Lion R.P.

(Ok let me post a rule for that)

* New Rules *

*Post name if you have more than 1 character

* Post pack always

* there is no mates !! NONE !! no one has mates okay how you choose the female and how the female chooses the male is on who is the biggest and strongest and who ever wins the girls heart !

Jessica eats some of her kill while everyone else sleeps *Marsh Pride*

( i gtg for now be back later )
Wane purrs silently to himself as he lays down on all fours with his head on his forepaws. His tail twitches as he gazes at Jessica eating her food. He feigned sleep for no reason, feeling a bit mischievious. Maybe he can even get a bite or two out of her kill if he played his cards right.*marsh*

Lya sits beside a rock far from the others her ears press on the top of her head and she wonders if she will ever feel like belonging somewhere. She sighs, standing up on all fours and pads over to the others of her pride. "I'm going to hunt" she mumbles and takes off away from her pride. She always did feel more relaxed on her own, running through the grasses free and wild. Although this was where she felt most at home, she truly wished there was someone she could trust herself with and be herself.

*savanna pride (Keep wanting to spell it with an "H" :P *
Forest sees Lya run through the grass as he eats his kill. He watches her, wondering what she is gonna do and where she is going. After he has his fill, Forest goes back to his rock and lays down. He prefers to be on his own most of the time. He wonders if that is what Lya is feeling right now too.

*Savanna pride
*Marsh* Jessica looks around wondering if anyone is around who wants to take her food, she eats half of the huge buffaloe and lays next to the other half not wanting totake a chance of someone stealing it she rather not lose it

*savanna* after Drake finishes his meal he goes to a giant watering hole and lays by it

(anyone online ???)
Wane yawns, bored with his uselessness of his staring, he pads over to Jessica a with a rumbling purr says "You can't be eating all that by yourself, huh pretty kitty?" He lies down and stares at her, he gives a fanged grin. "But of course a cat like you must need all she can get to be strong and lithe beauty like yourself" He swishes his tail mischieviously. *marsh*

Lya runs fast, through the grasses. She stops suddenly, sniffing the air. Where is she? She must of ran farther than she thought, there is another pride here. She can smell it. Part of her wants to run away and go back to the safety of her pride but she also wants to investigate. She pads forward quietly. *Savanna*
*marsh* Jessica looks at him then at her food then she lays down infrount of her food with her tail laying aroundit and she says , " really thats odd of you to be calling me beauty when just yesterday i was nothing but a cat to you"
Forest justs watches Lya as she moves closer. "Hmm, wonder what this will lead to," he thinks to himself.

*Savanna pride
Wane chuckled "That's what you think, but I never said or implied anything of the sort now did I?" Wane stood up and paced circles around her, he liked toying with her, he could tell she was being protective and probably angry at him. He'd change that, all the lionesses fell for him eventually. *marsh*

Lya stalked closer to the new lion pride, she smelled a host of other lions as well as two lions in particular, she looked over. A white furred lion paced around a lioness, that was odd, what was he doing? She steps closer to the scene before her. *savanna*

((Hold up, Lya left her pride and is investigating the new pride *marsh*...temporarily))
(back on so me and you can RP wolfnight whats your real name and can i call you by your real name )

*M (M for Marsh)* Jessica looked closely at him watching his every move and she wondered { why do other lionesses fall for him } then she got close to her meal and she was NOT about to just give the rest to Wane

*S (S for Savanna)* Drake looked at Forest for a moment then looked away
*M* Wane continued to pace around her a bit longer, seeing that she was being conscious of him, he twitched his tail playfully and pretended to pounce at her food, trying to make her flinch and then laughed a bit. He sat down and purred, "Take it easy tiger just joking with you!" he chuckled.

*S* Lya crept closer to these other lions, she crouched low until her paw cracked a twig, she gasped and stooped low, she hoped she didn't blow her cover.

*M* Wane's head shot to the direction of the sound "Did you hear that?" It sounded really close to them, and not like a small animal scurrying about.

(Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, usually I'm on like 6-8 pm eastern time (florida), but lately I haven't been able to get on :( Anyways, my real name is Val, you can call me that I guess)
((Really sorry I haven't been on…you know Honors Classes *rolls eyes*))

Nyra looks over the pride with what can only be described as…well, pride. A smirk comes over her face. She decided she must meet all the members of the pride, and see who could become a potential mate. With her deep, authoritative tone she shouts, carrying on throughout the pride.

"Hello, I would like to meet all of you. My name's Nyra."

She lays and licks her paw as she waits for a response. Nyra doesn't like to be narcissistic, but she has to make sure she is ready for a potential mate. It is her job, as a healthy female lion, to have children, it is her responsibility. So she looks over her slim, healthy body with satisfaction, and decides she is ready for a mate when the time comes. In the meantime, she waits for the response to her statement.

((Hope that was good enough…I should be on more often now X_X))
(great your on :) )

*Marsh* -before the noise- Jessica roared loudly at him then then got up and took her meal to the watering hole andd roared again at him -after the noise- looks at the intruder from the distance

*S* Drake says to Nyra," Hello it is nice to meet you my name is Drake " he walks over to her
(( I was hoping it hadn't advanced too much :D ))

*S* Nyra gives Drake the once-over. {Seems like he could be a potential mate, I'll keep him in mind} Nyra thinks.

"It's nice to meet you Drake. Could you give me an overview of the pride? I seem to be late for this…dinner party"

Nyra smelled something good and alive, and went to go hunt it. She hoped Drake would follow her and give her a clue about all these lions.
*s* of course wanting to answer her he followed and said " their is Forest , and Lya and everyone else hasn't been seen in awhile " he isn't finished speaking yet he pauses
(Posting. Sorry for mistakes or slowness in advance. Using android)

Lya shudders as the lion's turn to face her. She's been spotted! She mews pitifully as the white lions roared at her and she bolted off in the direction of her pride. She was running so far and fast that she accidently bumped into Drake. She sprawled on the floor and looked up at him "Oh I-I'm sorry..." She mutters as she stands back on her feet.


Wane roars at the intruder and the female lioness takes off running. He laughs maniacally and lays down, rolling on his back and purring. He always found it entertaining to bother lions or get their attention. He was pretty cool like that. He gazed at an upside down Jessica and twitched his tail deviously.
Wane laughed again and still on his back his paw reached out to paw at a flower. He batted it and looked back at Jessica, prring. He rolls on his stomach and twitches his tail. He gets into a crouch and pounces at her, pushing her onto her back and pinning her down. His fanged grin flashes at her and he waves his tail excitedly. *M*

Phone's about to die if I don't respond you know why)
Forest hears his name said, and turns. He walks back to the pride and wonders what is going on. "What have I missed while I was away?" He still has some blood around the side of his maw from his kill.
Lya looks up at Forest and the others but says nothing, she wonders what they have been doing while she wandered off. *S*

Wane gives a mischievious fanged grin and pounces again.
"Welcome back Lya." He looks around, "Where did you go off to may I ask?" He had seen her walked off and was rather curious to what her explanation would be. He looked around the pack, seeing who was around since he had taken his own leave of the group.
*M* Jessica roars loudly at Wane and she eats the rest of her food

*S* Drake smiles at Nyra and lays down next to her
Lya sits down and looks at Forest. "I...was exploring. I ran off when I saw another lion pride" *S*

Wane twitches his tail and decides its time to go hunt his own food and stop pestering Jess. "Alright, I'm out.Try not to miss me too much"

He laughs and bounds off into the wild *M*

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