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Max smiled at them from a few feet away. Well, they don't seem each other's type, but if it turns out that way, so be it.

"Well, I think we should regroup with Mahan and the others, so we at least have a whole group. As of right now, Ramis is off the radar, so only Mahan has healing abilities, and I'd hate to be caught by a bandit party without heals." He looked down at his gut. We was hungry, and still had the turkey leg, but he wanted to save the buff.

He looked out at the surrounding wilds to see if he could see any animals, when a glimmer caught his eye. "Hey Yuna, Loki... what's that?" He hardly had to ask. His own closer inspection was that it was the reflection of the sun on armor.

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze RaynaFon RaynaFon
Mahan had been doing very well for the past hour for himself in getting his level up. It was taking a good while at the start since most of the mobs he could fined were level 1 or 2. It was almost as if the wolves new to stay clear of him. But finally after 3 foxes and 10 more rabbits he had finally made it to level 5 and had finished getting his first set of skills. Now he could go back and see how Katta and Mist were doing.

And on his return to them he could see that they had reached level 2 and were counting up there rewards while waiting for his return. From what he could see they had gotten 60 gold each and all together acquired 40 rabbit meats. "I'll carry the meat for you so it doesn't take up space in your inventory," he said putting the meat in his bag.

"Alright let's go see how the others are doing," he said taking the lead. They had time before they made it to the cave that the other went to to mine ore so he decided to put those new stat points to good use. Opening his UI he decided that it was best to just add 1 to agility, 2 to intelligence, and constitution.​
HP/MP 300/180
Strength: 22
Intelligence: 18
Agility: 9
Spirit: 8
Constitution: 30
Free Points: 0

With stats like that he was feeling pretty good about how he was developing himself. It would take an army of mobs to even take out 25% of his HP, and even then they might die in the process.

They had almost reached they cave and were close enough to see the entrance. But that was not the only thing they could see. "Get down both of you," he said quietly. He wasn't sure who they were but if they were waiting outside the mine it was not because they were looking to kill mobs. If so they would be running around like everyone else looking for the next thing that could give them EXP.

"Hey you guy's I think you have company," he wrote into the group chat.
RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Tsutarji Tsutarji
"Oh? Looks like we was dumb enough to get help."

Loki grinned as she already prepared to give out orders. It was a level 6 warrior and level 4 healer duo. Not bad, the warrior mostly just leveled up this morning and was likely sent to 'clean up' the problem those two let go. Still, it wasn't enough alone.

"Shade, put pressure on the healer!"

Running up, and meeting them halfway, Loki bound the warrior with Deadman's Hands, then used Creeping Shadows to remove the shields the healer had put on the party.

"Yuna hold back and make sure no one else joins in, or let us know. If things start looking hairy, feel free to join in and give one of us covering fire."

Loki used her Crystal shard to once again stun the warrior and deal damage.

"Heh, having so much mana is a wonderful thing huh?"

"I guess you all didn't learn your lesson from your friend?" Loki taunted the bandits. "Looks like we'll have to teach you the same lesson personally."

Suddenly Loki got a message in her group chat.

"Hmm, oh hey Mahan. They seem to be friends with the bandits we killed earlier." She replied to him. "If you'd like to say hello with us, be my guess."

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Quinlan63 Quinlan63
"Cross Slash."

A rogue appeared seemingly out of thin air, and attacked Loki from behind. The attack was devastating; 55 damage. The level 5 rogue then instantly followed up with a strike at Max.

"Teleport Strike!"

Max weathered the 16.6 points of damage. He could only sigh; another non-warrior that does more damage than him.

The rogue then finished with a Stun Kick on Loki in an attempt to interrupt her Deadman's Hands. Max watched in stunned silence.

"Mahan," he said in the group chat, "Mahan, we need some backup!"

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Quinlan63 Quinlan63
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"You two wait here, I don't want to see you going for respawn after all the work you did." He jumped up and unleashed a Spear of light on the rogue dealing 40 damage and knocking him away from Loki.

The group as a whole didn't react to fast to appearance of another player. The warrior was on him quick trying to cut him down. Had he not had his sun shield he might of lost a good 35 points from the warriors cleave.

With only 6 seconds to spare he quickly tried to get some attacks in but it was to no avail. Even with him landing a hit that dealt 38 to the warrior he had been able to dodge the other two as if he wasn't even there.

"What the heck kind of agility could this guy have?" This was astonishing to see because this guy must of know that being faster would make PKing a lot easier if he couldn't be touched so easily.

"Alright if you are done watching I could use some help!" Up til now he had thought that because he was so strong that no one would give him any problems but that simply was not true.
RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Location: City Of Beginnings
"Argh!?" Syria walks around the City of Beginnings, rather frustrated that she couldn't seem to find that cave dungeon that the players have been talking about. With her hands behind her head, and with an annoyed look on her face... she bumps into someone, causing Syria to hit the ground. "Ah!" she cried as her bum hit the floor, she then began to rub it as she looks at the person she bumped into.

That person in question, was an old-looking man with white hair and blue eyes, with a scar going down his right eye. He was very stonky for a man of his age and tall as well, easily towering over Syria. On his back... looks to be a thick slab of Iron on the back of his leather armor. And on his face, a thick white bushy beard. "Whoa... can he even use that thing... on his back!? That's just.... impossible to think about." Syria thought, as the old man reaches out to take her hand.

"That was quite the fall, little lass." Syria takes hold of the old man's hand, bring herself back on her feet. "Don't worry guy, i'm a-okay!" She says with a smile on her face. "Hahahahahaha... That's what I like to hear!" The old man pats her heavily on the back, making Syria stumble a bit. He takes a gander at Syria, looking at her gear... or lack their of. "You're a little hatchling, yes little girl?"

"Uh... sure, I guess?" She was rather confused by what the old man meant, not even noticing the looks he was giving to her. "Hmmmm..." The old man began to gentle stroke his beard, staring down at the red haired swordswoman. "Where are ya heading towards little lass? You seem to be... a little annoyed before ya bumped into me."

"Oh, i'm trying to look for that darn cave dungeon that some people been talking about. Since... gaining experience in the forest is so slow..." The old man stop stroking his beard, and sat down on the ground, his legs crossed. "Sit down with me child." Scratching the back of her head, Syria sat down next to him, her legs crossed as well. "Good, now... i'll take ya to the dungeon and maybe give you some gear and items to help a little hatchling... if you are willing to partake in a little... questions. Just to see your character or... as they say, personality."

With a grin on her face, and crossing her arms triumphantly. "Lay them on me, i'll answer them the best I can!" Syria says with excitement in her voice. "Excellent, then let the questioning commence!"
After being blindsided, Loki was annoyed that she hadn't thought of a hidden player sooner.

Loki trapped the downed rogue with Deadman's Hands, Loki fired Crystal shards at the Warrior, and followed up with Creeping Shadows to try and keep all three enemies at bay.

"Hey, Nightshade! Don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open! Do something! Yuna cover Mahan, he needs the help! I'll handle the rogue!"

Taking a potion out her bag and recovered 10 hp. Since she only had normal ones left, she had to work it down. It tasted just like strong medicine.


Using life drain, Loki slow took hp from the rouge as he got back up.

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Quinlan63 Quinlan63
The rogue got back to his feet. His health was down to about a third, definitely not in condition to hold a fight. The rogue shot an intense look toward the warrior, but stood seemingly completely silent.

"He's using group chat!" Max said.

The rogue used Teleport strike on his own teammate for a fast regroup, the warrior taking the hit unfazed. They stared at each other for a while, as if communicating telepathically (when in reality, it was just a heated discussion in group chat). Finally, the rogue got fed up and dragged the warrior behind him as he ran, with the healer in tow restoring both of their health.

Max stood in silence for a moment. "Well, what was I supposed to do?" He said, "You saw how strong they were!"

RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63
"Pretty much anything other than standing there."

Using the time they warrior and rogue took to argue, Loki ran bit bit after them and used Crystal shards to attack the warrior being dragged the behind. However thanks to the healer, the stun was removed and they got away. Loki kicked a rock and sighed.

"Oh well. There's no point and going after them now. Status check. How's everyone doing? What happened to the other two Mahan? I think we should head back to the town and regroup."

Loki smiled as she thought about the fight. The two they fought had some interesting levels. Were they leaders in the group? Even so..

"Heh, looks like their leader isn't have bad at leveling, or they have someone who's good at planning on their team. This should be fun."

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Quinlan63 Quinlan63
"Everyone is fine on my end," said Mahan. "Katta and Mist were hiding behind so they weren't in any danger." That was a bit shocking to him to deal with, but he did learn something. Even though that warrior was quick he wasn't going to be able to take out all of his HP so it made sense for them to retreat. Looking at his current status he barely had time to see if he actually took damage before he was healed. "That was simple I guess."

"Yeah I agree that we should head back to town." He wasn't scared of getting attacked again but they all had something to do there so it just made sense. Plus he was holding all this rabbit meat and he did feel like running around with it any longer then he had to. "I got a sack full of meat here so we should be fine with food for a good while."

"Do you all have all the materials that you that are needed?"
RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
"Hehe, sack full of meat," Max muttered quietly to himself. He then quickly hid his chuckling and cleared his throat.

"Including the one mithril we have from earlier, we have 4 mithril ore. I can make Loki's scythe, but I won't have enough for my blade, even if I manage to figure out the element it's based off of and think up an alloy for it. I can buy more mithril in town, though. We better go before they return with the entire Bolivian Army."

He drew his sword; a basic shortsword. "I'm thinking about a rapier; does the game have a parrying mechanic? Can I redirect an enemy's blade with my own?"

RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Location: City Of Beginnings

"Now then, my first question onto you lass... is this." The old man clears his throat, pounding on his chest a bit. "An enemy or a group of enemies staged a surprise attack on you as you were gathering some resources. What do you do, girl?" Syria, without any hesitation raises her eyebrows and gives the oldie a grin. "Well, it's the obvious choice... to me at least. I'll fight them, no matter what!"

"Aha! A brave one... aren't you. But be warned, there is a thin line between bravery and idiocy. Remember that well. Now then, second question. If you were to own a house somewhere in these lands... where would you put it at?" She puts a hand underneath her chin. "A house... a house... jeez, I never thought about it... hmmmmm.... well, maybe where I can feel the nice spring breeze. Sounds kinda of comfy when I need think about it, actually."

"Hahaha... it does sound rather nice. However, I do fancy myself as a sea person myself. Anyways, the third question. In your own opinion, what would be a valuable part in an army... your ideal army." The old man smiles at Syria, as she began to start scratching the top of her red hair. "Hmmmm... I don't really know much about military stuff. But, I do know, that if the commander is strong, than the entire army must be!"

"Ah, so the strength of the commander... interesting, though a bit childish. Hmph, another one. An ally of yours is being under siege, but your own unit is also in a perilous situation..." Once again, without even batting an eye, Syria takes the hand off her chin and looks at the old man, with an unwavering look. "I'll help them both. My unit and my ally. Doesn't matter how hard it is, i'll do my best to save them." The old man stares right back at her, but soon relaxes his eyes.

"I see, a valiant thing to do. But surely, something not everyone shall do. We're almost done, few more questions and I shall show you the way. Now then, what do you think... makes a Hero?" She beams up with excitement from the question, her eyes lighting up. "Easy! A hero is not one for giving up, and has the fiercest look of determination on them! That, and their good with magic as well as using swords and stuff!"

"Hmph, another... interesting answer, but one I can get behind with. Third to last question. In combat, what do you need the most... out of everything." Syria starts poking her right cheek a bit, thinking rather deeply. "Hmmmm.... hmmmm.... well, if I am fighting solo, I guess I would need some knowledge and tactics. But with a group, I just need to fight with all I got!"

"I see, I see... second to last question. How big would you want your army to have, lass? No matter how ridiculous it may be." "Hehehehehe... come on oldie, that's an easy one. I would like to have my group be small... but are really good at stuff you know!" She clenched her fists, shaking them vigorously.

"Hmmmmm... now, last question, and something i've been looking forward to ask." The old man takes in a deep breath, looking up to the sky than back at the red haired girl. "Lass, what is a cause... you think is worth dying for?" He says with the utmost importance. "Think carefully now... this answer needs to be tak-" Before he can answer, she interrupts the old man. "To protect those I love."

"Oh, to protect those you love. And prey tell, who do you love if I dare ask lass." Syria runs the back of her head, giggling a bit like an idiot. "Well, to any of the important people i'll meet in the future of my life... and my parents. That's who i'll protect, no matter what."
"Actually yes there is a mechanic for parrying," Mahan replied. He remembered the day that this question was raised by his supervisor. At that point he was almost done with everyone who was developing the combat system. And as always he was the one that got asked about another thing that was not initially intended to be in the game. But as it was pointed out that if they were going to make things realistic they had to make a way for players get the full experience of combat to the fullest.

It really should've been simple to add it in but after multiple testings they came to find that the way they were going about it was making it too easy to do. If they did that within a week they would be getting complaints about how it was too OP for players to just parry someone instead of using a shield. This made Anthony think that for it to work it would have to be in a way that would throw players off and have to make some sacrifices to use. That was when he came up with the idea.

"You can parry but it has a certain level of a success rate depending on the type of weapon you are using. If you are using a light weapon like a sword or rapier as you said then you have a 75% chance of successfully parrying them. If wielding a battleaxe or any other large bladed weapon then it drops to 30%, but luckily it won't drop lower than that. Also you need to remember that if whatever you are fighting is huge, has a blunt weapon, or has any ranged/ magic it is impossible to parry them. Also if you have a shield because of it giving you protection the rate of success drops to only 45% of you being able to parry."

RaynaFon RaynaFon Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
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"Okay, I can work with that," Max said. He liked rapiers; Les Trois Mousquetaires was always a favorite story of his, and he liked the design of rapiers. He often thought of them as 'the katana of the Wesern world.' Quick and skill intensive, yet effective in the right hands. He always wanted to take a fencing class or join his colleges fencing team, but he never had the time. Maybe he could learn here?

"Well, we better make for the City of Beginnings, we have a lot of prep to do," he said,"After all, we are going for a quest zone well out of our level range. Hey, Mahan, do you want me to make anything?"

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Mahan di agree with Nightshade that they were well under leveled to go inside the dungeon. Even from what he could remember the enemies inside were a bit different from what they had been dealing with at this point. At least the first 2 floors might not be a problem but after that lowest level enemy is about level 10 and they just keep getting higher from there. It was going to take a miracle to deal with that, even if they had a number advantage. Well he was just going to have to see how things were gonna go.

"Hmmm..... I'm not sure if I need anything for now. The sword you made is so good that I can kill most things now in one swing. Even my armor and shield should be good for a while with all the extra HP it gives me." Mahan did like that nightshade was being helpful with making the weapons they used but he didn't need anything made for him at the moment.

"I do on the other hand have some business that I will tell you all after I come back from the main guild building." While he was finishing up with leveling up he had decided to create his guild now to get things out of the way. Plus sense he seemed to be on good terms with those in the party he thought of inviting them to join him. He even thought of naming Loki his second in charge of leading raids as she seemed like a natural raid leader. And needless to say having Nightshade was invaluable as his skills in forging weapons seemed to be second to known as far as he had seen. With time he might even become one of the greatest in the whole game, if not the best.
Sizniche Sizniche RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
when they were attacked, Yuna was too surprised to really do anything. to add up to that, Fabian ran away and yuna had to folow him since she didn't want him to be caught by the bandits or even killed.

Finally she managed to catch the fox and made her way back to the others. "goodness, so sorry, is everyone okay?" she asked, hoping that nothing bad had happened. she felt absolutely terrible for running away like some sort of scared rabbit.

"are we gonna go back to town now?" she asked, it didn't seem safe to continue to hang around here if there were bandits here. but something would have to be done about them since they couldn't have them just terrorise this forest, it was free ground for all players to enjoy, not their own private place.

she tilted her head slightly "are you guys saying that we're gonna try to clear the dungeon tomorrow?" she asked a little bit uncertain. it didn't seem safe to do that yet, even if they had Mahan and Loki with them who were both very strong.

Sizniche Sizniche RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Loki squinted her eyes at Nightshade's comment as she searched for her missing hat.

"I doubt they'd be dumb enough to bring everyone out. That'd draw too much attention to themselves. However, judging from the warrior and the mage from earlier, not everyone is the brightest tool in the shed on their team. Let's just hope their boss is smarter. Or not...might make them easier to beat."

Getting her hat off the ground, Loki dusted it off and fixed her hair before putting it back on.

"Alright then Mahan, I'll be at the alchemist and cooking stations. Nightshade, you'll likely be at the forge right? Then let's all meet back at the entrance to the inn then once we part ways in the town to do our own things. I'll take the meat if you want to get it out of your inventory Manah. I'll be using it anyways to cook with."

"Oh, welcome back Yuna. Don't worry, looks like they were more interested in stunning me and running away. You alright? It doesn't sem like you ran into any bandits. To answer your question. Not clear it, but train in it heh. Well you'll see. Well that is, if Mahan doesn't mind me making up the plan for our training." Loki smiled at Mahan.

Sizniche Sizniche Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Yuna looked up when Loki mentioned cooking "oh, I can help cook aswell, in fact, I'd love to!" she said happily "I'm sure I could prepare a great meal for all of us to celebrate that we didn't die today!" she was joking of course, most of all she wanted a reason to make a nice meal and not dying seemed like a good reason to have a little party.

From that thought her train of through led her to music, with a party you also music most of the time. She wondered if it was possible to make a guitar or some other instrument in this game. The strings she could probably make out of rabit hide or string and the body could be made out of wood... But how was she gonna get wood?

"Hey, Loki, could you please fire a chrystal shard at that tree?" she asked her friend. Because they got the different kinds of rocks from hitting the mine with a chrystal shard, then maybe they could get wood from hitting a tree with a chrystal shard.

She also nodded when Loki said they would be training, that sounded quite allright. With Loki and Mahan being two levels higher as her, she felt she was falling behind a little bit and even though she didn't care for levels much, she wanted to keep up with the others.
Max had a feeling the bandit boss was quite intelligent. After all, he gaged their threat level perfectly. Well, almost perfectly; they could have never anticipated Mahan. Speaking of which, he called over to Mahan. "I'm glad you like the sword, I put a lot of effort into it."

"I'll make my sword and your scythe," Max said to Loki, "I just have to run a few tests on the mithril."

Max looked over at Yuna's new energy. He could see why Loki liked her; she always seemed to brighten the mood. Well, except when she's trying to shoot someone, but that's a different story entirely.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Quinlan63 Quinlan63
"Alright, thanks. Looking forward to what you make."

Then Loki nodded at Yuna when she offered to help cook.

"Sure I don't mind. It'll make it go faster. "

She was about to head down the path back to the starting city when Yuna asked her to blast a tree.

"Huh? I don't get it but...ok? Everyone should stand back then. Standing a few meters away from the tree Yuna pointed at, Loki shot a crystal shard at it. Wood and splitters went everywhere as the tree groaned from the large hole placed. Without the support needed to keep it up, a snapping sound was heard as the tree's truck began to fall. Hitting the ground with a crash, the tree threw leaves into the air and breaking into four logs.

Loki coughed as dust went into her lungs and tried waving the leaves out of the way.

"well, that was eventful. Anyways let's see what we got."

Loki touched on of the logs and added it into her inventory.


As soon as she placed it into her bag, she felt like gravity had been turned times two for her. Every steep was a pain to take, not to mention she was constantly out of breath. Dropping the log from her inventory, she looked at it's details.

"Uh, one log takes up 150 units of space...with 13 strength, that means I can only carry 130. Gesh...So that's what it's like to feel overburdened in this game huh? Hmm, we migh to come up with a plan if we want to carry wood, or buy it at the construction npc. Speaking of which, that might be good to know if one of us decides to build a house or a shop. Right now, however, we've got other matters to tend to. We can always come back with a chopping axe and take what we want later."

Loki opened up UI, and sent Mahan a trade request so she could take the bag of meat off him. It didn't seem like he wanted to carry it around anymore.

Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Sizniche Sizniche
"Yeah that's fine if you want to make some plans for training." Loki had proved that she wasn't just some noob who started playing games just yesterday so he was certain that whatever she planned for them would be good. Plus to him that was good to see that she didn't mind taking on responsibilities. That made it even more clear to him that she was the best candidate to be co-leader of his guild.

Mahan took a moment to just relax and listen to what the others had to say. Yuna seemed like someone who like to cook in real life from the way she reacted from Loki even mentioning cooking. and Nightshade always seemed to be trying to out do what smithing was intended to be like in the game. Which was great and why they left so much freedom to the player to create thing with the power of their imagination.

He was though a bit shocked when Yuna asked Loki to blast a tree down. He was going to mention that they were going to need the wood cutting skill to chop down a tree but he already knew there would be no point in stating that. Getting out of the way he couldn't believe that the tree went down so easily. He was starting to think that when the department in charge of making things more real had made some changes without him knowing.

On the other hand he was not surprised that Loki was carrying to much as that much wood should be too much for anyone that doesn't put a lot of points into strength. Opening his UI he got a request to trade with Loki. As she already put the log back it had to be for the rabbit meat. He inserted the meat onto the trading section and sent all 56 to her with no regret of losing it knowing that it was going to be for all of them.

"Alright well there is the gate I'll see you all when I get done," he said as they approached the city. He was eager to make his guild now with things looking good at this point. Like as he always said it was best to strike while the iron is hot.
RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche
Katta sighed a little and she panted , she hoped that would be enough rabbits for her and mist to survive but she didn't know if that was enough for the rest of the group "Hey Mist how much do we need to catch to level up?" she asked smiling and she bowed to her and she walked over picking up her dagger that she had dropped from before she smiled happily.

Katta yawned and she looked at her and she winked "so do you know?" she asked and she yawned a little, all this work was making her tired but she knew she could over come her fake sleepiness. Katta groaned and she looked down. she walked over to Mist and she laid her head on her shoulder and she smiled a little. "wanna be partners...like we always watch each others back" she asked.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Mist yawned as well after Katta did. "Nope. but really, we will get there." She said with a little laugh. She then heard Katta ask about being partners. "I mean, sure! I would love to be partners." She said with a small laugh. "We work great as a team!"

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Katta blushed and she kissed her cheek "thanks i'm glad we are parnters" she smiled happily and she smiled at her and she chuckled alitte. Katta sighed " I love being in a team with someone who's sweet " she smiled at her and she laid back on the grass and she smiled " so what now?" she asked mist. " i think we might have enough rabbits but it wouldn't hurt to have more"

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
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Loki smiled when Mahan said it was alright for her to make the plans for their training, as if she had been given a brand new toy to play with.

"Heh, alright then, I'll head off as well. Oh yeah. Here Yuna."

Loki gave Yuna 27 pieces of the rabbit meat; half of what they had.

"I'll join you at the cooking craft building after I finish making potions out of the materials we gathered. See you soon."

Loki waved to Yuna as she left and headed on her way to the alchemy building. Inside the building, Loki opened her inventory to check the amount of materials she had gathered.

  • Caster's Robes(black)
    Caster's Hat(black)
    Beginner's Boots

Confirming the number she had gotten from their farming earlier, Loki spent 40 gold on crafting mats from the alchemy vendor npc and sold her useless rocks in her inventory for 9 gold. After that. Loki set to work crafting Potions.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche

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