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Katta nodded and she smiled happily at him and she smiled happily " Yay thank you for doing that....here" she said handing him her daggers and she smiled "So what are you gonna be able to do with them " she asked smiling wondering if he would be able to make her slightly more powerful than before. " Will i become more powerful?" she asked with a smile and she sighed happily.

Katta looked over at Mist and she waved "She's gonna be a good use on our team " she asked and she held her hand out " Nice to meet you" she said sitting down again beside everyone.
Loki groaned a bit with all the noise around her. She figured that she wouldn't be getting anymore sleep for now, as comfortable Yuna's shoulder was, so she should just get up now. Though, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take more naps on her new pillow. Smiling inside, Loki opened her eyes and decided it was time to start doing her job as the unofficial leader of small group until everyone decides to part way and/or join their own guilds, if that ever happens. Taking her head of Yuna's shoulder, Loki spoke up, in a less tired, more serious manner.

"Nightshade, as much as I'd also like to clear out the cave before anyone else, I doubt we're prepared for it yet. We've got no supplies so to speak of, two new members with a level unsuited for the dungeon. They might be skilled, but the level difference to too high right now. They'll end up slow down progress instead. Also our healer either went somewhere else while Nightshade was busy during the night, or is the kind to not wake up for anything, which makes it so that we have to be even more careful. So here's what I suggest we might do instead."

Loki took a look at the two members than at Mahan.

"We split into two groups. The first group will be collecting meat from the local animals and monsters. Since most of us are of the mind to make our own things rather than wasting money buying them. This group made up of Mahan, Katta and Mist will be fighting meat dropping creatures in the forest. This will also help the two level ones grow.

Me and Yuna will go out and gather materials to turn into items. We'll also be the cooking team when we all get back together. Nightshade...if you don't want to use this time to sleep, you can join Yuna and I and gather mats you can use to craft with since will be headed back to the mine deposit I blow up. We'll all group back up at the city gates noon server time. How's that sound to you all?"

Loki waited for everyones agreement as she opened up her UI and sent a party invite to the two new members of the group.
Mist giggled as she settled in with the group. She wasn't used to having a large group. "Thanks, you look cute as well." She said with a smile to Katta. "Nice to meet you too." She smiled as she she sat down. "So... What cave are we going into?" She asked but then got interrupted by Loki, a higher level, saying the roles of the group. "Yep! I am happy with that. In fact, I was scouting the area outside of town earlier to find hunting grounds." She said as she stood up, after only just sitting. In real life, she had been trained to hunt from various elevations so she knew howto do so. It was the main reason she chose to be an archer.
Mahan wasn't sure why he got picked to go with Katta and Mist but he didn't really see any reason to not go with them. Out of the whole group he was the only one out of them who was able to watch their backs and make sure they don't take on more than they can. Standing up he opened his UI and equipped his armor, sword, and shield making sure that his stats made it so he would not feel weighed down. "Perfect all that strength and agility come in real handy."

"Come on you two, we need to get out to the forest now while we only have 4 hours before we come back." He waved to them as he headed to the door. Stepping outside the door he pulled out his sword to get a better look at it. It shined like a full moon at night.

"This is the coolest sword I have ever seen. I wonder what else Nightshade could make if he had better materials."
Mist followed Mahan as they left the Inn. "Hey.. Mahan.. that's your name right?" she asked. "Have you ever been hunting before?" she asked him out of curiosity. Mist had hunted irl before, but that was with guns. She had shot a bow and arrow before, but that was for archery and the sport. She was alright at it, not so good that she go to the Olympics, but good enough to hit a bulls-eye with careful aiming. She was also curious about Katta
Mahan was so distracted by looking at silverlight that he almost didn't hear that Mist was asking him about hunting. It seemed odd for her to ask him that with him being level 4 at this point. That would of been the only way for him to even make it to that level. But it did dawn on him that she might be talking about real hunting. "Well I have never really went hunting in the real world but when I was designing the ranger class I had to go hunting to see if it wasn't going to be too hard or easy. Other then that I haven't really had the time between working on making this and sleeping to go hunting."

He just realized that he said that without explaining what he just said. "Oh and just so you both know I am actually one of the developers of Titan Age so if you need some help I'm your guy."​
Katta smiled as she got the invite and she accepted it before she followed him quickly , she wanted to get stronger and become a powerful rogue...before she left the inn with the others , she stole a Hot cake from the counter and she ran after the others. Katta looked at Mist and she ran up to her and she shook her hand quickly " I'm Katta the Rogue...I'm not one of the Developer because if i was i would have gotten us trapped in here!" she said to Mahan , she stretched and she looked at Mist.

"i live in Japan in real life...i'm still in high school well twelfth grade is kind of easy but i like it i'm soon to be in collage soon..." she said looking at her and she yawned " also i'm a huge Sneaky person because ...a girl who's 4'9 height is easy gonna steal something from you but in game i made myself taller" she said sounding happy.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Another player joined them, a second ranger it seemed well, seems I'm replaced really easily, I won't be missed here she thought as she watched the two new girls who seemed to get along well. Still, the thought hurt a little bit, within no time the new ranger would be at the same level as her and then she would be unnessecary. The only way to remain importand for the group was if she would stay at a higher level as the new ranger, but, why would she even care. She only met these people yesterday, she could find other friends.

She shook her head to clear if of those thoughts, she realised she was being rediculous, it was fun to see another person join them, that was all, she wasn't replaced and they would not replace her, at least, she hoped so. The only problem was that their group was quite big now, maybe that was not a real problem because in battles that would be quite usefull. It just made it a bit more difficult for herself to talk.

Luckily, a solution for her problem came by itself. Loki woke up and said they should split up, which she was quite pleased about, now the lower levels could level up and the group was nice and small again, with only herself, Loki and Nightshade remaining, and Nightshade was probably gonna get some sleep if he had some brains in that head of his.

She waved the others goodbye and then looked at Loki "had a good nap?" she aked with a chuckle.

she stood up and stretched, she was ready to start the day "so, we're gonna collect some crafting materials then?" she said happily, this was a nice task as they would be exploring more and working on their skills, exactly what she had wanted to do that day. "maybe we could also check out that mining place from yesterday, to see if we can still use it or clear it up a little bit." she suggested.
Player: Katta

New Skill: Theft- With this skill you are able to steal items from almost anywhere. You can not steal from another player's inventory, but can from NPC's that are of lower level.
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Loki smiled at Yuna.

"Ah, Yup. Thanks for leading me a great pillow."

Grabbing her hand, Loki slipped two potions into Yuna's hand. Speaking softly so only she could hear, Loki explained to Yuna.

"As thanks. Those are a health and mana potions I made. Instead of the default bad taste, I got them to taste like the berries we picked."

Stretching her neck, Loki opened up the door to the inn and stepped outside. She took a deep breath of the 'fresh' air and answered Yuna.

"Hmm, yeah, that seems like a good spot to farm materials. I need more berries anyways. That way we can work on passive skills and level up on any level 4-5 goblins we see in the forest. It'll also up you're little fox, Fabian, speed level."

Loki started walking down the path towards the forest, but turned around to see if Nightshade was heading with them or staying behind to sleep.

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Location: City of Beginnings
Sitting on a lone bench in the City of Beginnings, Syria was massaging her forehead, frustrated, and most of all worried about her parents and even her little sibling. "Gah, this is just the worst! I just wanted to play a video game... not be stuck in it!" Stretching out her arms and legs, her sword being on her left side, the red haired girl leaps off the bench. "Well, I can't just sit here and do nothing..." She says out loud, sighing as looks at her surroundings. "Game doesn't even have the common courtesy start with me out with gold... well, I guess it's like EO in that regard, so no biggie."

She looks over her stats, before deciding what to do next. "Soooo.... let's see here, I got 100/100 HP, 10/10 MP, 10 STR, 1 INT, 6 AGI... which mean my crit chance should be... 6%? I don't know... just kinda spitballing here. What else... what else... oh, my Spirit is 3, meaning I should have a pretty solid regenerate on HP, well... at the beginning at least. And finally, my Con is 10." After the brief check-up, Syria then began walking alone in the City of Beginnings, seeing various other players and NPCs walking about and doing their routine.

"I heard that the forest is filled with low-level animals... so, I could grind up over there and gets some gold. And maybe... some drops for selling. Oh, I could also get enough money for I can get a pick axe to mine! Or, or.... I could get enough healing potions, and tackle the cave people been talking about" She frantically rubs her long red hair, clearly excited about all of her options. "Gah, there's so many things I want to do in this game!" Trying her best to calm herself down, she began to start taking deep breaths. Inhaling through her nose, and exhaling through her mouth. "Slow down... slow down... let's just focus on grinding for gold... then I can do some awesome stuff."

And with that, Syria proceeds to head out towards the forest. Moving her way through some of the players and NPCs. "Watch out little critters, because Syria the Red is coming after you!"
Mist looked at him with confusion. "So you are one of the people that trapped us in here?" She asked and then smiled. "Don't worry, I know you didn't mean too... if you did, you more than likely wouldn't have trapped yourself in here with us." She smiled as she looked at Katta. "I would have guessed you were a Rouge. You even said it already." She giggled. "Anyway... Mahan... I could give some pointers on Hunting. I used to hunt in real life. but that was with guns, never hunted with a bow and arrow before." She said with a smile. "So, where are we going in the woods?"

Tsutarji Tsutarji Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Katta followed them, she looked around as she walked , she noticed a few rabbits and a pack of wolfs of in the distance chasing some animals "wow" she said before she looked at Mist " So mist you hunt in real life...thats cool i would love to hunt but i don't know anyone one in real life who would take someone who is shorter than themselves hunting " she said and she looked at her, giggling softly " So Mist where are you from" she asked wondering if she was from japan. She blushed and she giggled happily before she got close to Mist and put her hand on her bow "thats a really nice bow" she said taking out her daggers "these are basic but not basic because i did a few up grading on them before i meet you guys so they do a little bit more than normal."

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Mahan almost laughed from what he was hearing. It was even laughable for her to assume that he was in anyway responsible for them getting stuck. He was only in charge of making the classes and skills for the game, not the code that makes up the entirety of the game. She didn't seem angry so he didn't feel like defending himself in the slightest. It was even more funny to him though that she wanted to give him advice on how to hunt, but this was game so it wasn't really needed.

"No thanks I've had plenty of practice hunting mobs in my lifetime and there is no need to change up how I do things." He said this as they walked threw the city gates with the forest greeting them with trees everywhere. "Besides the animals in the game don't act like real ones. Even a rabbit will attack you if you get too close to it most normal methods go out the window."

Over in the distance he could see that some rabbits, foxes, and wolves waiting to pounce on the first player who comes into their personal space. "Over there go and see what I mean," he said pointing over to the animals. "The moment you even attack once they will be on you like white on rice, well unless you had the stealth ability anyway and you won't get that until you level up."
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Tsutarji Tsutarji
Yuna chuckled "hehe, no problem" she said, happy she could have been of help, and that Loki wasn't grumpy anymore since she wasn't the type of person you wanted to upset in any way. Nightshade had already experienced that this morning and Yuna didn't feel like discoverig what it was like to be in his place herself.

She blushed a bit when Loki gave her the potions, that was very nice of her, especially since Yuna didn't do much to deserve them. All she did was lend Loki a shoulder to sleep on for a bit. "eh... thanks" she said "did you do that by mixing berries through them?" she asked, it was really cool she managed to do that and Yuna wanted to know how exactly.

Then she nodded "yea, let's go back there, maybe there are more berries, of different kinds and such. You know, berries are really good for giving a nice taste to backed goods, in the real world I can bake pretty well, so I don't see why that wouldn't apply to this world aswell" she said happily, she really wanted to become good at cooking and baking here.

when loki mentioned Fabian she nodded enthausiasticly. She didn't know much about ow pets and such worked in this game, maybe she should have done some research before getting one but that was too late now, she had just been so enthausiastic about getting a pet.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche
Max had dozed off for a moment as everyone was in conversation. Too late to sleep now, he thought. He had stayed up all night, because he didn't want to miss it when the logout came back. Of course, it never did. He figured the devs would have fixed the code by now. It couldn't be that... Is it? He thought. If Mahan was here, maybe the developers were trapped with us. The thought made him shutter. No, can't be. They have to prepare for updates and such. They wouldn't just all jump into the game, would they? He shook off the thought. The VR was new hardware, and the devs would know better.

He figured a change of subject would take his mind off it, and conversation would keep him awake. "So, guys..." he said, "We've been hanging out for about 16 hours now as a group, but I know nothing about you guys. What're your lives like? Oh, uhh... that reminds me," he said. He opened his UI and sent Yuna and (begrudgingly) Loki friend requests. "We might as well walk and talk on the way to gather resources."

He smiled at the two of them. Save for the dark circles under his eyes, his expression was bright and happy.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Loki Nodded at Yuna when she asked about the berries.

"Yeah. I plan on using them to sell, so keep it a secret ok? We can make a lot of money off of them while people don't know how to do it."

While walking she was surprised to receive a friend request from Nightshade. She hesitated for a bit wondered if it a trick. Like a pull back request to get her back and make her look silly in public, but then she remember that this was half asleep Nightshade. He's brain was probably close to shutting down, so she thought he came up with a plan like that. So she pressed ok. Her friends list now showed Mahan, Yuna and Nightshade.

"There really isn't much to say about my life really." Well that was half truth, but she really didn't feel like sharing most of it.

"I was born and raised in Germany, before moving to the States. I've played many online games and had a few leadership roles in some. I specialize in potions, raids and pvp. Yourself?"

Loki didn't feel like saying much more about her life so she switched it back to Nightshade. Besides, there were leaving the City and entering the forest now, so she wanted to be careful.

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Mist sighed as they walked. "Alright... maybe you do have an upperhand on hunting in this game..." she said with a smile. "But that means I have more to learn. If I am going to get stronger then I will do all I can. Where do we start?" she asked with her smile still on. seemed to be out of place in the grimm situation of the whole 'being trapped in the game' stuff. Nonetheless, Mist liked it here better than the real world. She then realized she never answered Katta. "Well... I was born in america, but my family moved to Osaka Japan when I was around three." She said with a giggle. "I feel like I have lived there my whole life though."

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Tsutarji Tsutarji
Katta smiled happily and she nodded "yeah it so much fun...it so much better than real life" she said walking up to Mist and she sighed " I live Close to Osaka...Kyoto i think" she said smiling and she shrugged "i don't pay that much attention to it but i still love my city" she said looking at the animals. "Hmm...how about we attack as a group??" she suggested looking at the others and she smiled happily " Also yeah i want to learn as well" she said smiling happily.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Mahan was pleased to see that they were eager to learn how to take out mobs. It had been a while for since the last time he ever had to show anyone how to play a game. Although by the pure fact that they were in Titan Age he was sure that they would learn pretty quick. "Alright how about I just show you first and we can get things started. I'm already way stronger then all the animals you will find in this forest so it would benefit you both to try killing them yourselves without me doing it for you."

He didn't really want to take their chance to not just learn but get EXP. If he join them they would barely get anything from the kills even if he can swat almost anything down in one hit. "It is very simple," he said getting closer to one one the rabbits at the edge of all the animals grouped up. "Just get close and they will become aggressive towards you and try to attack you."

The rabbit leaped at him but because of their difference in stats, even in heavy armor he was able to sidestep out of the way and land the killing blow (37 damage). It dropped 3 gold and some rabbit meat with a small amount of 5 EXP, but that didn't really matter to him as he was just giving an example to how to approach the situation."Because they attack without thinking if you have and agility stat at least 6 or higher you should be able to dodge any attack coming at you from even a wolf or fox. Mind that if you miss the timing you will take damage."

He thought about it and that really worked more for Katta as she would be fighting up close. "Mist you on the other hand do have an advantage for being able to fight long range. With that you have the chance to end the fight before they even get close with your eagle shot. And in the event they do get to you you have a smoke screen to give you a chance for a quick escape."

He walked over so that he was behind them in case something bad happens. "Alright if you need to know anything else I will be here healing you in the case that you come across something you can't handle."
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Tsutarji Tsutarji
Max couldn't help but feel that Loki was being short with him. Not from any innate sense or social skill, but from the sheer fact that she asked about him. However, despite questioning her reasoning, he decided he might as well share. After all, he was his own favorite thing to talk about.

"Hmmm... well, what is there to know about me? I was born and raised in the States—Montana, to be specific—and I'm currently a college student. This is the first video game I've ever actually taken an earnest crack at. I like chess and books." he took a breather after finishing the long cluster of sentences. He considered mentioning his brother, but he figured it wasn't all that important to know about him. It's not like him and his brother were inseparable friends, anyway.

He clapped his hands together. "Yuna, your turn. From where do you hail, Madam?"

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze RaynaFon RaynaFon
Location: Forest near the City of Beginnings
After a bit of running, the red haired swordswoman makes it to the forest near the City of Beginnings. Taking out her short sword, she began to explore the forest carefully. "Hmmm... if I was a little rabbit or fox... where wou-" Almost immediately, a single rabbit jumps into Syria's view. She readies herself for combat with the single rabbit, but out of the blue a fox appears from the bushes. "Of course, it would be too easy if it was just one little guy... but, this should be a cakewalk regardless!"

The red haired swordswoman leaps into action, running over to the fox and swinging her short sword twice at it. Her sword cuts deeply into the fox's stomach, dealing 12 damage to the fox. But, luckily for it, the second strike misses it entirely. Being preoccupied by the fox, the little rabbit bares its teeth, leaping onto Syria's left hand. It bites down hard onto her hand. "GAHHHHHH!!!" She grits her teeth, and shakes the rabbit off her hand. The rabbit falls onto ground, and Syria being enraged by the rabbit's bite, kicks it to a tree. Dealing 10 points of damage towards it. "That hurt you little bugger! Even if it did do one point of damage!" As she yelled at the rabbit, the fox tackles Syria onto the ground, now on top of her as it tries to bite her face. Luckily, in this position with the sword in her right hand, she stabs the fox in it's side delivering the killing blow as it explodes into particles.

With the red head standing up slowly, she rushes over and kills the rabbit as well. A clean sword slash to it's small body. "Whew... VR fighting... is nothing like in the video games. Heh, good thing i'm not in Wizardry Gaiden... I would be dead already." She sits on the ground, looking at her menu with the after math of the battle. "Soooo... I lost about 4 HP during that fight... but hey! I got Rabbit meat, 6 gold, some Rabbit Ears and a Fox Pelt. Oh, and I got 15 EXP from it. Sweetness!" Pumped up, she raises back on her feet. "Right, time to kill more things!"
Location: City of Beginnings, inn

A good night of sleep makes all the difference. Ramis awoke, feeling reborn. Earlier, she'd heard a terrible cacophony from downstairs, but it wasn't enough to wake her. She sat up in her bed, stretched and yawned.
Wait, what time was it?
Well, it wasn't like she had anything important to do anymore. Stuck. In the game. Forever?

Ramis supressed a shiver and got dressed. Her new clothes were quite cute.
The common room in the inn were still quite packed. Many people had no motivation to do anything here, so they basically acted like beggars and spent the money on food and alchohol. Was it possible to get drunk in this game? And, more worryingly, a number of these players could be young.

A few of them smiled at her as they saw her. Ah, yesterdays boss raid was still a discussion topic. Fun.
Now, where were her companions from yesterday? She licked her lips and ordered a big plate of breakfast.
No need to stress, she'd probably run into them again.
Location: City of Beginnings: Forest

Katta groaned as she saw the Rabbits and other animals in the forest "Hmm ok so gotta hit at the right time " she said noting that she need to hit it with power and with accuracy , she rushed at a rabbit and she stabbed it in its back and she smiled "yes i go one" she said and she looked around and more rabbits appeared and started to attack her.

Katta gasped and she started to run," Ekk Poison weapons!" she screamed as she did the little skill and she turned around and slashed at them hitting at least one so they would be poisoned and she ran back the other way running for her life.
"Ekk MIST SHOOT THEM!" she cried.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Mist was a small distance away as she tracked the rabbits chasing Katta. She wanted to laugh but she knew she had to keep her composure. Her arm was straight and stiff, meaning her aim was the same. She trailed her aim in front of the rabbits to result for travel time and released her arrow. Before the arrow was half the distance of the length between them, Mist already had an arrow notched in her bow, taken from the quiver on her side, and released it. This followed suit for 5 more rabbits. Mist let the last arrow fly and put her bow on her back. "Well... that was eventful" she said with a smile and then had a little laugh on how Katta looked while running.
Tsutarji Tsutarji Quinlan63 Quinlan63

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