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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
OK then. I walk to the open space and get down on my hands and knees and transform into a big brown wolf(my father's wolf). I growl and then sit down on the ground.I will wait right here then
(Sorry I wasn't on today.) Silently Faolin looked at Gabriel gaping. He listened intently to the experiment then heard the wolf's eye. He spluttered then his world spun for a second then he passed out for a second then he stood back up as he stated, "Sorry my mom spoke about that...thing...From what I have heard the Wolf's eye is a sort of ancient magic no one understands completely. That's all I know."
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[QUOTE="Lucas Shadow]
OK then. I walk to the open space and get down on my hands and knees and transform into a big brown wolf(my father's wolf). I growl and then sit down on the ground.I will wait right here then

Luna narrowed her eyes again. She was not taking to this male well. She howled again, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice. This male slightly frightened her
At the howl Kira jogged back over to Luna. "I couldn't find Gabriel. I think the lot of them went off to care for that other she-wolf." She flicked her tail, glancing at the other who now looked different yet again. His scent was the same and it annoyingly filled her nose. "What's the verdict on him?"

Silently Faolin looked up and blinked. He was alone how long had he been out. Blinking he sniffed the air and made a confused face. Turning around he asked, "Hello?" He looked around again and asked, "Gabriel you still here? Luna? Kira?" He turned in circles as he asked, "Where did everyone go?" He walked towards the door.
I mean no harm and my scent is stink because big traveled along way without bathing . I get up and approach the alpha female and bow in front of her
Reptilesandromance said:
As he failed to dip his head something welled in Kate, usually described as her fathers portion of her DNA, but it had never been so strong. She knew she could have punished him for that, the alpha blood in her churning, raising her body temperature and causing her to clench a fist. His words had saved him. 'I'm yours' rang in her ears and finally soothed her, calming her considerably. She shook her head, clearing the last of the overly powerful feeling, though it was absolutely strange she had more important things to attend to.
Kate strode over, stooped in front of him and picked him up from the ground, holding his weight easily. She looked at the narrow entrance one last time before turning and heading to the back of the den where it was pitch black. "You obviously had enough time to gouge your own eye out, if a cougar had done it you wouldn't have come back to me..." She trailed off, thinking about what she said and how she felt, her cheeks flared up in pink and soft reds again and she hoped the dark would hide it, suddenly beginning again. "I can take it that when I see her she'll be missing an eye, probably the left, if I'm going to be expected to be well behaved and thoughtful you better get on board too, I'm not a princess. Which is why next time it happens I'm not listening to a word you have to say against it, don't care if my whole leg is busted in every way it shouldn't be.." She grumbled, finding it strange how easy it was to think like him, how close she felt to him.

Kate forced herself to shake the feeling, she had no idea what it meant to be mated or even how a bond like that worked, throwing her even more of. They she winded through the dark expertly, not worried about her footing or where she was going. There would be a small step every once in a while and she would brace him in her arms, keeping him absolutely still. Surprisingly a thin line of light showed at the floor and her amber eyes sparked with it's reflection. She seemed focused, intent, and determined as they came closer, it proved to be light escaping under a large old door. She carefully steadied him as she fished for a key, slipping it into the lock and throwing the door open.

It was a basement, spacious and warm, existing under a small hunting cabin. "It's not much but it home.." She sighed, "I'll get you patched up before I take you up stairs." She brought him in, closing the door with a foot, striding to a corner that held a gurney with fresh sheets and a sterile cover. "Gotta be prepared," she smiled, gently laying him down, now being extremely mindful of his injuries.
The house was much, MUCH larger than Crimson had originally thought. It had a miniature underground network and everything. Kate had all but carried him through the dark twists and turns of her underground labyrinth until they came across what seemed like some type of underground cabin.

Kate had him completely figured out despite the fact they only knew each other for a few days. It was amazing how quickly wolves found out exactly who they were meant to be with. With each passing second, Victor began to feel more and more sure about this. In the darkness, he couldn't see her but he felt her temperature rise and it didn't seem like it was from anger. She seemed....flustered almost. Crimson was a grown man and mighty warrior but that reaction managed to set his heart into overdrive and it wasn't the adrenaline from the duel with the cougar. He muttered under his breath towards her, "Got me all figured out already huh? Guess I should expect that from you more often then?" When they entered the light, Crimson scanned her face once more. She set him on some type of gurney but he wasn't even paying attention to anything. It was like she was the only thing in the room and Victor couldn't help but feel that way. Despite the facts. "My last name is Mesa by the way. Victor Mesa." He said through an affectionate eye. He gave a teasing smile before adding, "In case you wanted to try it on. Think it would suityou. Hehehe."
Luna looked to Kira and gave her a silent message with her eyes I don't know

She took a step back when he wolf bowed. She raised her head high and looked at him. Luna felt slightly calmer at the wolfs submission
I can't show you my other form because you will be scared I was raised by wolfs and later kidnapped by some very visious animals that I can't speak of
"If this form of yours is so... scary, how can you expect us to trust you," she snapped. Kira glanced to Luna for a moment before returning her gaze to the human. "You came in the form of an attack from a tree and then you start demanding things. To top it off you've disrespected the highest ranking wolf here." Quieting down ad bowing her head to Luna, she added, "But it's not my place to say such things. I am no alpha... Luna give the order and I can have him out of your territory in an hour."

Luna thought it over, turning it in her mind. She spoke without looking at Kira "No."

She eyed the male "I want Gabriel and Faolin to meet him."
I showed my respect OK and since you wanna see so badly then fine. Get back Luna for your safety. I walk back and send a great big howl that rattles the whole forest then I run and jump into the air and transform into a great big white furred tiger with red stripes and dark red eyes.
"So at heart you're a kitten." Kira folded her ears back but otherwise showed no fear and snorted before looking to Luna and nodding. "I haven't seen Gabriel around but I caught whiff of Faolin earlier." She padded off a few steps before breaking into a trot, following his scent. Stepping over to Faolin she muttered, "We have a new wolf. Luna wants you to meet the new one. That howl? That was him."

shadowz1995 said:
The house was much, MUCH larger than Crimson had originally thought. It had a miniature underground network and everything. Kate had all but carried him through the dark twists and turns of her underground labyrinth until they came across what seemed like some type of underground cabin.
Kate had him completely figured out despite the fact they only knew each other for a few days. It was amazing how quickly wolves found out exactly who they were meant to be with. With each passing second, Victor began to feel more and more sure about this. In the darkness, he couldn't see her but he felt her temperature rise and it didn't seem like it was from anger. She seemed....flustered almost. Crimson was a grown man and mighty warrior but that reaction managed to set his heart into overdrive and it wasn't the adrenaline from the duel with the cougar. He muttered under his breath towards her, "Got me all figured out already huh? Guess I should expect that from you more often then?" When they entered the light, Crimson scanned her face once more. She set him on some type of gurney but he wasn't even paying attention to anything. It was like she was the only thing in the room and Victor couldn't help but feel that way. Despite the facts. "My last name is Mesa by the way. Victor Mesa." He said through an affectionate eye. He gave a teasing smile before adding, "In case you wanted to try it on. Think it would suityou. Hehehe."
Kate fumbled, unable to find an answer for his final comment and in moments her face was flushed with deep hues, temperature rising once more. She found a better first aid kit in a polished wood cabinet, with matching size and capacity of a tackle box. She removed a stack of sterile gauze pads, butterfly bandages, peroxide, and a sterile needle with medical thread. "Don't move too much, you've lost a lot of blood and your body is still running on a rush.." She said, though more cooed it to him, her hand gently running over his face, fingertips gliding over his cheek bones.

She stepped aside, approaching a door and swinging it open to reveal a bathroom that looked part of a normal home. She collected a few more hand towels as well as a couple large ones before opening a medicine cabinet and removing a short pill bottle and shaking it to ensure it still held anything, closing the small cabinet as she heard it's contense rattle.

She fetched a bottle of water from an open case on the floor and opened the pill bottle, handing him two different pills, one larger and white, the other small and red, and the water. "Pain killer and a heavy antibiotic." She explained briefly
"So at heart you're a kitten." Kira folded her ears back but otherwise showed no fear and snorted before looking to Luna and nodding. "I haven't seen Gabriel around but I caught whiff of Faolin earlier." She padded off a few steps before breaking into a trot, following his scent. Stepping over to Faolin she muttered, "We have a new wolf. Luna wants you to meet the new one. That howl? That was him."
Flicking his ear Faolin saw Kira. He smiled at her then stated, "Okay Kira lead the way please." He smiled gently at her his eyes twinkling slightly. He then thought about the howl he had heard. He quickly walked to Kira since she hadn't reached him before she had muttered the thing about Luna. Perhaps she was getting better at controlling her other Kira he didn't know. He stopped he could have gone to Luna and the new arrivial without her help however he didn't want to leave her alone.
Luna stared shocked, but fear was brought down by Kira's comment about Kittens. She gave a small laugh and thought I would've used a different word

Well, you were right. This is very different. I have seen many shifters, Cougars, deer, Lynx, and a raven, but never a tiger. Let alone one who can shift to other forms. The only other wolf I've ever seen be anything but a wolf is myself and Gabriel."
Kira led Faolin to the duo and broke off, going to stand beside and a pace behind Luna, fire in her amber eyes directed at the "kitten." "Impressive tiger, so long as you don't shed everywhere. I will not be picking orange cat fur out of my grilled rabbit." Next she directed her question to Luna, "Does this mean he's joining the pack?" In hindsight reflecting she could have been less stand-off-ish by now toward the newcomer. Then again, he did jump at me from a tree.

@Lighthouse8477 @Jasil @Lucas Shadow
Moolock said:
Kira led Faolin to the duo and broke off, going to stand beside and a pace behind Luna, fire in her amber eyes directed at the "kitten." "Impressive tiger, so long as you don't shed everywhere. I will not be picking orange cat fur out of my grilled rabbit." Next she directed her question to Luna, "Does this mean he's joining the pack?" In hindsight reflecting she could have been less stand-off-ish by now toward the newcomer. Then again, he did jump at me from a tree.
@Lighthouse8477 @Jasil @Lucas Shadow
Luna eyed the tiger. He could be dangerous and at this point they couldn't afford more enemies. Then it hit her, the cougar! This tiger was twice her size and a trained assassin, he could prove to be useful. "He may stay conditionally." She looked him in the eyes "You step out of line, your welcome will be worn out. I will leave Kira in charge of you. This will stand as a test for the both of you." She nodded once to the tiger before pulling Kira off to the side. "Listen, I know you and I are not on the best of terms and we will be discussing that very soon. But you must understand why I am doing this? Correct?"
Kira nodded solemnly. "Our less-friendly cat needs to go and he can easily take care of her. Thank you for putting him in my charge, Alpha Luna. I won't let you down." She flicked her tail and glanced over Luna's shoulder to the tiger, ears flattening to her head even more.

Moolock said:
Kira nodded solemnly. "Our less-friendly cat needs to go and he can easily take care of her. Thank you for putting him in my charge, Alpha Luna. I won't let you down." She flicked her tail and glanced over Luna's shoulder to the tiger, ears flattening to her head even more.
Luna nodded at Kira's understanding "But, that is not the only reason. I believe this will help you gain responsibility in the pack, and if the mission I give you to watch over him proves to be successful, then you will quickly gain my trust. I only test you Kira because I want you and I to be friends but we must establish a common ground with mutual respect. Now go, that creature has much to learn about pack life." She patted Kira on the shoulder and motioned for. Her to go.
Kira led Faolin to the duo and broke off, going to stand beside and a pace behind Luna, fire in her amber eyes directed at the "kitten." "Impressive tiger, so long as you don't shed everywhere. I will not be picking orange cat fur out of my grilled rabbit." Next she directed her question to Luna, "Does this mean he's joining the pack?" In hindsight reflecting she could have been less stand-off-ish by now toward the newcomer. Then again, he did jump at me from a tree.
Silently Faolin looked at the tiger assessing him with calculated eyes. Large strong well built sharp claws piercing eyes. The eyes of a warrior. Personality somewhat obedient towards authority. Luna was assigning Kira to the tiger a good choice actually and quiet understandable. A test for both of them. He smiled. He wondered if she was talking about the tiger or him. Mostly because he had Kira's back no matter what if she asked for help he would step in however Kira rarely if ever asked for help. He watched Kira's ears flatten against her skull. He looked at the tiger and stated, "Welcome to the pack I am Faolin this is Kira if you didn't already know her name." He nodded his head to him and stated, "Don't attack anyone and be nice and you'll do fine." He smiled gently.
@Jasil @Moolock @Lucas Shadow
Kira nodded to her alpha, a small smile playing on her canine face. "Trust... mutual respect. Certainly, Luna. I won't let you down." She dipped her head in respect before going to stand beside Faolin, surveying the tiger up and down. "Faolin seems to have extended his welcome and I extend mine as well, with an apology for being so harsh upon barely meeting." Slowly her ears returned to their usual state, pointed upward and alert, and her posture relaxed considerably. "I'm not entirely sure what the cabin situation is myself so for the time being you'll be bunking with me a little ways off from the lake. We'll be heading there as soon as you're ready and dinner's on me. I caught a burrow of rabbits earlier and they've been cooking since you arrived." She rested her tail on Faolin's shoulder, turning her gaze to him. "Unless Luna has other duties for you, you're welcome to join us."

@Lighthouse8477 @Lucas Shadow
Luna watched them interact with a peaceful face. "Two birds, one stone" she mumbled. Luna decided it was time to check on her baby, but Dante was busy. She started wondering around, calling the Ravens name.


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