Lion R.P.

*M* walks off exploring this place she always loved where she met new lions one was big and deep dark black , the other was clean white , the last was (i am adding new characters and they are the rulers of all the three lions that are the gods but are the gods for lions okay)

Name- Thomus ( pronounce Tom-us)


Gender- male

Pride- Mair

Personality- Strong , brave , awesome , kind , nice , mean at times , rough , tough

Name- louis


Gender- male

Pride- Mair

Personality- Strong , brave , awesome , kind , nice , mean at times , rough , tough

Name- Tom


Gender- male

Pride- Mair

Personality- Strong , brave , awesome , kind , nice , mean at times , rough , tough

( I just thought of that idea for the three lion god brothers in a pride of lions who do not want to mate until they find ' the one ' and the mair pride has the 3 boy brother leaders and the rest are females who refus to just mate with anyone )
(Sounds cool, I'll make a female

Danica 'Dani'



Tannish lion with diagonal scar across shoulderblade

2 years old

Easygoing, relaxed, good fighter, tough, friendly
(Sorry I was gone! I injured my leg, but not bad. Could someone catch me up a bit? Do I still have to control the side characters, or were any knocked off?)
(you still control your characters and not much has happened)

(ok just remember her and others do not and will not 'mate' until they find the one which ask me before you have her fall 'inlove' whith any male ok and BTW she is back at the Mair land ok so she can't be 'used' ATM) *MR* (MR- mair) Thomus says to Jessica- hello Jessica this is my brothers Louis and Tom and my name is Thomis (oh and BTW some of the things that these 3 boy lions 'can do' and 'have' is oddball cause i kinda thought them up in my dream)

*M* " how do you kno- " pauses then awes " it it it is you three the gods " she says with shock

*MR* all three say " yes it is us "

*M* she says "why are you here"

*MR* Thomus says " we are here to get 2 females who we know won't co-operate with 'breeding' season"

(the two will be me and do you want it to be Lya sorry if mis-spelled )

(I must be going in 5 minutes be back on and 5 PM tomorrow eastern standerd time)

( sorry I gtg b back on at 5 PM tomorrow eastern standerd time )
(I kind of want Dani for Lois, heh, I mean later maybe. Im sorry I don't understiand what you mean by 'wont cooperate with breeding season.' Does that mean that she refuses to mate? Because she doesn't necessary refuse she just isn't sure yet and I was thinking LyaxForest, if that's okay with DD)
(that match is fine by me, i was sort of hinting at it from the beginning actually xD )

"Exploring? May I ask what and where?" Forest is curious, most lions like to stay in the pride they come from except from some males who want to start their own pride. He moves to a little puddle and washes the blood from his maw and then looks back at Lya. He is rather interested in her personality.
(Yeah, I caught on :P )

She shrugged, "I dunno, I just wanted to go off by myself a little bit. Then I saw this other lion pride, I got a bit freaked out and ran back" she padded over to the water and took a few gulps of it. Lya looked back up at him and says "I actually didn't even hunt today, I guess I should have, instead of walking into other prides and stuff". She hunched low, irritated at her own incompetance. *S*

Wane ran through the grasses, he spotted a wild buffalo, he crouched down and creeped through the grasses, watching his prey carefully. *M*

Dani lied down on the rock under the warm sun, she wondered when the god brothers would get back, but in the mean time she twitched her tail and yawned, resting her head on her paws again. *MR*
"Follow me then." He leads her towards his kill from earlier which is still relatively fresh. "I have some of my kill left over if you would like some." He sits on the rock that is near the kill and just watches Lya.
*MR*the three ask jessica," may we stay here for awhile "

*M* jessica says," yes yes you may"

*MR and M* they go and lay down under some trees
*S* Lya twitches her tail excitedly and purrs. "Oh wow, thanks Forest". She trots over to his kill and takes some bites out of it, eating her fur. She lifts her head up and licks the blood from her maw. She flicks her head over to see Forest had been watching her, she is a little bit nervous but manages a smile "Thank you" she pads over to the rock where he lays and bounds to another rock close to him, laying down and resting her head on her paws.

*M* Wane takes down the creature and eats until he is full. He comes back to the marsh tribe and notices some new lions have come along, all three males. He twitches his tail incredulously, he's not jealous or angry, but he certainly didn't expect some rival males to visit his pride. He wondered if Jess knew them. He strides over to them. "Hey guys, the name's Wane. Wane Moonscar" his fanged grin appears. He purrs and lies down. "Jess, why didn't you introduce me?" he says.
*M* she says " They are Tom , Luois , and Thomis . and they are not just any lions if you were smart you'd know them"

*MR* Thomis says , " we are famous around here , we are well just to simply put it we are the 'god' brothers as you say and we have 'amazing' skills and we are te highest ranking lions in the whole world"
*MR* they say," we are super strong , faster than the speed of light , we can roar so loud the earth will ehco it , and many more things"
"Wow, unbelievable" he said incredulosly "I'd ask you to prove it or something but that would be blasphemy" hw laughed "Anyways, just joking. I wouldn't say my skills come close to yours or anything, but I pretty awesome myself, not to brag or anything" Although he was bragging, although it was in a mischievious, playful manner.

"No problem Lya, none at all." As she lays on the rock next to his he looks at her and asks, "Enjoy you meal?" He sees that she is fidgety and nervous, although he doesn't want her to feel that way around him. "Do i frighten you or something Lya?," Forest asks her with a slightly hurt tone, "I don't mean to if I do."
Lya blinked in confusion, worried that she had given him the wrong idea and chagrined that he had picked up on her nervous demeanor. "no, no. It's not you...its...a reaction I guess" she sighed "I was the runt of the litter, so I don't feel...right with other lions sometimes. So sometimes I go off on my own" She felt her face get warm and cast her gaze.down at the rocks. She was being so open with her feelings. Why?

She really wasn't afraid of Forest, after all she did choose to accompany him by the rocks *S*
"The feeling of seclusion and not belonging? I understand. It is part of why I sit over here away from the pride." He watches her, now understanding why she is nervous. "And i'm glad you joined me. Even when one wants to be off on their own, there is always the want of company." Forest does a little lion grin.
*S* Drake roars

*M* jessica lays down and leans on Thomus who seems not to mind her doing so

*MR* The three brothers talk to each other using their minds to talk not speaking out loud
Lya purred "Yeah, I guess. You're not so bad Forest" she breathes a sigh of relief. At least he understood, she thought that maybe Forest would find her whole explanation odd. She sat in silence twitching her tail, just happy to be by Forest. She gets up and pads closer to him. Lying back down close beside him, only a few feet apart. She watched the sky, the sun was nearly going down, it would be night soon "Forest, would you...uh..maybe want to go hunting sometime. With me?" *S*

Wane yawns "Alright, I'm out. Try not to miss me too much" he leaves the god brothers and Jess and bounds through the grasses. He catches the scent of the previous intruder and tries to follow it. He gallops by, sniffing the air as he goes *M*
jess goes to sleep under the tree and the three brothers get up and walk around the land exploring it even thoughthey knew it hey just never explored it in awhile

*S* Drake annoyed very much huffs off away from the Savanna territory trying to escape and be notice until he stumbles apon the three brothers and he stops still

*MR* they say ," Drake what are you doing here"

*S* " how do you know my name"
Forest lets her move closer, enjoying Lya's company. "Yes I would like that very much. But what is your plan for tonight?" He was enjoying the view of the sunset with her next to him.
"I'm not sure, I guess..." Before she says anything, she hears a loud roar, "What's that?" She says? *S* Meanwhile, Wane creeps around and he finds the owner of the scent, it is a female lion, she is with another male. Just then he hears Jess roar 'Well, I wonder what princess is so worked up about' he chuckles at the thought*M*
*MR* the three brother say to Drake ," come with us"

*S* Drake follows as they go to jess

*M* Jess says ," who is he" she points at DRake

*MR* Thomis says ," this is DRake he is in the other pride"

*S* Drake Says , " hello"

*M* "what is he doing here"
Forest looks towards the sound of the roar. "That would be the Marsh pack. They do that often." He looks back at Lya, "What were you gonna say?"

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