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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Her breath hitched slightly when his lips brushed her cheek. she even turned redder -if that was possible. But, noticing that he was wobbling she took a deep breath and got control of her emotions, "Sit here, on the cot, I'll go and get you some food." She went to the drawers that had the spare cloths and pulled out a second pair of sweatpants and pulled them on so that Alec's shirt that she wore wouldn't flutter around her and maybe show what she didn't want to show as she was going to the mess hall. she jogged over there, and got a large plate of the stuff she had earlier and a small bottle of milk. she then more carefully brought it back to Nuuch and handed it to him. she didn't quite meet his eyes- she didn't want to become... distracted again. not until Nuucch was better at least. "Here you go Nuuch." @Nuuchi
MadameRedWolf said:
Her breath hitched slightly when his lips brushed her cheek. she even turned redder -if that was possible. But, noticing that he was wobbling she took a deep breath and got control of her emotions, "Sit here, on the cot, I'll go and get you some food." She went to the drawers that had the spare cloths and pulled out a second pair of sweatpants and pulled them on so that Alec's shirt that she wore wouldn't flutter around her and maybe show what she didn't want to show as she was going to the mess hall. she jogged over there, and got a large plate of the stuff she had earlier and a small bottle of milk. she then more carefully brought it back to Nuuch and handed it to him. she didn't quite meet his eyes- she didn't want to become... distracted again. not until Nuucch was better at least. "Here you go Nuuch." @Nuuchi
Nuuch scarfs down the food, feeling as though it had been ages sense he had eatin anything starts to feel a great strength come over him. "This stuff is delicious" he speaks out then after chugging the milk she had brought him and wiping his mouth off. "That really hit the spot" he said letting a huge smile stretch across his face, "well im not sure about you Valissa, but I'm pretty exhausted. Let's go back to the hollow and rest" he gets up nice and easy and stretches. He then reaches out for her hand and leads her out to the hollow where they both catch up on some much needed relaxation
Alec felt excited for Melanie's first experience with pancakes,like a father seeing a child trying something for the first time. He finished the little wood wolf he was carving and handed it to Melanie,making the young girl giggle with happiness. His expression turned into a pout as Faolin mentioned a mate.

"No one wants me because I snore." His tone was playful,but it was clear that he did in fact miss having a partner.

( @Lighthouse8477 that would be perfect! But only if it won't be too much for you :) )
Valissa gladly rested with Nuuch, but she didn't sleep. She was reflecting over her reactions to him... She felt as if she was betraying Andrew... , and at the same time she felt lost trying to deny her feelings. I'll just pretend they're not there until I figure it out. She decided. She relaxed slightly when that decision came to her mind. @Nuuchi
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Alec felt excited for Melanie's first experience with pancakes,like a father seeing a child trying something for the first time. He finished the little wood wolf he was carving and handed it to Melanie,making the young girl giggle with happiness. His expression turned into a pout as Faolin mentioned a mate.
"No one wants me because I snore." His tone was playful,but it was clear that he did in fact miss having a partner.
Looking at him Faolin chuckled. He shook his head and stated, "Whatever you say Mr. snorer." He smiled as he teased with his friend. Silently he glanced at Melanie and chuckled then watched Alec place a wood wolf in her hands and she giggled with happiness.
(@KaalysBR no it's no trouble.)
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa gladly rested with Nuuch, but she didn't sleep. She was reflecting over her reactions to him... She felt as if she was betraying Andrew... , and at the same time she felt lost trying to deny her feelings. I'll just pretend they're not there until I figure it out. She decided. She relaxed slightly when that decision came to her mind. @Nuuchi
Nuuch lay there with Valissa and hasnt been able to stop smiling. He couldnt believe that he had finallyfinally gotten a small grasp on how to shift, and that she was there every step of the way. "You alright valissa?" He asks curiously "havent said much sense we left camp"
Valissa thought a moment, then she spoke:"I've wondered, if it would make things easier for me if I had lost my memory, like you did." She paused, "I kind of wish I did..."
Nuuch hesitated, "i struggle having lost my memory though, i didnt even know how to shift properly. If it wasnt for you i would just be a lost little white wolf whom was scared of his own shadow." Nuuch explains while resting his head on her shoulder. "What makes you want to have lost your memory so bad if you dont mind me asking. Dont feel like you have to talk about it, but if theres anything i can do to help"
She thinks to herself, again she tries to deny her feelings, but instead its like a dam breaks and everything spills out like a flood, "when I was a pup my best friend was stolen from my pack and I did nothing to save him, and he's probably dead now, and then I got someone I loved killed by my own mother... It was a human and that was forbidden by the wolfswood pack, no wolves were suposed to cosort with humans after the pups went missing, but I did... When they smelled him on me they tracked him down and forced me to watch while they tore him apart....then they viciously drove me out too..." She touched her collar bone, where the only lingering scar that hlwas left from the attack remained, a risen white bite mark from an alpha wolf. In her wolf form it was covered by her long white fur.
"Valissa" nuuch says puting an arm around her "that's awful. I can see why you wish to have forgotten that. How have you kept this bottled up for so long? You're even stronger than i had thought you were." He says trying to cheer her up a bit. "I promise, no matter what happens im not gonna leave your side. You're helping me remember who i am, so i can help you get through your emotions. At least do my best to try to"
She smiled and him and cuddled against his side. He voice was thick with emotion as she spoke, "thank you Nuuch, and I promise the same to you... No matter what."
A surge of emotion comes over nuuch as he feels the warmth of Valissa cuddle up close to him making his heart start to beat faster. He starts running his fingers through her hair as they lay there. "You still never taught me to fish you know?" He says playfully with a small laugh
She smiles up at him, "do you want to learn now? Wed have to shift.." She smiled at him, her breath hitched when she met his eyes, they were so so blue...
Silently Violet walked along towards somewhere. Exactly where she had no clue. She had gotten turned around in the last few days and now she was completely lost. Sighing she looked around and gazed at a pond and smiled. She then walked towards it looked around then lowered her head then lapped at the water for a long time. Silently she looked around quickly then sighed as she sniffed the air and froze. She was on a pack's land. She howled to announce her presence and waited.

(Anyone who wishes to reply.)
MadameRedWolf said:
She smiles up at him, "do you want to learn now? Wed have to shift.." She smiled at him, her breath hitched when she met his eyes, they were so so blue...
"Youre the teacher" nuuch says giving a soft smile while he brushes hair out of Valissas face to get a better look into her eyes. "We can go whenever youre up to showing me how, though i may need some coaching on how to shift back. Im assuming its like the same thing only in reverse, right?" He asks, and hasnt left eye contact sense she had first initiated it
She was here, finally. Her bags in her hands and a sigh escaping her lips, she opened the door to a small cottage in a forest. Her parents helped pay for this cozy little place that's isolated from the rest of the world. It was an escape she needed and there was no one besides her family she could go to for help, but they lived too close to hell. She shook her head to release the negative thoughts of people and relationships, and thought about this new start. Her home. The smell of fresh dirt, pine, and wood surrounded her while she walked towards the bed. It could be seen from the entrance as there was only one door in the house besides the front door, and that was for a small bathroom in the corner of her bedroom. The kitchen lay across from her room and that was all the little house had to offer.

She dropped her bags and jumped onto the soft bed, relaxing as she sunk into the covers. The forest made her feel invincible and calm, helping keep everything at bay. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of birds and rustling leaves, all filling her head with peace. It wasn't long before she felt a tingling sensation in her body. It started off gentle and soft then turned into full on shakes and a hot feeling of suffocation. She couldn't move, but her eyes opened and she watched as the ceiling got slightly longer and a green tint filled her vision. Her body felt like it was curling up into a ball and then suddenly it all stopped. Her clothes were extremely loose and she easily wriggled out, but the strangest thing was how small she suddenly felt and the urge to run freely through the trees. When she rolled off the bed, her arms and legs caught her. She stood on all fours and it felt normal, though her brain screamed odd. Without realizing it her body had moved on its own and she was running through the woods, wind blowing through her hair. She could smell animals and flowers while she ran, all circling through her snout.

She stopped and internally screamed as a long orange-red nose was sprouting from her face. Everything spun and then her body did the opposite of what it had done before. She fell on the forest floor as the growing pains hit her and whatever had kept her conscious for so long seemed to shut off as she passed out from the harsh transitions her body had gone through in such a short amount of time. Her unconscious body was sprawled across the grass, exposed and vulnerable; her mind silenced and black.

(Sorry this is so long, I was trying to get an intro into the rp in. Hopefully someone will find her and help her out, haha!)
Alec heard the howl outside,wishing he could go and investigate. It was a howl of introduction,which only raised his curiosity. He took a glance at Faolin,hoping he could be released for a few moments. Being stuck inside was dreadful to him.

"Alec...do you think I could go take a walk? I'm sure Melanie will be well for a few minutes."

Valisssa smiled, "it will be easier to change to a wolf, because its more natural. but... i think we should fish at sunrise, it seasier to catch thwm early... besides... i kind of want to sleep." ( i gotta go, losing wifi, goodnight :) ))
Alec heard the howl outside,wishing he could go and investigate. It was a howl of introduction,which only raised his curiosity. He took a glance at Faolin,hoping he could be released for a few moments. Being stuck inside was dreadful to him.
"Alec...do you think I could go take a walk? I'm sure Melanie will be well for a few minutes."
Looking at Alec Faolin heard the howl of introduction. He looked at Melanie as he stated, "I'll come with you Alec to see the new wolf out there. Melanie." He picked her up and placed her on her bed as he stated, "Stay here until me and your father come back." He handed her a puzzle then stated, "Solve this while I am gone we will be back..."He paused then stated, "Actually never mind Alec I trust you and you need exercise. Just go slowly." He motioned towards the door and stated, "Go see who it is."
Violet waited watching the cabins silently. Smiling she waited and howled again then lapped at more of the water her slim body had no scratches on it. She was a rare white color for a wolf. She was smallish but she was trained to fight and you could tell form her lean muscles.

MadameRedWolf said:
Valisssa smiled, "it will be easier to change to a wolf, because its more natural. but... i think we should fish at sunrise, it seasier to catch thwm early... besides... i kind of want to sleep." ( i gotta go, losing wifi, goodnight :) ))
"Morning it is then" nuuch says with a yawn "im still pretty exhausted from earlier anyway" he then lays back ttying to get comfortable sense he hasn't exactly slept in his human form before. As he lay there thoughts of Valissa and the bond they have formed floods his head. (Goodnight :) until next time)
Alec sighed with relief. He would worry the entire time he had Melanie out of his sight,but at least Faolin was taking care of her. He leaned in and kissed the girl's forehead,getting a big smile as a response. She was already playing with the puzzle,and seemed to feel safe with Faolin.

"Be back soon,dad?"

"I will,pup. Don't worry."

He smiled and left the room,enjoying the pure air from outside more than ever. He was an animal in his soul,and hated to feel stuck.

Just in case the wolf was aggressive,Alec changed to his white wolf,a big animal running through the trees. He followed the trail of the scent.

The wolf he found was female. Bowing his head down respectfully,he howled back at her,in a way of a greeting.


Kira nodded and loaded a tea ball with the leaves and a few bits of dried raspberry to add flavor. Clicking the tea ball shut, she lowered it into his mug and walked over to Dante, passing him his and sitting down on the couch with her own mug of steeping black tea. "I'm well. Things seem to have calmed down a little- or I'm just inside too much."

Alec sighed with relief. He would worry the entire time he had Melanie out of his sight,but at least Faolin was taking care of her. He leaned in and kissed the girl's forehead,getting a big smile as a response. She was already playing with the puzzle,and seemed to feel safe with Faolin.
"Be back soon,dad?"

"I will,pup. Don't worry."

He smiled and left the room,enjoying the pure air from outside more than ever. He was an animal in his soul,and hated to feel stuck.

Just in case the wolf was aggressive,Alec changed to his white wolf,a big animal running through the trees. He followed the trail of the scent.

The wolf he found was female. Bowing his head down respectfully,he howled back at her,in a way of a greeting.

Looking at Melanie Faolin smiled as he stated, "He will return Melanie I promise in the meantime try to solve this puzzle." He smiled at her then grinned softly as he knelt beside her and smiled. He looked at her then smiled.
Violet looked up then froze. It was a male a very handsome male at that. Silently she watched him bow his head to her in greetings she smiled gently as she stated, "Hello their my name is Violet what's yours?" She lowered her tail and bowed to him submissively. Might as well make a good first impression.

Melanie smiled back at Faolin,looking at the puzzle in front of her. She started to solve it with impressive speed,showing a quick mind usually reserved for older children.

"Uncle Faolin,willl you show me your girlfriend? Is she naice?"


Alec noticed how beautiful the wolf was,her white fur even paler than his. He lowered his body to her level in a friendly manner,a common display of equality between two wolves.

"It's nice to meet you,Violet. I'm Alec. I came to see if you're not a huge violent bear that could destroy the pack. But I'm glad to see you're actually a beautiful wolf. Are you lost in the woods?"

His tone was playful as always. He wondered what the female was doing around the pack's lands. He wasn't a member of the pack yet,but he was starting to consider it such.


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