Lion R.P.

Lya felt her face grow hot and she turned away from him "Oh...I uh...nothing. I forgot" She was going to ask him if he wanted to go for a walk tonight, maybe...ask him to be her mate. She immediately shook off the idea. Him, with her? Was she even worthy to have him as a mate? She sighed and got up, "Well, I guess I'll go. Good night Forest" With that she was about to walk off when suddenly a lion jumped at them. "Hey pretty kitty, you must've been the one who found my pride" he grinned. Lya gasped, fear stricken by this stranger.

(Wane *M* Lya *S*. And Mandy, you've kinda been dialoguing only with your own characters. Not trying to criticize or anything..just pointing it out)
(okay sorry but it is hard with you guys so rarely online but ok i will try to do better ) *S* Drake goes back to his pride when suddenly she sees the new comer
( thats how i feel yet what can i do its your choice what you have your characters do)

(i gtg for now bye)
Forest is upset that she has to go, he had wanted to spend more time with her. "Do you have to go?," he ask Lya. Just then the other lion pops out and he sees Lya get fearful. He automatically gets up and jumps in front of her. Looking at the outsider, he asks, "Who are you and what do you want?" Forest is cautious and is ready for almost anything if it comes to that.
Wane laughs and a sly grin crosses his face when the other lion steps in to help her "Chillax bro, just dropping by to say hi. Since she so rudely left before without saying hello." He began to pace back and forth. Lya peeked over from behind Forest

"What do you want?" she hissed.

Wane grinned slyly. "Nothing pretty kitty, just wanted to come by and see whats up. Maybe try to charm you a bit. But it appears you already have a mate, so I guess I'll back off".

Lya felt herself blush "No...he's uh...not my mate..." she ducks her head

(Wane *M* Lya *S*)

Dani sighed, she was bored on this rock, all alone. She couldn't wait for the brothers to come back. But she was tired of waiting, she got up and ran, trying to track them. It was always harder to do, since the brother weren't normal lions. Somehow, she managed, and she found them speaking with a male lion and a female lion, both of some other pride it seemed.

"Guys, what are you doing? Who are they?" She looked at the others "Hello, my name is Danica. Dani"

(Dani *MR*)
"She is not my mate," Forest tells the outsider but then he mutters to himself, "But I hope she will be." Staring the intruding lion down, Forest asserts his domain and starts to make the outsider back down. "Now if you don't want any issues, I suggest you leave and stop bothering Lya." He is still making sure Lya is safe behind him. S*
*MR* the three brothers roared at her , " why are you here you know the laws of the pride and you know the punishments "

*M* "my name is Jessica"

*S* "my name is Drake" drake says then leaves returning to his pride
Dani stifled a low groan "It's been a while, I'm bored sitting over at the rock all alone. Is it so bad that I wanted to come by and see you guys? Must I be punished for such a thing?" She looked at the other two. "Hello Drake, Hello Jessica" she purred and swished her tail happily *MR*

Wane grumbles "Alright, Alright, fine. I'll back off. He leaned in and said to Forest "She's totally mine if you don't make a move on her." With that he galloped off, maybe he should find Jess and his pride, see what's up. *M*

Lya gasped a breath of relief and looked up at Forest "Thank...Thank you" she appreciated that Forest had stood up to protect her, even if the lion had claimed he wasn't a threat. *S*
*S* drake walked up to Lya and said , " Hello Lya " he looked dashingly hansome with charm also on his side but he wasn't goingto make a move to wow her even though she is still single

*MR* "well this time we will be kind and no punishment"

*M* " nice to meet you Dani "

(i gtg bye)
Dani purred and rubbed up against them "Thank you! I'll try to behave next time, but try not to leave me behind to long. I get lonely without you guys" She trotted over to Jessica "So, what pride are you from?" She sat down, licking a paw and looking at her for a response *MR*

Lya was a bit shocked that Drake had shown up, where'd he come from so suddenly. She blushed "Hi Drake..." Today was an interesting day, she wondered why all the lions were seeking out her company. Was she that special? Or just another female to mate with? She looked over from Drake to Forest, wondering which one actually cared about her. Or more importantly, if she was enough for one of them. *S*

Wane found his pride again, the brothers were still there along with another female. He trotted over to Jess and the female "Hey girls" he purred "Wane is back". *M*

Dani glared at him, she got bad vibes from this lion, was he supposed to be flirting with them? "Hey...Wane" *MR*
Forest watches the other lion leave then turns to see another of his pride talking to Lya. He has no real claim to her and he won't confront someone from his 'family'. He looks down and lays on his rock not too far away, watching Lya. There is a sadness in his eyes.
(back) *M* " i am from the Marsh Pride Dani and Hey Wane"

*S* " So Lya how has your day been" he asked while laying down next to her
Lya sighs "Oh...Fine...I ran into this other pride today. It was weird. I ran away before they could do anything" she swished her tail nervously, she looked Drake in the eyes but gave a sidelong glance to Forest *S*

Dani nodded, "Sounds like an interesting tribe. you know I'm with the brothers, the Mair tribe" she shrugged, "It feels good to get out. I'm glad the brothers are okay with me being here." She cast her glance back at them "Thanks again guys" she purred. *MR*

Wane purred "Well, if any of you ever need me just roar." He purred. He held a vain paw to his chest "I can satisfy any of you're needs. You're welcome". *M*

Dani sighed, this male was actually serious.

*S* " well at least your okay and isn't this weird i just ran into them myself "

*MR* " just don't let it happen again okay "

*M* " can you get back to what you came for"

*MR* Thomis ," Okay so we will be needing you Jessica to come with us"

*M* " what ? Why ! oh never mind lets goI mustent argue " she says standing but earlyer she her paw so she limped

*MR* " your hurt come here I'll give you a ride there " he bends over for her to get on his back

*M* " Thank you " she carefully gets onto his back , he never beore offered a ' ride ' to the hurt so she must of been good hearted
Lya looked at him "We're they okay, what did they say to you?" *S*

Wane followed the brothers "So...what brings you lions down here. Must be me huh?" he grinned and laughed "Just kidding, but really what's up?" *M*

Dani followed along, surprised that Jessica was hurt, she hid it pretty well, of course leave it to the Thomis to notice. "When did that happen Jessica? And How?" she said, worried. *MR*

(Were they not supposed to follow? I'm a bit confused)
Forest walks over to the watering hole to drink. While there, he looks around at all the other animals around him. He sighs and walks back to the rock and paces in circles around it, feeling edgy. He accidently steps on a meerkat hole and it collapses under his weight, causing him to fall on his face.
(everyone but Wane but i have a plan for him) *S* "there were three huge lions and a small one and they asked me my name , roared at me , and then attacked me until i left"

*MR* " we are taking Jessica to our pride"

*M* "it happened a couple hours ago and i was walking around and i fell into a huge snakes den and broke my paw while escaping"
Lya mewed sadly "That's horrible, I'm glad you're okay Drake" Just than a sound from behind her startled her, it appeared that Forest had fallen. She gasped and ran over to him "Forest, Are you okay?" She crouched down and put her head under his neck helping him to his feet. She looked him in the eyes "Are you hurt?" She mewed sympathetically. *S*

Dani trotted along "That doesn't sound very good, I hope you get better. But I guess since you're coming to our pride with Thomis you'll be fine in no time" She lashed her tail happily, projecting her enthusiasm and optimism to the hurt lion *MR*

Wane padded along, staying in step with the other lions "You know, they say love is the best remedy" he purred, winking an eye at the lioness who rode on Thomis back. *M* Dani glared at this lion again, did everything that comes out of his mouth have to be some sort of cheesy pickup, it was pretty unbelievable. She rolled her eyes.

(Haha! Poor Wane, but that's what he gets for being such an obnoxious character :P )

(Do the brothers always talk in unison or is it just one of them talking?)
(oh sorry sometimes i forget to put the name)

Drake smiled at her carein ness then ran over to Forest and looked at Lya then at him *S*

*M* rolls her eyes at Wane and says to Dani ," I hope so "

*MR* Tom walks infrount of Wane ," you are not supposed to follow us"
Forest is helped up and looks at Lya as he favors his front left leg. "I'm ok, but I think I may have twisted my leg when the hole collapsed under me." He walks a few steps, having a limp and a strained look on his face. "Yup, definitly did something to my leg. Thank you for helping me out." He smiles at Lya, looking her in the eyes.
Lya blushed and looked away "Oh, its no problem really". She walked over to him and looked at the sprain "Seems pretty bad, you might not be very successful in hunting for awhile" She sat down and looked over to Drake "We might need to help him out for the time being" she looked back at Forest "Unless you think you can handle yourself" She said worriedly. *S

Wane stopped in his tracks as Tom blocked his path. He pouted "Fine. Alright. I'll leave. By myself. All aloooooone." He padded away from them and he muttered more, he looked back "Hey ladies, if you need me you know where to find me" he purred and sauntered off *M

Dani sighed relieved and looked Tom, her eyes pleading a silent 'thank you' *MR
*MR* Tom says ," Dani get on my back i am getting tired of walking i wanna get there already"

*MR* Thomis says," I will take Jess back to the den and check out her paw see ya"

*MR* Louis says," Me too "

Louis , Thomis and Jess (who is on Thomis' back) get to the den and Thomistakes her into the healing room and lays her down
"I would like the help if you are willing." He looks down at leg then over at the other animals he hunts. "And yes, hunting for myself let alone others would be painful and a hassle." Forest notices her blush, "Lya, you sure you want to help? I dont want to put you out."

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