my money; if I need to eat, I'll go hunting."

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze LyssiNae LyssiNae

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