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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Luna sat limply on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands.

She shut her eyes and took deep breaths before laying back where she was and falling asleep.

Jasil said:


Luna sat limply on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands.

She shut her eyes and took deep breaths before laying back where she was and falling asleep.


Caua flipped around slowy, trying not to wake her. He looked at her face. It was not his fault he had many anger isues. He sighed, and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on hers.​
Elise replied to Faolin's smile,feeling just as amazed as he was. Although the view from her wolf was actually more interesting than anything else she could possibly be seeing in the waterfall.
"Well...let's eat then! Picnics at night close to a frozen lake are the best thing."

She chuckled and got herself a sandwich,eating it thoughtfully as she looked over to the river.
Looking at her Faolin smiled as he picked up his sandwich. Silently he looked at Elise allowing his wolf to enter her mind as he ate. Deciding that he wanted to play with her he allowed his wolf to playfully attack her Tiger very gently. He batted at her with his paws in a loving kind of way barly clipping her as he pranced around in her mind. He grinned then continued eating as he looked around silently. It was beautiful. Softly he stated, "I think I agree with you Elise Picnics by night at a frozen lake are the best especially with you." He blushed then continued eating.


Luna woke up in the middle of the night, unsure why.

Her mind was racing and she needed a glass of water.

Luna began gently pulling herself from Cauas grasp, without waking him up.


Jasil said:


Luna woke up in the middle of the night, unsure why.

Her mind was racing and she needed a glass of water.

Luna began gently pulling herself from Cauas grasp, without waking him up.



Caua was never asleep. He felt her move away.


He opened his eyes, looking at Luna quietly.

"What happened?"

He asked, letting go of her.​


Luna put on a false smile and gave Caua a peck on the cheek.

"Nothing love, I just need some water."

She whispered In the darkness.

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Jasil said:


Luna put on a false smile and gave Caua a peck on the cheek.

"Nothing love, I just need some water."

She whispered In the darkness.


Caua nodded. He knew she was hiding something. Rolling over, he folded his arm under his head, and waited until she left the room to go 'get water'.​


Luna slipped out of the room and headed for the kitchen.

She filled a glass with water and drank slowly, hesitantly.

Her mind raced around and her fingers slipped.

The glass shattered on the ground and Luna jumped.


She muttered and began cleaning the glass off the floor.

Jasil said:


Luna slipped out of the room and headed for the kitchen.

She filled a glass with water and drank slowly, hesitantly.

Her mind raced around and her fingers slipped.

The glass shattered on the ground and Luna jumped.


She muttered and began cleaning the glass off the floor.


Caua heard the crash, and jumped up. He dashed towards the kitchen, before seeing Luna cleaning the glass off the floor.

"Oh. Just a glass."

He said, rubbing the back of his head.

"You ok?"​


Luna shook her head and finished picking up the glass.

"I'm fine."

She said sharply and threw away the shards.

"I wasn't paying attention."

Luna glanced at the front door then back to the sink.

Jasil said:


Luna shook her head and finished picking up the glass.

"I'm fine."

She said sharply and threw away the shards.

"I wasn't paying attention."

Luna glanced at the front door then back to the sink.


Caua sat down on the coutch, quietly staring at his hands. He traced his knuckles, and glanced up at her.

You've made her sad! See what you've done?

He heard his beast scream into his mind.

T'was you!

He snapped back. The beast remained silent, and Caua glanced back up at Luna.

"I'm sorry."

He said, making it so she could barely hear it.​
Geralt knew very well that the size of the smile in his face made him look like a fool,but he didn't really care about it either. He was happy,and trying to hide it would be completely useless. Dante gave him a new chance at life so many times,and now he had filled a hole in his head that Geralt didn't even know what there. He loved this man more than anything.

"I had big expectations for you wolf,but let's just say that you were way better than any of them."

He chuckled and rose his hand,turning it around and keeping to his mind all the patterns on his fingers. The sensation on his ghost hand was there as well,more of a psychological feeling than anything.

"Well,let's go make breakfast for Tyr,my wolf. As much as I want to just roll around with you the entire day,we have duties."
He chuckled breathing against Dante's skin.

Elise splattered some snow towards Faolin,chuckling at the silly movement from both her human body and the tiger in her mind that was rolling around with his wolf in a happy manner. She purred at the wolf and pushed it lightly with her snout,her eyes flapping around in a happy manner. Her face blushed softly as she looked up at the wolf,feeling the affection she already had growing even more.

Elise looked down at the frozen water and smiled brightly,running over to it. She always followed her impulses,even though they were dangerous. The ice seemed to hold still as she slid through the it with ability.

"C'mon Faolin,let's go ice skating!"

But she suddenly heard a cracking sound,the ground bellow her feet disappearing. The snow broke and Elise fell down,feeling the freezing water overcome her senses. She immediately panicked,hitting the snow with her hands until her mind started to black out.



Luna turned around and stared at Caua in confusion.

"What are you sorry for?"

She approached the couch and stood by the arm.

Her eyes trained on Caua, Luna's brows came together.
Jasil said:


Luna turned around and stared at Caua in confusion.

"What are you sorry for?"

She approached the couch and stood by the arm.

Her eyes trained on Caua, Luna's brows came together.


"For being such a dick to you. This heat thing messes with my emotions. I get snappy, sassy, and I cut out the people I care for."

He said, and glanced up at Luna. His eyes flashed black again. He was fighting against his beast, his eyes kept flickering between their normal green and black.​


Luna sat next to him and gripped his hand.

"Love, you can't help it. I understand. Trust me I'm a lot tougher than you think."

She kissed the side of his head and sat back.

Jasil said:


Luna sat next to him and gripped his hand.

"Love, you can't help it. I understand. Trust me I'm a lot tougher than you think."

She kissed the side of his head and sat back.


"But you looked so sad, like a lost puppy."

He said, sitting back also. He layed his head back, staring straight at the ceeling.​


Luna sighed and leaned against Caua.

"I had a bad dream. And besides, your heat will be over soon."

Her fingers traced patterns on his chest and her eyes shut.

Elise splattered some snow towards Faolin,chuckling at the silly movement from both her human body and the tiger in her mind that was rolling around with his wolf in a happy manner. She purred at the wolf and pushed it lightly with her snout,her eyes flapping around in a happy manner. Her face blushed softly as she looked up at the wolf,feeling the affection she already had growing even more.
Elise looked down at the frozen water and smiled brightly,running over to it. She always followed her impulses,even though they were dangerous. The ice seemed to hold still as she slid through the it with ability.

"C'mon Faolin,let's go ice skating!"

But she suddenly heard a cracking sound,the ground bellow her feet disappearing. The snow broke and Elise fell down,feeling the freezing water overcome her senses. She immediately panicked,hitting the snow with her hands until her mind started to black out.
Quickly Faolin avoided the snow as he chuckled at her and smiled lovingly as he finished his food. He looked at her as he felt his wolf playin g with her tiger happily. He felt his wolf wag it's tail as she pushed him lightly with her nose. His wolf barked softly and nuzzled her back as he smiled. He felt himself blush then he looked at Elise who smiled brightly then rushed to the frozen water and skidded over the water. Faolin stood he knew their was no way the ice could be thick enough to hold her weight. As she stated, "Let's go ice skating he was already on the ice as he heard the crack. She fell into the freezing water as Faolin lunged forward his hand grabbing her's as it disappeared into the icy water. Struggling Faolin called on his reserved strength and grunted as he hauled Elise out of the water with all his might. She landed in his arms dripping wet and freezing cold. Faolin didn't hesitate a moment. HE began running he left their picnic materials behind he could come back for those later. He arrived at his cabin quickly he placed ELise in front of the fire and blushed deeply as he stated, "I am going to have to take these dripping clothes off of you or you'll freeze to death." he quickly grabbed blankets and then looked at Elise if she was unconscious then he would have to just take off her clothes without permission. Her life was at stake he began preparing himself seeting himself in healer mode although he knew he would blush a lot when he started. He reached out for the strap of Elise's soaking wet dress and put his hand on it waiting for any response.
Elise didn't show any response as she was dragged out of the water by Faolin and carried to his home. She didn't move either as he placed his hand over her dress,remaining limp and cold against the ground.

Her inner tiger was covering in fear. Elise had always been afraid of water and drowning,and that fear was keeping her from waking up. The tiger detected that she still had water in her lungs and whined in fear.

Looking at her Faolin received no verbal reply she was probably frozen in fear. Cats hated water although tiger's liked water last time he ckecked but now she seemed afraid of it. He felt her inner tiger's fear the fear of drowing. Water in her lungs. Had to deal with that first. He opened her mouth and placed his mouth over hers and breathed air into her stomach until it extended slightly then he pushed on her stomach immediately she coughed up some water and cleared her lungs of water. She was safe from choking now to solve the freezing problem. Blushing as red as Elise's hair Faolin took off Elise's dress quickly and any other soaking wet clothes then he covered her with the warm dry blankets making sure she was completely covered. He made the fire warmer with a few logs then went made some hot drinks and soup and placed it next to her as he watched her breath easily now that the water was gone. He waited watching over her he had clothes out for her and her wet stuff was hanging by the fire to dry. He was still blushing deep red from the experience.

Elise felt the water leaving her lungs and breathed deeply,coughing as the air entered her again. She was half conscious by the time that her clothes were torn off,replaced by a warmth that she couldn't quite understand where was coming from.

Her tiger whimpered lightly again,remembering images from it's childhood. Elise had ran off by herself and stranded too close to a river. The pup suddenly felt itself being kicked and fell down the water,unable to breath and nearly drowning.

She gasped and awoke from the dream,pushing herself to a sitting position. Elise felt tears go down her eyes as she hugged her legs and started to sob.

Silently Faolin watched Elise she was half conscious although still asleep. Her breathing suddenly grew shallower and became more rapid. Faolin checked her pulse it was spiking. He sent his wolf into the dream just as the dream came to it's horrible conclusion then ended as her tiger came awake quickly eyes wide with fright tears in the eyes. Faolin snapped his vision back to the present as he looked at Elise who was sitting upright tears streaking her white cheeks as she hugged her legs and started to sob. Faolin wrapped his arms around Elise and pulled her into his chest as he whispered, "I am right here Elise." His wolf cuddled close to Elise's tiger trying it's best to comfort it by grooming her tiger's neck and chest softly whimpering gently to sooth her. Faolin heard himself begin humming a tune he had never heard before but he felt like he had retrieved it from Elise's memory banks. He knew her mother had hummed it to her to calm her and he just hummed it now out of instinct.

"I-I know you are. I am over that. I just...need a moment."

Elise was one to hide her own fears inside herself,this particularly trauma being burried inside her. But she knew that Faolin from all people would understand. She cried against his chest,hugging him back as she felt his arms around him.

"That...that was a stupid idea anyway. I know I'm really impulsive but I'm trying my best."

She stopped talking once she recognized the tune Faolin was humming,feeling a sense of comfort both from her old and from the song she had almost forgotten. Her tiger came out and nudged against Faolin's wolf,dropping by the wolf's side with a tired but happier sigh.

Elise rose her head and kissed Faolin,wishing she could put into words her happiness and gratitude for having him by her side.

Looking at her Faolin didn't let go even when she spoke. He just held her to him gently and lovingly. Silently he watched her sensing she liked to hide her fears. Silently she hugged him back and he was glad she spoke about being impulsive and said nothing. He forgave her and he didn't need to say it his body and hold said it all. I love you no matter what. He held her as he felt her tiger drop tired bye his wolf's side who whined happily and continued to groom Elise's tiger. Feeling Elise rise Faolin opened his eyes as she kissed him. Faolin heard himself groan with pleasure as he kissed her back gently. It took all his mind power not to slip his hands under the blanket. He kissed her gently not pulling away for a while. When he pulled away he stated, "I love you Elise."


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