Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

"Yeah the party is just getting into full swing!" Pouring Samantha a glass of wine. "Drink up and enjoy the show. What show?" Samantha inquired. "This one! MARVIN NIGHTLIFE MODE!"

Out of the poolside tile popped up light and laser machines and a state of the art speaker system, the pool lights were even shifting between colors! "Whoa super trippy Rex," exclaimed Jamie. "Yeah I just got it put in during the summer." With party nearing its climax this Jesse was sure to be a welcome addition to the group. "Screw Spin the Bottle boys and girls, the sun is down and the music is up let's dance!"

Grabbing Samantha by the waist Alexa pulled her in close and started to move in rhythm, gesturing for Sammy to respond in kind. Was she going to go along with Alexa provocative nature or be a tad cold even for September...
Samantha bobbed awkwardly while Alexa grinded on her.

"Merlot, please work your magic soon" Samantha muttered. She took a tiny sip from the glass, then dumped the rest of it on her head. Because why not?

Mood: Annoyed

Location: Rex's House

Listening to: Dance Music

Since Samantha decided not to reply to his text, Jesse begrudgingly went to go look for her after the shop closed at 11. It wasn't like Skittles to ditch work, and he wasn't going to let his only friend in Appleby get fired from work.

Jesse and his family moved to the small town from Austin two months ago. He started working at the pizza shop to get restaurant experience. He loved to cook, and aspired to be a five-star chef some day. He didn't need the money, per se; he loved his job, and the whole Cioeffi family had accepted him into the fold with open arms.

He looked for Sammy at all the standard places; the gas station, the diner, her house. But her car was nowhere to be found and she wasn't picking up her cell phone. Jesse gave up, frustrated, and decided to go home. Of course his neighbors, "The McMansions" as he liked to call them, decided that Monday night was a perfectly good time to have a loud party. He'd just had a long night at work and all he wanted to go was curl up with Giada's latest cookbook and go to bed.

He almost passed the McMansion's house, until something caught his eye. Samantha's little Mazda was parked out front. Did Sam seriously ditch work for a party?! He pulled in his Jeep right behind her car and marched around back. He saw at least 50 kids in the backyard, a few of which he recognized from his first day at Appleby High today.

"Mmmm, hello there." a stunning, tipsy brunette in a tight leather dress wobbled up to him, "What's your name?"

"Uh, Jesse..." he replied, taken aback by how many kids were here.


"Jesse?" she thought for a moment, "Oh! Sammy's Jesse! We've been expecting you. I'm Jamie."

Jamie was very pretty, but he wasn't here to flirt. He was super tired and just wanted to yell at Samantha and get home to have a solid 3 hours of sleep before school.

"It's nice to meet you, Jamie." he said politely, not wanting to forget his manners, "Where is Sam?"

The girl's face fell briefly before smiling again at him brightly, "She's right over there, dancing with Rex, the redhead." she pointed to where a bunch of people where dancing to the music.

Jesse nodded a brief thanks before approaching Sam, trying to stay calm and not cause a scene that would make him embarrass himself in front of the entire high school.

"Jesus Christ, Sam!" he called over the music. She looked up from where she was being grinded on and a panicked look crossed her face, "Do you know how much shit you've put me through tonight?!" He and Sam's brother Lorenzo had to handle all of the last minute orders themselves, and it took them twice as long to clean up the shop.

"Whatever" Samantha rolled her eyes. The Merlot had gotten to her, and she was too tipsy to care that she pissed off Jesse and her family like she normally would
Em began to feel a little drunk so start to dance wild '' hey kev come here! lets dance! '' she motion him to the dance floor 
Jesse took a deep breath and started to walk out. Sam was obviously tipsy and acting like a jerk because of it. But before he could leave, he was stopped by Jamie again.

"Wait!" she called, "Would you like to stay?"

"I can't. I have school tomorrow." he replied, "But thanks."

"School?" Jamie asked, "Do you go to Appleby? I haven't seen you there before."

"I just started today. Moved here from Austin."

"Wow. City boy." she commented, seeming intrigued, "Are you sure you don't want to stay? I'd love to get to know you better..."

Jesse wasn't an idiot. Of course he realized that Jamie was flirting with him. He couldn't tell if she was just a flirty drunk or was always outgoing. He always had a thing for outgoing girls. He dated a lot back in Austin, but so far the only chick he'd talked to was Samantha. Sam was sweet in a little sister kind of way. He wouldn't really want to date her or anything.

He considered staying for a little while. How much harm could another sleepless night be? He did like parties. "You know what? I will stay." he decided, giving her a little smile.
"Hey Jesse what do you want to drink, I have pretty much everything available!" Alexa declared though a tad winded from all the dancing her and Samantha had worked up quite the sweat on each other...
Jesse assumed that the girl that offered him a drink was the party host, Alexis or something. "Nice crib. I'll take a beer please." he replied. The girl dutifully brought him a Budweiser.

"Would it be weird if I asked you to dance?" Jamie asked him. The girl definitely had a lot of sex appeal and knew how to play it all up. Her dress was practically a second skin and eyes looked very smoldering in the light of the backyard light torches.

"Not weird." he answered, "Let's do it."

The two strangers went over to where all of the others were dancing. Jesse was surprised when Jamie started to grind on him, but he didn't push her away. Come on, he was a man.
Em stops dancing and goes over to greet the new dude , she walks over to him '' hi emalee Johnson, its nice to meet you'' em slurred and takes another sip of vodka, and she starts dancing wildly again
Alexa sat by the pool putting her feet in and watching the party take place, watching her guest enjoy themselves and watching this beautiful girl swim through her pool in her uniform, minus the shoes of course. She really felt like this Samantha girl would leave an impression on her. She liked her spontaneous and playful attitude, the way she carried herself.

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