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Fantasy Light Without Sun

Mizu swam after Caspian and Aquinna outside as he looked at the giant black monolith which had magically appeared. It was weird, there was many things happening at once, but at least he got to know more people! It made him smile to think that he was able to meet more people, but it made him nervous thinking of what was ahead of them. "Oh! I am Mizu Nagare, by the way! Pleasure to meet you!" Mizu said to Caspian, smiling to him as he looked back at the monolith. "If that's the castle, then shouldn't the King be there?" Mizu asked Aquinna, but he was truly not too sure about going towards it, as his hands were slightly shaking still after the library shook. He had been so close to using his magic, already showing the rest of the group what he could do. It was not as if he wished to keep it a secret, he just thought it wasn't anything necessary for the rest of the group to know.
Orielle followed the others, watching the strange event unfold before her. She'd seen many magical things in her life, but none like they were experiencing in that moment.

"I would assume they would have evacuated by now, but where would they have gone to? And what do you suppose caused the event?"

She looked down and clutched the crystal amulet she always had. It had been the last thing her parents had ever given to her and they had told her that it would come in handy one day. She wondered if that day would be today. Not wanting to show the others the amulet yet, she kept it hidden behind her back.

"Should we investigate it?" Orielle asked the others, no sure if they should or not.
firejay1 updated Light Without Sun with a new update entry:

Oceanus' Location Clues

((I will be updating this section every time something new shows up))
Note from the Princess:

"Vast, beautiful, the endless blue...

This, our song, once a sign of our unity, shalt seal us, here on, in enmity, ‘til all the waters that know light without sun, remember, at last, that they were once one."

Pamphlet Info:

The only one now who knows the song in its entirety is an ancient sea creature hidden in the Deep Dark. A horned kraken of the name Iku-Turso, who taught Oceanus the darkest of...
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Aquinna didn't want to go anywhere near that big black rock, but it seemed the others were just as curious as she was. She swam closer, tentatively at first, then going faster as her courage rose. The rock had indeed stood where the palace had been - she could see pieces of it floating in the water around it. Swimming around it, she looked for any signs of life... or previous life. She found none. Nor anything to indicate the rock was anything other than just that: a rock. She looked at the others. "Guys? What do you think?"
Atina followed behind Aquinna, but not too close in case something happened. It freaked her out that the place she had just recently been in was turned into this. She examined it more closely and, if it hadn't been placed in place of the palace in such a suspicious manner, she feared that she would have thought that it was just an ordinary rock. When Aquinna proposed a question based on her thoughts, Atina shook her head and shrugged. She didn't know what to think. How could someone place a rock of this magnitude atop what was once the palace?
Aristotle swam along cautiously trying to avoid being seen even though he was pretty sure that at least one of them had spotted him, who were these people and what the hell was happening?

The huge onyx stone that replaced the once glorious palace of the Sea King and Queen stood dauntingly over the entire city, dead though it was. The others swam to it so he followed a little more slowly staying wary of this new entity in their little board game. Well, big board game.

"Oceanus can really hold a grudge huh.. I mean the city is dead the hosts up and fled but no he drops a frigin rock on the Palace anyway, unless he's sending the people who actually are here a message.."

Aris spoke in time with his thoughts, which he had a bad habit of doing when he was nervous, splurting ouut his train of thoughts before he remembered to stay quiet.

"I'm Aris, Aristotle if you're pissed and my mom, but for yous guys Aris is fine."

He did the last part in a faux Brooklyn accent, another habit he took up when he got nervous.
((@ firejay1 I will reply to this role play either tonight or tomorrow first thing. Sorry for the MIA today))

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"As long as you don't touch it... but the one who placed it on the castle... he must not be very happy with the Queen and King... The town is already so depressing... At least do not touch it! My mother always told me not to touch strange things!" Mizu remembered with a smile as he examined the black stone with his eyes. The advice was from when he was a small child and would freeze anything he touched, but it was a good advice nonetheless, at least in this situation.


He was taken aback by Mizu's greeting, "Caspian... Caspian Moon." Caspian laughed at Mizu's comment about on the monolith, "Well, you shouldn't be on this strange adventure." He touched the monolith lightly at first; it can be described as a poking test. Then, he began rubbing all round the edges looking for a secret door or button, something at least! "Well," Caspian began to say to Mizu, "without touching we can't figure out what this thing can do." He searching with his hands high and low still nothing interesting, "I imagine... on this adventure we'd be touching a lot of strange things... like wands, magical rocks, or evil villains." He gave Mizu a wide-eyed look. He felt something. Something that can potentially move. Whether it was a switch or something awkwardly created on this monolith that the artist thought would look pretty. "I don't wanna touch this until everyone is mentally prepared." He pointed at a rectangular prism inserted in an upright hole; it had enough room to be pushed deeper into the hole. "We should have cloths covering our faces just in case its a trap." This thing he's found could be nothing, but he's definitely betting on something.
Tridius frowned. The King and Queen were... Gone. He didn't know what to do. He reached into a bag of his that he used to go in thin water, or oil spills, and pulled out a mask. He put the trusty gear on, and strapped a tank of filtered water to his back. Tridius slipped a small obsidian rock into the tank; he preferred it that way. "I'll go in. That way no one else needs gear. Just hand me a slip for where you're going and I'll follow you. If I survive, that is." There wasn't much to do now but go in, out, and follow them. He pulled on a pair of gloves he kept so no poisons entered his hands. Who knew what was on objects?


Caspian took Mizu's hand and took him inside with him, "Everyone, lets go inside before he touches that thing." Once everyone was escorted into the library, Caspian stuck his hand out the door and gave Tridius a thumbs up. He quickly closed the door afterwards. He opened the door again, "Let us know when its safe to go out again!" He, again, slammed the door behind him.

Once you press the button, a secret opening will appear. It will be a downward tunnel leading to Oceanus' minions doing experimentations on Mermaids and Mermen.
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Mizu watched Caspian searching all over the monolith, as he refused to touch it. It would be worse if the stone was magical, what if it reacted on his magic powers? Caspian's eyes widened as he found what he said was a switch, he wanted to advice him not to press it, but it seemed as Tridius had other plans. "B- be careful Tridius!" Mizu said to Tridius before Caspian grabbed his hand all of a sudden, and took him back into the library. Mizu closed his eyes, and made a small prayer that Tridius would return to them, as he hoped nothing wrong would happen, and that the library would not shake twice.


As Caspian and the others chilled indoors, he decided to spark a spontaneous conversation, "Aren't you uh..." He snapped his fingers several times until he remembered, "A Damselfish?" He pointed at Mizu then laughed. "My family like to talk about the vast types of mermen in the sea." He then pointed at embellishments on Mizu's fins, "I'd never thought I'd seen one. My parents say they look like royals, so you might act 'Damselfish'!" He laugh aloud at his own joke, "Get it?"
Mizu laughed at Caspian's joke, as he had heard it a couple of times. Especially that part about the 'Damselfish', but it was still funny since he liked the joke. Even though the part about him being a damsel was hopefully not going to happen, not that it had happened before anyway. "You're right I am damselfish, but I don't really look like a royal do I?" Mizu asked the entire group in general looking at himself a bit, but he still disagreed on the part about him looking like a royal.


Caspian smiled. Finally, someone laughed at his joke. Mizu is officially his favorite Merman, "Um, you do know you have gold glistening off of your fins." Suddenly, he thought that perhaps Mizu was color blind, "What color is my hair?" He pointed at everyone surrounding them and said warningly, "Don't tell him!" He pointed back at his head, waiting for Mizu's answer.
Mizu was about to answer that he knew that his fins were covered in gold and jewels, along with all those he wore, bit royals didn't look like an Azure Damselfish did they? Out of the blue Caspian asked about his hair color, and Mizu began thinking that maybe touching the monolith had gotten to his head. "Your hair is blue," he answered unsure where Caspian was going with this.
Aquinna retreated into the library with the other two, though still not quite happy with the situation. This could be so dangerous. Biting her lip a little, she didn't pay attention to Mizu and Caspian's conversation. "Hope he's okay..." She muttered to herself.
Tridius heard Mizu. Don't worry, Mizu, I will, he thought. He couldn't afford another screw up, not after what happened with the traffickers. He pressed the button, and pulled out a trident for defense. His tail slowly propelled him forward. There were cries of pain in the air, and from both genders. What the hell was this? There was... Needles. And... Scientists. When he got down there, he would make damn sure everyone got out. Tritium took a couple deep breaths. Emotions couldn't get in the way of this. He came down, and snuck up behind a scientist. He snuck a knife into the person's throat, and the scientist snuck to the ground. He threw the body under a table, and ran into a cell bar. A bruised, battered man lay inside. "Kill me... There's nothing left outside for me." Tridius killed him in mercy, and he realized that this was nothing he'd ever seen before. There wasn't anything that could erase the nightmares that he would have for the next five years.

(Time jump to after every scientist is dead... I don't want to write that many deaths.)

Tridius shivered... So many merpeople ruined... Forever. Oceanus wouldn't get away with this. He slowly walked out, and threw his trident into the nearby incinerator. That would always remind him of the experiments. He was hit by another of the experiments' bodies... He put his head in his hands, and pulled off the mask and tank. He threw those away too. Tridius yelled, "All clear." But he was scarred forever. He swam far, far away to a place where he felt safe. He was at his home. He didn't visit often, and it wasn't very clean. But it was his. He didn't like what he was becoming, and needed to regain some of his mermanity (is that even a word? Means humanity, but for merpeople). And he wouldn't return until he was ready, which could take up to a week.
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((@firejay1 I do apologize for not replying for two days. My birthday is today and I've been planning for that. If you want to boot me out of the roleplay for not replying then I understand))
((No of course not. I understand that you guys have real life and notifications have been going haywire, so I've been cutting a lot of slack. Don't worry about it, but please use OOC next time.))
Orielle had been staying in the shadows, watching the scene unfold before her when she spotted Tridius swim away after going down into the room he had discovered.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Orielle went down into the room.

Her eyes grew wide when she saw it. . .

Bodies upon bodies were piled on the seafloor.

"What happened here?" She whispered aloud.
Tridius put his face in his hands, swimming back to Orielle. "A human experiment lab. I'll have nightmares for the next year or so after this." He just cried for a bit. He got that Oceanus was a bad guy, but this? This was out of his league. "I'm sorry... They asked for death. The prisoners, that is."
Aquinna swam to join them, then shuddered at what she saw. Quivering, she asked, "But why would anyone do this?" To stop herself from puking, she left. There were other questions as well, such as why it had destroyed the castle, and who had ordered it. The horrible thought that it might have been the King and Queen passed through her mind but she banished it. It must have been Oceanus's lingering influence. He had to be stopped. Swimming over to Caspian and Mizu, she told them, "I don't think you should go in there."
Mizu was on his way to investigate as Aquinna told him not to, and he stopped. She looked pale, paler than what he had seen her from the last few hours. Whatever was in there, must have been horrible. "If you say so..." Mizu muttered, curious on what horrible sight Aquinna had seen, but glad he was spared from it. Even though they had all been gathered there, if he could be spared from something then maybe that was for the best? "Hey, what should we do now? Oceanus is still out there, and the King and Queen are definitely not in their castle... not anymore..." Mizu said as he saw bits and pieces of the castle's remains floating in the water.
Luna was swimming around, trying to find a place where she could sing alone. She sighed and sat on the edge of a cliff, blissfully unaware that there were people around the other side. She began to sing a soft and graceful tune, her long white hair floating around her as she sang. Her heart was aching. She sang. It was her souls way of crying.

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