Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Em glares at Rex because she now whats going to happen and she going to regret it '' ok fine with me what about you? jay '' she says with a big tooth grin
"Anything goes." Jamie drawled, stretching out her legs in front of her in the hot tub. She reached for her cell phone and saw that Caleb the beach hottie had replied to her picture message.

U R SO SEXY! Miss you!

She grinned a little, hoping nobody would notice.
'' oh who you textin.. '' em say scooting over to jay, '' hey rex can you get something stronger please'' she stretch out her legs because they were getting cramped
Samantha slowly walked up the winding road towards the intimidating, ultra-modern house. The large pizza boxes she was carrying burned her hand through her family's pizzeria's delivery pouch. She could hear the pulsating beat of some electro-pop song in the near-distance, growing louder and more obnoxious as she approached the house. She looked up at the sky, but the house was so lit up she couldn't make out any stars. Something unsettling stirred in her stomach, and she felt weird all over. Again.

Hoping to lift her own spirits, she skipped up the steps and tapped on the massive front door.
'' lol cheer up Kevin and David its ok " em say getting out of the hot tub and grabbing a towel and covering her body and checking her phone see if her mom texted
"Yeah Jamie what are you looking at? ~REX THERE IS AN INDIVIDUAL AT THE FRONT DOOR!~" Em startled declares,"What the hell was that!?!? Oh yeah Em, you've never been to my house before that was my House Butler system, kinda like J.A.R.V.I.S from Iron Man but with less awesome snark." Alexa got out of the hot-tub, looking beautiful in her two-piece as always. "I'm coming too!" Jamie said as she stumbled out of the hot-tub, "It could be a really cute boy!"
Before she could react, two pairs of hands wildly snatched at the pizza boxes. A cacophony of voices attacked her. Samantha jumped back, startled.

But she looked a little closer. Samantha knew these girls.
" Lol i wanna come!..'' she drop her towel and runs after jay and Rex , almost slipping on some grass '' i wanna see the mystery peson to!.."
Jamie was disappointed that the guest was the Mama Beppo's pizza girl. She looked kind of familiar as she told Rex her total nervously.

"Where do I know you from?" she asked the girl. Jamie thought she invited everybody from school, but where else would she know a pizza delivery girl from?
"Yeah you do look pretty familar..." and pretty she thought as she handed the girl 'Samantha' according to the nametag a wad of cash. Looking in shock at the cash Alexa commented,"Don't worry about it just keep it all, more importantly why don't you come in?"
"So?!" Jamie scoffed, throwing her arm around Samantha, "Rex just easily handed you enough cash to cover the rest of your shift! So come on in, have a drink. There's plenty!"
Samantha eyed Jamie. She wanted to leave this town as much as everyone else did but she wasn't the kind to 'drink, party, and repeat' to make up for living in a small, boring, and washed-up town. She believed in actually doing something about it.

But whatever. Who was she to judge? Besides, she really couldn't say no. She was all for living and trying new things.

"Uh, sure. Got any merlot?"
Jamie, Rex, and Em lead her out back, "Merlot? Is that like ecstasy or something?" she asked. It sounded like a hardcore fancy drug that Italians swore by.
"Hey MARVIN can you bring up a 1871 bottle from the cellar out on to the hot-tub island with 2 glasses?" Alexa had refined tastes too, besides this Samantha's obvious hipster looks she kinda liked this girl. "Yeah Samantha it'll be on the hot-tub and it'll be aspirated. So what's your size? I'm thinking-- Alexa sizing her up with eyes, well checking her out more like it-- size 4 C-cups?"
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Samantha's phone buzzed in her oversized, Navajo-print bag from Urban Outfitters. She pulled it out and clicked it on. Her screen glowed blue with a text from Jesse.

"Where the *fuck are *ya, Skittles? You've been gone for an hour" 
Jesse was the only "outsider" (as my family not so politely put it) who worked at our pizzeria. He became my coworker a few months ago and we grew pretty close. He taught me how to bake fancy cakes and I moved him away from finger painting or stick-figure drawing.
"Who are you texting, Sammy?" Jamie cooed. Even though she was kind of a hipster, Samantha seemed sweet in a quirky way.
"Jesse?" Jamie's ears perked up at the sound of a hot boy name, "You should, like totally, invite him over! We're keeping this going all night."

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