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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Alec smiled brightly at her happy tone,glad to see she got the point of shifting. It could be scary,but also amazing.

"You can do that too,you know. Although I imagine you would be a bit more reddish."

He followed her down to the river,feeling the comfortable cold of the water in his feet. He had missed the forest. And he couldn't complain about the company either.

"You and I ended up here by accident. Except now I don't want to leave anymore. And I don't have a house to return to."

His eyes went to Melanie as he glanced her grey fur running around the bushes.

"All I have of importance is here now. You could stay as well for a while,then we can try to find the path back once you're recovered."

@tetraboo I gotta go,but I'll be back later! )
shadowz1995 said:
(I'll have Victor pass by soon and see the sign. Maybe check up on Gwyn to make sure she is healing well for their final showdown.)
(Sounds good to me! Take your time though, there is no rush. )
"And probably a bit smaller..." She laughed and ran a foot through the water, feeling like a child again. "You and she," she nodded her head towards the young wolf playing around in the woods, "can always stay at my place if needed. It's a little small, but I can give you both my bed. It's pretty big." She watched his eyes dart to the girl and a warm feeling spread through her heart different than before. It was like watching a father and daughter and it made her miss the family she left behind. It helped her begin to slowly trust Alec. A man who treats a child like he does can't be bad, so she was comfortable enough around him to let the child inside of her show.

"I wouldn't mind staying here, I just don't want to intrude. I haven't exactly met everyone else and I don't have clothes." She thought about her naked body under his clothes and immediately covered her chest with her arms.

(Alright! @KaalysBR )
Diana nodded with understanding of the wolf's situation. As usually,she was forgetting her own sadness to take care of someone else's. She was a healer,after all. Most of her life had been spent by taking care of others,and she wanted to comfort the wolf in front of her.
She noticed the embarrassment of the female,then lowered her eyes,paying attention for the first time to the fact that she was naked. Her human forms would have been considered beautiful by any other person,but Diana herself felt they looked strange.

When Violet spoke her name,Diana moved her lips lightly,trying to copy the movement's that led to the name Violet. It was gorgeous,like the wolf.

She couldn't speak her own name,but she picked a branch and wrote the word down in the soil:


Her stomach grumbled after the act,and she tried to remember the last time she ate. Her human head was starting to feel light,and she felt unused to the signs of human hunger.
Looking at the female Violet waited. The woman suddenly lowered her eyes as if noticing for the first time she had no clothes. She didn't seem to self conscious about it but perhaps that was because she was with another female. Flickeing her ear Violet her voices at the lake better keep the female in the bushes until she could get her clothes or to shift. She glance back and saw the female move her mouth but no words came out she grabed a branch and wrote Diana. Violet stated, "What a lovely name for such a pretty girl to." She blushed what was wrong with her. She heard a belly growl then she looked around then stated, "Okay Diana I need you to trust me. I want you to follow me as close to the cabins as possible then I will bring you clothes then we can get you something to eat and then we can work on figuring how to change you into a wolf then to a human easily because sometimes you need to be a georgous female human to do a job." She seriously needed help what was wrong with her?
Faolin watched Alec go with the girl whose name escaped him at the second. He knew Melanie's name but the other girl that Alec liked he couldn't put a finger on her name. Oh well now he needed to go to Kira and talk with her. He howled to her to announce he was coming to visit then walked towards her house quickly he needed to figure out how to be with her more often."

@KaalysBR @Moolock
shadowz1995 said:
(No worries no worries. Just pop your head in real quick for a sec and be like "ey bitch I'm busy I'll let u know" hahaha)
"That was probably the most exciting and amazing thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. If I ever had any doubt that you were amazing its completely gone now." Victor says with a teasing laugh. He reached to his neck and rubbed it lightly. Crimson still couldn't believe he was now mated with Kate. It was the best feeling he had ever experienced. The fresh scar that formed from the mating ritual was something he was now incredibly fond of. The male glances over to his new mate's gorgeous figure and can't withhold the sigh of contempt that he felt. He just had her but he already wanted her again, tracing the lines of her body with his scarlet eye. Victor knew that she could feel everything he was feeling and even what he was thinking if she concentrated hard enough but he didn't care. He WANTED her to know how much felt for her. Ho much he lusts after her. Especially now with the mating ritual done.

The warrior had to admit he did feel bad. During the whole scene, multiple wounds from his encounter with the cougar had reopened and the bed was disorderly chaos with fresh blood plastered here and there.

After a few moments, Victor couldnt help but let his fingers trace where his eyes were tracing. "Absolutely stunning" he murmured, more to himself than to her.
Kate felt the edges of the open wound he had dealt to her during the ritual, branding her as his. It was stimulating and- hot. Extremely hot. She caught his gaze and bit her lip, muffling a moan as she felt his want for her, sending her own desires through him. As his fingers touched her she shuddered and her hand closed around his softly, pulling him close until she could wrap her arms around his neck. Her check brushed against his and she cooed softly to him, "Never leave me." And she meant it to the fullest, wanting him to stay and build with her, feeling the draw to reproduce in her core.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate felt the edges of the open wound he had dealt to her during the ritual, branding her as his. It was stimulating and- hot. Extremely hot. She caught his gaze and bit her lip, muffling a moan as she felt his want for her, sending her own desires through him. As his fingers touched her she shuddered and her hand closed around his softly, pulling him close until she could wrap her arms around his neck. Her check brushed against his and she cooed softly to him, "Never leave me." And she meant it to the fullest, wanting him to stay and build with her, feeling the draw to reproduce in her core.
The raw need coming through Kate echoed throughout his body, resonating with his own and god was it seductive. He visibly shudders and the need could be seen in his eye very clearly. "We just had a rough tangle in the sheets and you wanna go again? Gods I love you and I'd be the biggest idiot to ever leave such a one of a kind woman." The wolf chuckles out. "I told you already. I'm all yours."
Diana didn't find her human form beautiful,but she felt warmth in her face at the compliments of the wolf. Violet herself was definitely gorgeous in her small wolf form,the gorgeous white fur beaming against the florest. Diana couldn't help but feel a tingle of attraction towards the wolf,even though she thought she couldn't feel anything at all.

Diana listened to the cabins plan,then hesitated for a moment. In fact,there was no reason for her not to trust the wolf. If they attacked her,it would be a mercy. If they didn't,maybe they could share some time together.

She pushed her bag up for the first time,pointing towards it with a sense of urgency. It was important to give it to someone. She picked the branch again and wrote the word
healer in the ground,then pointed towards herself. She needed to give those items to a healer of some sort. She hoped the wolf would understand.

Her stomach grumbled again and she felf weaker than before,but her mission was more relevant.



Alec was surprised with the invitation,but the emotion quickly turned to happiness at the prospect. He would love to spend more time with the fox,and the wolf inside himself was agreeing with him.

The way Claire looked at his daughter didn't scape Alec's attention,and he felt some warmth inside of heart. He had liked the fox already,but the fact that she seemed fond of his daughter only raised that emotion.

He noticed her embarrassment and realized that he wasn't staring much at her forms. In fact,he found her eyes much more interesting.

What is wrong with me?

Alec coughed to let go of the weird sensation in his chest,then rose his eyes and smiled to Claire.

"Have you lived with human parents? I can't imagine how that must be. I'm more wolf than human by now."

A wolf lurked around the bushes where they were, snarling and growling. Ready to attack, ready to destroy whoever stood in its way.
She continued to play around in the water with her feet, trying to be careful and not get what she was wearing wet. "I think so. I mean, I really don't know who's what and who isn't what," she laughed at the way her sentence came out, "but I think my parents are completely human." She looked at him closely, a small blush tinting her cheeks as she looked him over. His bare chest and low riding pants made her heart pound and she finally turned away. "You seem pretty human to me..." She bit her lip as a weird sensation shot through her. Everything about him seemed so normal, but at the same time it was entrancing and otherworldly and her body seemed to want him. Her mind and body wanted him, but she tried to push it away thinking it must be hormones.
Looking at the female Violet waited. The woman suddenly lowered her eyes as if noticing for the first time she had no clothes. She didn't seem to self conscious about it but perhaps that was because she was with another female. Flickeing her ear Violet her voices at the lake better keep the female in the bushes until she could get her clothes or to shift. She glance back and saw the female move her mouth but no words came out she grabed a branch and wrote Diana. Violet stated, "What a lovely name for such a pretty girl to." She blushed what was wrong with her. She heard a belly growl then she looked around then stated, "Okay Diana I need you to trust me. I want you to follow me as close to the cabins as possible then I will bring you clothes then we can get you something to eat and then we can work on figuring how to change you into a wolf then to a human easily because sometimes you need to be a georgous female human to do a job." She seriously needed help what was wrong with her?

Inka-Grace saw her opportunity and seized it. The door was open, and her parents were distracted with themselves. Her ears pricked and she jumped over the small fence of the play pen. It made her trip and spin across the floor, but she still continued her small escape. And then, trying her hardest, she ran past the door, stumbling on her legs; she still wasn't sure how to walk efficiently, let alone run.

She let out a small and light howl, before running to the river, her new favourite place besides her bed. Her dark black fur glistened in the sun as she came closer, and her white tipped ears pinned against her head.

Slowly, she crawled closer to the river bank, her wide and purple eyes staring wildly at the water, and she leaned her head closer.

Hearing other voices, her head pricked, and then turned towards the sounds of voices. A woman and a man...within the bushes, she could see a larger puppy, but probably only larger because Inka was only a few days old. Her head cocked adorably to one side, one ear pricked, and the other bent across her face as she focused her gaze on them.

@tetraboo @KaalysBR
Diana didn't find her human form beautiful, but she felt warmth in her face at the compliments of the wolf. Violet herself was definitely gorgeous in her small wolf form, the gorgeous white fur beaming against the forest. Diana couldn't help but feel a tingle of attraction towards the wolf, even though she thought she couldn't feel anything at all.
Diana listened to the cabins plan, then hesitated for a moment. In fact, there was no reason for her not to trust the wolf. If they attacked her, it would be a mercy. If they didn't, maybe they could share some time together.

She pushed her bag up for the first time, pointing towards it with a sense of urgency. It was important to give it to someone. She picked the branch again and wrote the word healer in the ground, then pointed towards herself. She needed to give those items to a healer of some sort. She hoped the wolf would understand.

Her stomach grumbled again and she felt weaker than before, but her mission was more relevant.
Silently Violet looked at Diana and smiled gently. She looked at the female then blushed then continued walking around the woods. She approached the cabin then glanced at Dianna and smiled. She was carrying a bag Violet hadn't saw she pointed towards it with urgency then picked up her branch and wrote the word healer then pointed to herself. She either needed a healer or she needed to give the items in her backpack to a healer. Violet smiled and stated, "I'll take you to a healer wait here Diana." She smiled then trotted away quickly to a cabin where a female lived she borrowed some clothes then walked back to Diana and stated, "Put these on quickly and eat this." She changed human her form had clothes on since she had put on some while getting the clothes and food. She then held out a package of food as she stated, "Eat this slowly your still getting used to being human and your bound to be a bit nervouse and clumsy it's okay I did this once to." She smiled then blushed relizing she was staring at the female's naked body. She glanced away she felt a desire and a urge rise within her but she suppressed it thinking it was just seeing a beautiful women for the first time.
Luna took Ella outside and shifted. She found Inka and growled. she watched wolves come and go from her territory

"Naughty girl!" She picked Inka up and moved her a bit from the river. "Who the hell are you?" She growled at the others in the bushes. Luna protectively held her babies

(I haven't been getting notifications and idk where the hell Gabriel is. "Crys")
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Jasil said:
Luna took her pups outside and shifted. She kept them in front of the main hall, she watched wolves come and go from her territory
(I haven't been getting notifications and idk where the hell Gabriel is. "Crys")
((My previous post might wanna be read...Haha, Inka rannnnnnn! It's not far up:)...She's just very curious haha.))
Diana sighed with relief when Violet understood her message. Inside her bag were many things that could be used by healers,old knowledge from her clan. She dreaded the fact that such enormous source of knowledge would die along with her clan.

She picked the clothes with some confusion. The idea that she had to wear clothes was still flying over her head,but she decided to put them on anyway. They were more comfortable than she expected.

She noticed Violet's look again,and this time she detected the look of desire. A warmth rose in her chest and went to her cheeks,making her look red. Only now she realized that her human body could be seen as beautiful. She was happy that Violet seemed to think so,as the wolf was definitely gorgeous. A connection seemed to be growing between them. It was beautiful and unexpected.



Alec detected a tingle of desire in Claire's eyes,and it caused his heart to beat a bit faster. Was it...no,it couldn't be. She was a fox after all. It couldn't be it.

He stepped forward towards her,meaning to remove a strand of hair that was flying towards her face. But as soon as he touched her skin,his body suddenly jerked back and he turned into his white wolf form,confusion arising as he looked around,his feet deep into the river.

He rose his eyes to Claire with confusion,still feeling the explosive sensation of when he touched her.


Melanie noticed the small puppy coming in her direction,and it made her tail wiggle with excitement. She had never seen another wolf pup. The grey pup jumped around the smaller one in a friendly manner,but also with gentleness. The child was clever enough to understand that she couldn't be rough with a little pup.

@Lighthouse8477 @tetraboo @xxbetaspiritxx
KaalysBR said:
Diana sighed with relief when Violet understood her message. Inside her bag were many things that could be used by healers,old knowledge from her clan. She dreaded the fact that such enormous source of knowledge would die along with her clan.
She picked the clothes with some confusion. The idea that she had to wear clothes was still flying over her head,but she decided to put them on anyway. They were more comfortable than she expected.

She noticed Violet's look again,and this time she detected the look of desire. A warmth rose in her chest and went to her cheeks,making her look red. Only now she realized that her human body could be seen as beautiful. She was happy that Violet seemed to think so,as the wolf was definitely gorgeous. A connection seemed to be growing between them. It was beautiful and unexpected.



Alec detected a tingle of desire in Claire's eyes,and it caused his heart to beat a bit faster. Was it...no,it couldn't be. She was a fox after all. It couldn't be it.

He stepped forward towards her,meaning to remove a strand of hair that was flying towards her face. But as soon as he touched her skin,his body suddenly jerked back and he turned into his white wolf form,confusion arising as he looked around,his feet deep into the river.

He rose his eyes to Claire with confusion,still feeling the explosive sensation of when he touched her.


Melanie noticed the small puppy coming in her direction,and it made her tail wiggle with excitement. She had never seen another wolf pup. The grey pup jumped around the smaller one in a friendly manner,but also with gentleness. The child was clever enough to understand that she couldn't be rough with a little pup.

@Lighthouse8477 @tetraboo @xxbetaspiritxx
Luna scooped her pup away from the larger and strange pup trying to touch her. "Who are you child?" She held her daughters at a safe distance
Inka-Grace stood, her tail wagging as she attempted to chase Melanie, trying not to trip over her own feet, which she did, a few times. Fixing her posture, she playfully growled, or attempted to. She even added in a few small leaps and jumps, turning to face Melanie. Soon enough she was then picked up, away from the other pup, but by her mother. Inka whimpered slightly.


KaalysBR said:

Alec detected a tingle of desire in Claire's eyes,and it caused his heart to beat a bit faster. Was it...no,it couldn't be. She was a fox after all. It couldn't be it.

He stepped forward towards her,meaning to remove a strand of hair that was flying towards her face. But as soon as he touched her skin,his body suddenly jerked back and he turned into his white wolf form,confusion arising as he looked around,his feet deep into the river.

He rose his eyes to Claire with confusion,still feeling the explosive sensation of when he touched her.

She gasped at the feeling of him touching her and the way something in her was trying to push its way out. She watched him shift and realized the animal inside of her wanted to come out too. She looked at his wolf form and dropped down on her knees, forgetting about trying to keep his clothes dry. He looked just like her dog from back home; a white fluff of fur who had always been her best friend. She reached out to stroke his fur, mesmerized by the beautiful creature in front of her.

Melanie replied to the pup's playful manner with excitement,barking lightly towards her. But as soon as the adult arrived she took a few steps back,whimpering with fear. She didn't trust strangers,and she wanted to run off to her father now.


Alec's tail wiggled when Claire run his hands through his fur. The wolf wouldn't usually allow strangers to touch him,but the woman hardly seemed like a stranger. In fact,it was almost like they had known each other for a little time.

He bumped his nose against her legs lightly,allowing her the privileges that only a pack member usually held.

@tetraboo @xxbetaspiritxx @Jasil
She ran her hands through his fur, combing out the tangles with her fingers. It was soft and warm and she had to fight off the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and nuzzle him. Instead she looked into his eyes, and she became vulnerable. The pain and suffering she had dealt with flashed through her eyes before a calmness spread over her.

KaalysBR said:
Melanie replied to the pup's playful manner with excitement,barking lightly towards her. But as soon as the adult arrived she took a few steps back,whimpering with fear. She didn't trust strangers,and she wanted to run off to her father now.

Alec's tail wiggled when Claire run his hands through his fur. The wolf wouldn't usually allow strangers to touch him,but the woman hardly seemed like a stranger. In fact,it was almost like they had known each other for a little time.

He bumped his nose against her legs lightly,allowing her the privileges that only a pack member usually held.

@tetraboo @xxbetaspiritxx @Jasil
Luna looked curiously after the child "My dear you don't have to be afriad."
Inka-Grace kicked around in her mother's grasp, growling a little under her breath. She watched Melanie closely as she dangled in Luna's mouth. The cold wind brushed against her, making her fur prickle, as well as her ears; she made a few attempts to be released, but failed.
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace kicked around in her mother's grasp, growling a little under her breath. She watched Melanie closely as she dangled in Luna's mouth. The cold wind brushed against her, making her fur prickle, as well as her ears; she made a few attempts to be released, but failed.
Luna adjusted her grip "No you little trouble maker."
Inka-Grace continued to lightly growl, but then,soon enough gave up when she grew tired. Her tail stopped wagging, and she allowed her eyelids to take control, falling like lead. Little soft grumbles could be heard from her as she slept.

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