Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Jamie shrieked with glee as she saw Rex approach. She signaled for Kevin to scoot over and Rex slid in right between them.

"Where have you been, pretty girl?" she giggled, tracing her fingers down Rex's leg absentmindedly.
Kendall winked back and giggled. When he left she took off her dress, revealing her black bra and short shorts. She looked around and couldn't find her swimsuit. She mumbled, "F**k," and walked around her room looking.
'' oh god not you guys to please keep it pg!!.." what has this world come to!'' em mutters taking another sip of her drink
When Brian emerged from the bathroom, he saw something that did send a shock through him. Kendall was standing there in just bra and short shorts, which might as well have been just her underwear. Looking on it, it wasn't that much of a difference from a swimming suit, but something about it just did Brian in. He took a quick moment to take in her beauty. He hadn't seen her like that since they were real young. Since then she had blossomed into a beautiful thing.

Reminding himself to behave like a gentleman, he moved his eyes to her face and made his presence known. "Need some help?"
Kendall looked up and her eyes widened. She just remembered what she was wearing and turned red. "Uh, no i'll find it..." She stood there not knowing what to do then looked at Brian. She never remembered him being that attractive, probably because she never thought about him that way.
He noticed her redness and for a moment regretted saying anything. Then again, he probably would've dug himself a deeper hole if he hadn't and she turned around, spotting him.

"Alright, I'm gonna go sit out by the pool then. Holler if you can't find it or you need me." He flashed a somewhat nervous smile, exiting the room and going out to the pool. He pulled up a lounge chair and cranked it back, laying out on it. His tanned, muscular frame laid back on the chair, stretching out as he waited for Kendall to join him.
Kendall looked around for a good five minutes and decided to just swim in what she had on. She left the room and grabbed them two towels and went out, running past Brian, throwing the towels on him and jumping in. She came up and went to the edge, seeing she splashed him and giggled. "I couldn't find it, hope you don't mind me swimming in this." She gave him a wink and waited for him to hop in.
Brian laughed loudly as she came running past him, catching the towels as they flew into his chest. Brian grinned as she jumped in, noticing she was still in her bra and shorts. He laughed as he felt the water hit him from her splash.

"You're in trouble now!" He tossed his hat and the towels to the side and ran full speed. Brian wanted to put on a little show, so he did a 360 in the air, spinning down into the pool water. He took a brief moment to enjoy the water before rising up past the surface, brushing his wet hair back with his hand. He then turned around and swam over to Kendall. "Oh, and of course I don't mind, as long as you don't mind," he said with a grin.
Kendall winked and pulled him into a hug, then pushed him into the water. She came up and giggled, moving away. "Hm, what to do." She said with a grin and another wink.
"Em get over yourself, Jamie knows I'm just kidding!" Or am I. "Besides you have Kevin and what's his name, sooo you'll be fine. So Jamie when is everyone else coming to the party, the pizza will be here in like 30 mins."
He savored the hug while it lasted, laughing and smiling along with her. "I'll do just about whatever you want to, just name it." He grinned and winked back at her.
Jamie threw Rex a look. The party was already pretty crowded, and she was proud of the turnout, "Maybe if you made your own friends." she half-joked to her bestie.
'' ugh im not with him nope ..'' and yay pizza! i freaken love pizza and are you kidding?? cuz i dont know and im bored
Kendall swam back over to Brian and put her arms around his neck. "Well there are a lot of things we could do." She said, winking. She honestly didn't know why she was thinking of her best friend in this way, but she noticed how cute he was, and she wanted his love so bad.
Brian was once again surprised that night. His best friend was putting herself all over him. He had never felt for her that way before. It was a stronger bond he had for her than any of the other girls in his life before. Most likely because they were best friends. Brian put his hardened arms around her waist, gently pulling her into his embrace. It did cross his mind that they were best friends and that their actions could backfire, but he quickly passed the thought off; she was just too damn cute. He placed his hands firmly on her back, looking down into her adorable eyes.

"There is, what're you thinking to do?" He asked, not wanting to move on any further until he was completely sure she was alright to move forward.
He considered his actions one last time, but he knew he had come to far to back out. He took a gentle hold on her and drew her in for a gentle, somewhat romantic kiss without saying anything further. He figured their actions would take over for the time being.
Kendall kissed him back, literally melting in his arms. She heard from a couple of his exes that he was a good kisser, but she didn't know until now. She pulled away and looked at him, speechless. 'I just kissed my best friend. I just kissed him. H-How is this going to be not awkward?' Kendall thought worried. Her face showed the worried expression but her eyes stayed wide and happy.
"I mean I guess. I was just expecting more people. So what shall we do Jamie, Em, Kevin, and David?" Alexa asked sheepishly. Kevin chimes in, "Maybe we should play Spin the Bottle!" "What the fuck Kev, is this middle school?" Says Jamie. 
(This just in Kendall has melted and turned into a puddle.)
Jamie rolled her eyes at Kevin. He was such a ****boy. "Sure, why not!" she suddenly decided. "Spin the bottle, it is!"

She polished off what was left of the Bacardi and placed on top of the concrete table in the center of the hot tub. "Who wants to go first?"
Their kiss had been marvelous. That was an understatement for him, actually. For once, he could actually feel the power and the emotion behind the kiss. While he wasn't proud to admit it, Brian had been "around" a lot, so to say. Kisses had never meant much for him. He liked to be the good guy, but when it came to stuff like that, that's just how it worked. But, the tables had once again been flipped on him. He could tell that she was worried about things being awkward. He made it an objective to do his best to prevent that. Brian continued to hold her close, except he moved his hand up to her cheek, gently caressing it with a soft smile. His eyes remained locked on hers, but he didn't say anything yet. 
(oh sht i didn't know i had that great of an effect. i'm the reverse edition of medusa.)
"Alright guys I think its time for some food I'm going to call my favorite place Papa Beppo's, then we'll play Spin the Bottle Truth or Dare!" Alexa had some devious plans for this party...

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