Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Kendall was in the mood for pancakes, and remembered how much Brian liked them. She got the ingredients and made the batter, turning on the stove top burner and getting the pan ready. When she was all finished she put some toast in the toaster and got them drinks and got everything ready at the table. Kendall made her way over to Brian and stood in front of him taking his hand. "Foods ready!'' She told him, leading him to the dining room.
He smiled as the smell of Kendall's cooking filled the air. He knew right off the bat that she was making her infamous pancakes. She was a great cook; just another tribute that Brian found he loved about her. He gave her hand another squeeze when she took his, and followed her to the dining room. He took his seat next to hers, waiting for her to be seated before digging into the food, minding his table manners. He chewed and swallowed before complimenting the food.

"This is great, as always Kendall. Use your famous recipe?" He said with a grin, chuckling.
"Of course! I never use a different one!" Kendall said, taking a bite of her food. She loved how her pancakes tasted every time. When they both finished she took the dishes and put them in the sink, starting to do the dishes.
"Well, they're still as great as I remember them," He said before digging into them once more. Afterwards, Brian did something he did rarely, to make a better impression. He got up and helped Kendall with the dishes. He'd occasionally helped his mother out with the same task, but it was rare. He flashed her a toothy smile as he began to dry the dishes and put them away as she finished cleaning them.
(Aw sorry :/ act like school ended and come over or something!)

Kendall smiled as Brian helped her, it was faster. Once they were done, she put his arms around his neck and told him, "I was thinking about going out back and taming since its sunny, and I found my swim suit!"
(( Hey guys, sorry i've been really busy would somebody mind and tell me all the juiciness that's happened?))
(Brian and Kendall have been neckin' on each other pretty much.)

Brian smiled and held her hips gently, nodding at her suggestions. Sure, sounds good. Let me get changed and I'll come out with you." He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss before departing to go change into his trunks. He didn't really need to tan, but he'd do just about anything to stay around Kendall. He entered the bathroom and quickly swapped his clothes out for trunks.
Kendall went to her room and changed into her green bikini. She put her up into a bun and got flip flops and a towel for the chair or if she happened to swim. Meeting Brian downstairs, she took his hand and went outside, giving him a towel and seeing hers on the chair, herself as well.
He smiled as they held hands and followed her to the pool. He set up his chair and tossed his towel across it, spreading it out. He sat his chair next to hers and reclined in it, getting to a comfortable position. He relaxed out in the sun, a smile on his face.

"This is nice," he inquired.
Kendall giggled. "Yeah, hopefully I don't burn like I did the last time we tanned together." She responded, smiling at the memory. Her best memories are mostly with Brian, and she loved that.
He only chuckled and smiled at first at the fond memory, then he built up to a louder full-on laugh as he remembered the entire memory. "Yeah, I remember. You looked like a firetruck." He chuckled, then looked over at her. "But, firetrucks usually aren't that pretty." Brian flashed a smile, beginning to dig in his mind for more of their fond memories. There were tons.
Kendall blushed, making her cheeks look like a firetruck. She paused for a moment, then got an idea. She looked over at Brian. "You know what firetrucks do? Splash." With that she winked and ran, jumping into the pool and splashing him with the cold water once again. Kendall came up laughing and swam around.
Brian laughed once the cold water hit him, the heat from the sun instantly being taken away. He ran and jumped into the pool, doing a cannonball. He came to the surface and swam after Kendall, playfully chasing her like a shark.
Kendall laughed and swam away, hoping out of the pool and sitting on the edge. She stuck hey tongue out at Brian and winked.
Brian dived underwater and swam towards her. He used his powerful leg and arm muscles to channel him towards her at a fast pace. He then came up on the edge of the pool, resurfacing. He rested his arms on the side of the pool, looking up at her. "Hi!" he exclaimed playfully and joyfully.
"Hey cutie." She greeted him, winking. Kendall hopped in next to him and kissed him, holding into him and the edge so they don't drown
"You're the cute one," he said before embracing her whilst holding onto the edge of the pool. Their lips met and sparks flied as they kissed. Memories of the day before flashed through his mind, and just as expected their kiss felt just as perfect as the first one.
Kendall pulled herself closer, making the kiss deeper, and wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. She felt so great with him, something she never thought would happen. Sparks flew and butterflies flew around her stomach as they kissed. She smiled as her lips locked with Brian's soft ones.
Brian felt like the greatest man in the world. He could feel the energy of their kiss. Even better was when he felt her smile into it. He responded by smiling into the kiss himself. Brian held her close to him, enjoying the feeling of her warmth as his hands explored her body, gently rubbing her back.
Kendall put her hand on his cheek, and continued to kiss, once in a while stopping for air and smiling. She didn't care that they were still in the pool, she liked it. It was different, and perfect. She was about to kiss him when she heard a loud clap of thunder and jumped. She always hated thunder, sometimes she would get too scared and cry a little. It always horrified her, after she saw someone getting struck by lightning on the TV when she was little. She held tight onto Brian, scared, when she felt raindrops.
Brian couldn't help laugh at Kendall getting scared and jumping. He had noticed the dark clouds hovering above, and those that were looming in the distance. He held her until the second thundering boom of thunder emitted, along with the raindrops. He took her hand and guided her from the pool, taking a towel and wrapping it around her. He grabbed his own and dried himself. "I think we ought to head back inside." He smiled and took her hand, heading inside the house.

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