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Fantasy Light Without Sun

Tridius just sat up and walked out in shock. And then he saw the images. So many mutilated bodies... And so many things that shouldn't have happened. Man, it was really bad. He just shook his head. "Do we have anything to make me forget the next 5 years worth of nightmares?" He yelled. Tridius just weeped for everything in his life that was ruined. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." He growled.
Luna sighed and swam off the cliff. She swam around and spotted a few people where the castle used to be. She gasped. clutching one of the pieces in her hands. "This is awful." She said, holding the fragile little piece. She sighed, her white hair floating around her head. She looked at the merman and the mermaid in front of her. She sighed, they both looked beautiful and color full compared to her dull look.
Mizu swam over to where Tridius was standing, clearly horrified. Maybe going in was a bad idea, he was no longer holding his trident as he patted Tridius gently on the back. "Are you okay Tridius? W- Will you be okay?" Mizu asked, generally concerned for Tridius as he was maybe the toughest looking among the group, but right now he was terribly shaken up. "If you want to forget something, then think of something better. Something that makes you happy," Mizu said, in an attempt to cheer Tridius up, hoping it would make him feel a bit better to think of something else.
Tridius smiled. "Thanks, Mizu. I needed that." He thought of the time he got his first contract... Or the adrenaline when he charged into a bandit hideout. Then, a wave of pain hit him. He curled up, and tried to not show the pain. "Damn it! That poison was a slow acting one!" Tridius waved away Mizu. "Trust me, you don't want to talk to me like this. I'll just snap at you."

He began to feel the mind numbing powers of the poison, and fell unconscious. Wow, it was strong. He would be out for an hour before he woke up.

Edit: I will roll a 3d6 to determine damage dealt.
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Luna looked at the weeping one. She got closer, hopefully not close enough to alert them that there was another presence there. She looked at him, wonder in her light purple eyes. She looked at all of them, her tail swishing as she gripped a rock. She sighed. They looked sad to, but not to the core like she was.
"T- Tridius? W-What's wrong? Are you in pain?!" Mizu asked, looking at Tridius worried as he tried to get as close as possible to him, without alerting him completely. Poison? Was he poisoned?! "Wait here Tridius, I'll go and make an antidote. It works on most poisons, only a few rare ones is where it doesn't work!" Mizu said as he swam off, gathering a few plankton and other plants, mixing and crushing them together, placing them in a bottle he made out of ice. It took him thrity minutes to finish the antidote, but at the very least it was done, he quickly swam back to Tridius and held his head, making the antidote slip into him slowly. "Drink it all!" Mizu commanded as he saw something white in the distant, but he was more worried about Tridius right now.
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Luna got a bit closer, her eyes peering over the second rock that was closer than the first. She looked at the boy, who seemed to be suffering from poison. She floated a bit to far up over the rocks and ducked back down, her long hair trailing over her and giving her location away. She mentally slapped herself, her sneaking mission not going so well.
Nami arrived in the capital city, it was her first time out of the deep dark and hey eyes where already feeling strained. Here vision was hindered by all the light and her eyes had trouble adjusting. Because of this she has gotten lost plenty of times.

She saw the giant black rock jetting out of the castle and debris everywhere. She pulled out her spear and turned on light on her head. Her father told her that all see creatures are attracted to that light so you can draw out any hidden predators. She forgot though that it was not dark so the range would not be so far. After verifying the area was safe she swum closer to the rock. The smell of blood filled the air.

She followed the smell until she came across a white mermaid she pointed her spear in its direction and tilted her head trying to lure it to her. Then the smell of blood pulsed in her head and she turned to the big rock.

In there rushed holding her spear infront of her. The scales on her tail and the cap on. Her waist was also started to glow. Her adrenaline was pumping and she was ready to fight. She made contact with the other mermaids waving her spear.

"You monsters... How could you kill your own kind... Prepare to feel the wrath of Monster Hunter Nami"
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Tridius pulled out another trident. "Hey! Leave us alone, damn it! If you want to know what happened to some of the bad guys, go down there. There's an entire f***ing experimental lab in there!" He pulled out a helmet and assumed a defensive position. He was ready to defend the others if need be. "I just went down there. And a lot of the human experiments asked for death. As if there weren't enough killing today!"
"W- Wait hold on you two! We shouldn't fight among ourselves here!" Mizu shouted to the both of them, standing between both of their weapons, hopefully stopping them both, or he would freeze them in one place. It was as Tridius, said, there had been enough killing, and hearing of the human experiments... only unpleasant images entered his head, as he tried his best to think of anything else, but that. The blue jewels on his accessory began lighting up in a bright blue color, as he was charging up his magic, in case one of them would attack, he needed to be ready for anything to happen.
Luna zoomed out and shoved the girls spear away. "He is hurt." She said, standing her ground. "You will not hurt him." She said. She floated in front of the girl, her white hair floating around beside her. Her black tail swished around, her slightly purple eyes piercing into her gaze with intensity. She felt the need to help
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Nami was skeptical. The blood she smelled was not just mermaid but human too. In front of her was the killer. There was a group of them too

Perhaps they where being kidnapped by him.

Then the white hair mermaid from before pushed her spear out the way. Nami immediately increase the size of her cap to prevent anyone else from sneaking up on her.

She increase the brightness of the light on her lure (the thing on her head). She did not want to hurt the white mermaid so she released her spear. But she still had doubt. "You claim to have killed human experiments asking for death but I also smell the blood of mermaid. You are telling me they asked for death too." She had calmed down and reclaim control of her light

Turning it red to make herself seem more threaten.
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Tridius just facepalmed. "The scientists were mermaids, Nami." Tridius put away his trident. "You appear to have come a little late to the conversation. Here's how it went... (Proceeds to explain everything that happened) "Do you understand now?" Tridius was skeptical of her, but they needed another person in the group.
Luna realized she had blown her cover and turned around. 'My apologies for scaring you all, or at the least I hope I didn't scare you." She said. She looked down. 'If you wish I can go away. Everyone says that to me." She said sadly. She looked at the person who smelled of poison. 'I was just curious because I smelled poison." She said.
Mizu's jewels went back to their original crystal blue color, as he was happy that none of them got hurt. He smiled to the newly come mermaid that had jumped in between them. He smiled to her and reached out his hand. "I'm Mizu Nagare, nice to meet you, and thanks for dropping by. I was really scared there for a second. We're suppose to meet here, so... you should stay," Mizu said and smiled to her, glad she came.
Nami brain overloaded from so much information. She was not use to listening to people so long being by her self. By she decided to trust them. She did not like the idea of killing mermaids but what is done is done.

Held her hand out to the white hair girl while turning off her light. "My spear please."

While waiting for her weapon she decided to introduce her self.

"If you agree not to kill any more people without being in danger... I will let you off with a warning...

I am Nami... A ... I don't know what kind of mermaid I am.

I track and hunt down the biggest and most dangerous creatures in the Dark Deep. I normally work alone but since this Oceanus guy is threaten you... i guess could accompany you"
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"Luna, black and white Damsel." Luna said, looking at him and shaking his hand. Compared to him, her skin was pale as ice. She was born that way. Pale and colorless. He, however, was much more fortunate and was born with vivid colors. She sighed, wishing she could be a magnificent blue or even a light shade of violet. She was lucky enough to have semi colored eyes. She looked at the other one and passed her her spear.
Tridius smiled. "Well, I'm Tridius, bounty hunter for the King." He didn't know what to do now. "By any chance would you know who Iku-Turso is?" He hoped she did. Otherwise, it would be a long time searching. He really didn't want to do a lot more of that... Cause it wasn't turning out well now, after he was poisoned.
Mizu smiled as she was a fellow damsel fish, and he smiled to her. "I'm a damselfish too!" He said happily and looked over to where Nami was standing and smiled to her too. "A misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, at least no one got hurt!" Mizu exclaimed happily as it scared him on the thought of more of them getting hurt. Hope no one noticed my magic charging up, I would rather keep it as hidden as possible, better for me after all...
"Iku- who?" Luna asked, her pale violet orbs moving from Mizui to Tridious. "I am sorry, I have no idea who that is. I do not know a lot of people. I ignore a lot of folk." She said, her eyes growing sad. "You see, I am not much of a people person." She stated, her eyes wandering around the area they were in.
Aquinna was stunned by the sudden new additions. Where had they come from? But it looked like they were willing to help, and they needed all they could get, with the city emptied like this. She hadn't been able to get a single word in, with their sudden hostility, but now she spoke. "Uhm.. Nami, right? If you hunt down big dangerous creatures, do you.. I mean... have you ever heard of Iku-Turso before? I think we need to find him." They didn't have any other leads, and after the whole experiment fiasco... they had to move quickly.
Her lure glowed blue as she tried to add affect to her words.

"Iku-Turso the Kraken... My papa told me stories, how he was monstrous and strong. All the Monsters I hunt originate from his black magic. down in the the Dark Scar (Cavern at the bottom of the Dark Deep)"

But then she turned off her light, and started doodling in the sand below her. "My mama told me that i was created from his black magic... She said i was evil and an abomination. The everyone calls me that because of my form... just because i'm a hybrid... because i'm different..."

her body started glowing as she became angered.

"GO AHEAD... MAKE FUN OF ME...LAUGH HOW I HAVE ANGLERFISH LURE AND A JELLYFISH CAP" Tears rolled down her face, "All mermaids are the same... they love their kind only and look down upon the different."
Tridius frowned. "Look if they really loved you, they would accept you for who you are... I don't t really give a damn what you are as long as we get the job done. But can you lead us to him? It would be really helpful to capture Oceanus." Tridius just sharpened his trident... This was getting awkward.
Startled by the other mermaid's extreme reaction, Aquinna felt herself drifting backwards. "I don't- I wasn't going to laugh at you. We just need to find him, because he might know something about Oceanus. Those..." She felt sick, remembering the experiment lab. "those things back there. If there are more... experiments going on and the like, we need to stop them. If it's Oceanus' doing, we need to find him and stop him. I-Iku-Turso knows something."
Mizu swam over to Nami and looked at her, he smiled as he understood her situation. People judged a lot by looks, especially how he was all golden and glittery. Despite Nami's situation being a bit different from his royal looks, he could still somewhat relate to what she felt like. He smiled to her, as he tried to face her. "Can you see anyone laughing here? I'm pretty sure no one is laughing at you. We all look different, and not all accept that. However, you need to find those who do. You got at least one right here," Mizu said and pointed to himself gently drying away her tears.

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