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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Faolin watched the proceedings blocking the way out. Honestly if the girl ran she would get very far. When his healer instincts were on Faolin could be very quick and stern especially with bad patients. He just sat in the doorway guarding it his eyes half closed watching the girl to see how she would heal herself. Any medical knowledge on scientific experiment healing was of interest since the amount of science experiment people seemed to be increasing recently or semi recently. He watched silently saying nothing.
Thalia laughs, "I have a bullet in my leg, and yes, I'll only admit to one, but running is unlikely." She partially spreads her silver blue wings and bites her lip as she pulls out three feathers. Conversationally she smiles as she starts what looks like playing with the feather at the quill, "Deseret said I should make a few of these and keep them on hand, but honestly I don't want to have to fly right after pulling out feathers." She pulls at the barbs on one side, somehow they stay connected and form a continuous thread, leaving it connected. She then takes the other side and pulls it off the quill before making it into another string. "I can connect it after the first is used." She moves to the next feather and detaches the barbs from both sides and makes them into the same thread. The last she repeats exactly what she did with the first. She grabs a bottle, not knowing or caring what it is and drank enough to give her alcohol poisoning. In a teasing voice she tells them her plan, "because of the stranger and freak out, I have adrenaline making my heart beat at a relatively normal pace, which is wayyyy fast for me, especially when it comes to blood loss. Alcohol poisoning should combat that, and thanks to my illness I have magical pills that make my heart beat, so that shouldn't be a problem." She laughs, "but after my heart stops, the wounds, mainly the rather deep ones in my stomach and arm/shoulder will need to be cleaned. Don't ask why, but Antifreeze is perfect, even helps with the stitches, which is why the feather things were made. Luna, I trust you the most, no offense, so would you mind cleaning and stitching them up. I would, but I lost my vision again so I really can't. But even before I got sick normal thread and needles would turn my blood thick and had the possibility of killing me." At this she smiles and laughs.

@Jasil @Supermegabrenda2 @Lighthouse8477
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Faolin listened to the female's words watching her movements amazed at the amazing things her body could do. Although he would have been better at stitching and cleaning her wounds the female trust Luna only a feeling he understood slightly. Silently he watched taking in everything noting the process. Normally Alcohol poisoning wasn't the best way to cure oneself but the way she explained how it helped her made sense to his medical mind. He could see how that would work with an altered DNA sequence. Well he assumed her DNA had been tampered with how else could she have natural wing? He watched not at all squeamish. He had seen worse things done.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Faolin listened to the female's words watching her movements amazed at the amazing things her body could do. Although he would have been better at stitching and cleaning her wounds the female trust Luna only a feeling he understood slightly. Silently he watched taking in everything noting the process. Normally Alcohol poisoning wasn't the best way to cure oneself but the way she explained how it helped her made sense to his medical mind. He could see how that would work with an altered DNA sequence. Well he assumed her DNA had been tampered with how else could she have natural wing? He watched not at all squeamish. He had seen worse things done.
Feeling Faolin's eyes on her, Thalia asks rather bluntly, "Caua, are you sure he's not one of them? I can feel him watching me, it feels just like them. It's rather unnerving."

@Jasil @Supermegabrenda2 @Lighthouse8477
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Softly Faolin stated, "I am a healer. I watch you to remember how you healed yourself so if another like you comes into our pack I will know how to heal them. Sorry if my watching is making you edgy. I'll go watch the door if my gaze is really that unnerving. Also I can assure you I am not one of them whoever them is." He turned away and walked towards the door to watch it.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Softly Faolin stated, "I am a healer. I watch you to remember how you healed yourself so if another like you comes into our pack I will know how to heal them. Sorry if my watching is making you edgy. I'll go watch the door if my gaze is really that unnerving. Also I can assure you I am not one of them whoever them is." He turned away and walked towards the door to watch it.
Hearing it, Thalia sighs, "You are? No lies? I can stand it then. I doubt anyone like me will come, but it may be a possibility." Biting her lip she considers asking for his help with a laptop she stole from the lab or offering to answer any questions he has. She decides the questions wouldn't be too bad. "If you want, later I could possibly explain any questions you have.Things like me are pretty odd. It really does seem to take one to know one." She tries to look at Luna, "Luna, where are you?"

@Jasil @Supermegabrenda2 @Lighthouse8477
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Looking at the female Faolin stops hearing her speak. He smiles gently allowing his happiness to filter into his voice, "Thank you miss. I'll try not to be to prying." He chuckled gently then sat watching her carefully then looked at Luna waiting for her to move. He sniffed the air out of chance and wrinkled his nose. Smelled like something around other people aside from the girl mixed scents. Probably her clothes. He shrugged it off and watched not trying to stare. She seemed like she was able to sense his gaze probably had to something with her DNA manipulation. Well he could ask later right now he needed to watch and remember just in case.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at the female Faolin stops hearing her speak. He smiles gently allowing his happiness to filter into his voice, "Thank you miss. I'll try not to be to prying." He chuckled gently then sat watching her carefully then looked at Luna waiting for her to move. He sniffed the air out of chance and wrinkled his nose. Smelled like something around other people aside from the girl mixed scents. Probably her clothes. He shrugged it off and watched not trying to stare. She seemed like she was able to sense his gaze probably had to something with her DNA manipulation. Well he could ask later right now he needed to watch and remember just in case.
Laughing, Thalia shrugs, "if your prying is anywhere near theirs, I may just run away screaming. But I kind of doubt it. Do you really think more like me could come?" She tries to keep the hope out of her voice when she asked. She tries to look around, "Luna? Caua? Are you guys still here?" She stiffens and feels her heart, making sure it doesn't start again before she can be stitched up.

@Jasil @Supermegabrenda2 @Lighthouse8477
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Luna snapped out of her haze and walked over to Thalia.

"I'm here darling."

She stroked her hair absent mindedly.

"Are you feeling better?"

Jasil said:


Luna snapped out of her haze and walked over to Thalia.

"I'm here darling."

She stroked her hair absent mindedly.

"Are you feeling better?"

(Yay! Luna is back! :D )

Thalia nods, "you should probably put on gloves. Would you mind cleaning and closing the wounds? There's Antifreeze on the cart I believe. After that's done I have a needle and thread for you to stitch me up with. I want you to because I trust you the most. You should only have to worry about the big scratches on my shoulder/arm and stomach, the bullets I can fix later with little problem." She calmly tells her. "If you need help just ask, I can talk you through it if you need it." She tries to look at Luna.


Luna nodded and began doing as she was told.

"Now, how long have you been like this?"

She cleaned carefully, making sure not to hurt Thalia

Jasil said:


Luna nodded and began doing as she was told.

"Now, how long have you been like this?"

She cleaned carefully, making sure not to hurt Thalia

"Like what? There are a few things you could be asking about. The illness, the genetic modification, the personality, the tests, just to name a few." Thalia admits, her eyes closing as she focuses on relaxing the muscles where Luna was working. She took her pulse, making sure it doesn't start again.


Luna sighed.

"The genetics."

Luna wanted to know the story.

She's defiantly heard plenty of crazy ones, so this she had to hear.

Jasil said:


Luna sighed.

"The genetics."

Luna wanted to know the story.

She's defiantly heard plenty of crazy ones, so this she had to hear.

"Well by cheating and looking off the notes I stole, before I was even born they began adding and changing my DNA." Thalia replies before continuing, knowing it'd probably take enough time for her to tell her story as it would for Luna to finish the stitches in her arm and shoulder, if not stomach also. "They had to change my parent's memories, I assume with some machine. It wasn't until immediately I was born that they took me from my family, because experiments born from test tubes don't turn out the most functional so I had to be with my mother. Not even a week after I was created they started adding to and changing my DNA. Before I was born they held my mother in the lab, actually all three mothers, Nina's, Hunter's, and my own. After we were born they released them. By the time we were born we had most major characteristics. By the time we were five I believe it was, they stopped changing the DNA and started purely testing and operating on us. Just like with normal kids, there were developmental milestones throughout our lives in the lab that they would adhere to because past experiments proved them important. Nina, was my cousin. She was weak and died on an operating table, like so many others. Her whole life was an experiment, complete with taped operations and tests and debriefings after each as well as a daily log. Quite a considerable amount of Hunter, Deseret, and my own life also had been recorded. But we were lucky, we escaped before we were killed too." A ghost of a smile appears on her lips and she considers looking back at Luna. She laughs, "Do you wanna know my favorite part about being engineered verses having normal genetics?"
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Faolin listened and watched not replying to Thalia's question as he stayed silent. Honestly he didn't expect another to come to their pack soon if every but anything was possible he had learned that a long time ago. So he just watched listening to the story that the girl wove. Cocking his head he listened envisioning the lab and grimaced a horrible life the only good thing coming from changed DNA could possibly be longer life and the ability to fly. Aside from that he saw no good in changed DNA something that humans shouldn't touch is the thing they did touch. Always the forbidden fruit as his mother had stated or the place you cannot go you always end up in because of your desire. He sighed gently then waited thinking and pondering.
Yewitz said:
Canagan looked up when Skip spoke, after his gaze had trailed around to observe his surroundings. "Vans? I never saw vans, though... That's probably because I wasn't playing attention.." He sighed, then shrugged. "If you're sure she'd be fine with it, then I don't mind.. Uhm.. Am I going to be the one driving?"
@Nuuchi ;;^)
"Well ive never exactly drove before..but how hard can it be? Yug-yug-yug!" Skip joked "of course you'll have to give me direction on where to go seeing as i don't know where your old place is." Skip paused for a moment "cana...what are your folks going to think about me? I mean, i know not everyone is accepting of same sex relationships"

@Yewitz sorryyyy no notification :(
"Ah... I don't trust you, but whatever.." Canagan giggled, and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'll make sure to, though.. I haven't been there in a bit." He seemed curious when Skip paused, before speaking again. "Hm?" He murmured as he spoke, before sending him a slightly hurt expression. "I.. Well.. I don't know.." Canagan sighed, looking downwards. "They'll probably a bit spooked. But.. All I'm doing is going in to get packed up, you don't have to come."

"Well if you have experience in driving i dont mind if ya drive" skip says. He notices a mood change after what he had said. "I thought as much, but i want to go cana. For you, and there is always a chance they might not even be there." He says trying to sound reassuring as they make it to the van "so you driving, or am i?"


Iswearisentthisanditdidntpost :"(

Nuuchi said:
"Well if you have experience in driving i dont mind if ya drive" skip says. He notices a mood change after what he had said. "I thought as much, but i want to go cana. For you, and there is always a chance they might not even be there." He says trying to sound reassuring as they make it to the van "so you driving, or am i?"

Iswearisentthisanditdidntpost :"(
"I have a bit.." He responded, looking up when Skip spoke again. "I know, Skip.. It's just weird. This is new, and now your stuck with a moody wolf. Sounds fun, right? And yeah, I don't mind driving."

-saf lmao-

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Kira awoke to the dusty smells and forest aromas that she thanked for almost completely covering her scent. Raising her grey head, shaggy fur spilling off grains of dirt, she blinked a few times, looking around the small den she'd made for herself in a thicket half a kilometer outside the pack's territory. Light filtered through the branches, though not enough to warm her. The she-wolf crawled out from the bushes, shook herself off, and took a few steps forward, attempting to shift into her human form. For a moment, curly black hair fell over her shoulders, only for her to stumble, unaccustomed to being bipedal, and fall back onto the forest floor as a wolf. So much for that. She turned her head toward the pack's territory, and deciding she'd been away long enough, began to walk the kilometer back to the boarder, and after that, onward toward the lake and cabins. Ears constantly alert, nose constantly aiding in her direction, Kira knew full well she'd no longer smell like a pack wolf. That could cause trouble, but the lake came into view soon enough. She sat down on the shore and waited.
Shaking himself Faolin decided he had enough of waiting here. Although he was a healer he wasn't exactly patient. He looked at Luna and stated, "I'll be at the lake." He then walked outside and stretched luxuriously in the soft sunlight. Oh that was better. He sniffed himself and frowned. He needed a bath he smelled a little rank. Also he smelled of Elise. He wondered where she was. Back at his cabin asleep no doubt. Oh well. He walked towards the lake for a bath. As he walked he surveyed his surroundings. He saw many familiar faces and smiled at them. When he arivied at the lake he licked some cool water to help himslelf. He was about to change human when he froze and sniffed the air. Something was familiar about that scent. But what...actually who was it. Turning he looked at a female wolf not five paces from him. She was sitting and seemed to be waiting. He cocked his head. Something so familiar abou....No it couldn't be! "Kira?!" He asked in a half surpised half wondering tone. Suddenly he remembered she was a fighting wolf and perhaps his sudden voice would frighten her into an attack. He was ready as such. He had beaten her in a spar once. He had wondered if she had faked that but no time to question that now. He would have asked what she was doing here but he then thought her life was hers and he had no business noseing into it. Perhaps he should leave. He heard himself say, "What are you doing here?" He looked up at her and into her eyes. Yep definitely Kira he would never forget that face no matter how cold her eyes got.

"I dont mind mate" skip stated clearly with a smile. "Its part of the reason i was attracted to you in the first place after all" he opened the door for cana then went around and got in the passenger seat awaiting his mate so they start their journey into town.

@Yewitz (things still kind of crazy, sorry for the wait)
Kira watched Faolin approach and tilted her grey head to him slightly as her name was called. Underneath her fur, new muscle stretched across her body, however speaking of which, the she-wolf decided she could use a good wash as well and stood up, padding across the few feet of shore into the lake. There were new scars as well, a reminder of when she'd wandered too far and right into another pack's territory further north. They weren't as hospitable. "I thought it was high time to come home," she replied, voice cool. He still loved her, apparently, by his voice and the nature of his gaze. Kira flicked an ear. "Only, however, if I'm welcome back. Whatever my disappearance looked like due to whatever events followed that I'm unaware of, I can assure you, I'm not a deserter, however being away so long does not make me one of this pack any longer. I'd imagine Luna is still around? She's decided once, she can decide again, or turn me away."

Looking at her Faolin watched her curiously. Did he love her? Slightly only a mere fraction compared to Elise. Elise. His thoughts grew dreamy as he looked away then he was brought back to the prescience by her voice. He smiled gently at her as he nodded and stated, "I don't know how it looked like Kira. I was to sick to notice the packs reaction. As for Luna she's tending a new visitor. A science experiment with wings that has a weird way of curing herself. Anyways. I welcome you back I am sure Luna will take you back we always need good warriors with insight. He looked at her silently for a second then he walked into the water as he stated, "I didn't think you were a deserter Kira I know that whatever you do you are two things. Loyal and honest." He plunged into the water washing himself. When he came out he shook himself dry then looked at Kira seeing the new scars. Hmm unsavory wolves no doubt. Well they had been healed right. Silently he bowed his head to her in respect and stated, "Welcome back you can go to the medicine cabin if you wish to be reinstated and I am sure you'll get along with Caua just fine. Just a bit of warning he is a lion shifter and he is slightly protective if you know what I mean." He glanced at her then stated, "It was nice to see you again Kira. Take care of yourself." Then he walked away without looking back he had to check on Elise to make sure she wasn't panicking about his missing.

@Moolock @KaalysBR

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