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Fantasy Light Without Sun

Fen Hai leaned back from the lurefish guide as Nami shouted her fury at the circling whales, clearly startled by the mer's words. "Oh." The koi mermaid twisted around, sliding around a large bubble of air that had come up behind her. Keeping one eye on the Deep Dark guide - well, more like keeping an eye on her spearpoint that was making swirls in the water - Fen Hai turned the rest of her attention to the whale song filling the liquid around them. She instinctively slid between the bubbles as they came up around her, as easily as she had the stems of the lilypads and cattail roots of the family shrine back home, and with as little attention to them, even when the amount of bubbles intensified.

The koi's expression deepened into a scowl as she listened to the deep vibrating howls and climbing octaves of the songs. Glancing back over her shoulder to the main group, she exclaims with horrified shock, "They're hunting us. They think we're krill, and they're herding us into a circle so that they can plow right through the group to swallow us whole." She turns back to the thickening fence of bubbles and places her hands at the base of her throat. Singing in as a low of a tone as she can, Fen Hai attempts to dissuade the hunters from their plan. Next to the actual whale song, her own song sounds thin and quavery, even as the notes match the proper pitch.

(edit. to get the right fish)
Aquinna swam back quietly. She'd heard that whales were peaceful creatures, but if they thought they were food, they could be very dangerous because of their sheer size. "If they charge us, what should we do?" She asked. Nami and Fen seemed to really know what they were doing in this situation. Was this just another challenge sent from Oceanus? Her head spun as she bit her lip worriedly.
Orielle pulled out her crystal amulet then and held it up towards the whales, a bright blue light radiating from it and towards the whales.

"The light should distract them and calm them down long enough for us to get away."

She clutched the amulet tightly in her hands, for fear of dropping it and losing it forever.

Nami watched as the whales ignored the song. She figured they where not playing, but when Fen mentioned hunting, Nami gripped her spear tightly. Did whales eat mermaids, she would have to make note of this in her future hunts. She focused at the whale circling her as a bubble floated infront of her. She caught a glimps of something shiny in Orielle hand. It flashed, bouncing off the bubble, blinding her. The whales immediate ceased their hunting and cried as they ran away in pain. The group was saved by Orielle.

Except Nami's sensitive eyes. Her eyes where weak to light. In this darkness her eyes where already adjusted so when the flash went off it burned her eyes and she started sinking in a daze. All she could see was white. Her eyes where burning. Most of her lights turned off and only her lure glowed as she fell away from the group. She held onto her spear as it was the only thing she could feel. It was her life, her protection, He key to living in the Deep dark, and now it was the only thing she could picture in the white blur that she could see. Her body felt weaken, and she became scared, so scared she did not even know she was sinking head first. She remembered that she had to stay afloat with the group so she fan her fin but because she was upside down, it had the opposite affect causing her to sink faster.

She called out to every in a low voice, "Where is everyone, why is the deep dark so bright, why do my eyes hurt... do the big yellow ball from above come down... Help me... please." She held her spear tightly close to her body. The tip of the spear laid in her hair scratching her scalp can causing her to bleed. A trail of blood rain deep into the pitch black. This was the real Deep "Dark"....
Orielle spotted Nami and swam after her, immediately regretting using the amulet.

Reaching the injured mermaid, she started apologizing and caring for her wounds.

"I'm so sorry! With the chaos going on I forgot how much light could affect those from the Deep Dark. Please forgive me. . . I was only trying to help, but I only caused harm. . ." Orielle frowned deeply, her eyebrows furrowing.

Everyone around me always gets hurt. . . . Just like mother and father. . . She thought to herself, sobbing softly.
Tridius rushed over... "Orielle, it's alright... You didn't know. She'll be fine, it's just a bit of shock from the light..." Tridius's unspoken words were I hope. He hoped for the difficulty of this mission, and that their one guide would get better. "For now, we have to stop and find somewhere to rest. Maybe a couple of us can grab something above to help."
Mizu raised his hand as if he was saying he could go, not entirely realizing how childish it was. Despite their situation, he really wanted to go and see the humans. Not only because he thought they could find something useful, but also because he could get a chance to see the humans in person! He had heard great tales of the humans from his grandparents, how they walked with their 'legs' instead of tails and how they had a special way of living in general, above water unknowing of the greatness in the depths of the ocean. "I- I'll go!" Mizu added as he had already raised his hand looking at Tridius with a childish smile and a lot of hope in his eyes that he would be allowed to. Despite his own wishes, Mizu wanted to help Nami as she was the only one knowing her ways around, and he simply couldn't leave anyone injured. "Anything I should look for?" Mizu asked, almost ready to swim up to find something to help.
Tridius shrugged, saying "Sure, Mizu. You can go. Anything you think helps. I've heard of a thing called "sunglasses" that protect eyes from light. A company who sells them is 'Ray-Ban'." (Feel free to mispronounce that.) Tridius gave him a map of the ocean from a human perspective. "Try heading to a coastal city. The San Francisco Bay is cool, I've been there once." Tridius then turned to Orielle and the rest. "Anyone know of a place we can go?"
Nami Shook in fear, she had never been blind before. Her head was aching and her body felt weak. If they where to be attacked by another creature, who would save them. She felt so useless between the throbbing of her head. Orielle arms felt warm against the cool waters of the Deep Dark, and was the only comfort she had. Everyone's voices where distorted and but she could pick out a few sentences. She rubbed her eyes trying to remove white but it did not work. She tried to balanced using Orielle as support and gripped her spear. Nami open her mouth and let out a weak voice, "Villages... Light... Dangerous... We need... keep going..." Her head did not allow her to properly speak properly despite how hard she was trying.
"I can make you a shelter, but we need to find a rock or a cave, so it can be properly protected. It'll be better since we are already in the Deep Dark. It'll be safer than staying here out in the open, in case of the whales returning or worse," Mizu said as his beads lit up again, but kept the lights dim as to not blind Nami a second time. Looking a bit around with his small dim lights, he found a small caved in area and pointed it out for Tridius and the rest. "Take her inside here, I'll be back in a few moments," Mizu said with a smile as he swam back, ready to lead the rest inside the small caved in area, looking around for any whales or other creature, readying his magic attacks.

Fen Hai rubbed the base of her throat, as she wondered if there had been a note that she had missed, or a bit of the tune she had misheard that kept the whales from understanding her. She turns back to the group, slightly embarrassed at her own failure. Only then does she realizes that their guide in the Deep has become injured from the magic light. "Oh, oh, I am so sorry." She slowly follows the group as they follow Mizu towards the small cave, with half her attention back to her twin bags of scrolls. "I believe I have a map of this area, somewhere, only it was made several years ago, so we will have be careful about following it too closely." She pulls out a tattered scroll and unrolls it a couple of inches to gaze at it, as she swims slowly at the edge of the group.
Aquinna nodded. "Be careful, Mizu. Nami you need to rest a bit." Iku-Turso and whales would have to come later, they needed to take care of Nami first, and she herself was also a bit woozy from that flash of light. She patted Orielle on the back soothingly. "It's okay, she'll be fine."
"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!" Mizu said smiling, as he covered the cave and the rest with ice, hoping they weren't too surprised by his use of magic, as he sealed them off safely from any further attacks for now. The ice was clear and transparent, as he waved to them with a smile before he swam quickly up to the surface, and it was a long swim as they were deep into to ocean's depths.

Once he reached the surface he quickly dried himself off, looking for these 'sunglasses' as Triduis had called them. Once he found what seemed to be the right thing, Mizu paid with a crystal from his necklaces, as he had no money on him, and grabbed them tightly in his hand before diving into the water, swimming as fast as he could towards the rest of the group.
Orielle nodded at Aquinna, not saying anything.

Seeing Mizu return she asked, "Won't those fall off in the water though?"

She remembered spending some time near a beach when she was younger and seeing a woman lose her glasses in the water.

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Nami rested in against the walls in the gave. The cool cave along with the ice wall was very relaxing. She didn't now question the source of the ice nor did she want too. The her vision began to return to her and she saw how everyone was tense or upset. Although her lure was not a toy, she lighted the room with a warm glow. She closers her eyes to cover them from the light source because it was still bothering her eyes.

By the time Mizu return her head stopped throbbing and her vision was back to normal with the exception of still being to sensitive to light. She rose off the wall using her spear as a support, "We need to move before Night."
(I hate notifications. They never work. Sorry for being absent so long.) Tridius then turned to Nami and asked where they would go. He was unfamiliar with this territory, and getting attacked didn't help. Hmm... Maybe they could find Iku-Turso and Oceanus fast. Then he could get back to what he was doing.
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Mizu smiled as he gave Nami the sunglasses, as he heard Orielle's comment and nodded, as he gently froze them to the side of his head, making sure it didn't harm her. "There that should work. Are you feeling better now Nami?" Mizu asked, hoping that none of the others would mind him possessing magical powers, as he didn't comment or mention it. He had shown them enough, and as they didn't say anything, then he didn't want to bring it up. "Can you continue to guide us Nami?" Mizu asked out of concern, as he dissolved the entire wall of ice that had protected them against any hostile sea creatures, even though he didn't know if it had worked, or had been useful in the first place.
Nami opened her eyes, somehow she felt she had some swagger and could put out mix tapes and had the urge to call her self LimeLight with these sunglasses. But the important thing was that her lure did not bother her eyes anymore. She smiled and swam to the the entrance of the cave. "Team lets move out," she placed the spear on her back and pulled out a rope. "Everyone hold on to this, it is gonna be pitch dark down there and we need to stick together." Then she guided them down into the depths of the Deep Dark.

She warned them about how dangerous light could be in these waters and now they experienced it. So she was sure now they trusted her when she said no lights. "We are almost their, at this rate we will be there in less then an hour," she said calmly. She was at home now. Her own element. She feared nothing and if the big yellow ball should descend, she would pop it with her spear. Shortly after she spoke to the group, Some pretty lights more powerful then her lure showed up around them. Nami ignored them but they where strong enough to attract those mermaid who were not strong willed.

The greatest dangers of the area was around them would the team follow through or would they fall victim.
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Aquinna stuck close to Nami, keeping her eyes glued on the angler fish mermaid. Other lights popped up around them, but she refused to let herself be distracted by them. Some of these fish lived in her own biome and she knew how to resist them. Still, she grabbed Mizu by the wrist nervously and kept swimming.
Mizu heeded to Nami's warning and his beads stopped glowing as he took a deep breath before he grabbed the rope. It was extremely uncomfortable for him to be engulfed by the darkness around him as he held the rope as tight as he could, thinking of the Fresh Waters, then back to rainbows, suns, fishes, everything else than the darkness. Tempting lights surrounded them, as he remembered Nami's warning and began muttering to himself again: "Don't go towards the light, don't go towards the light..." as he felt something grab his wrist, he looked to barely see Aquinna and smiled to her, feeling her hand slightly tremble out of nervousness he didn't say a thing, as he continued holding onto the rope following Nami into the darkness.
Fen Hai had more of her attention on the map scroll than any lights flicking on around them, until the rope was passed to her. "Oh, right." She stows the tattered scroll into the pouch at her side, as she takes a hold of the rope in both hands. She looks about to see if any other mers need to add themselves to the toll rope, only to be dazzled by the lights in the darkness of the water around them. Losing her sense of direction, she tightens her grip on the rope until her knuckles ache. She overhears Mizu's muttering and manages to close her eyes. Spots of light dance on the insides of her eyelids, but she refuses to open them again, as she decides swimming blindly with the rope guiding her is less of a danger than trying to pick a way through the lures of the Deep.
Orielle grabbed hold of the rope as well, trusting their guide to keep them from danger.

She peered through the darkness at the semi familiar creatures she had seen a few times in the Ice biome.

"Some of these sea animals are in the Ice Biome as well." Orielle thought aloud. "Nami, what are these fish?"

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Nami kept pulling the group forward. She turned back hearing Orielle question. She thought about the different creatures that would be active at this time. "The wiggling lights are probably angler fish, the lights that are grouped up are jellyfish. If the light is not moving..." She proceeded to list off different fishes and their light behavior, "they all are dangerous in their own way."
Fen Hai repeated their guide's advice to herself quietly, as she committed the words to memory. "Wiggling lights are anglers, groups of lights are jelly fish and if it doesn't move . . ." She peeks through her squinted eyelids in curiosity to the dark black water beyond the group. Making sure she holds on the rope to be able to keep swimming in the right direction, she sees if she can tell the difference between the wiggling angler lights, and the bobbing lights of the jelly fish. "Oh, it's like stargazing on the water's surface, only the lights are all changing positions faster!"

Feeling lightheaded from her peek at the lights, she closes her eyes tight once more, content in following the group. "How far until it's safe to open our eyes again?"
"If your eyes are close you cannot see, Do not let the dark be an excuse for you getting into danger," Nami said as she enter the cavern. After making sure everyone was inside, she Turn on her lure full blast lighting up the area, "We are here."

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