Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Kendall was about to kiss him once again when a breeze made her shiver. "Wanna go back inside? It's getting chilly." She said, looking at Brian and smiling.
Brian smiled back and nodded, also feeling the breeze. The fall weather was starting to set in, and soon the pool would be even colder than the creek that ran by the farm. He quickly hopped out and grabbed the towels, holding one out for Kendall to take while he dried himself with the other towel.
Kendall wrapped the towel around her. She took Brian's hand in hers and walked inside, smiling. Since it was very hot she would probably change into an outfit similar to what she has on now. She went into her room and grabbed Brian's clothes, handing him them and smiling as she quickly got changed, into short shorts and an oversized t-shirt.
He gave her hand a gentle, loving squeeze when she took his. He followed her inside and took his clothes. He went to the bathroom, quickly switching back into them. He then exited the bathroom, coming back to her with a smile.

"What're we gonna do now?"
Kendall smiled and shrugged. "I don't know." She went over and put her arms around Brian's neck, kissing him gently and quickly. "You have any ideas?"
He grinned, sliding his arms around her waist. Brian returned her quick kiss before replying to her.

"A few, but it wouldn't be gentleman-like to mention those." He flashed her a quick wink. "Idunno, you want to pop a movie in and curl up on the couch or something to that affect?" While he could have rushed straight to "business" so to speak, he wanted to take it slow since this girl meant so much to him. In the end, it would be worth it.
"Sure, which one?" Kendall asked, grinning. She loved watching movies with Brian, especially when they're stupid so they just make fun of it the whole time. She walked downstairs to the living room and opened her cabinet of many movies.
(Sorry for disappearing, had to run into town)

Brian followed her to the living room, crouching down and looking over her vast selection of films. Memories filled his mind of their previous times together as they watched movies and laughed together. He smiled inwardly at the fond memories.

"Idunno, How 'bout an Adam Sandler?" Brian asked, picking out the Billy Madison film.
"Sure!" Kendall said, plopping onto the couch while he puts in the movie. She always loved this movie, and Adam Sandler.

(It's okay, welcome back! That movie was on last night xD )
(I know it was, I watched it!)

Brian smiled and sat beside of her, watching as the movie began with the pool scene. He chuckled, as it was kind of ironic as they were just in the pool. Brian slowly slid his arm up and around Kendall's shoulders, resting his hand on her shoulder.
Kendall giggled and smiled as she felt an arm around her. She leaned onto Brian, snuggling in his arms. Kendall continued to watch the movie as she cuddled.
He smiled as he felt her cuddle into his side. Brian enjoyed the feel of her warmth, and hoped that the night would drag out. Despite all his encounters with Appleby's female population, this was fairly new to him. He actually cared for the woman in his arms, and it warmed him inside. He continued to hold Kendall as the two laughed at the movie.
Kendall looked up and kissed Brian's cheek, smiling. She never felt this way with any other guy, and she couldn't believe the guy was her best friend. She ignored the thoughts and looked back to the movie.
His smile only grew as he felt her kiss his cheek. Brian responded by moving his hand to stroke her cheek. Any thoughts about her being his best friend, or any possible way it could backfire had gone out the window long ago. He felt that their feelings for each other at the time were solid and that they felt the same way about each other.
Kendall smiled and looked into his eyes, leaning in to kiss him gently. She pulled back, not knowing if he wanted to keep going or not, so she went back to watching the movie.
Brian returned the kiss, but noticed she backed away pretty quickly. He could see the uncertainty in her face as well. He took a gentle hold on her chin and guided her lips to his, engaging the two into a deeper kiss.
Kendall kissed him back, keeping it going. She put her arms around his neck and smiled. She felt sparks as they kissed, and she knew it was perfect.
He fixed his arms around her waist, moving his hands up and down along her back. He was tempted to move them under her shirt, but held himself back. The kiss was exceedingly perfect as it was and he wasn't about to ruin it. Brian felt completed as their kiss carried on.
Kendall heard a phone ring and noticed it was her cell. "I'm sorry, i'll be right back." She said, kissing him on the cheek than running upstairs to grab her phone. It was her parents, telling her they won't be home for the rest of the week, like usual. She sighed as she hung up and went back downstairs.

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