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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Klaus heard the commotion happening outside but didn't pay any mind to it as he continued scribbling in his journal. When the new shifter burst in Klaus took a step back and placed his hand on his hunting knife in case anything happened. "Whoa now. I don't want any trouble." Exclaimed Klaus.
[QUOTE="Lucas Shadow]I stand down. I walk up to you.listen to me he followed me that means someones following him and that bad you must not leave him go. I stay there to watch and protect you

ShadowCrassodon254 said:
Klaus heard the commotion happening outside but didn't pay any mind to it as he continued scribbling in his journal. When the new shifter burst in Klaus took a step back and placed his hand on his hunting knife in case anything happened. "Whoa now. I don't want any trouble." Exclaimed Klaus.
"And you won't be given any, Klaus," Gabriel told him, before turning back to the new member. "What's your name?"

Marco watched in shock as someone barged into the cabin. Holding the pup behind him, his wolf let out a vicious snarl in defence.

He barely had control and the longer these strangers were around the less control he would have. Usually he was docile but when his wolf

detected an unknown person he would act like any wolf with a pup of their own would.

He had backed away keeping the pup behind him, ready to move at a moments notice.

@loyalwolf @ShadowCrassodon254 @Lucas Shadow @DaManofWar
Luna slowly approached "Honey, please come here. No one is going to hurt you. It's all okay I promise. My names Luna, what if your name?"

She spoke softy, reaching in to the foliage to coax the girl out "come on honey."
Khanaydas Marie]Ella-Rose's newly formed limbs jolted in Luna's womb kicking her mother in all directions. (Sorry I want to join as a fetus! Lol) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31433-jasil/ said:
Luna's hand recoiled from the foliage, no longer reaching. Both hands clutched at her stomach and she bent over slightly.

Fear overcame her. "This shouldn't be happening. I'm only a few weeks."

Luna let out a small shriek that rang through the woods. She sat on the ground, holding her stomach. "Oh god."
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Jasil said:
Luna slowly approached "Honey, please come here. No one is going to hurt you. It's all okay I promise. My names Luna, what if your name?"
She spoke softy, reaching in to the foliage to coax the girl out "come on honey."
Nuuch peeks out "w..what was that?" tears streaming down his face completely nude and covered in small bruises though hands and feet are bleeding and almost black with one ear lobe ripped in half. "I just...i dont...understand" he manages to choke out as he is seen for the first time.
((WOW gone for a few hours and I missed sooo much!))

Valissa nodd and Dante, "Thank you... all I've wanted for a while was to be part of a pack again... I dont know how Klaus stays a loner.." when said shifter entered the cabin, her tail twitched in a weak wagging motion, ears pricked, she seemed to take a liking to him as he was the first male wolf to show her kindness, just before Gabriel and Dante. She was too nervous to greet him though- and when the tiger shifter came in seemingly threatening Klaus, she flattened her ears and growled lowly- not that she would actually be able to do anything if the tiger attached Klaus.

@loyalwolf @ShadowCrassodon254
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate fumbled, unable to find an answer for his final comment and in moments her face was flushed with deep hues, temperature rising once more. She found a better first aid kit in a polished wood cabinet, with matching size and capacity of a tackle box. She removed a stack of sterile gauze pads, butterfly bandages, peroxide, and a sterile needle with medical thread. "Don't move too much, you've lost a lot of blood and your body is still running on a rush.." She said, though more cooed it to him, her hand gently running over his face, fingertips gliding over his cheek bones.
She stepped aside, approaching a door and swinging it open to reveal a bathroom that looked part of a normal home. She collected a few more hand towels as well as a couple large ones before opening a medicine cabinet and removing a short pill bottle and shaking it to ensure it still held anything, closing the small cabinet as she heard it's contense rattle.

She fetched a bottle of water from an open case on the floor and opened the pill bottle, handing him two different pills, one larger and white, the other small and red, and the water. "Pain killer and a heavy antibiotic." She explained briefly
"I'll take those graciously." He said though his eye never left her person while took one tablet from each bottle. While traced his face for a moment he had to close his eyes and enjoy it. Her touch felt like liquid pleasure on his face and it was driving him crazy. Victor almost whimpered when she pulled away to give him the pills. It was when she looked at him once more to give him the pills that Victor couldn't stand it anymore. Details be damned, he wanted this she-wolf and he wanted to belong to her. "Kate, I no longer think. I know I am now." He said as a reference to when he told her that he thought he was falling for her.
shadowz1995 said:
"I'll take those graciously." He said though his eye never left her person while took one tablet from each bottle. While traced his face for a moment he had to close his eyes and enjoy it. Her touch felt like liquid pleasure on his face and it was driving him crazy. Victor almost whimpered when she pulled away to give him the pills. It was when she looked at him once more to give him the pills that Victor couldn't stand it anymore. Details be damned, he wanted this she-wolf and he wanted to belong to her. "Kate, I no longer think. I know I am now." He said as a reference to when he told her that he thought he was falling for her.
"You've lost a lot of blood I wouldn't either," she smiled, winking at him before breaking his gaze to go to the bathroom once more and turn on the hot water. She let it get warm before soaking the towel and ringing it out, exiting the bathroom she grabbed a stool from the corner and sat on it so she could work over him more efficiently. With a gentle hand on his shoulder she guided him back against the gurney and began washing dried blood away from his skin, her and delicate and soft whenever she came close to a wound
Kira walked over to the new she-wolf and the tiger, a faint smile on her face. "He won't attack you. Luna put him in my charge until we've both proven ourselves trustworthy. You're the one who was excited about training, right?" She looked over her tense form and flicked her tail. "It's alright. Proper introductions- I'm Kira."

MadameRedWolf said:
((WOW gone for a few hours and I missed sooo much!))
Valissa nodd and Dante, "Thank you... all I've wanted for a while was to be part of a pack again... I dont know how Klaus stays a loner.." when said shifter entered the cabin, her tail twitched in a weak wagging motion, ears pricked, she seemed to take a liking to him as he was the first male wolf to show her kindness, just before Gabriel and Dante. She was too nervous to greet him though- and when the tiger shifter came in seemingly threatening Klaus, she flattened her ears and growled lowly- not that she would actually be able to do anything if the tiger attached Klaus.

@loyalwolf @ShadowCrassodon254
Noticing the sickly wolf was awake Klaus ignored the stranger who barged in and threatened him, and walked up to the young pup.

"Look who is awake." Klaus said as he squatted down to look the pup in the eyes. " How are you feeling now little miss?" ,Klaus Questioned as he reached for more mint leaves from his pocket and began chewing on the leaves.
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
Noticing the sickly wolf was awake Klaus ignored the stranger who barged in and threatened him, and walked up to the young pup.
"Look who is awake." Klaus said as he squatted down to look the pup in the eyes. " How are you feeling now little miss?" ,Klaus Questioned as he reached for more mint leaves from his pocket and began chewing on the leaves.
Gabriel also looked to her. "Ah. She seems better. But, she'll have to stay here for a few days. Klaus, a word of warning. There's a cougar shifter with a vendetta against wolves in the area. Best to be careful."
Valissa's tail twitched uneasily, and she glanced at the Tiger shifter for a moment, then to Kira, "Valissa Hau." she replied, then looked to Klaus, her tail began moving again- rather than nerves causing her tail to twitch- she seemed quite pleased to see Klaus, "Uh... My wounds feel better- I-I'm still hungry- but I feel now if I had the energy to shift I wouldn't rip my wounds open." she explained then glanced back to Kira, "I really want to know how to hunt. in my old pack, pups weren't taught to hunt by themselves until their wolf form had the physical maturity of a full adult... mine is still a yearling."
Kira nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Valissa. The forest is plenty with prey. Perhaps we should wait a few days for you to get your strength back before beginning?" Glancing around to the edges of the lake and the forest beyond that, she sighed. "I'd best be off with our tiger friend here. If you need to see me, Faolin knows where I live and can give you directions." She gave the young wolf a last smile before turning away and beckoning the tiger shifter with her tail. "C'mon, big guy. Time to see your new home."

@MadameRedWolf @Lucas Shadow
Nuuchi said:
Nuuch peeks out "w..what was that?" tears streaming down his face completely nude and covered in small bruises though hands and feet are bleeding and almost black with one ear lobe ripped in half. "I just...i dont...understand" he manages to choke out as he is seen for the first time.
Luna looked up and wiped sweat from her forehead and crawled back to the male "It's okay honey, let's just get you back to our home."
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa's tail twitched uneasily, and she glanced at the Tiger shifter for a moment, then to Kira, "Valissa Hau." she replied, then looked to Klaus, her tail began moving again- rather than nerves causing her tail to twitch- she seemed quite pleased to see Klaus, "Uh... My wounds feel better- I-I'm still hungry- but I feel now if I had the energy to shift I wouldn't rip my wounds open." she explained then glanced back to Kira, "I really want to know how to hunt. in my old pack, pups weren't taught to hunt by themselves until their wolf form had the physical maturity of a full adult... mine is still a yearling."
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel also looked to her. "Ah. She seems better. But, she'll have to stay here for a few days. Klaus, a word of warning. There's a cougar shifter with a vendetta against wolves in the area. Best to be careful."
Looking back Klaus gave Gabriel a reassuring nod, "Don't worry I have had my Run in with a fair variety of dangerous creatures I will be fine. Plus i got my trusty hunting knife that has more to it then it lets on." Klaus said while patting his knife by his side.

Looking back to the Young injured wolf after she had given her name to Kira then answering my question gave Klaus an idea. Klaus reached back to his pack and rummaged around for a small knife that came with a sheath and held it in his hand.

"Before you begin learning to hunt be sure to heal full first. Then after that my advice is learn how to master hunting in both your wolf and human form. See this knife? its yours when you heal to help you hunt when you need it. I can speak from experience that even know we have our given powers as shifters we must be able to use everything at our disposal." ,Klaus explained as he help out the knife to Valissa
Valissa blinked owlishly at him, a confused look across her face, he was giving something to her? it was confusing- but she was grateful. "Thank you Kla-" she began to thank him but was interrupted when her stomach gave out a loud protest at not having food. she flattened her ears and looked away in embarrassment.
"Jesus fucking Christ," a man laughed. He was looking over a house. Well, he was uninvited. But, no one would be inviting anyone here for a while. Blood was everywhere. He could smell it as well. He went inside.

A trail of blood lead to a basement. He went downstairs to find the remains of a hunter. "Look what happened to this fuck," he muttered. Then he saw a small metal object. He picked it up. "This what the boss wants? The tracker?" He said to himself. He stood up, and walked over to the stairs out of the basement.

He yelped when he saw a man standing at in the doorway. He was dressed in black SWAT gear, but without any badges or markings. "Jesus, Chief, you scared me," the man muttered. "Come to check up on me? Heinrich Goodman, your old pal?" He smiled jokingly. The Chief walked down the stairs to Heinrich. Heinrich felt nervous now. "Um....here's the tracker," he handed the device to the other man. By good, he was scary. He never really talked, just stared. Hard to tell what he was thinking. The Chief took it, and walked back upstairs. He was gone before Heinrich could say anything else.

Then he got a phone call. He was startled, and rummaged around in his pocket,finding the phone. He pressed a button, and held it to his ear. "Oppenheimer? Yeah, I found the place. Dear god, it's like the fucking gestopa went through here. Yeah, the Chief has the tracker. He's coming back to you know. Wait, you want me to look around? Me?" He listened for a second, then sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll do it. Just scouting, no actual combat? Okay. Yeah, bye now." Heinrich hung up after his boss did. He sighed, and stuck out a black, forked tongue. It slithered up his face, cleaning it for him. He then licked the air, finding any lingering scents, before pulling his tongue back in. He chuckled. "Man, this shit is crazy."
Luna clutched at her stomach and tried to lead the injured wolf back to her camp. "Mariana, help me get him back." She voice wavered slightly as new sweat formed on her forehead
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa blinked owlishly at him, a confused look across her face, he was giving something to her? it was confusing- but she was grateful. "Thank you Kla-" she began to thank him but was interrupted when her stomach gave out a loud protest at not having food. she flattened her ears and looked away in embarrassment.
Klaus chuckled at Valissa's rumbling stomach and asked, " Hey little one how about we see what food they got lying around here for us to munch on?"
Marina nodded and quickly went over to the injuried one's left side, supporting them up with her shoulder and began leading them towards the camp.
Kira whirled around upon hearing the thud and bounded back to the tiger, heart pounding. In my care for not even a day and already- She prodded him gently with her paw, amber eyes glazing over. "C'mon tiger, c'mon."

@Lucas Shadow
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