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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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He laughed after Skip kissed him back then set him down, before nodding. He disappeared to get his shoes, and eventually came back. Cana walked out the door, murmuring a thanks when Skip held open the door. "So, is there a place that you know that you would like to go to?"

When Thalia wakes up, she feels weak and light headed but slowly pushes herself off the ground and stiffly walks in the direction she was headed before she passed out. She pulls a water bottle from her bag and a pill, swallowing it before gulping down water. She gauges her energy and decides against an areal search and instead just keep the direction and hope to come across a place to eat.
"Not exactly mate" skip says as he shuts the door behind them."havent been near civilization in years. I just figure we'd go to town and check it out. Of course, we could go get your stuff first if ya'd like?" He said as he moves his hand to see if cana wanted to hold hands as they walked.

"Oh," He pursed his lips as he listened, and nodded. "Okay, we can do that, then. And yeah, I'd like to do all that first. But I don't mind if we do it later." Canagan shrugged, before looking down to Skip's hand, held out. After a moment's hesitation, he reached for it and grabbed it, intertwining their fingers, before huffing. "If we're going to be getting tons of crap, we're probably going to need something to carry it, but I don't have a vehicle."

Thalia walks, making the most of her stride. She hears something in the distance and closes her eyes as she walks. She expands her presence, using her heightened senses and a little bit of ice to tell what it is, careful not to change the air temperature too noticeably. Warmth; whatever it is, it seems to be living. From the feel of it it's either huge or a large group. The heat feels almost like a diner or gas station at least. She smiles and walks slightly faster, adjusting he bag on her back as she plans. First I'll have to go to the bathroom and change; these clothes are spoiled. Then I can get food or a ride to somewhere I can.
Skip loved the feeling of holding canagans hand. He stopped and thought for a moment then remembered something. "When we first made it here i remembered seeing 2 vans parked over there and one of them had keys in it. I'm sure as long as we bring it back in one piece luna won't mind. Id hate to disturb her when she's with her mate." He says reassuringly



Luna sighed at her sleeping mate and crawled out of bed. Throwing on some running clothes and shoes, she went out into the woods for a jog.

She breathed in the air peacefully until she caught the scent of a girl.
@Supermegabrenda2 @SparkyQuinn

Thalia, growing impatient of walking, again expands her presence to find out just how much farther she'll have to walk. She focuses in front of her and finds it with relative ease. She carefully walks, allowing herself to draw back her presence so it focuses more closely around her, dropping the temperature noticably so she can walk safely.

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((sorry for the long wait guys))


Caua yawned, streatching his arms. He heard the door shut. Realizing that was Luna, he hopped out of bed, and threw some running tennis shoes on. He jogged after her.

"Hey, wait up."

He said, still blinking for his eyes to catch up to what was going on. A unknown scent his his nose , and he growled quietly.

"Who the hell is that?"

He muttered quietly as he got closer to Luna.​


Luna jumped at the sudden appearance of her mate.

"Morning, and I don't know... Let's find out."

She kissed him softly and then began walking further.

The scent was fading so Luna moved faster.

"Should we call out?"

The purple haired girl murmered to Caua.
@SparkyQuinn @Supermegabrenda2

Jasil said:


Luna jumped at the sudden appearance of her mate.

"Morning, and I don't know... Let's find out."

She kissed him softly and then began walking further.

The scent was fading so Luna moved faster.

"Should we call out?"

The purple haired girl murmered to Caua.
@SparkyQuinn @Supermegabrenda2


Caua nodded.

"You do it. I think a man calling out to you in the woods is not the most welcoming thing."

He said quietly, chuckling lightly after.​


Luna nodded once and called out softly into the woods.

"Hello? Hello?"

Her gentle voice carries through the trees and she reached over and held Cauas hand in her own.
@Supermegabrenda2 @SparkyQuinn



He looked ahead, trying to spot something. Not succeeding, he shifted, looking at Luna so she would do the same. His large lion form stalked quickly after the scent, and he caught a glimpse of the thing that they where going after.

@SparkyQuinn @Jasil


Luna plopped down in her wolf form and walked alongside Caua.

"So are you feeling better love?"

She whispered to him as they approached.

Jasil said:


Luna plopped down in her wolf form and walked alongside Caua.

"So are you feeling better love?"

She whispered to him as they approached.


"Im grand, you?"

He asked quietly, lowering his body to the ground.​
Jasil said:


Luna nodded once and called out softly into the woods.

"Hello? Hello?"

Her gentle voice carries through the trees and she reached over and held Cauas hand in her own.
@Supermegabrenda2 @SparkyQuinn

Barely hearing the voice, Thalia paused before continuing moving at a slower pace. She pushes her presence out in all directions, thinning it out as it gets farther from her so it the temperature doesn't drop dramatically. Sensing two warm figures behind her coming her way she starts running, feeling adrenaline start again in her veins as she contemplates using her wings to get away. Deciding against it she concludes it'd spend a lot of energy, it always does, not that she has that energy at the moment, also knowing, if they were to see them, or her for that matter, chances are it wouldn't end well.


Luna heard the pounding feet and began chasing after the noise, her black fur glistening in the sun.

She barked out.

"Hey! Come back here!"

Putting on one last burst of energy, Luna jumped on the back of the running girl, making them both fall to the ground.
@Supermegabrenda2 @SparkyQuinn

SparkyQuinn said:
Barely hearing the voice, Thalia paused before continuing moving at a slower pace. She pushes her presence out in all directions, thinning it out as it gets farther from her so it the temperature doesn't drop dramatically. Sensing two warm figures behind her coming her way she starts running, feeling adrenaline start again in her veins as she contemplates using her wings to get away. Deciding against it she concludes it'd spend a lot of energy, it always does, not that she has that energy at the moment, also knowing, if they were to see them, or her for that matter, chances are it wouldn't end well.
Jasil said:


Luna heard the pounding feet and began chasing after the noise, her black fur glistening in the sun.

She barked out.

"Hey! Come back here!"

Putting on one last burst of energy, Luna jumped on the back of the running girl, making them both fall to the ground.
@Supermegabrenda2 @SparkyQuinn


"Ooh, a runner."

He said, and chased after it. His large black form stuck out between the green leaves, and his immense weight caused his paws to thunder against the ground. He was quickly catching up to her.

"Hey! We just awnt to talk!"

He said, loud enough so she could hear. He chuckled as they ran, shaking his mane. It flowed with the wind as he shook his head. He watched as Luna pounced on her. He slowed down to a walk, stopping infront of the girl. His massive head twisted to the side lightly

"Look, it really is a girl."

He said, smiling lightly as he analyzed her expression.

Supermegabrenda2 said:


"Ooh, a runner."

He said, and chased after it. His large black form stuck out between the green leaves, and his immense weight caused his paws to thunder against the ground. He was quickly catching up to her.

"Hey! We just awnt to talk!"

He said, loud enough so she could hear. He chuckled as they ran, shaking his mane. It flowed with the wind as he shook his head. He watched as Luna pounced on her. He slowed down to a walk, stopping infront of the girl. His massive head twisted to the side lightly

"Look, it really is a girl."

He said, smiling lightly as he analyzed her expression.

Thalia keeps her face the practiced expressionless, trys not to move her wings. She pulls her presence in and instead opens her eyes before rolling over to face the two. Feeling the pounding in her head at the sudden heat, she sits up and moves to stands. Refusing to show the weakness she feels she asks with a emotionless voice, "Talk about what?" She reaches behind her to grab the water bottle and finds a piece of gum, mentally thanking herself she grabs it, unwrapping it before popping it in her mouth in the hopes of it helping her energy crisis that was sure to happen after the adrenaline wears off.


The lion sat down.

"Quite simple really. Why are you here?"

He asked, looking over her. She didn't seem to be critically wounded. Nor traumatised. She looked tense.

"Luna, you speak, i'm terrible with people."

He grumbled soflty, looking at his mate.​

@Jasil @SparkyQuinn
Supermegabrenda2 said:


The lion sat down.

"Quite simple really. Why are you here?"

He asked, looking over her. She didn't seem to be critically wounded. Nor traumatised. She looked tense.

"Luna, you speak, i'm terrible with people."

He grumbled soflty, looking at his mate.​

@Jasil @SparkyQuinn
"Why do you need to know?" Thalia curiously eyed him, "I know nothing of either of you, why should I trust you?" Her eyes watch their every move as she tries to determine their intentions and if they are a threat.


Luna shifted and smiled at the girl.

"Sorry for jumping on you, but my mate is right, we just want to know your business. And I promise, no one is here to harm you, I just want to know for the saftey of my pack and family."

She stood and ran a hand through Cauas mane causally.
@Supermegabrenda2 @SparkyQuinn

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Caua's chest rumbled as she ran her fingers through his mane. He rubbed his head on her leg softly, before turning his attention to the girl.

"What is your name?"

He asked, streatching his arms. His massive paws pushed a bit of dirt as he did so

@SparkyQuinn @Jasil
Jasil said:


Luna shifted and smiled at the girl.

"Sorry for jumping on you, but my mate is right, we just want to know your business. And I promise, no one is here to harm you, I just want to know for the saftey of my pack and family."

She stood and ran a hand through Cauas mane causally.
@Supermegabrenda2 @SparkyQuinn

Thalia nods, knowing that if she did plan on harming her she'd have just came up with the excuse. "I went to see my pack, or really what's left of it." She looks at them, "I sens-thought there was something nearby with lif-people. I was planning on refueling and going. Though the chase didn't help at all," she laughs as she feels the adrenaline slow and she hoped the gum would at least keep her from collapsing until they leave.
SparkyQuinn said:
Thalia nods, knowing that if she did plan on harming her she'd have just came up with the excuse. "I went to see my pack, or really what's left of it." She looks at them, "I sens-thought there was something nearby with lif-people. I was planning on refueling and going. Though the chase didn't help at all," she laughs as she feels the adrenaline slow and she hoped the gum would at least keep her from collapsing until they leave.


Caua snickered.

"I'm Caua, and you are...?"

He asked, lowering his head slightly.​

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