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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Faolin thought about where he would take Kira on a date. He chuckled to himself that was impossible to think of a place to take her. She was a living conundrum he knew she liked hunting and like training but that was about it. He had followed her back to the cabin and had fallen asleep. Her words rang through his head. She loved him. He smiled about that in his sleep then he heard something but ignored it. He continued sleeping then he woke up. He had an idea but did she like flowers? He thought she had told him her favorite flower once but he couldn't remember what it was to long ago. He then walked out realizing Kira was gone. He looked around then noted she was over by the lake doing something with the bodies his stomach churned. Something about dead bodies made him nauseous. He decided to help her he walked over to her as he asked, "How can I help?"
"And how can I?"

Gabriel stalked forward, his eyes surveying the damage. The dead. He growled deep in his throat. "What. The. Hell. Happened?" He demanded, turning to Faolin. "Who are these people?"
Kira nodded and rested her stick on the grass. "Help is appreciated, we need this mess onto the sand so we can burn it. What happened? Tiger and his friends happened. We have no idea who they are but they're dead now so it doesn't really matter." She grunted and piked up her stick again, continuing to nudge the body over toward the lake. A muffled hiss escaped as she stepped in a puddle of blood.

@DaManofWar @Lighthouse8477
As klaus finished writing in his journal he continued to puff his pipe and look around. Only now did he realize the dead bodies around the lake. He noticed Kira moving the bodies into a pile, then saw another shifter walking up to her offering to help. It looked like they had it handled, but Klaus was bored and figured he would help a little more before he headed out on his way again. With that thought in mind he got up and waved to the other two shouting," Hey do you two need any help over there?"

@Moolock @Lighthouse8477
Stopping Faolin looked at Gabriel as he stated, "These people?" Kira spoke finishing his sentence. He looked at Gabriel and stated, "Yes that's what happened." He turned to another wolf whose name escaped him he stated, "Yes any help is appreciated." He then began to move bodies relizing that burning them would be out of the question with all the grass around.

@Moolock @DaManofWar @ShadowCrassodon254
Moolock said:
Kira nodded and rested her stick on the grass. "Help is appreciated, we need this mess onto the sand so we can burn it. What happened? Tiger and his friends happened. We have no idea who they are but they're dead now so it doesn't really matter." She grunted and piked up her stick again, continuing to nudge the body over toward the lake. A muffled hiss escaped as she stepped in a puddle of blood.
@DaManofWar @Lighthouse8477
Gabriel growled in rage and anger. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? LUCAS? THAT DAMNED HYBRID HAD BETTER GIVE A DAMN GOOD ANSWER ABOUT THIS!!!!! OR I SWEAR, HE IS GOING TO PAY!!!!" He was seething with rage and anger, and it showed. His misty body was beginning to course and shift, changing.
"No problem. Happy to help. Man that tiger boy made a mess here. At least it looks like it's over for now." Klaus exclaimed as he kept smoking his pipe. He then bent down and grabbed two corpses each one by one leg, and began dragging them over to the pile. "Oh yea. Hey Gabreil I will be heading out soon to continue my journey. Just wanted to thank you all for your hospitality." Klaus exclaimed with a grunt as he tossed his two bodies onto the pile. @DaManofWar @Moolock @Lighthouse8477
Moolock said:
"Gabriel! Calm down," she muttered through the stick. "We've had enough people losing their shit tonight. One mess at a time, okay? Please?"
Gabriel did start to calm down, and his misty appearance settled. However, he was still growling. "Here's my advice. Get the grass in a certain area wet, and build a pyre. We are burning these bodies."
Kira stopped moving the body toward the sand to burn it and shrugged. "Less to move, that works." She tossed her stick onto the consolidating pile before bounding off. There was a water pump toward the edge of the cabins with buckets beside it. She took one between her teeth and filled it before heading back. She repeated this until the ground around the bodies was thoroughly soaked. "Anyone got a match?"

@Lighthouse8477 @DaManofWar @ShadowCrassodon254
Moolock said:
Kira stopped moving the body toward the sand to burn it and shrugged. "Less to move, that works." She tossed her stick onto the consolidating pile before bounding off. There was a water pump toward the edge of the cabins with buckets beside it. She took one between her teeth and filled it before heading back. She repeated this until the ground around the bodies was thoroughly soaked. "Anyone got a match?"
@Lighthouse8477 @DaManofWar @ShadowCrassodon254
Gabriel grunted. "Just find one. Don't waste time." He thought over the implications. "We have to exile Lucas."
Reptilesandromance said:
"Shhhh...," she whispered softly, kissing his lips gently but making sure not to prolong it. She knew he was tired and hurting and wanted him as comfortable as possible. She pulled away and looked him over again, placing a hand over her mouth and grimacing.
"If you ever do something like this again...if you had waited too long to come back even you would've.." She stopped and allowed her voice to trail off as she shook her head. "Now isn't the time." She reminded herself, standing to go get cleaned up.
The kiss literally and figuratively shut him right the hell up. Short but sweet. Its like he had gotten a taste of heaven. When she began talking to him about if hr ever did something like that again, he just smiled. Victor closed his eye and simply nodded. "Yes Kate. Understood. I am yours after all."
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
"I got matches and my hunting knife the Wolf's Bane to use as well!" Klaus shouted with pride as he pulled his box of matches out of his pocket.
Gabriel blew air out his nose. Some mist swirled, then disappeared. "Get some fuel. We should douse them in something flammable."
Kira stopped moving the body toward the sand to burn it and shrugged. "Less to move, that works." She tossed her stick onto the consolidating pile before bounding off. There was a water pump toward the edge of the cabins with buckets beside it. She took one between her teeth and filled it before heading back. She repeated this until the ground around the bodies was thoroughly soaked. "Anyone got a match?"
Looking at Kira Faolin searched himself then looked at the wolf...Klaus yes that's his name. Fang chuckled at himself as he remembered his name. He decided to stand back just in case the fire went up to quickly. He watched Kira still thinking of where to take her on a date and when he could do it conviently. Oh well he might just ask her what she liked doing or if she would want to go to town with him. He knew of a restaurant their that served somewhat good food.
"I know where there's some kerosene," she replied to Gabriel before trotting off to the storage shed. Once she found the tank, it was slow going coming back. The thing was heavy and she lugged it across the grass for a few feet before tipping it on its side to roll. Nudging it forward, she got back to the group. She bit down as hard as she could on the safety valve and with a satisfying crunch the cap came off. "Pour it however you want," she said looking over at Klaus.

@DaManofWar @Lighthouse8477 @ShadowCrassodon254
"Don't mind if I do! Stand back unless you want to get singed!" Klaus shouted. He walked over and picked up the kerosene and began by making a ring around the pile then doused it over the top of the bodies before finally pouring the last of it right in the middle. Stepping back Klaus grabbed five matches and struck them all at once, and threw them right into the middle. Setting the pile ablaze in mere moments. "Well that's that I suppose. Let this be the end of this crazy fiasco." Klaus mumbled as he watched the fire rage @DaManofWar @Moolock @Lighthouse8477
Kira stepped back from the pyre as it went up in flames and at his comment fell back on the grass with a long sigh. "Finally...maybe now things can return to normal-ish..." She flicked an ear and looked up at him, "Be the way, I'm not sure we've met properly. Name's Kira."

Looking at the fire Faolin smiled as he stated, "Yes let us all hope that this is the end of this. I don't believe I introduced myself either. I am Faolin." He said this exactly as Kira stated it. He looked at her then just grinned as he shook his head. Saying the same thing as her at the same time a little weird. He chuckled then sat looking at her thinking. How to best go about this. He had no clue which was a problem.
Taking a large draw from his pipe and releasing a cloud of smoke into the air Klaus replied, "Pleasure to meet you miss Kira. Allow me to give you congratulations for the loyalty you show your pack. I won't be joining the pack but me and the your alpha Gabriel struck a deal. I am friendly. Just a humble traveler who was passing through."

Finishing his thoughts Klaus showed a Kira a gentle smile and a slight nod of respect.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Faolin. As I was just saying just a congratulation to your pack members for backing up their alphas. I am just passing through though but I am always glad to be of help." Klaus greeted Faolin with a smile and the same nod he had given Kira.
Gabriel just watched the flames burn. He sighed heavily. "An attack on my pack...." He murmured. "I'll tear the bastards to pieces...."
Marina nodded and made a motion to have the man follow her as she tried find her friends. From the ground this area seemed much more unfamiliar to her so she hoped she was heading in the right direction. As they walked she caught a whiff of burning flesh and rose her eyebrows, wondering what it was now.

Then she saw Klaus and Kira having an exchange with a stranger while something burned behind them.

She felt shy at approaching them but she couldn't just let this wanderer just introduce himself. She sighed. "Uhm" She approached Kira "I found someone running around in our territory, He gave me a cloak" She started a bit awkwardly and just motion for the man to introduce himself.

@Alphaius @ShadowCrassodon254 @Moolock
Kira returned the nod as she rose to her paws. "A pleasure, Klaus. It's nice to see friendlier faces around here for a change." With a low growl, her stomach alerted her to the status of being hungry. Feeling her cheeks grow warm, she looked over to Faolin. "Um... wanna go hunting?" She broke off looking to the girl. "Where is he?" She asked, muscles tensing. "Sorry Faolin... hunting might have to wait."

@Lighthouse8477 @Profoundcactus
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