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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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I continue running in human form towards you guys then I smell kira coming so I quickly climb a tree and throw a glass bottle on the ground and it breaks
Kira halts in the clearing below the tree, the scent gone and eyes flickering to the broken glass. She wrinkles her nose, the smell from it utterly revolting and clogging her senses. Scanning the bushes, she saw nothing move and continued sniffing. I won't let you get away. Angrily, she sent a blow to one of the trees nearby, causing the branches to quiver. "C'mon, I don't want to hurt you," she said with a soft voice.

@Lucas Shadow
She heard some commotion happening in the woods behind the cabins and quickly put her things down and went out to inspect what was happening. When she said a large wolf land on the ground with a woman standing in a fighting position, she realized that she was again, at the wrong place at the wrong time. "Uh is something happening?"
Kira's head snaps up at the movement and she jumps backward with a snarl, lowering on her haunches in case she has to pounce. "Good mood gone. Who are you and what are you doing in our territory?" Amber eyes scanning the tree jumper, her ears draw back.

@Lucas Shadow
Transforms back into a human. I am Lucas shadow I am a stray living on my own from a cub. I was abandoned by my father Jacob who did not want a cub. I mean no harm I just smelt food.
"My dinner," Kira growled. "And judging by your tree-monkey business, I'm not sure I'm inclined to share." She straightened her posture, the fire in her eyes dying down somewhat but her ears remained back and her body still tense. "If you're a wolf, you have the ability to hunt so hunt. The forest is abundant with rabbits and birds and the like. You have three pieces of prey and if anyone has issue with hunting three animals- no more, no less- tell them to come to me about it." Flicking her tail, she narrowed her eyes. "Three, is that satisfactory?"

@Lucas Shadow
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel did so, laughing at the joke. "So, what have you discovered on your travels?"
With a smile Klaus began to explain tales from his journey, " The World has shown me much. and there is still much for me to see as I travel more."

Klaus continues talking he places his pack on the table and begins to rummage through his belongings to find his journal, a book wrapped in leather with tribal designs pressed into the hide.

" This is where I log all of my adventures, and it is what holds the information you seek." Klaus pauses and takes his hunting knife from his holster, and places it on the table next to the book.

"Now this knife came from the same ruins that I found information about the Wolf's Eye." Flipping through the pages Klaus finds the Page where he logged his findings, and continues.

"I was down in South America Exploring ancient civilizations, mainly outta boredom, but what I found was anything but ordinary. I followed the tips of the locals about some ruins that were heavily engraved with pictures of wolves and statues of ancient werewolves, curious I decided to investigate. As I made my way through the dense jungles I found my self at the entry way for the ruins. Cautiously I began moving through the ruins, but the land was cursed. As I passed through A Chamber that had lake in it the ruins started rumbling. Nervously I got into a fighting Stance ,and equipped myself with the knife you see before you. Out of the water emerged a wolf formed of pure water, and without warning attacked me. I wont go into the details of the fight, but needless to say I won and got me a small Trinket to show off for it." Pausing briefly Klaus begins petting his beard before he continues.

"Now I kept exploring and found a room full of fog or mist. To be honest it looked almost exactly as you do now just with out eyes. Here is where is gets interesting. The walls Showed pictures of a wolf being dissolved, into what i had no idea though until possibly now. Under the pictures there was an inscription and a stone pillar that was supposed to be holding the Wolf's Eye. The Inscription Read 'Only one of Pure lineage can harness the power to use the Wolf's Eye to the fullest, Only the Bloodline of Forrest can unlock the true way to use The Wolf's Eye, And Ascend to True Power." Pausing again Klaus looked at Forrest to wait and see his response to the information he had given him as Klaus began to chew on mint leaves he had kept in his pocket.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/knife.jpg.6aecc229aa8a87bd856c144a9f384eb1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/knife.jpg.6aecc229aa8a87bd856c144a9f384eb1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Well I traveled 385 miles running away so I did not have time to hunt and by the way its not monkey business I am highly trained in combat so if you please don't give me sass OK I am tired a hell and hungry
Kira growled threateningly. "As this is my pack's territory, I suggest you take what I offered. You have three pieces of-" She blinked, hella confused for a moment before bolting after him. "OI come back!" She hissed and let out a low howl to let those at camp know company was coming.

@Lucas Shadow
I'm not going after them I need to get to the lake.I see them looking in the distance. I continue to run speeding up incredibly leaving you as I approach the camp
Kira manages to continue keeping up with him. "Yeah but if you just barge into camp unannounced," she called ahead, "Then you realize it looks light I just let a potential threat waltz through-" she lunged over a bush and skidded but quickly regained her footing, "-our home!"

@Lucas Shadow
Hearing the commotion outside Klaus turns his head and looks out the window to see two wolves running into the camp. "Ah to be young." He thought to himself then went back to his business with MISTer Forrest.
Kira skidded to a halt beside him, flicking her tail. "To the lake and unless the alpha wants to speak with you, I'll also be taking you out of the territory." She headed to the lake beach, tense in case she had to pounce on him. "Do what you need," she muttered, standing stiffly at the shore.

@Lucas Shadow
"Don't get your hopes up wolf, cats have nine lives..." she had muttered before she lost sight of Victor. Though now it was becoming a great effort to preserve just one.

Battered and bloody, Guinevere continued her solitary journey towards the looming mountains that marked the northernmost region of Gabriel's territory.

'No. Not anymore...' she corrected herself. The alpha male had perished from what she could only expect to be the wounds he received during her encounter with him. 'If he had a mate it would be her territory... or perhaps it went to his beta...'

A savage glitter of accomplishment momentarily banished away her exhaustion when she recalled the way the wolf's skull had collided with her paw. She could still smell the coppery tang of his blood. Yet even though she knew that the werewolf had fallen, she couldn't help but feel a gnawing agitation that she could not personally avenge what he had taken from her.

As if in response, a low lying branch creeped past her blind-spot and caught the cat on the right side of her face.

She recoiled in anger, a furious growl escaped the cougar's jaws. The woody arm had merely brushed past the mangled mess of her right eye, yet even the lightest of touches drove daggers of pain deep into her head. Her one good eye glared raw malice towards the inanimate extension of the tree, wishing that she could make it suffer for such insolence.

For now, however, she settled with bundling up the slighted remains of her pride and continued hauling her beaten hide towards the distant peaks.

Her once graceful stride had been reduced to a limp, which irritated her greatly, but she lacked the strength to force herself to hide it any more. Every step amplified the pain in her swollen hind leg. The stitches that once bound the wolf bite had been torn loose during her fight with Victor, and as a result had become caked with mud and plant matter. Blood still trickled from her stab wound, the clot having been torn open when she had almost slipped on a mossy rock but she could not stop for either injury for fear of being found by the pack.

The ground was reeling beneath the injured mountain cat's paws by the time she reached the base of the rocky slope, and she nearly fell twice on the way up. When she finally reached the old bear cave she allowed herself to collapse onto the sandy floor of the den, her limbs shaking and her sides heaving. Every ounce of her strength had been exhausted in the process and now that she had allowed herself to stop moving she found that it was impossible to get up.

A blurred sky was the last thing her widowed eye registered before everything faded into darkness.
Let me speak to your alpha please he might want to know about. Like how I was a white wolf then a black he might want to known that
Luna heard commotion outside and quickly ran out in her human form. Seeing Kira and another male she growled ferociously and skidded to a halt directly in front of the male. "Kira, details, now!" She narrowed her eyes and kept her stance, never moving her eyes from the male.
"This one," she nudged the now human none too kindly, "jumped down at me from a tree within our territory, asked for food, and I said he could hunt three prey before leaving. Ignoring that offer, he bolted this way and we reconvened at the lake. He asked to see the alphas." Kira shifted her weight, not breaking gaze, "He has two wolf forms- a white one and a black one."

@Jasil @Lucas Shadow

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