Lion R.P.

Lya purred "No, no. It's fine Forest. I'm more than happy to help you" Now that Forest was wounded, she was obligated to help out a member of her pride. She was glad she had an excuse to do that now. "I'll walk with you to your den. Unless you were planning on going elsewhere" *S

Dani hopped on Tom's back and they quickly made it to the den. She walked to the end of the den and lied down. Waiting for the healing process to be over. She'd seen it done before, the Mair brothers were good at just about everything, including healing.

Wane walked through the night, feeling defeated and angry that they had excluded him, he shuffled by on silent paws. Who was he kidding? His whole awesome male complex was a ruse. He'd never get a female, he wasn't all that great anyways. He sat down and sighed. He looked at the other lions in the distance, threw of them. Maybe he'd follow them and see what's up. *M
*MR* thomis healed her

*M* Jess smiles and says ," thank you"

*MR* the brothers take her to the secret cave and say," stay here" and she nodds her head
"yes" she says getting up , " they are amazing" she streches and yawns ," Im hungrey where is the food ?" Thomis comes in and says <" follow me" he takes her to a special cave full of food and so she eats and then when she finishes she smiles and say ," Thank You"
Dani lies down on her side and twitches her tail comfortably "So whats up with that annoying male from your pride, he seems pretty desperate." Dani fixes her eyes on Jessica.
Jessica says," I don't know but he is really annoying and the weird thing is alot of girls like him yet i think he likes one girl impaticular but I just don't know who it is yet"
Dani nodded, "Yeah, I guess there's someone for everyone" she said. She looked around the cave to see that none of the brothers were around. (Not that it would matter, since the brothers probably would know one way or another). She leaned toward Jessica and asked "Speaking of mates, do you have anyone in mind yet?" she purred, lashing her tail about in curiosity.
Forest turns to the southeast to where a group of rocks formed a cave. "That is my den." He starts limping over to it and almost falls on his face again. Wincing, he looks down, "Walking gonna be soooo much fun." He sighs.
Dani giggled "I wish...I mean...I think I might have someone in mind, I found that lion from before, the male from the Savanna pride, kind of attractive. But it's probably not meant to be." She mutter *MR

Lya trots ocer to him, face full of concern. "Yeah, I bet. Do be careful" she mewed., "I mean, I don't want you more hurt than you are, Forest" She looks him in the eye a moment and looks away, her face growing warm. "Well, I'll see you. Don't forget our hunt tomorrow okay. Well, I'll do the hunting mostly. " *S

Wane watches the lions from his spot, since he didn't have nothing better to do.
Jessica says ," not trying to hurt yur dream boys image but his looks are just a cover to his foolish no-care behavier he treats females like toys and plays with their emotions to try and mess with them so please be careful *M/MR*

Drake lays down in a huff remembering that he was always 'invisible' to others so he should stop acting like he was important *S*

the three brothers walk in tom lays by Dani in his fav. spot , Thomis lays close to Jessica to watch her everymove for who knows why and Louis lays in the middle *MR*
"Really? Are you sure about that?" Dani was a bit disheartened to hear that but she supposed it wouldn't be a big deal to move on at this point. Still...what if she was wrong "Maybe thats just how he acts on the outside?" She said. She sighed, she'd been with the brothers awhile, should they have developed feelings for her by now? She glanced at Louis and away again, she didn't think he was interested in her. *MR*
Tom felt weird having a crush on someone and was going to tell her as soon as possible yet he didn't know how to tell the girl (not jessica) *MR* (you will never guess who he likes)

*M/MR* " I am 100% sure trust me but if you wanna find out who likes you ask me cause i know"
Dani flicks her tail curiously "Oh really, who?" She purrs and she leans in closer. What pride would her admirer even come from, she was buzzing with excitement and relished the thought of figuring it out. *MR
(will be gone for about a week after today) *M/MR* "come with me I don't want anyone else to over hear they will spread the secret faster than a wildfire" Jessica says
Forest watches her as he carefully gets to his den, only hurting it a bit more. "I will look forward to it and I will not forget. Though I was I would be more help to you during the hunt." He lays down and rests his head on his unhurt paw, watching her for as long as she is visible.
Lya sighs "Yeah, I know. I guess I'll do most of the hunting until you get better. Than we can have a proper hunt. You and Me." she purred at the thought of that. "Well goodbye" She says and runs off to find her own den.

-next morning-

Lya awakens with a yawn and stretches out her paws, relishing the warm sun on her fur. She walks out and feels excited. She must go see Forest. She runs quickly and finds him slumbering where she'd left him early before. She crouches, and then playfully she flies through the air and pounces him "You ready?" she mews.
"I promise that will be first on the list when I am healed." Forests smiles and watches her leave. "See you tomorrow." He slumbers, carefully keeping his paw off to the side.

-next morning-

Forest wakes when Lya pounces on him and he rolls so that he ends up pinning her, still favoring his front left paw. "Yes, I'm ready. Still want to help if I can." He smiles as he gets off her and limps to the front of the den. "Coming?"
Lya giggles "Yeah. I am", she gets up of her vack and snakes her fur. She prances quickly to catch up then slows her pace once she's beside him. "So, what's your favorite place, got any good hunting areas in mind?" Lya pranced veside him, very giddy and excited about the whole day.
"You seem happy Lya, did you sleep well? Any dreams?" Forest limps down past a few trees to an area that is fully covered by tall grasses. "I like to hunt here since most animals think they are safe and I can blend in." He looks at her and winks, "I like when I catch them offguard. So much easier to take down."
Lya swished her tail excitedly "As a matter of fact, I did" she found it interesting he had asked her about that, since not very many lions cared much of that "it was more of a memory actually, there was this one time. Long ago, when I was a cub, we found this flowery field, the lush grass was tall and blew in the wind the many flowers were sweet, their aroma carried. We played and frolicked through it. I don't remember where it is now, however" she sighed but perked up again. "Anyways, this place seems pretty good" she sniffed the air and huffed through her mouth to catch the scent. Her ears turned to the sounds of rustlings in the grass. "Hey, that one, right there". There was a small antelope fawn hidden in the grass, trying to hide. A bit farther off, a adult antelope loped out of the grass, it appeared to be wounded and was running in the opposite direction.
Forests stands near Lya but a bit off to the side, trying to stay out of her way in case she needs to charge some prey. "Sounds like a warm, safe, and beautiful place. And some of the beauty seems to have rubbed off on you." He quickly looks away and stares out at the sea of grass. "There are also some birds over there to our left, some rodents to our right, and another big cat across the plain from us." Forest smiles. "I grew up hunting here, so I am rather tuned into the area." He sighs and looks down at his leg. "Too bad I can't hunt for a was so much fun."
Her face grew warm when he'f called her beautiful. Still, she was more than happy for the change of subject, followed by the somber mood brought on by his injury. She nudged his shoulder with her muzzle "Hey don't feel bad, how about I chase one over to you so all you have to do is deliver the deathblow"

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