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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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"No problem" he says although sad valissa is in pain, hes also happy that he is able to help her "i havent tried getting help with my shifting yet. i suppose i was having too much fun. Im not even sure how that would work really" he says while he helps walk with her to get food
"After I regain my strength- basically just gota eat something- I'll be able to help you..." she smiled down at him, "I just need to use m inner wolf to influence your's to retreat back so your Human form can emerge..." @Nuuchi
"Well let's worry about getting you food first, id hate to see you collapse." Nuuch says concerning, and feeling a little excited that he may actually be able to control his shifts once Valissa is feeling better. "You sit and let me know what you want so i can get it for you, it will be easier than having you use what little strength you have to move about right now."
Her eyes glittered in amusement, "Your going to go up to a counter and come back -as a wolf- carrying a tray? alright Nuuch, I'd like a plate of chicken Alfredo and a glass of milk."
"Maaaaaybe i didnt think this one through" nuuch says hiding his face from embarassment "ill do what i can though" he says as he scurries over to grab her food. -lets see how the hell am i to do this- he thinks to himself. He looks around at the food and looks confused as to how hes going to fo this. -if only i could shift- nuuchs heart feels heavy now feeling useless he sulks back over to Valissa "im sorry" he manages to mumble out then curls up under the table feeling embarassed that he obviously couldnt do what he had said in his wolf form
Valissa smiled and reached down, running her fingers through his fur, "Its alright... I'll help you shift after I've eaten." she stood up and made her way over to the counter and got her food and sat back at the table. "its alright Nuuch.
Nuuch flinches slightly at first feeling Valissas touch, but it helped him calm down a bit. Once she got back he sat up and rested his head on her lap a bit, having an overwhelming feeling of happiness come over him knowing that hes found someone so kind and understanding. "Take your time Valissa, dont try and rush your strength back" he says calmly
Inka-Grace's white tipped ears pricked, one fell back down over her left eye, and the other stayed up. She yawned, her whole body shaking for a few seconds as she did so.
Valissa smiled and then ate- fast- she was starving. she finished off the food and the drink and wiped her face, her eyes glittering happily. she felt her inner wolf seming to yawn and wake up. her eyes faded back to their amber wolf-ish hue. "Would you like me to help you shift now? or would you rather return to the Cabin so you can immediately put on clothes?" @Nuuchi
"Well i suppose if i do end up shifting back i wouldn't want the whole camp to see me naked" nuuch says jokingly "however i haven't anything to wear really unless i borrow. In am eager to learn though!" He says getting out from under the table
Melanie looked at Alec first,as if asking for permission.
"Yes,pup. Let's have breakfast with uncle Faolin."

Melanie nodded and smiled,running towards Faolin and hugging his legs. She rose her big blue eyes for him and seemed curious.

"Uncle Faolin,do you have a girlfriend?"

Alec tilted an eyebrow,wondering how a little kid could sense something like that.
Looking at Melanie Faolin smiled he stated, "Yes I do Melanie how did you know to ask?" He looked at her surprised she was so perceptive then again it wasn't like he was trying to hid anything. He led her to the kitchen then began to list items to eat, "We have cereal, eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, French toast and toaster pops. What do you want Melanie?" He looked at her and smiled.
She leaned against the table and stretched her legs, "its weird getting used to being a human." she yawned and looked to Nuuch, "Lets go back to the den then- I know they have spare cloths, but I'm not sure how big you are as a human... well we'll figure it out, wont we?" she smiled and began to walk towards the cabin that had the medical facility. she was silent when entering and when going and getting a few different sized sweatpants from the drawers. she turned to watch Nuuch. @Nuuchi
"Wish i could help you out with that" nuuch says with a small laugh. Following closely behind Valissa, he enters the cabin with her waiting eagerly to see what happens. "So whats first?"
Kira would have stayed asleep if she had any choice in the matter but she awoke with a start, finding herself having rolled off the bed and hit the floor. The young woman sat up with a groan, rubbing her head. It wasn't a short drop, either, as she had the bed jacked up to allow for cabinets, putting her well over three feet off the ground to fall from. She made a mental note to install a small railing to keep that from happening again as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen to make herself a pot of tea. This feels so... domestic... I don't want the pack in danger, constantly fighting for our lives... but I miss the mindset of a battle, of defending what I love, of using all my might to keep them safe... The kettle boiled and she poured herself a mug and dropped in a tea bag.
Valissa crouched in front of him, her voice was quiet, "Well, I'll use my wolf to influence yours, concentrate on the inner of your wolf going to sleep, that should push your wolf back to the subconscious, and I'll be working on drawing your human counterpart out, kay?" she reached forward and put her hands on each side of his head, intertwining her fingers in his fur and imagining the white wolf receding into his subconscious and falling asleep. @Nuuchi
Hangin on every word Valissa is saying to him nuuch bows his head lightly and begins to focus. He didnt think it was going to work until suddenly his snow white fur began receding, and his white fur on his head starts growing and fading into a sharp blue. His legs grow and paws turn into hands and feet as he stretches out tall. A loud grumble comes from his throat as he has finally shifted to his human form. He stands there with his blue hair down to his shoulder along with his piercing blue eyes and nothing but his pale white naked body is seen now. "My head is swimming, does it always feel like this" he says then immediately falling to one knee "thank you Valissa" he says smiling and almost gasping for air
Valissa gapes at him, and then realizing she was staring she turned her head and blushed, "N-No problem Nuuch, I'd do anything to help my friend." she stood up and grabbed a pair of pants that would fit his height and handed them to him, "Now that I helped you into your human form, you should find iteasier to shift back and forth, it will just take some practice." she was still blushing furiously. @Nuuchi
Dante looked around and saw that everyone seemed better and he was needed. He figure he would go see have everyone else was doing. He also wanted to speak with Kira and hopefully get on friendly term. He made his way troward her cabin and gave a small knock. " hey Kira is Dante. Just wanted to stop by and mayb share a cup of tea?" @Moolock
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa gapes at him, and then realizing she was staring she turned her head and blushed, "N-No problem Nuuch, I'd do anything to help my friend." she stood up and grabbed a pair of pants that would fit his height and handed them to him, "Now that I helped you into your human form, you should find iteasier to shift back and forth, it will just take some practice." she was still blushing furiously. @Nuuchi
Nuuchgraciously takes the sweatpants and tries them on "a little big in the waist but fits my height just fine" he says smiling softly. Now Valissa and nuuch stand there for the first time both in there human form. Nuuch walks over to her til hes about a foot away and turns her head to make eye contact "why so red all of a sudden" he asks with a soft smile completely forgetting that he was just completely naked in front of her.
Kira hurried to open the door a gave a faint smile in greeting. "Um... sure, c'mon in. The kettle just boiled," she replies, retreating through the simply-furnished sitting room to the kitchen to pick up a cast-iron vessel. "Black, green, white, herbal?" She opens one of the light-wooded cabinets to reveal stacks of boxes and canisters of tea.

Moolock said:
Kira hurried to open the door a gave a faint smile in greeting. "Um... sure, c'mon in. The kettle just boiled," she replies, retreating through the simply-furnished sitting room to the kitchen to pick up a cast-iron vessel. "Black, green, white, herbal?" She opens one of the light-wooded cabinets to reveal stacks of boxes and canisters of tea.
Dante nodded his head as he entered the room. He followed right behind her and pulled out a seat for himself. "I take some white tea, please." He preferred white tea compared to all the other teas. Dante had to admit it was strange to be hanging around Kira without Faolin. "So how are things, Kira?" @Moolock
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"Cuz you look very happy,Uncle Faolin. I saw wolves like you." She turned to Alec and frowned,holding his hand lightly. "Dad,why don't you look happy too?"

Alec hesitated for a moment. Melanie was very intelligent,but too young to understand the concepts of mating. Alec was already believing that he would never find someone to care for like the other wolves,and was getting used to the idea.

"You make me happy,Melanie. That is enough for me."

She seemed glad with the answer as Alec picked her up and set her on the chair of the table,making sure she wouldn't fall. She listened to items list,tilting her head to one side.

"What's a panceike?"

"It's pancake,baby. And it's really good,you should try it."

"Pancake." She repeated now,using the perfect pronunciation with a smile. "Okay."

Alec smiled and started to carve some toys.

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Cuz you look very happy,Uncle Faolin. I saw wolves like you." She turned to Alec and frowned,holding his hand lightly. "Dad,why don't you look happy too?"
Alec hesitated for a moment. Melanie was very intelligent,but too young to understand the concepts of mating. Alec was already believing that he would never find someone to care for like the other wolves,and was getting used to the idea.

"You make me happy,Melanie. That is enough for me."

She seemed glad with the answer as Alec picked her up and set her on the chair of the table,making sure she wouldn't fall. She listened to items list,tilting her head to one side.

"What's a panceike?"

"It's pancake,baby. And it's really good,you should try it."

"Pancake." She repeated now,using the perfect pronunciation with a smile. "Okay."

Alec smiled and started to carve some toos.
Looking at Melanie Faolin smiled as he chuckled. "Shrewd observation you sound like you could be a great tracker one day." He then walked to the fridge and pulled out pancake batter then turned a pancake maker on as he looked at Melanie and stated, "This is going to take a while." He smiled at her then looked at Alec and grinned. He stated, "If I can find someone to like me Alec I am sure you can find someone to. I wasn't always this nice most of the time I was more like Dante except quieter and more blunt." He smiled then began to make the pancakes as he pulled out butter, maple syrup and jam just in case." He began making things as he smiled at Alec.
(Hey KaalysBR want me to play a female for Alec?)

Valissa blushed even deeper and averted her gaze again, "uhm... n-no reason... w-would you like to go get some food now? Or I could go get some for you... I-I know you exerted a lot of energy to sh-shift..." She was a stuttering rambling mess. @Nuuchi
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa blushed even deeper and averted her gaze again, "uhm... n-no reason... w-would you like to go get some food now? Or I could go get some for you... I-I know you exerted a lot of energy to sh-shift..." She was a stuttering rambling mess. @Nuuchi
"I suppose what you had would be nice, it smelled amazing" nuuch says still a little wobbly and noticing Valissa acting super nervous ever sense he shifted. "Relax Valissa, im still the same nuuch that youve always known. I owe you a lot, thank you" he then leans in slowly and softly kisses her on the cheek

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