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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Profoundcactus said:
In joy Marina quickly flew out into the forest, feeling much better now that she's able to stretch how her wings. She began searching for herbs, pulling them out from the roots and holding them in her berk.
Nuuchi said:
Nuuch perks up with sudden excitement "alrighty lead the way, i suppose if you had a shoulder bag i could carry sense im kind of stuck in wolf form at the moment" he says somewhat embarrassed
Alphaius said:
"Mmmmm that's some good stuff"remmy chides to himself sitting against the tree facing the water "wish I could remember that dream though"talking to no one in particular becomes a habit after seeing no one for nine years
Dante nodded at Nuuch and handed him a shoulder bag he uses for wolf form. "alright since Marina is out scouting a head, let go over some behind her. if you find something and dont know what it is , just ask em and i can identify it for you. Also i was hoping to find some red wolf's bane nearby." dante then caught the sent of someone and gave a deep growl in his chest. "it seems we have anew arrive in the territory." he directed his comment to Nuuch. @Profoundcactus @Nuuchi @Alphaius
Remmy finally stands back up "oh well the beast stirs I'd better get started"he strips down bare folding his clothes neatly and putting them in his bag he begins his transformation the brown fur filling his skinas bones begin to snap into place after a little under twenty seconds remmys massive form is replaced by an equally massive (little larger than a tiger)yet infinitely more magestic form
Remmy is about to begin his hunt when his nose detects a few scents nearby in a human shape one would run

But as a beast one fears nothing and remmy bounds towards the scents eager to meet the possible challenge
loyalwolf said:
Dante nodded at Nuuch and handed him a shoulder bag he uses for wolf form. "alright since Marina is out scouting a head, let go over some behind her. if you find something and dont know what it is , just ask em and i can identify it for you. Also i was hoping to find some red wolf's bane nearby." dante then caught the sent of someone and gave a deep growl in his chest. "it seems we have anew arrive in the territory." he directed his comment to Nuuch. @Profoundcactus @Nuuchi @Alphaius
Profoundcactus said:
In joy Marina quickly flew out into the forest, feeling much better now that she's able to stretch how her wings. She began searching for herbs, pulling them out from the roots and holding them in her berk.
Nuuch looks around in shock. "So i guess shifters are more than just wolves?" He asks in amazement. " as for the scent i still havent gotten used to all the smells in this area so forgive me, however i am ready for your command and shall back you no matter what. Im ready"

Marco went docile once he heard Dante's howl, he knew then that they were ok.

Relaxing he began to work on sorting out the cabin since it had been in a bit of a state.

Once the bond between Marco and Dante had been addressed it slowly began to grow,

this meant that like any mated pair they would become agitated if a suspected threat was nearby.

Feeling a lot more relaxed he made sure their supplies both food and medical were well stocked.

With everything that had happened they needed to be ready.

Once this was done he made his way to the main hall, wanting to check in on Luna.

@loyalwolf @Jasil
(Dude how the f*** am I a troll I'm just a 16 year old boy who loves roleplaying what's your problem calling me a troll Idk what trolls do. Don't they troll a person as in follow them and haras them really dude you seriously called me a troll. I love roleplaying and wolves that's why I'm here and I'm 16 in real life I have school don't be a dumb ass about your calling me a troll.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate's hands were steady as she carefully sewed the gaping wound shut. She made fair work of it and held it together with a couple more butterfly bandages to make it more comfortable. She set the needle down, touching up the area around the eye with the warm wash cloth.
Her hands gently found his face again, her finger tips car adding his cheek bones once more, she came close and gently rubbed her nose against him. The gesture was as small and sweet as it was when she did it in her wolf form and she pulled away only to carefully look over his face for any further injury, though as she moved it was clear he'd flustered her again with his affection, her cheeks deep red and burning.
After the pain had subsided, Crimson opened one Scarlet eye to see Kate lightly rubbing her nose against him. It seemed similar to when she did it in her wolf form but as she pulled away his eye locked on her lips for a few fleeting moments. He quickly wondered how they might feel if he tried something but then he remembered how injured he was and groaned, "Jesus, you are causing me more pain than my wounds are you know that?" With a pained smile. He joked with her but it really was beginning to feel painful that couldn't even Hold his hand.
(I wouldn't say troll, but definitely hectic, the story plot seems to be jumping everywhere if it stream lines it will also give better structure with the role play that's going on as well)
Marina flew back toward her group once she couldn't carry anymore. This is when she noticed some monster looking thing bonding towards her friends. She squawked loudly, trying to warn them of the danger, without thinking she dropped her herbs and descended down to warn the beast off. She flew into his face several times trying to warn him in the other direction. She was thinking only by instinct, just trying to get the beast away, at the same time, her raven body wasn't much for fighting so she was trying to keep her distance.

@Alphaius @loyalwolf @Nuuchi
(Side note guys, I'm not going to be on for a few hours, I have a major test to take today.)
shadowz1995 said:
After the pain had subsided, Crimson opened one Scarlet eye to see Kate lightly rubbing her nose against him. It seemed similar to when she did it in her wolf form but as she pulled away his eye locked on her lips for a few fleeting moments. He quickly wondered how they might feel if he tried something but then he remembered how injured he was and groaned, "Jesus, you are causing me more pain than my wounds are you know that?" With a pained smile. He joked with her but it really was beginning to feel painful that couldn't even Hold his hand.
"Shhhh...," she whispered softly, kissing his lips gently but making sure not to prolong it. She knew he was tired and hurting and wanted him as comfortable as possible. She pulled away and looked him over again, placing a hand over her mouth and grimacing.

"If you ever do something like this again...if you had waited too long to come back even you would've.." She stopped and allowed her voice to trail off as she shook her head. "Now isn't the time." She reminded herself, standing to go get cleaned up.
"what the"remmy yips startled by the bird as it swoops at him over and over it smells weird not like other birds but like well...him to an extent "he immediately stops running and sits down staring intently at the bird "I'll shift"he thinks to himself "if it's like me it'll be interested if not it'll be afraid"

And remmy shakes himself like a wet dog fur falling off bones creak and reset after about twenty seconds there stands a large naked man in a circle of fur tribal tattoos go up his left arm from finger tip to shoulder ending in a wolf pattern over his heart he eyes the bird challengingly
Marina perked herself on a branch watching as the beast shifted back to it's human form.

Is every animal here a shifter, I swear if I see a squirrel shift to a human form I'm going to eat my shoes.

She cocked her head to the side and shifted back to her human form, naked, she crouched to that her knees and legs covered her naked form and looked down at the man. "Why are you charging at my friends?" She asked quietly.
"Didn't know I was I caught a scent and just ran to it"he stands there clearly shameless as he makes no attempt to hide "a better question..why does a bird rush the beast and not simply fly to warn her friends"he looks at the ground shaking his head"surely you couldn't of hoped to fend me off alone"he raises his gaze back to hers meeting her eyes challengingly but with a friendly warmth
"I could've probably pecked your eyes out pretty easily" She said, not hearing his friendly tone. "And I called for them, to warn them but you were running pretty fast.... I didn't want you to beat me"

She was glad she was up in this branch now, a good distance away from the guy so that he couldn't grab her and she could easily make a quick escape. "If you have no more business here then I suggest you leave, my friends have a lot of other powerful friends. I wouldn't want to mess with them" She said trying to sound authoritative but her voice stumbled over her words a bit.
Valissa sighed. she was tired, "Yes, lets return."She replied to Klaus, and looked back to Alpha Gabroeal and respectively dipped her head, "If you don't mind Alpha, I will go to the laske and rinse the mud from my fur, I had figured that predators and the lake would be less likely to find me if I had disguised my white fur..." she trotted off towards the water, her tail low, her eyes returning to the dead emotionless state from before. she approached the waters edge and dipped her muzzle in first, drinking some, and then slipped her body under the water, shaking herself to knock the dried mud-spikes from her long fur. afterwards she kind of looked like a drowned rat- her thick fur had generally hid how thin she was, so now that it was wet and clung to her she looked quite a bit thinner. but she paid no heed and gave herself a vigorous shake before shifting. she changed back into the cloths that Klaus had lent her earlier, and yawning, she slipped inside and lay down on her bed before swiftly falling asleep. ((SORRY GUYS x.x @DaManofWar @ShadowCrassodon254 ))
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa sighed. she was tired, "Yes, lets return."She replied to Klaus, and looked back to Alpha Gabroeal and respectively dipped her head, "If you don't mind Alpha, I will go to the laske and rinse the mud from my fur, I had figured that predators and the lake would be less likely to find me if I had disguised my white fur..." she trotted off towards the water, her tail low, her eyes returning to the dead emotionless state from before. she approached the waters edge and dipped her muzzle in first, drinking some, and then slipped her body under the water, shaking herself to knock the dried mud-spikes from her long fur. afterwards she kind of looked like a drowned rat- her thick fur had generally hid how thin she was, so now that it was wet and clung to her she looked quite a bit thinner. but she paid no heed and gave herself a vigorous shake before shifting. she changed back into the cloths that Klaus had lent her earlier, and yawning, she slipped inside and lay down on her bed before swiftly falling asleep. ((SORRY GUYS x.x @DaManofWar @ShadowCrassodon254 ))
Gabriel nodded, pleased. He then set off to find Luna. However, he smelled.....death.

"Why would you want to do that"he chuckles amused that this bird girl is so loyal to her friends age silently compliments her bravery for standing her ground"I happen to have it on great authority that eyes taste terrible"he smiles as he turns and sifts through the fur searching he picks up a leather bag that was well hidden among his fur and pulls a pair of jeans out "come now introduce me to your friends" he gestures over towards the bushes and says "I'm pretty sure your package fell over there" and he holds a cloak up toward the naked bird girl
Kira yawned, deciding she wouldn't be getting any sleep, and rose from the bed, taking care to replace everything how she'd found it, and morphed into her wolf form. She needed fresh air, she needed to be under the endless sky and with a sigh of relief, she stepped through the door onto the cabin's porch. The mess from earlier wasn't cleaned up yet and she walked toward the corpses, scrunching her nose at the smell. Finding a stick and clenching it in her teeth, she began to nudge one of the bodies toward the sand by the lake. Burning these would probably be best but the grass would catch fire.
With a brief sigh Klaus reached for his pipe and began packing it with tobacco that was flavored with mint. As he watched Valissa head back to the lake and clean herself off he began to head back too. Reaching the lake Klaus could see the tired wolf head back to her bed, Klaus on the other hand had planning to do. He pulled out a box of matches and lit his pipe and began puffing quietly by the lake. Looking around slowly he pulled out his journal to began making notes of all that transpired. As he wrote in his book he wondered with the Raven shifter had gone for he wanted to know if she would join him on his travels. From what he saw she knew more about medical aid then he did and it would be good to have a healer with him should he run into trouble. Plus he had grown a little fond of the bird.

@MadameRedWolf @Profoundcactus

(Hey it's cool red wolf we all got our lives we gotta live lol)
Marina jumped down from her branch and quickly grabbed the cloak with and small thank you. "Eating a lot of eyes huh?" She murmured.

"And it's not a package, their herbs for the pack healer, we're rather resources to help the wounded and ill as we've had quite a few" She stopped herself before she said anything more, believing that she might get in trouble she speaking about the pack.

"Listen, how should I trust you to introduce you to our pack? We've been having a lot of drama lately" She wrapped the cloak tightly around herself nervously picking up the herbs she'd dropped.

"If your friends are as tough as you say then one big wolf wouldn't be a problem for them" after putting on pants he looks at his shirt its old and tattered so he tosses is casually to his left "plus I would only need to acquire a few things I can work for you guys in exchange" he then grins a bit "itll be easy for you to keep an eye on me anyways...I'm not exactly good at hiding or sneaking"
Kira yawned, deciding she wouldn't be getting any sleep, and rose from the bed, taking care to replace everything how she'd found it, and morphed into her wolf form. She needed fresh air, she needed to be under the endless sky and with a sigh of relief, she stepped through the door onto the cabin's porch. The mess from earlier wasn't cleaned up yet and she walked toward the corpses, scrunching her nose at the smell. Finding a stick and clenching it in her teeth, she began to nudge one of the bodies toward the sand by the lake. Burning these would probably be best but the grass would catch fire.
Silently Faolin thought about where he would take Kira on a date. He chuckled to himself that was impossible to think of a place to take her. She was a living conundrum he knew she liked hunting and like training but that was about it. He had followed her back to the cabin and had fallen asleep. Her words rang through his head. She loved him. He smiled about that in his sleep then he heard something but ignored it. He continued sleeping then he woke up. He had an idea but did she like flowers? He thought she had told him her favorite flower once but he couldn't remember what it was to long ago. He then walked out realizing Kira was gone. He looked around then noted she was over by the lake doing something with the bodies his stomach churned. Something about dead bodies made him nauseous. He decided to help her he walked over to her as he asked, "How can I help?"

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