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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kira nodded to her alpha, a small smile playing on her canine face. "Trust... mutual respect. Certainly, Luna. I won't let you down." She dipped her head in respect before going to stand beside Faolin, surveying the tiger up and down. "Faolin seems to have extended his welcome and I extend mine as well, with an apology for being so harsh upon barely meeting." Slowly her ears returned to their usual state, pointed upward and alert, and her posture relaxed considerably. "I'm not entirely sure what the cabin situation is myself so for the time being you'll be bunking with me a little ways off from the lake. We'll be heading there as soon as you're ready and dinner's on me. I caught a burrow of rabbits earlier and they've been cooking since you arrived." She rested her tail on Faolin's shoulder, turning her gaze to him. "Unless Luna has other duties for you, you're welcome to join us."
Looking at Kira Faolin smiled at her. He looked at her tail and felt comforted by it. He whispered, "I don't think she had anything. Do you Luna?" He asked. Silently he watched Kira for a second then the tiger. He didn't care if the tiger was larger he would kill him if he laid one measly claw on Kira and that was that. He looked at Luna and...She was gone. He blinked then stated, "Well it seems Luna has decided to leave I guess I am coming with you." He placed his tail on Kira's back gently and a little hesitantly.
Marina was startled back from the Cougar as she heard her name being called and quickly transformed to her bird form and flew towards the sound of the Alpha female. She will tell her about the injuried cougar and hopefully she'll know what to do. She squawked loudly as she saw the alpha female on the ground below and began heading towards the ground transforming into her human form. She tried covering herself a bit embarrassed

"Uh hi!" She said "Uh I found a cougar I think, it's really injured badly, I think it's not just an animal but it's like us, shifters" She rambled before shutting herself up
Profoundcactus said:
Marina was startled back from the Cougar as she heard her name being called and quickly transformed to her bird form and flew towards the sound of the Alpha female. She will tell her about the injuried cougar and hopefully she'll know what to do. She squawked loudly as she saw the alpha female on the ground below and began heading towards the ground transforming into her human form. She tried covering herself a bit embarrassed
"Uh hi!" She said "Uh I found a cougar I think, it's really injured badly, I think it's not just an animal but it's like us, shifters" She rambled before shutting herself up
Luna was suddenly alert "Don't ever go near that monster again! She would've killed you!" Luna's motherly instincts took over and she immediately was holding the young girl. "Damn pregnancys got me all emotional." She muttered under her breath. She held the girl out at arms length "I need to know exactly where you saw that beast."
Marina blinked as the power of Luna's words washed over her.

She's guessing that the cougar was an enemy of some sort "It was a bit away, I was flying around the perimeter of the territory and she'd been outside of it. Near a small clearing and a water fall. I can fly you towards it" She was blushing, feeling stupid that she was already causing trouble.
Profoundcactus said:
Marina blinked as the power of Luna's words washed over her.
She's guessing that the cougar was an enemy of some sort "It was a bit away, I was flying around the perimeter of the territory and she'd been outside of it. Near a small clearing and a water fall. I can fly you towards it" She was blushing, feeling stupid that she was already causing trouble.
Nuuchi said:
Nuuch emits scared almost suffering cries in the distance
Luna was about to nod and follow Marina what a cry came from deeper in the woods. "We can deal with the cougar later."

She started heading towards the noise "Hello? Are you alright?" Her voice rang through the trees
Jasil said:
Luna was about to nod and follow Marina what a cry came from deeper in the woods. "We can deal with the cougar later."
She started heading towards the noise "Hello? Are you alright?" Her voice rang through the trees
"H-hello?" nuuch manages to get out. "Look whoever you are please... just.... i dont wanna... im not a bad...person" nuuch utters still very scared.
Marina bent forward slowly walking forward towards where the voice was coming from "No one is going to hurt you" She said softly "Just come out, are you hurt? Can you walk?"
"Who's that?!" nuuch says startled "im...im n-not surrounded am i?" He asks very scared. "Look, yes I'm injured but i can still walk kind of. It's just... something happened.. i got really scared and...idk but im not..wearing anything.. just please, i dont want to hurt anyone...not again...not like that"
Dante sighed and decided to take the hurt girl back to his cabin to keep an eye on her. he also wanted to make sure she was properly treated. he sighed he wondered where everyone else was at. he knows he has been preoccupied with marco lately. he watches the girl and applies more of the mountain ash to her wounds. he also sets up an I.V for her. "So you got kick out of your old pack? Either way im sure you'll be welcomed with open arms in this pack." @MadameRedWolf
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
With a smile Klaus began to explain tales from his journey, " The World has shown me much. and there is still much for me to see as I travel more."
Klaus continues talking he places his pack on the table and begins to rummage through his belongings to find his journal, a book wrapped in leather with tribal designs pressed into the hide.

" This is where I log all of my adventures, and it is what holds the information you seek." Klaus pauses and takes his hunting knife from his holster, and places it on the table next to the book.

"Now this knife came from the same ruins that I found information about the Wolf's Eye." Flipping through the pages Klaus finds the Page where he logged his findings, and continues.

"I was down in South America Exploring ancient civilizations, mainly outta boredom, but what I found was anything but ordinary. I followed the tips of the locals about some ruins that were heavily engraved with pictures of wolves and statues of ancient werewolves, curious I decided to investigate. As I made my way through the dense jungles I found my self at the entry way for the ruins. Cautiously I began moving through the ruins, but the land was cursed. As I passed through A Chamber that had lake in it the ruins started rumbling. Nervously I got into a fighting Stance ,and equipped myself with the knife you see before you. Out of the water emerged a wolf formed of pure water, and without warning attacked me. I wont go into the details of the fight, but needless to say I won and got me a small Trinket to show off for it." Pausing briefly Klaus begins petting his beard before he continues.

"Now I kept exploring and found a room full of fog or mist. To be honest it looked almost exactly as you do now just with out eyes. Here is where is gets interesting. The walls Showed pictures of a wolf being dissolved, into what i had no idea though until possibly now. Under the pictures there was an inscription and a stone pillar that was supposed to be holding the Wolf's Eye. The Inscription Read 'Only one of Pure lineage can harness the power to use the Wolf's Eye to the fullest, Only the Bloodline of Forrest can unlock the true way to use The Wolf's Eye, And Ascend to True Power." Pausing again Klaus looked at Forrest to wait and see his response to the information he had given him as Klaus began to chew on mint leaves he had kept in his pocket.View attachment 262844
Gabriel took it in. "Only a member of my family can turn to mist...." He blinked rapidly. Then chuckled. "Well, at least I know it isn't permanent." He looked up at Klaus. "Thank you."
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel took it in. "Only a member of my family can turn to mist...." He blinked rapidly. Then chuckled. "Well, at least I know it isn't permanent." He looked up at Klaus. "Thank you."
With smile and a quick nod Klaus begin packing his pack up and sheathed his knife from the table."Happy to be of help. Mind if i look around your settlement? I would like to meet the others before I head out once more.", Klaus mentioned with a smile on his face as he placed his bag back on his back.
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
With smile and a quick nod Klaus begin packing his pack up and sheathed his knife from the table."Happy to be of help. Mind if i look around your settlement? I would like to meet the others before I head out once more.", Klaus mentioned with a smile on his face as he placed his bag back on his back.
Gabriel nodded. "Not at all. I have to tell this Luna." He then set off, moving to find his mate, seemingly gliding across the ground.
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
Klaus curious on how the sick pup was sniffed the air and followed her scent to another wolfs cabin and gave a brief knock. As he waited for a reply he started fiddling with his beard again. @loyalwolf
Dante heard the knock on the door and checked to see if the knock has woke up Tyr. Luckily both pup in his care seemed to still be sleeping. He made his way trowards the door and opened it. He looked at a man he did not recognize. He immediately got defensive. "Who are you?" He gave the man a cold and blank stare.
loyalwolf said:
Dante heard the knock on the door and checked to see if the knock has woke up Tyr. Luckily both pup in his care seemed to still be sleeping. He made his way trowards the door and opened it. He looked at a man he did not recognize. He immediately got defensive. "Who are you?" He gave the man a cold and blank stare.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91d24d9c_characterpicture.jpg.0c272fe8508be9952b1501d2a1d38fc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118067" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91d24d9c_characterpicture.jpg.0c272fe8508be9952b1501d2a1d38fc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Already used to the less then friendly greeting a new Shitfer gets Klaus remained relaxed. " Hello sir, my name is Klaus Vossler a humble Traveler. I have just arrived in this settlement, and while I wont be joining this pack anytime soon me and the misty fellow Gabriel struck a deal that lets me pass through without worry of being attack. I was near by when the small sickly pup came through and wanted to see how she was doing as well as meet some of the other Shifters here." ,Replied Klaus with a smile.



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ShadowCrassodon254 said:
View attachment 262991
Already used to the less then friendly greeting a new Shitfer gets Klaus remained relaxed. " Hello sir, my name is Klaus Vossler a humble Traveler. I have just arrived in this settlement, and while I wont be joining this pack anytime soon me and the misty fellow Gabriel struck a deal that lets me pass through without worry of being attack. I was near by when the small sickly pup came through and wanted to see how she was doing as well as meet some of the other Shifters here." ,Replied Klaus with a smile.
Dante keep a firm stare on the man."my name is Dante and I'm the the packs healer. Also currently looking after two pup. Thus u can see my hesitation in letting you into my cabin." He didn't want to just flat out trust the guy but sadly he can't disobey his alphas order. With a very neutral tone he said " Come in klaus but I warn you try anything and I'll make u beg got death. Also keep your voice down my pup is sleeping. As for the sick pup, she is going better. I applied moutin ash to help her heal. Plus put her on an Iv to help rehydrate her."
Lucas was with kira but then he smelt this scent and quickly ran out in human form to asses the scent.he saw Dante talking to this person he took one sniff and instantly ran and transformed into a whit furred tiger and approached him slowly
loyalwolf said:
Dante keep a firm stare on the man."my name is Dante and I'm the the packs healer. Also currently looking after two pup. Thus u can see my hesitation in letting you into my cabin." He didn't want to just flat out trust the guy but sadly he can't disobey his alphas order. With a very neutral tone he said " Come in klaus but I warn you try anything and I'll make u beg got death. Also keep your voice down my pup is sleeping. As for the sick pup, she is going better. I applied moutin ash to help her heal. Plus put her on an Iv to help rehydrate her."
With an affirming nod Klaus followed Dante into the cabin. "Mountain Ash, Why didn't I ever think of that." Klaus whispered to himself as he pulled out his journel and jotted down what he learned.

" You can trust me I mean no harm to anyone. I have already met the one called Luna and I am also helping The Mist research the Wolf's Eye." Klaus mentioned with a smile. @loyalwolf
[QUOTE="Lucas Shadow]Lucas was with kira but then he smelt this scent and quickly ran out in human form to asses the scent.he saw Dante talking to this person he took one sniff and instantly ran and transformed into a whit furred tiger and approached him slowly

Gabriel stopped when he saw a tiger shifter. He sprinted over, like a phantom, and growled at the tiger. "You," he said, "who are you?"
Please move you guys might be in danger I have to talk to him. Lucas pushes Dante to the side a quickly goes up to the strange person and growls.
[QUOTE="Lucas Shadow]Please move you guys might be in danger I have to talk to him. Lucas pushes Dante to the side a quickly goes up to the strange person and growls.

Gabriel growled, and paced up to the new pack member. "Stand....down...." His voice trailed ice as he spoke. He was asserting his position as alpha. "Now!" He barked the last part.
I stand down. I walk up to you.listen to me he followed me that means someones following him and that bad you must not leave him go. I stay there to watch and protect you

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