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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Melanie smiled back at Faolin,looking at the puzzle in front of her. She started to solve it with impressive speed,showing a quick mind usually reserved for older children.
"Uncle Faolin,willl you show me your girlfriend? Is she naice?"


Alec noticed how beautiful the wolf was,her white fur even paler than his. He lowered his body to her level in a friendly manner,a common display of equality between two wolves.

"It's nice to meet you,Violet. I'm Alec. I came to see if you're not a huge violent bear that could destroy the pack. But I'm glad to see you're actually a beautiful wolf. Are you lost in the woods?"

His tone was playful as always. He wondered what the female was doing around the pack's lands. He wasn't a member of the pack yet,but he was starting to consider it such.
Looking at her hands Faolin gaped as he watched her solve the puzzles then whistled in admiration. He then heard her question and smiled as he stated, "With your father's permission I'll introduce you to Kira as for being nice well it depends on the day." He smiled.
Looking at him Luna blushed as she heard the comment about her being beautiful. She tucked her tail then looked at him then noted his body posture. Silently she smiled at him then stated, "Thanks. Yes I am lost in the woods as you say but is this a pack? I want to join a pack. You seem like a nice Male you apart of this pack? What's your name? Your handsome by the way." She smiled gently then walked over to him then wagged her tail softly as she smiled happily at him.

"On the day,uncle? I don't like mondays. Maybe she doesn't like them too. But I like you,so I will like her too."

Melanie finished the puzzle and handed it back to Faolin with a smile. She didn't seem impressed by her own skills,as it all came naturally to her.


Alec couldn't help but feel charmed by the lady. She tried to remember the last time that happened,but nothing came to his mind. He chuckled as she called him handsome.

"Straightforward,I like you already,V
iolet. I'm not really part of this pack yet,but I was hoping to be so one day. I just didn't have the courage to ask yet. Well,if you plan to join,we should probably go inside."

Alec nodded towards the pack territory,walking back in his wolf form. He often looked back to make sure the female was following him,but stopped once he felt the smell of another shifter. But it seemed...new. He walked towards the place of the smell and noticed an unconscious girl.

"Shit. Not another injured."

But as he approached her,he noticed she was physically fine. Trying not to glare much at her body,he changed back to human form and pulled the shirt and pants he had wrapped to his wolf legs. He put the pants on quickly and covered the girl's body with the shirt,picking her from the ground.

"I hope Dante doesn't kill me for bringing in a stranger,but I can't let her vulnerable around."

He walked back towards the pack territory heading for the medical facility.

@Lighthouse8477 @tetraboo
She felt herself being picked up and the steps of a large person pierced through her body. She couldn't move her body, speak, or open her eyes yet as she was just coming back from the blackout. She could smell the scent of the forest and a dog coming from the stranger, but it didn't scare her.

Alec quickly arrived at the medical facility,setting the girl down on the table. He did a quick check of her body,looking for wounds. Besides a few scraps,nothing too serious. Not running a fever either. The only explanation for that amount of exhaustion was "the first shift." But she didn't seem young enough for that.

Leaning in,he held the girl's hand. He could smell a fox on her,not a wolf. But he hoped that he could still help with his own experience. He hoped she could hear him.

"So...this is awkward. You just woke up one day with a sudden urge to run around,and then you became an animal. I know this is complicated to understand,but these changes come naturally to any shifter. It probably hurt a lot when you first became your animal self. But if you weren't strong enough to do this,you wouldn't be alive. I know you can make it,fox. Just focus on my voice,and wake up when you feel ready."

"On the day,uncle? I don't like mondays. Maybe she doesn't like them too. But I like you,so I will like her too."
Melanie finished the puzzle and handed it back to Faolin with a smile. She didn't seem impressed by her own skills,as it all came naturally to her.


Alec couldn't help but feel charmed by the lady. She tried to remember the last time that happened,but nothing came to his mind. He chuckled as she called him handsome.

"Straightforward,I like you already,Violet. I'm not really part of this pack yet,but I was hoping to be so one day. I just didn't have the courage to ask yet. Well,if you plan to join,we should probably go inside."

Alec nodded towards the pack territory,walking back in his wolf form. He often looked back to make sure the female was following him,but stopped once he felt the smell of another shifter. But it seemed...new. He walked towards the place of the smell and noticed an unconscious girl.

"Shit. Not another injured."

But as he approached her,he noticed she was physically fine. Trying not to glare much at her body,he changed back to human form and pulled the shirt and pants he had wrapped to his wolf legs. He put the pants on quickly and covered the girl's body with the shirt,picking her from the ground.

"I hope Dante doesn't kill me for bringing in a stranger,but I can't let her vulnerable around."

He walked back towards the pack territory heading for the medical facility.
Silently Faolin looked at Melanie and smiled as he stated, "Your a smart girl you know that." He took the puzzle as he stated, "You just solved that puzzle in a few minuets. Anyways Kira has a split personality. Her fighting side then her nice side depending on the day determines weather or not she's nice. It's an old habit I am helping her with."
Violet smiled at him then followed her silently. Smiling at him she blushed then followed him and looked at the girl he picked up. Silently she looked away then when he moved again she asked, "What was your name? I don't think you told me." She followed him closely as he approached the cabins then smiled at him then walked to the door and glanced at him. Closing her eyes she changed quickly into her human form which had no clothes opened the door then shifted back faster then you could say presto she blushed under her fur as she stated, "Sorry I had to get the door for you." She blushed.

Fox? Who's a fox, she thought and slowly began to stretch her feet and hands. She groaned as her eyes fluttered open and the light burned through her vision. As her eyes adjusted she reached out and grabbed the pants of her savior, scared and confused.
Melanie smiled brightly at the compliment,showing obvious happiness. But the description about Kira seemed to confuse her,and she tilted her head to one side.

"But if she's angry or happy,it's still Kira. She just needs to learn to live with the two Kiras inside herself."

Again,another display of intelligence from such a young girl.


Alec held onto the girl so she wouldn't fall off,holding her gently until he replaced her back in the table.

"Miss,leave the pants grabbing for when we know each other better."

His smile was playful as he looked at her,but it turned into a puzzled look as he tried to find out a way to explain everything to her.

He turned to Violet with an embarrassed look.

"How do I explain it?"

@Lighthouse8477 @tetraboo
"All right so...you will probably think that I'm crazy for saying this. But you're not exactly...human. You probably felt the call of the woods a few time ago,and still feel it. And now there is an animal awake inside of you. Can you feel it?"

Alec realized how crazy he sounded seconds after he let the words out. But it was all the truth,and he saw no other way of explaining it. He pulled the girl's hands lightly,allowing the wolf inside of him to identify the fox inside of her.
Melanie smiled brightly at the compliment,showing obvious happiness. But the description about Kira seemed to confuse her,and she tilted her head to one side.
"But if she's angry or happy,it's still Kira. She just needs to learn to live with the two Kiras inside herself."

Again,another display of intelligence from such a young girl.


Alec held onto the girl so she wouldn't fall off,holding her gently until he replaced her back in the table.

"Miss,leave the pants grabbing for when we know each other better."

His smile was playful as he looked at her,but it turned into a puzzled look as he tried to find out a way to explain everything to her.

He turned to Violet with an embarrassed look.

"How do I explain it?"
Looking at Melanie Faolin smiled as he stated, "Yes but Kira hasn't learned to do that yet Melanie. Your very smart for a girl your age." He smiled at her as he stated, "I wasn't quite sure if you would understand the whole analogy with two Kira's so I went with a split personality." He grinned.
Violet shrugged as she stated, "Well she let go. I am not sure how to explain it either so don't look at me I am new at being with anyone nice or how to explain the change between a human and a..."She closed her eyes focusing. "Fox." She focused with the male who still hadn't told him his name. She focused on her wolf reaching it out with the males as she tried helping with the transformation as she whispered, "Dear your half human half wolf like me and him." She nodded to the man then she smiled gently as she whispered, "Focus on the call dear trust me." She smiled. Okay that did sound crazy.

@KaalysBR @tetraboo
It all came back to her, the pain, the call to run and be free, seeing the fur and snout. She shot up on the bed and looked at both the people standing before her. "It happened. Something happened and I don't know what happened! Am I hallucinating or sick? Am I dying and heaven is an animal kingdom where we're all part animals?" She panicked and gripped her head, trying to grasp everything that was happening.

@KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477
"Do you love her,Uncle Faolin? If she loves you,she will change for you."

Melanie's head tilted adorably to one side as she waited for the answer.


Alec jumped after the woman,trying to think of something to say. He couldn't imagine how confusing it was to shift for the first time as an adult. Most shape shifters are born with the knowledge of how to shif.

"Fox,you're not dying. You are simply...changing. You don't have to be afraid of changes. Nature changes all the time,but it's still strong. Just accept this moment."

He stepped foward and wrapped his arms around the girl,lending his own animal forces to her. He could feel the fox inside of the human. If only she would allow him to reach it,she knew the transformation would happen fully.

@tetraboo @Lighthouse8477
She jumped slightly, feeling something inside her stir from his touch. "Claire... My name isn't Fox it's Claire." She realized she had no clothes on under the foreign shirt and blushed, moving his arms to cover her chest with her own.
"Do you love her,Uncle Faolin? If she loves you,she will change for you."
Melanie's head tilted adorably to one side as she waited for the answer.


Alec jumped after the woman,trying to think of something to say. He couldn't imagine how confusing it was to shift for the first time as an adult. Most shape shifters are born with the knowledge of how to shif.

"Fox,you're not dying. You are simply...changing. You don't have to be afraid of changes. Nature changes all the time,but it's still strong. Just accept this moment."

He stepped foward and wrapped his arms around the girl,lending his own animal forces to her. He could feel the fox inside of the human. If only she would allow him to reach it,she knew the transformation would happen fully.
Looking at Melanie Faolin sighed as he stated, "Yes I love her beyond words Melanie. She has told me that she loves me as well but you see I don't know her that well. With all the battles and fighting and injured wolfs and abandoned pups I haven't had the chance to spend quality time with her therefore I don't think it's right to ask her to change when I hardly know enough about her." He smiled at the girl who was way smarter then someone her age should be

Looking at the male Violet closed her eyes and sighed. Silently Violet looked at the female Claire. She smiled gently she whispered, "Claire your not in heaven I know it's hard to grasp it was for me about two months ago when I shifted for the first time. It's frightening and scaring but you must focus on that call within you allow that spark of wildness to come out within you. It will be alright I promise. It feels like stepping out into the ocean but really it's just a puddle. Trust your intsincts and close your eyes and focus on that call allow me and his wolf to draw out your Fox. I know it's confusing but it's for the best that you shift now trust me." She smiled gently.

@KaalysBR @tetraboo
Alec nodded with a smile. She would answer to the call eventually,but it had be at her own pace. Pushing it would be useless.

"And I'm a wolf,Claire. But you call me Alec."

He blushed lightly too when he noticed she was wearing,but he quickly found some pants to give to her,trying to avoid to look much at her legs. Which was hard,because she was beautiful.

Violet described the transformation much better than he ever could,and he couldn't help but give her an approving smile.

@Lighthouse8477 @tetraboo

(Guys,I gtg for the night. See y'all!)
She slid on the pants quickly, trying to cover everything up as she dressed. Thankful for both of their help and she responded quietly, shy and timid. "Thank you, but I think I may have to sit on whatever this is." She just couldn't wrap her mind around the transformations and animal people, but she also wanted to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She pulled her clothed legs up to her chest and rubbed on her legs put of habit.

@KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477

Silently Violet smiled at Alec finally she knew his name. She chuckled to herself then looked at the female and smiled. Softly she stated, "Take your time Claire. In the meantime are you hungry or thirsty?" She glanced at the girl and asked, "Have any wounds that need to be taken care of?" She smiled kindly walking past Alec noting his glance at Claire analyzed it then placed it in her memory bank. One he had blushed when he had finally noticed what she was wearing...aka nothing aside a shirt. Two he was struck by Claire's beauty and was in no doubt falling for her. She would just be a friend. Oh well." She walked away into a side room and morphed into her human form then changed into some clothes she had brought with her. She walked back into the room in her human form and smiled at Claire as she stated, "I am still Violet." Her eyes were still wolfish but that changed. Her eyes went blue. Her wolf form had green eyes.

@tetraboo @KaalysBR
Moolock said:
Kira nodded and loaded a tea ball with the leaves and a few bits of dried raspberry to add flavor. Clicking the tea ball shut, she lowered it into his mug and walked over to Dante, passing him his and sitting down on the couch with her own mug of steeping black tea. "I'm well. Things seem to have calmed down a little- or I'm just inside too much."
Dante watched as she gather all the materials for the tea. he then gratefully excepted the mug of tea she offered him. he blew th tea to cool it a little then took a small sip. he Hummed in approve about the taste it had. "Overall things are calm. yet, for some reason my cabin is constantly having injured wolves. plus, wolves who dont follow My instructs about here health. Then there faolin playing nurse as well." he said the last thing with a small smirk and laugh. @Moolock
Last edited by a moderator:
shadowz1995 said:
"Gladly Kate. Come." Crimson offered a bandaged and bloody arm. "We'll take it slow and I'll show you everything you need to know. Though I have to warn you. Mating with wolves from my tribe is a bit....different. Its much more intimate. You'll be able feel me at all times whenever you wish. We will be linked together in a bond much closer than a regular mating bond. And..." The male trails off as he looks towards the bed before looking back to her. "You'll have to bite me and take some blood of mine and I'll have to do the same to you. The union will make uou feel....little uh....needy. I suppose. The drive to make children will definetly increase as well. Do you still want it?" (Fade to black coming up)
"Yes, I want it, if it means having you I want it," Kate spoke softly, biting her bottom lip as she took his arm and came close, nervous in ways she never knew she could be. Make children? He would make a stunning father and the thought made her blush deeply, never had she wanted someone so badly.
Alec nodded towards both of them,wondering when he got so lucky to have two gorgeous girls basically fall from the sky.

"You two can stick around,although I would like to check Violet first for any wounds. And you don't have to hurry it,Claire. Time will make it come naturally."

He left the room and rushed towards the kitchen,where he met Faolin and Melanie. They were adorable together. Melanie gave him a big smile.


"Hi,pup. Did she behave,Faolin?"

@Lighthouse8477 @tetraboo
Reptilesandromance said:
"Yes, I want it, if it means having you I want it," Kate spoke softly, biting her bottom lip as she took his arm and came close, nervous in ways she never knew she could be. Make children? He would make a stunning father and the thought made her blush deeply, never had she wanted someone so badly.
(OK fade it away. You wanna do the after scene or should I? By the way, nice reaction ;D. As a man, I definetly would have lost it if I saw that hahaha.)
(I have noticed that things seem so peaceful and flowery lately. Character development is popping up faster than spring daisies and I felt like I should add what Guinevere has been up to during this time of peace >:3)

Cecil faced towards the green shadows of the forest, his unwavering stare lacking both interest or even disdain for the swarm of tiny insects swirling around his head in a cloud. He simply watched blindly at the comings and goings of the forest creatures that would stop to inspect him curiously before scurrying off again.

Perhaps things might have turned out differently if he had just fled. The male wolf had lay in wait for a good portion of the day, hidden behind a cluster of shrubs clinging onto the rocky slope of the mountain. His eyes still remembered the surge of anticipation when they spotted the tawny form of the mountain lion making its way back towards the den, a cluster of herbs dangling from its jaws. It was perfect; the plants would mask his scent enough for him to creep up and surprise the creature. Haste would be necessary, and Cecil had been so caught up in trying to rush the cat while its back was turned that he failed to note the many wolf-bites that scarred the hulking beast's hide. And the beast was abnormally large; much bigger in size than any of the cougars his packmates had ever dragged back. Unfortunately he realized this after it was too late to turn back and being filled with confidence, the young wolf began his attack.

The stones beneath his feet betrayed him when he was a couple paces from the cougar, which didn't make much of a difference but allowed the feline to whip around and glare at its attacker with one burning eye. He crashed into the feline's side and both of the creatures were reduced into a mass of snarls and gnashing teeth. Cecil had managed to clamp down his jaws on cougar flesh, but it was short lived and he soon found himself on the ground with a bloody patch of claw marks in place of a stomach. One grey eye glared with icy contempt, the other one being closed due to a grusome scar that undoubtedly extended into the hidden eye. The mountain lion stood away from him with its tail twitching ever so slightly, its head was lowered into a glower as it simply stared at the wolf. Taking this hesitation as fear, Cecil leapt for the final blow.

He barely had time to register the deep gouges in the side of his head by the time the ground came up to meet him with bone-jarring force. The stones reeled in his blurred vision for a time until they were suddenly replaced with the sky and one grey eye. This one was a shifter like him, he could tell now, which could either be ill-luck or a chance at survival.

"Please.." he had coughed as his limbs were held down by a heavy weight. "I'll do anything. You have been fighting with that pack... I can help you, give you some inside information! Argh!" he was silenced when claws dug into his flesh.

"You want to be my little slave?" There was something about the way she said the word that sent an unwelcome chill along his spine.

He was panting by now, a paw being pressed against his throat. "Wha- yes! Anything"

"How pitiful." the mountain lion hissed between clenched teeth. "You must think me a fool to trust you like that... but as it happens I do need a watchdog."

"yes, yes! I can watch!" the wolf said desperately.

"Good." the cougar said before plunging her fangs into the werewolf's throat.

Cecil had a much higher viewpoint than he normally would if he had stood, thanks to the wooden pole beneath him. By now his blood had dried or otherwise lay in dark clumps of blackish-blood upon the grass and leaves beneath the spike planted into the ground. Somewhere back at the cave the blood of his body would be draining as well, and his hide pinned up for display. But down here only his head stood watch over the creeping pines that marked the edge of the wood. Thin strands of rope secured the wolf's head to the stake, swaying every time the wind blew and colliding with the crow feathers that had been added as a morbid decoration.

Carved into the flesh of the dead wolf's forehead was a peculiar mark for all to see.
Kira nodded, sipping her tea quietly. "The two of you are both amazing at what you do, though. I fear for how many would have died had the doors to your cabin not welcomed them." She glances around her cabin, once again finding herself with a twinge of annoyance that things are so calm. "You have an established place in this pack..."

Moolock said:
Kira nodded, sipping her tea quietly. "The two of you are both amazing at what you do, though. I fear for how many would have died had the doors to your cabin not welcomed them." She glances around her cabin, once again finding herself with a twinge of annoyance that things are so calm. "You have an established place in this pack..."
"well that may be true but sadly most of my patience like faolin more. his happy and trusting nature just makes him a more likable person. I'm just happy ot help the pack." he began to drink some of here tea and gazed around the cabin. "don't forgot that your the pack's top hunter and on top of the one of the best warriors we have." he then gave her a small grin. @Moolock

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