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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Kira's hand clenches around her tea mug and she lowers it to rest the mug in her lap. "I can read the subtext, Dante. Faolin loves me, something I can't return, Luna doesn't trust me nearly as much as she does you, him, and Gabriel, and you... you're trying to be my friend- something I recognize..." She brushed a curl of black hair away and forced a small smile. "Thank you."

Alec nodded towards both of them,wondering when he got so lucky to have two gorgeous girls basically fall from the sky.
"You two can stick around,although I would like to check Violet first for any wounds. And you don't have to hurry it,Claire. Time will make it come naturally."

He left the room and rushed towards the kitchen,where he met Faolin and Melanie. They were adorable together. Melanie gave him a big smile.


"Hi,pup. Did she behave,Faolin?"
Silently Violet smiled at Alec then nodded her head. She watched him leave the room then she glanced around then she sat down in a chair and crossed her legs and smiled. She closed her eyes and rested tired from her long journey. She closed her eyes and smiled.

Silently Faolin looked up at Alec then smiled as he stated, "Yes Alec she behaved in fact we founf out that Melanie is an small genius she figured out that puzzle I gave her in a few minuets and I never could figure out a rubix cube." He smiled at the cube then chuckled as he asked, "So who was the wolf?" He smiled at Alec

Moolock said:
Kira's hand clenches around her tea mug and she lowers it to rest the mug in her lap. "I can read the subtext, Dante. Faolin loves me, something I can't return, Luna doesn't trust me nearly as much as she does you, him, and Gabriel, and you... you're trying to be my friend- something I recognize..." She brushed a curl of black hair away and forced a small smile. "Thank you."
dante kept a very cool demeanor and seem to not be fazed by Kira statement. "Faolin loves you the way you are. I dont think he smart enough to know if you can love him or not." he gives a smart laugh. " We are the same in the sense that we find it hard to love a person. That may be true but if it come down to a fight i would trust you to have my back and im sure that goes for everyone else. I'm trying to civil and show that im trying here. plus, i know i can be a hard person to get along with."
It all came crashing down in front of her eyes. Her pack. Her forest. Everything burning before anyone had a chance to do react.

The clan she was part of had been pacific,completely devoted to the forest and life. But when it all came crashing down,
Diana shifted into her human form for the first time in her life. She didn't know how to project her voice in this form,and the soft,furless body still confused her senses. Pale skin,long black hair. Clawless hands,small teeth. None of this belonged to her.

Walking aimlessly through the forest,she stumbled a little. There were many cuts on her body,but she was mostly unharmed. The pack had destroyed the rest of the clan,but they let the
healer leave as a last cruel action.
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Silently Violet yawned then shook her head and sighed. Groaning she stood up and cracked her neck and shoulders as she walked away into the other room and undressed then changed into her wolf form and sighed. That felt better. Quickly she glanced around then walked outside and decided to walk towards someplace. The lake perhaps. She smiled as she walked toward the lake in her human form smiling. She needed a bath she had looked before she had changed forms then she quickly dived under the water.
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Diana felt the approach of a stranger,the sound of steps coming to her direction near the lake. Feeling immediately vulnerable in her human form,she tried to change back to the black wolf she once was. But again,it didn't work. Being a healer of both mind and body,she knew the trauma of losing her clan was holding her down.

The only way to be safe seemed to be hiding somewhere,but the human legs were still a mistery to her. She ended up falling to her knees in the forest.

Maybe the stranger would kill her. Maybe it would be a mercy.


Reptilesandromance said:
(You take it and my bad for MIA, life got a lil dramatic for a second) @shadowz1995
(No worries no worries. Just pop your head in real quick for a sec and be like "ey bitch I'm busy I'll let u know" hahaha)

"That was probably the most exciting and amazing thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. If I ever had any doubt that you were amazing its completely gone now." Victor says with a teasing laugh. He reached to his neck and rubbed it lightly. Crimson still couldn't believe he was now mated with Kate. It was the best feeling he had ever experienced. The fresh scar that formed from the mating ritual was something he was now incredibly fond of. The male glances over to his new mate's gorgeous figure and can't withhold the sigh of contempt that he felt. He just had her but he already wanted her again, tracing the lines of her body with his scarlet eye. Victor knew that she could feel everything he was feeling and even what he was thinking if she concentrated hard enough but he didn't care. He WANTED her to know how much felt for her. Ho much he lusts after her. Especially now with the mating ritual done.

The warrior had to admit he did feel bad. During the whole scene, multiple wounds from his encounter with the cougar had reopened and the bed was disorderly chaos with fresh blood plastered here and there.

After a few moments, Victor couldnt help but let his fingers trace where his eyes were tracing. "Absolutely stunning" he murmured, more to himself than to her.
Juju said:
(I have noticed that things seem so peaceful and flowery lately. Character development is popping up faster than spring daisies and I felt like I should add what Guinevere has been up to during this time of peace >:3)
Cecil faced towards the green shadows of the forest, his unwavering stare lacking both interest or even disdain for the swarm of tiny insects swirling around his head in a cloud. He simply watched blindly at the comings and goings of the forest creatures that would stop to inspect him curiously before scurrying off again.

Perhaps things might have turned out differently if he had just fled. The male wolf had lay in wait for a good portion of the day, hidden behind a cluster of shrubs clinging onto the rocky slope of the mountain. His eyes still remembered the surge of anticipation when they spotted the tawny form of the mountain lion making its way back towards the den, a cluster of herbs dangling from its jaws. It was perfect; the plants would mask his scent enough for him to creep up and surprise the creature. Haste would be necessary, and Cecil had been so caught up in trying to rush the cat while its back was turned that he failed to note the many wolf-bites that scarred the hulking beast's hide. And the beast was abnormally large; much bigger in size than any of the cougars his packmates had ever dragged back. Unfortunately he realized this after it was too late to turn back and being filled with confidence, the young wolf began his attack.

The stones beneath his feet betrayed him when he was a couple paces from the cougar, which didn't make much of a difference but allowed the feline to whip around and glare at its attacker with one burning eye. He crashed into the feline's side and both of the creatures were reduced into a mass of snarls and gnashing teeth. Cecil had managed to clamp down his jaws on cougar flesh, but it was short lived and he soon found himself on the ground with a bloody patch of claw marks in place of a stomach. One grey eye glared with icy contempt, the other one being closed due to a grusome scar that undoubtedly extended into the hidden eye. The mountain lion stood away from him with its tail twitching ever so slightly, its head was lowered into a glower as it simply stared at the wolf. Taking this hesitation as fear, Cecil leapt for the final blow.

He barely had time to register the deep gouges in the side of his head by the time the ground came up to meet him with bone-jarring force. The stones reeled in his blurred vision for a time until they were suddenly replaced with the sky and one grey eye. This one was a shifter like him, he could tell now, which could either be ill-luck or a chance at survival.

"Please.." he had coughed as his limbs were held down by a heavy weight. "I'll do anything. You have been fighting with that pack... I can help you, give you some inside information! Argh!" he was silenced when claws dug into his flesh.

"You want to be my little slave?" There was something about the way she said the word that sent an unwelcome chill along his spine.

He was panting by now, a paw being pressed against his throat. "Wha- yes! Anything"

"How pitiful." the mountain lion hissed between clenched teeth. "You must think me a fool to trust you like that... but as it happens I do need a watchdog."

"yes, yes! I can watch!" the wolf said desperately.

"Good." the cougar said before plunging her fangs into the werewolf's throat.

Cecil had a much higher viewpoint than he normally would if he had stood, thanks to the wooden pole beneath him. By now his blood had dried or otherwise lay in dark clumps of blackish-blood upon the grass and leaves beneath the spike planted into the ground. Somewhere back at the cave the blood of his body would be draining as well, and his hide pinned up for display. But down here only his head stood watch over the creeping pines that marked the edge of the wood. Thin strands of rope secured the wolf's head to the stake, swaying every time the wind blew and colliding with the crow feathers that had been added as a morbid decoration.

Carved into the flesh of the dead wolf's forehead was a peculiar mark for all to see.
(I'll have Victor pass by soon and see the sign. Maybe check up on Gwyn to make sure she is healing well for their final showdown.)
Silently Violet swam then climbed out of the lake and glanced around. Her wet hair fell over the front of her body. She felt watched. Immediately she asked, "Is anyone there?" She changed to her wolf form just in case because she felt self conscious being watched by someone she couldn't see but she could sense someone in fact she heard someone. Softly she stated, "You don't have to be afraid I won't hurt you." She looked around sniffing the air smelling a soft sweet female scent. She wagged her tail in a friendly manner following the scent.

Diana wasn't afraid. In fact,she was disappointed by the promise of the stranger. She wanted to die,but maybe today wasn't the moment.

Following the voice of the stranger,her feet barely made a sound as she walked forward. She jumped lightly with surprise when she saw the white wolf,detecting the smell of a shape shifter. She opened her mouth to speak,but closed it again when no sound came out of her lips.

Instead,she raised one hand in the way of a greeting,then pointed towards her necklace. It was a beautiful wood carving of a wolf,black like her own fur. She hoped the other wolf would understand the message: she was a shifter as well.

Diana wasn't afraid. In fact,she was disappointed by the promise of the stranger. She wanted to die,but maybe today wasn't the moment.
Following the voice of the stranger,her feet barely made a sound as she walked forward. She jumped lightly with surprise when she saw the white wolf,detecting the smell of a shape shifter. She opened her mouth to speak,but closed it again when no sound came out of her lips.

Instead,she raised one hand in the way of a greeting,then pointed towards her necklace. It was a beautiful wood carving of a wolf,black like her own fur. She hoped the other wolf would understand the message: she was a shifter as well.
Silently Violet froze as she saw the female who was definitely new to shifting human. She was wobbly on her feet and somewhat dazed she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Definitely new to shifting. She wagged her tail then noted the carving of wood around her neck. Softly she stated, "You have a very nice necklace." She smiled gently then walked forward as she asked, "Why can't you shift back? Are you..." She stopped looking at the females face as she blanched then closed her eyes and asked, "Pack dead?" She sat down as her own pack came rolling back into her mind the death the smell of...She turned her head away as she felt her body shake slightly as she stated, "Forgive me. Remembering the past of my pack's demise makes me sick." She shook her head not shifting as she looked at the female's body. She suddenly felt heat run up her spine into her head as she realized she was blushing under her fur odd feelings rose within her chest then she closed her eyes as she stated, "My name is Violet what's your?" She glanced at the female then blushed again she wasn't wearing anything and for an odd reason it was making Violet uncomfortable that awkward kind of uncomfortable that comes with liking someone.
Diana nodded with understanding of the wolf's situation. As usually,she was forgetting her own sadness to take care of someone else's. She was a healer,after all. Most of her life had been spent by taking care of others,and she wanted to comfort the wolf in front of her.

She noticed the embarrassment of the female,then lowered her eyes,paying attention for the first time to the fact that she was naked. Her human forms would have been considered beautiful by any other person,but Diana herself felt they looked strange.

When Violet spoke her name,Diana moved her lips lightly,trying to copy the movement's that led to the name Violet. It was gorgeous,like the wolf.

She couldn't speak her own name,but she picked a branch and wrote the word down in the soil:


Her stomach grumbled after the act,and she tried to remember the last time she ate. Her human head was starting to feel light,and she felt unused to the signs of human hunger.

She laid back down on the table as they both went their own ways. She was so tired and everything hurt, including her heart as the memories of college flooded back into her mind. She held in tears and curled up, closing her eyes to rest, She slowly fell asleep and the nightmares once again started.

@KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477
Alec smiled as Faolin described Melanie as a genius. He had noticed the girl's cleverness already. Melanie herself seemed to be beaming with pride at the description. She was obviously already attached to Faolin.

"Well,I'm not surprised. Give her a few years and she will be much more intelligent than me."

Dad! You're clever too!" Melanie crossed her arms and made a pouty face.

"Hah,thanks puppy."

He couldn't help but often look back at the fox girl,wondering if she would be okay. Shifting for the first time was always scary.

@Lighthouse8477 @tetraboo
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In her dreams a white wolf appeared that she would notice from the corner of her eyes, and then he was gone. It was the first time it had ever happened and it looked just like her dog from home, but it was a wolf: wild, free, and dominant. She woke up feeling rested for once and sighed, turning to watch the man named Alec.

Alec meet the woman's eyes,a smile turning his lips up. She was beautiful in human form,and he knew she would be so in her animal form.

He felt small hands in his shoulders as
Melanie leaned in to see what he was looking at. She tilted her head,the blonde curls jumping around.

Who is she,dad? Is she your friend?"

"Maybe so,pup. Let's go meet her."

He picked Melanie up gently,placing her on his shoulders. He walked over to where Claire was and smiled at her.

"Good to see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Melanie leaned in on his shoulders,trying to get a better glance of the girl.

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"Not the best," she admitted. She looked up at the young girl on his shoulders and grinned. She wasn't the most comfortable around kids, but they were very cute and she enjoyed small talk and goofy faces with them.
"What's wrong? Does the shift still hurt?"

Alec pulled a chair and sat down in front of Claire,wondering if he could help at all. Melanie was down in his lap,and she seemed curious as she felt the smell of the girl.

Not a wolf?"

"No,pup. Claire is very unique."

She sat up and hung her legs over the edge, trying to ignore the slight dizzy feeling she got from sitting up. "I suppose..." She still wasn't quite sure of everything that was going on, but her body definitely was sore. She stretched out her arms and her back, moaning happily at the sensation of release the stretching brought her. Her muscles popped and her joints cracked, but it was in a pleasant way rather than what she had felt before.

Alec took a quick glance around the clinic,satisfied to see that Dante wasn't around to beat his ass in case he left the medical facility.

"I feel like you need to walk a bit,to put those muscles under work." Alec's smile was wicked as he watched the girl stretch. "But in case you feel too tired,I will understand."

"You're right, I really should be." She scrunched her face up, thinking about how weak her legs felt and hoping she would stay upright. She placed her hands on the table and slowly slid herself off. Her legs wobbled and she looked like a fawn trying to take its first. She blushed embarrassed at her difficulty standing.
Alec rose and put a gentle hand on Claire's arm,supporting her weight so she wouldn't fall down.

"Take it slow,there's no need for rush."

He guided her outside slowly,allowing her legs to adapt again to her human weight.

She let him guide her and followed, looking at her unfamiliar surroundings. "Where are we?" She couldn't even see the outline of her small cottage, and hoped she was safe where she was.

"In my pack. I mean,it's not really my pack,although I wish it was. But we are in the territory of a wolf pack."

As they walked towards the lake,Melanie trotted around them. She seemed happy to be outside,just like any wolf shifter. They simply hated to feel stuck.

Dad,can I shift?"

"Yes pup,but we're going to the lake. Stay where I can see you."

A big smile crossed the little girls' face as she run off,her small body jumping and turning to that of a wolf pup as she run around the back of the lake.

"So,how did you end up so close to the pack? You don't seem to be from this area."

Her eyes widened as she watched the young girl change and run off. "That's amazing!" She then turned towards the lake and bent down to roll the pants legs up before wading into the edge of the water. She got up to her knees then turned and looked at him, the wind softly tugging at her hair. Her eyes smiled for once and she looked at Alec, her gaze inviting him into the water with her. "I don't actually know how I got here. After "shifting?" I ran until I couldn't anymore and now I have no idea how to get back to my home... or clothes." She scooped some water up and tilted her head back, pouring it on her face. The cold sensation helped clear her mind and she tried to think of a way to get back.

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