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Loki raised her head from picking herbs and looked at Nightshade.

"Huh? Why? we've got just under two hours til the time for us to head back. You that worried about a handful of low level'd bandits?"

Standing up Loki and put her left hand on her hip.

"You know if you wanted to get some sleep you could have stay back at the inn. Anyways, I'm sure it'll be fine. It's only the second day of the game's launch so no one is too strong. If anything, killing the boss mob yesterday probably made our group over powered compared to everyone else. At the most, their best player is probably at my level. If they do show up. We'll just kill'em again. No big deal right?"

Loki thought for a moment.

"Hmm, might help for getting that next achievement level if they do come."

Sizniche Sizniche
"You're forgetting the part where we all went to sleep," Max said,"that's about ten hours of lost opportunity. What if some dedicated bandit did nothing but power level all night?" Max was beginning to delve into the realm of paranoia. What if they sent a Warrior-Healer team, or Rogue assassins, or came in force with an army of mages? He sat down on the dirt for a moment to calm down. His sleeplessness was getting to him, and his breath was becoming uneasy.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about those bandits. I don't know if we just struck a speed bump, or if we saw just the tip of an iceberg." He turned towards Loki. "Well, if you're so confident, then so be it. Your judgement hasn't been wrong yet." It really hasn't; she certainly knew her way around the game mechanics, and was definitely a natural leader. It was a shame that was all he really knew about her.

"Well, we have to pass the time somehow," he said, "tell me more about yourself. I know you were being short with me. You kind of gave it away when you asked me about... well, me. No way you were actually interested in what I had to say." He chuckled a bit. "Oh, but I bet you reeeaaally wanted to hear all about Yuna." He was holding back a torrent of laughter. He was so glad Psychology was a graduation requirement at his college right about now.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
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Loki listened to what Nightshade said and then shook her head.

"I thought about a situation were someone was to train like a demon, but then ruled it out. However, remember what happened to you when you overworked yourself fighting the Goblin King? The game hit realism spot on, almost too well. Going about training like that will only lead to set backs."

Loki smiled thinking about her past mmorpg experiences.

"Hmm. I think the best way to mass train if going the bandit route in this game, would to be to set up a camp in the higher level area, so around this or near this area. Preferably I'd take the entrance to the cave if possible. Then split up into small groups like we did and fight monsters 1-2 levels higher than the highest member of the party. That way everyone gets efficient level gains. Afterwards, I'd have everyone fight duels before night, that way they can gain experience in pvp combat within this game. That would slow leveling sure, but they'd gain important fight lessons in place of it. A level three that knows how to fight is way better than a level five that only knows pve. Those that lose get the shitty jobs the next day as motivation to do better next time. Well, that's just one of the ways I think is efficient train in this game. So if there are bandits around, they might be troublesome, but I doubt we some be worried. On guard? Sure, but not worried."

Loki grinned, when she recalled being named the Demon Instructor, making her whole guild in one game train a weekend straight with almost no breaks, so that everyone could win in a pvp challenge from another guild. They ended up winning, but that all ended up being the last time the GM gave her reign of the guilds training sessions.

"Eh, like I said, there's really not much to tell. My parents moved apart when I was little so I moved the US with my dad. I pretty much live alone since he works most of the day, then does whatever it is he does until he comes home at night. I've got a nice part-time coding job that let's me act mostly independent, until I can get my own place."

Loki grinned at Nightshade.

"Who knows? Maybe I did want to hear about Yuna. Wouldn't you wanna to know more if someone that cute was in your party? Heheh."

Loki laughed as she countered his tease with a joke.

Sizniche Sizniche
"I'm guessing scouting counts as a shitty job?" He said to Loki. If that was the case, it concerned him that they encountered a level four. He picked up two nearby rocks and began rubbing them against each other, clearly trying to shape the smaller of the two.

"Your parents split? That's rough," he said, "but you sound like you handle it well. I should be glad I have it as good as I do."

"So, French girls?" Max said, with a grin that would make any person want to punch him. "Not personally my type, but to each his own, or, in your case, her own. But that just raises a new question; why didn't you ask her? You clearly don't seem to have social issues, at least in this game, and you've gotten more than comfortable around her." Max pondered. Could it be that she's actually a bit nervous?

RaynaFon RaynaFon
Loki shrugged.

"I guess. When you're up late, once or twice a week, to the sound of your parents arguing you tend to be ready for it even as a kid. Whatever, it happened a long time ago."

Loki laughed.

"Maybe it is my thing, maybe not. I didn't ask because I really don't feel like it's my place to find out. If she wants to tell me anything then that's her decision. If she doesn't want to then that's fine too. I'm not asking from any life story from any of you. Just need you guys to be reliable and watch my back. In return I'll do the same. We both have mutual goals, it's why we formed this group after all right?"

Sitting down on a rock near the ore deposit Loki checked the time left.

Wait Time: 1hr 8mins

"Hmm, still a bit more time. Anyways, I wouldn't say scouting is a shitty job. More like watching over a check point for hours on end and having to report back anything interesting that happens. Which out in the level 4-5 area is likely nothing right now. This place will probably be full of players getting over the shock of the first day. So I am with you on getting into the cave. I would like it to be after lunch if possible. Right now we just need to be prepared since our group is bigger now, we'll have to stay longer to get the same amount of leveling progress we would have done if it was just the five of us like before. Meaning extra food, drinks and supplies. Who knows, we may even need to do time shift training sessions if we want to keep our nice lead ahead of the other players."

Loki looked at the tired Nightshade and then over to Yuna with her pet fox, then back at Nightshade.

"Though, I'm not sure if that'll be something you guy would be able to handle at this moment."

Sizniche Sizniche
He stopped his stoneworking for a moment. "Ouch," Max said after describing what her home situation was like as a kid. It was all he really had to say. She didn't seem to care much about how his life was, so he spared her the tedium of saying how typical his family was.

"We formed this group because we were the first people to run into each other," he recalled, "I have no doubt that all of our goals are vastly different. I just want out; not to play this game, not to make a lot of money or fight a lot of people. I have a life out there to return to."

He sat and nodded through Loki's description of her game plan. "Well, I wouldn't know anything about that." He then clipped the larger rock he was holding to create a sharper edge, and finalized some details on the rock. "Here, how does it look?" He threw the carved stone to Loki. It was a black king chess piece.

RaynaFon RaynaFon
Loki caught the rock and laughed slightly at his response.

"Heh, I guess that's true. We might have different goals, but for now it helps each other reach them by working together. Besides, they were the same at the point we made the group."

Loki grinned as she turned the chess piece around in her hand. It was pretty nice for just a roughly done piece. It felt rough in some places, but that was to be expected. It was surprisingly smooth in other places. She guess that was the magic of the blacksmith skill in this game. Loki figured Nightshade would probably go down as the group's resident craftsman.

"Though, if I'm honest, fighting that boss was pretty fun. Also, not bad. To bad you don't have any sandpaper or paint to polish it. Heh."

She tossed it back to him.

"If you make a full set some day, I'll play you. About taking shifts for training. It much like what I described for the bandits, but a more spartan like form. We'd be pretty much be camping in the cave taking turns fighting mobs while the other rests and eats. The two group switch off like that until we all feel satisfied with our progress. When we reach the point the mobs don't give us decent exp, we pack up camp go down to the next floor and repeat. Kinda like bootcamp for rpgs. If we do that, you can see why we'd need all the supplies we can get. there won't be any coming back once we go in if we do it that way."

Sizniche Sizniche
"You know, I wouldn't rely too heavily on those old-school MMO tactics," Max said, "This game is a whole different league, and in more ways than one. The stat system, for example, is clearly designed for extremely high-energy combat in the end game. We get seven stat points every time we level up, you know, and we only started with thirty; twenty in a stat is extremely high for us now, but we're expected to reach levels in the hundreds. If you think twenty agility is fast, imagine two hundred. Imagine the punch two hundred points of strength would pack, or how much magic you could unleash with two hundred intellect." He picked up another rock of similar size to the last and began shaping it as well.

"Besides," Max said, "You're no longer bound by the strict rules of an MMO world. Real world tactics can be employed here, and you can fight in any style you see fit. You don't have to live by the abilities they give you." He grinned a bit. He surprised himself sometimes with how much information he absorbed from listening to his brother over the years.

"By the way, I would enjoy playing chess against you; you seem like the logically minded type of person that would destroy me at it. So, you have a coding job, huh?" Max asked, "I'm guessing you have an information technology degree? Already out of college?"

RaynaFon RaynaFon
Loki shook her head at Nightshade's statement.

"That maybe so, but for right now at the lower levels. It's the best training style I can see. After all, fighting experience is fighting experience. Whether or not it's a VR game. If you had to fight someone to the death right now do you think you'd be ready for it? Now that that same situation and add the experience from grueling training to it. Which would you rather take?"

Loki opened up her stat window to make it visible.

Strength: 13
Agility: 9
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 28
Spirit: 8
Free Points: 0

"Well, you maybe right about stats, but I'd say that only goes so far as low to mid game. After all once we reach end game it'll be subjective. If everyone is super, than no one is. At that point, I'm more worried about the kinds of monsters that'll be scaling with us, rather than people."

Stretching, Loki watched Nightshade work with the rocks.

"Heh, I know a bit about chess since my dad taught me how to play, though I wouldn't say I'm a master at it."

Sizniche Sizniche
Nightshade began to question if he should actually make her a scythe. She had better Warrior stats than he did, and she wasn't even a warrior! She was 'nice' enough to get him these materials, though, so he felt obligated in spite of it.

"You know, for someone with a name as blatant as 'Loki', you certainly play by the rules a lot," he said, "not that that's a bad thing; I can respect a person like that. Though, I did expect more from you. Oh well. Maybe I'll see more of it in the future—Agh!" Max lost his focus for a moment, and cut directly into his hand with his shaping stone. He looked down at the wound, which closed faster than the damage indicator had time to show that there was, in fact, a 7 damage wound there.

"It's a shame there's no combat healing ability of any sort," he said, "I sunk all my points into that stat, and it doesn't even do me any good in a fight."

RaynaFon RaynaFon
"Ooh? That's interesting coming from the guy that nearly got blown away by this person that 'plays by the rules'. As for the name, it probably doesn't have anything to do with what you're thinking of. I just like the name more than my own. You have to admit, it does have a nice ring to it."

Loki leaned forward a bit to see what had happened when Nightshade sudden yapped.

"Well it seems to be good for something. I think you may have picked the wrong class if you're looking for something like that. Or you didn't study up before hand at all and dumped your stats into whatever you thought sounded good. heh. At least you'll be able to last longer in drawn out pve sessions. Speaking of the spirit stat, I might need to invest into it a bit more or my mp pool will grow larger than it can replenish thanks to my level up bonus."

Loki thought about the amount of materials she had already gathered. She'd still need to gather some more. After all even though she wanted to sell most of these, she also need to make sure she had enough to set aside for later on when they grind. Speaking of selling...

"Hey Shade, you plan on opening a weapons and armor shop in town? I was planning on making set up a stall myself sometime today."

Sizniche Sizniche
"No," Nightshade spoke flatly and plainly. He hated doing commissions as it was, but he needed the money to make the things he wanted. The fact of the matter was that he wanted it to be a personal hobby and craft, not a job. Of course, he spared her the explanation.

"You know, you might not want to mock me," Max said, "I might end up doing some good eventually. And I did read up, but not close enough; I wanted all the Spirit points so I could heal quickly and keep fighting. What they don't tell you is that you don't heal in combat, and I have yet to figure out the exact parameters of what it defines as 'combat'; aggro, seconds since the last time you took damage, distance from enemies? It's unclear. I could exploit it if I knew, but as it stands..." he sighed.

"Oh, and you didn't blow me away, because you—surprise, surprise—followed the rules." He smirked. He was struggling to find something that bothered her that wasn't a hit below the belt (metaphorical or literal), but at least he got to laugh it up as he did.

RaynaFon RaynaFon
"Heh. Doesn't that pretty much go for everyone? Anyone can do something great. It's no fair if you try to tease me over Yuna, but don't want to be teased yourself. Also, all of the stats are listed in the guidebook. Oh well, live and learn I guess."

Wait Time: 43mins

Loki went back to gathering herbs and berries as she talked. It gave her something to do other than just sitting around waiting for the ore to respawn.

"Also, I wouldn't say it was me following the rules, more of you being saved by Yuna. Heh, maybe you should thank her for giving her shoulder to the Nightshade survival cause? Anyways, it's a shame, I think you'd make some good money off of it, but to each their own right? Personally, I'm planning on using the money I make to get myself a proper battle mount. The extra firepower will come in handy at these levels. Might even be able to solo some named mobs, hopefully, if it's trained well."
Max smiled. She was right, he was being a bit of a hypocrite.

"You have to understand; this is my first MMO. I kind of just raced into it with reckless abandon. It's not like I expected to be trapped here, unable to re-spec. I mean, isn't it second nature for MMO players to try several different builds, anyway?"

Then, Loki brought up money. "Heh, it's always about the money, isn't it? I only make as much money as I need; greed is a sin, you know. Besides, all I do in the real world is make things all the time. Aren't we doing this to escape the monotony of life in the first place? Don't get me wrong, I love making things, but... you gotta draw the line between work and play somewhere."

As he put the finishing touches on a black queen, he listened to Loki's plan for a battle mount. "Seems a bit... excessive. Especially for a Warlock. But, you do you, I guess. Hey, that reminds me, are you going to be a Death Knight or a Necromancer?" He threw her the black queen for her to inspect.

RaynaFon RaynaFon
Loki caught the queen piece and looked at it.

"Death Knight. It's one of the reasons why I want a scythe. Making plans and casting spells is fun and all, but sometimes I like to get up close and personal with the people I'm knocking into the ground. Besides, I think it's better to just have one really strong summon, than a bunch of weak ones. As for crafting, it really doesn't make a difference to me. It's all fun."

Loki held the chess piece to the sky and took a screen shot of it.

"From fighting, to exploring, to grinding out potions at an alchemy station. This world, it's almost like a dream for me. A much more exciting life. Here I can bend actually shadows into doing what I want. Coding gives me the chance to shape worlds like this. Think about it. What chance would you ever have to craft a sword that have summon a blast of ice, and then sell it to someone that might become famous one day? It's someone that can only be experienced in worlds like this."

Sizniche Sizniche
"You sound just like my brother," Max said, "he always went on like that about video games. It's amazing I never really tried them until today... well,yesterday." He picked up another dark stone and got to carving again. "I think you would like my brother. Video games are literally his life. Probably even more so than you."

"I could never get into coding," Max said, carving the beginnings of a black bishop, "The logic is to cold, too harsh for me. I like creating worlds myself, but when you make them that way, it almost takes the joy out of the world for the creator. Everyone can enjoy your work, but you can never help but feel you know every nook and cranny down to the inch and think, 'I've been here before.' But, that's just me."

"It ought to be interesting to have a Death Knight on the team," Max said, "If I could, I'd multiclass as a Rogue-Warrior instead of ranking up to Knight immediately at level 10, but I can't, so I just have to live with my choice. It kinda sucks that you get a choice and I don't, though. Why isn't there a variety of Warrior advanced classes? There's Cavalry, Knights, Barbarians, Musketeers, Samurai, et cetera. It just seems a little unfair to me."

RaynaFon RaynaFon
Loki placed the black queen piece in her pocket, since Nightshade had already started crafting a new piece, and continued her berry picking.

"Hmm...it more along the lines of making you're own tiny creature, then letting it out into the wild and watching how it grows. Even so, I think I'd still play the game I made myself. After all, devs are still gamers at their core, if they're true to what brought them into development in the first place. As for your brother, I'm not so sure, after all people can tend to be hits or misses, and for me alot of the time it's a miss. I might have fought your brother in some pvp battles, and most people don't like how I fight."

Loki shrugged.

"I fight to win. Not to shake hands during the fight or to let you get an honorable hit in. You you come after me, don't expect mercy. As for the classes, maybe they're hidden classes? You'd probably need to do some achievement before you can unlock them. Also the game does point out that mine and Yuna's classes are harder than the others. You guys grow at a faster rate then the both of us. We don't get a class change til 20. Ten level after you do. So there is a bit of give and take."

Loki stopped gather once she noticed that she had cleared out all the gatherable plants near them. She didn't even realize she had. Truth be told she was just gathering anything that the game highlighted as pick-able while talking. She didn't even see the amount she had. Oh well, she could take a look at it later. Sitting back down on the rock, she took out the chess piece and studied it. It was a fine piece. Loki guessed Nightshade was getting better as he made more of them.

"Anyways, I figure the party skills of a Death Knight would help now that our group is now more than the number of people that can fit into a single party."

Sizniche Sizniche
"Fight to win... That's Alex Ainsley in spades," Max said. He doubted Loki would know who his brother is, since they don't play in similar circles anymore, but Loki was certainly a lot like him. He looked down at his work. He was getting quicker; he had already finished the bishop and moved on to the knight. "I'm guessing you don't keep up with those old school Defense of the Ancients 2 tourneys. If you did, you'd know my brother's work well."

Indeed, his brother's work was the stuff of legend; though his team has yet to win in its two year existence, their team made it into the final four both years they competed in the Internationals, and even got second place last year, managing to go toe-to-toe with two renowned Korean teams. They were already getting bombarded with sponsors and deals, and a lot of analysts are anticipating them winning this year. Naturally, his brother was the founder and leader of the team.

Max eventually came back from his mental tangent. "Well, I guess that is fair, but which one of us is leveling up twice as fast?" He asked. "Yeah, a Death Knight would be useful. You know, you're a heck of a conversation, you know that? I think I might have actually learned something!"

RaynaFon RaynaFon
Loki waved her hand, as if dismissing Nightshade's words.

"Not really. I'm not really into that genre of mmos. To streamlined for me. So we might not have fought. Still, I dislike the competitive fights of the games I play as well. It's gotten to flashy and sportsmanship-like. Things like that lose their raw emotion when they get dressed up by people. Did it once in a previous game, and never did it again. It was only because a well-know guild called ours out. So we fought them competitively. In the end we ended up beating them in, due to the hell I put my guild through before hand. Because of how anti-climate it was people ended up getting angry, and some people suspected us of hacking. The people that called us out lost face cause they lost so badly and our guild have rumors spread around that we were cheaters, even though, if you lined up the stats, no other out come could have happened."

She shrugged and took out a slice of bread to eat.

"Well, at least you're entertained. I'm only leveling up faster because I have more than just casual experience with mmos, I know the best plans to level up with. I was normally the planner anyways in my guild, so coming up with stuff like this is normal for me."

Ripping of a piece of bread from her slice, Loki ate it. Still fresh, and the taste of the berries mixed in gave it a nice bitter fruity taste.

Sizniche Sizniche
Yuna folowed the others to the place with the mine. She was picking up herbs and berries and other things that looked edible or usefull for crafting. She wanted to get a little collection going on and thought that it would be very cool to be able to gather every plant in the game. She made a little mental note of that, she would keep that in mind as a secundary goal for herself.

when Loki emptied the mines with her chrystal shards, Fabian got scared just like last time, luckily he didn't run off this tim but stayed close to Yuna. "good boy" she praised him. Then Loki came over to ask her what a pet learned and she shrugged "I don't really know actually, hunting I guess" she said and continued to gather some herbs.

As she did that she wandered off a bit, still close enough to the others to hear them and to see them in case something happened but far away enough to feel at least a bit alone. She squated down to the ground and looked at the fox "Fabian" she called, and the fox looked up to her, she tried again "Fabian, come here" she said kindly and pointed at the ground in front of her, after she called a third time he understood her and walked over to her "good boy!" she praised him and cuddled him.

in a similar way, Yuna taught Fabian to sit, lay down and stay on command. The fox was a quick learner and Yuna thought it was fun to teach her pet trix, although they were a little useless. While they were doing that, a rabit jumped out of the bushes. Fabian jumped up and growled, Yuna jumped up aswell and took her bow to shoot the rabit but then realised that Fabian could probably kill it aswell. To make sure the rabbit wouldn't attack Fabian and hurt him, she used trapshot to keep the rabit down, then she pointed at it "attack, go" she said, and the fox understood it imediately since he had been ready to attack it already, he had just waited for his owner to give her approval.

With a swift jump, Fabian was near the rabbit and attacked it, using his claws and fangs he wrestled with the rabit untill it died. "good job!" Yuna said, she was really proud of her fox, this could come in rather handy later. With a big smile on her face she looked at her inventory, the rabit meat had been added but she didn't deserve it. she threw it at Fabian and the fox quickly ate it, he seemed to be a little hungry.

She realised she had been away from the others for a while and decided it was a good idea to head back. She was in a great mood she she started humming a little song while she walked back. She reappered from the shrubbery around the place where the mine was, folowed by Fabian, and waved at the others. They seemed to be talking about something "hi guys!" she said happily "Fabian just killed a rabit" she announced proudly.

Sizniche Sizniche RaynaFon RaynaFon
Loki smiled and handed a piece of bread out for Fabian to eat.

"It seems the cute one and the fluffy one have returned. How'd it go? I'm guess he made some good progress if he killed his own fox. At you seem to have had a more exciting time. We've just been talking about bandits and training as we wait for rocks to reappear. Thrilling huh?"

Taking out more berry, she offered it out.

"You all want some? It's surprisingly good. Speaking of which, we were just talking about classes and pets. I wonder if pets like fluffy Fabian here can gain actually skills?"

Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Yuna was too exited about the fact that Fabian killed a rabit that she didn't pay attention to the face that Loki just called her cute. She simply nodded and sat down next to Loki in the grass. Fabian went over to Loki and sniffed the piece of bread she held out, then he took it from her and quickly ate it. "yea, he made great progress" Yuna said, looking at the fox "he knows quite some tricks now" she added.

Then she chuckled "sounds like you guys are having a great time, waiting for rocks to appear is my favorite activity" she said with a smile on her face.

"oh, yes please" she said as she accepted the berries that Loki offered, she tried one and they were very good indeed "yummy" she said with a little chuckle "I bet I could bake some great stuff with those!" she opened her UI to see if she had enough of those berries, and she saw she had but maybe she could find some more later.

She thought about the question Loki asked her, then she shrugged "I don't know really" she said "I mean, I guess you could learn him something cool, and then you could call that a skill. Maybe fighting is a skill aswell, but I'm not sure" she said and stared in the distance as she thought about it.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche
Loki shook her head and smiled.

"Indeed, rock watching is a favored past time where I grew up. Nothing better than a few hours well spent looking at rocks. Heh, anyways, about your fox, I didn't mean tricks, I meant actual skills. It would seem that when a tamed animal or a battle mount levels up, they can learn skills and abilities. So maybe Fabian can fortify your stealth since it's a fox? Hmm, if so, he'd make a great scouting companion."

Loki scratched the fox gently behind the ears.

"He also seems to be an alert animal too. Not sure if it natural or if he just has a more alert personality, but that makes him a good guardian."

Wait Time: 17mins

"Just about done then?"

Loki sat up and stretched.

"Ahh. Looks like it's time I get back to my job here soon. Yuna, you might want to pick up Fabz so he doesn't get scared again."

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
"oh, that" Yuna said when Loki made clear what she ment, then she shrugged "hmm.. all the same to me, human skills are basicly glorified tricks really so there isn't a real difference, but I get what you mean. But honestly, I doubt I know more about it as you do, I know basicly nothing about pets." she chuckled "I may or may not have gotten one too early, maybe I should have read up about them but that doesn't matter, I have Fabian now and I love him, can't wish for a better fox so it's all fine." she spoke as she looked at Loki.

Then she nodded "yea, he's a really great scout companion indeed. And a great guardian too indeed, and he's pretty smart, he learns quickly" she said and her train of thoughts lead her to Fabians stats, and that lead her to think about her own stats "oh hmm..." she said "I just realised that I still needed to distribute my own spare stat points, might aswell do that right now" she muttered, half to herself half to Loki.

She opened her UI and changed her stats, when she was satisfied she closed it again.

She looked up at Loki who had gotten up and chuckled because of the nickname she had given to Fabian, then she nodded "yea, I will, but I don't think he'll run away, and if he does he will come when I call him" she said with a smile.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche
Loki chucked at Yuna's comment as she took out her staff.

"Well, aren't you adorable, heh."

Moving back over to the rock, Loki got ready to use her infamous magic mining.

"Alright. After this, how about we head on back? Here's to luck."

Iron Ore x1 added

Silver Ore x1 added

Loki fired at the deposit once more, ignoring the bits of rock and ore that flew around. However, this time she got nothing out of it.

"Tsk..really? What a load of bull."

Iron Ore x1 added

Ore depleted. Please wait for respawn.

"Well then...that was a complete waste of time. Alright. How 'bout we go back now?"

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche

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