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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna shifted to her wolf and crouched low in front of her wolves defensively. "Get the pups out now." She growled to Dante. She continued growling loudly, making sure she was coving her wolves at all times
"Faolin stay here." She watched the tiger. "If this turns messy we jump in, but for now, make no movements. We cannot risk getting anyone hurt."
Kira nods and goes to take her place beside Luna. "No," she growled to Faolin, ears folding back as she looked out across the grass and lake for any intruders. "He's jeopardized the safety of the pack and proven a complete lack of loyalty. Unless Luna orders otherwise, such wolves do not belong here." She dug her claws into the deck, struggling to keep her fur from bristling with anger. Calm was needed right now. If no one else would, Kira would be the calm in the storm.

@Jasil @Lighthouse8477
Nuuch staggers to his feet, " i dont know what the hell is going on here but you guys saved my life. I may not know whats going on, why im a wolf now let alone what a damn hybrid is" he says with a stumble "i will do what i can to help. I am forever in your debt"
Nodding Faolin readied himself as he replied, "Yes mam." He looked at her then said nothing as he waited and watched. Their was nothing else he could do after all he was under Luna. He wasn't sure if he was even Beta. Kira might have that position she seemed to be doing well at gaining trust. He smiled then waited. He looked at Kira and nodded as he stated, "I understand."
Don't do anything you will regret Luna y'all said it I bunch of times that I'm not for to be in the pack so I might as well leave. Lucas get up and approaches the man.
Luna eyed the new creatures with careful eyes. "Where the hell is Gabriel? I will castrate him for this." She growled and flattened her ears. Luna felt slightly betrayed that her mate wasn't around when they needed him.
Nuuchi said:
Nuuch staggers to his feet, " i dont know what the hell is going on here but you guys saved my life. I may not know whats going on, why im a wolf now let alone what a damn hybrid is" he says with a stumble "i will do what i can to help. I am forever in your debt"
Dante looks over at tyr and gave him a small smile. He pick's him up and place him on the back of Nuuch. "You'll be no help with you memory lose sadly. if anything you''l be in the way because your still hurt. you going to come with me and tyr and protect the pup in the main hall." he began to move towards the main hall. Tyr signal for nuuch to fallow him "Mister you go tot fallow dante. he will help and protect everyone and needs are help."
Kira frowns to Faolin. "You're thinking about it, aren't you? ...My ambition has died with that side of me. Only if Luna deems that would I accept... chasing position means not nearly as much to me as protecting my family." Her voice died as her gaze flickered to the figures emerging from the edge of the forest. Lucas walked out to meet them and she watched with a growl rising in her throat. "On guard... I'm gonna take a guess and say they're not here for a potluck."

From the forest emerges two people covered and escorted by two men. The man says to lucas "now wow what a sight to see my son betray me and then beg me to take him instead of the wolves that won't even accept you what a little fool now to get down to business Lucas you she thoses two people over there say hi to Samantha and your son James"
loyalwolf said:
Dante looks over at tyr and gave him a small smile. He pick's him up and place him on the back of Nuuch. "You'll be no help with you memory lose sadly. if anything you''l be in the way because your still hurt. you going to come with me and tyr and protect the pup in the main hall." he began to move towards the main hall. Tyr signal for nuuch to fallow him "Mister you go tot fallow dante. he will help and protect everyone and needs are help."
Nuuch nods gracefully, "it would be an honor to protect this..pup, you said? With all ive seen nothing really surprises me anymore" he says as he takes dantes lead to the main hall
Kira frowns to Faolin. "You're thinking about it, aren't you? ...My ambition has died with that side of me. Only if Luna deems that would I accept... chasing position means not nearly as much to me as protecting my family." Her voice died as her gaze flickered to the figures emerging from the edge of the forest. Lucas walked out to meet them and she watched with a growl rising in her throat. "On guard... I'm gonna take a guess and say they're not here for a potluck."
Looking at Kira Faolin smiled gently. He whispered, "Well honestly I was thinking about it slightly. However I didn't think about it to much mostly because I trust you." He smiled at her then stated, "No their definitely not here for a potluck." He grinned at her then looked at the wolves then readied himself.
Kira nodded with a bitter smile. "Hopefully this trust isn't going to waste with an imminent death from these not-potluck guys. I'd like to live long enough to properly enjoy being in a real family." She lowered herself into a battle position, ready to spring into action in a moment. "To be honest, though, I kinda missed when it was just us- just the wolves. Tigers, cougars, birds... my head's starting to spin. Oh well, ya can't pick your family. Your family picks you." After some silence she flicked her ear and glanced sidelong at him. "Hey Faolin? If by any slim chance of misfortune either of us die tonight... I really do like you, approaching the same way you like me... keep that in mind if any final breaths are breathed."

Remmy listens in nearby still holding his breath and crouching low to the ground

"I shouldntve followed that damn squirrel curse him this was part of his plan"he thinks to himself eyeing the group before him "they smell strange...like.."he lets his thoughts trail off he has almost assuredly been caught they group is a mear ten to fifteen feet away and he isn't exactly the best at hiding his bulk deciding it would be better to meet them on his terms than theirs he grips the knife at his belt comfortingly as he leaves the cover of his tree he approaches the group slowly
Nuuchi said:
Nuuch nods gracefully, "it would be an honor to protect this..pup, you said? With all ive seen nothing really surprises me anymore" he says as he takes dantes lead to the main hall
Dante continued walking until he reaches the main hall. "I wouldn't worry too much. You seem to be adapting well. Plus, memory sometime needs a little jolt in order to come back. With time and enough influence, you should regain 95% of your memory. The other 5 percent will require surgery if you want it back." he began to reinforce the building. "So tell me what you remember about yourself, my friend." he howls to let Marco know where he and Tyr are. @Haus Of Alaska ( also whoever else should be in the main hall)
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Kira nodded with a bitter smile. "Hopefully this trust isn't going to waste with an imminent death from these not-potluck guys. I'd like to live long enough to properly enjoy being in a real family." She lowered herself into a battle position, ready to spring into action in a moment. "To be honest, though, I kinda missed when it was just us- just the wolves. Tigers, cougars, birds... my head's starting to spin. Oh well, ya can't pick your family. Your family picks you." After some silence she flicked her ear and glanced sidelong at him. "Hey Faolin? If by any slim chance of misfortune either of us die tonight... I really do like you, approaching the same way you like me... keep that in mind if any final breaths are breathed."
Looking at her Faolin chuckled and shook his head. He stated, "Yeah I miss when it was just the wolves to. To many large predators for my taste." Then he went silently after a long pause she flicked her ear and looked sideways at him and spoke the words he thought he would never hear. He looked at her for a long second then replied, "Thank you Kira. I saw your love for me that once before Gabriel apparently died... Kira If we both make it our of this alive. Would you go on a date with me?" He looked at her hopefully then looked at the people on the other side of the clearing.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate worked quickly, clearing away all of the caked blood before treating the wounds with peroxide. The worst of them received butterfly bandages, and a few gauze pads were held to his chest with medical tape after a fair layer of antibacterial gel was applied. She then turned his attention to his eye, grimacing.
"I'm so sorry," she mumbled as she opened the needle and medical thread, skillfully threading and securing
"Do what you got to do love." Victor choked out. He tried to stay as Stoll as possible as she worked him over but when she got to his deeper wounds he couldn't help but flinch or grunt in pain. When she got to his eye, his breath began to cone quicker and shallow. As she sutured, Crimson managed to keep his head still but his hands were clenching so hard that he was drawing blood with his nails.
Lucas talks to Luna through telepathically. Luna I'm sorry I have to kill him I can't live knowing my father wants to kill you guys and you see those two people that's my girlfriend and my son. I can't believe it after all this time their alive. Then the man says loudly "hi I am Jacob Lucas's father he betrayed me and I'm want him to suffer. Kill her." Then the man break her neck and she drops down to the ground.
Kira smiled and gave him a small nod. "If you can think of anywhere to go, I'd like that sometime... if we make it out of this mess." She was too focused on Faolin to watch what was happening over by Lucas and gave a low chuckle. "About large predators... between you and I, I think if I see another cat again, I'll leave it with scars that won't be forgotten any time soon." Lowering her head to stare at the deck, Kira gave a shuddering breath and squeezed her eyes shut whispering, "I'm sorry... Luna, Faolin... I brought him here... I should have driven him off as soon as he started giving off this vibe... I'm just hoping we get through this."

Luna decided the time was now "Kira, Faolin!" She screamed their names as the woman fell. Too much chaos

Luna charged forward "I'm not letting you do this alone Lucas!" She lunged herself at one of the men on the side, a guard perhaps, and viciously tore at his face
(God I leave for a bit and everything goes to hell, seriously @Lucas Shadow your character is such any over powered Gary Stu)

Marina was rubbed the temples of her head as she could barely understand what was happening around her. Maybe she should just leave, this pack was already crowded and and filled to the brim with drama. Well it was mostly that new wolf who just kept screaming about danger when he didn't even know what he was talking about.

She looked over at Dante wangting to keep busy "Do you have anything I can do? Clean? Take out the trash? Bang my head against a wall" @loyalwolf
Remmy stops in his tracks as the scene unfolds In front of him hoping he hasn't been seen he hastily moves towards cover "what's going on where did the shout come from"his thoughts are firing rapidly "great I chose a f#%*ing war zone as my nap spot" he unsheathes his knife and waits "hopefully I won't have to choose sides"he thinks "if I do...hopefully I choose right"
loyalwolf said:
Dante continued walking until he reaches the main hall. "I wouldn't worry too much. You seem to be adapting well. Plus, memory sometime needs a little jolt in order to come back. With time and enough influence, you should regain 95% of your memory. The other 5 percent will require surgery if you want it back." he began to reinforce the building. "So tell me what you remember about yourself, my friend." he howls to let Marco know where he and Tyr are. @Haus Of Alaska ( also whoever else should be in the main hall)
Nuuch smiles a bit "i remember running...then getting shot with a dart..stuff got blurry." He says trying to remember." Men with these weird masks grabbed me and threw me in a van. Then i remember the occasional flash of looking around the room before getting a shot and drifting off again. Until the last time i came to completely and managed to get off the table. I looked in the mirror and there was a tag in my ear the read 'nuuch' thats why this split is in my ear cuz i panicked and ripped it out. Then men in masks came in and tried putting me down again. Sensing danger i got tunnel vission and then turned into...well this and managed to escape and it wasnt until i got to where luna? Is it? and the other found me that i had turned back into human and started screeming." He explains "then earlier i sensed something was going to happen earlier a changed again and freaked out. Sorry for the mess i left by the way. After that, thats when tyr here found me and was very brave if i do say so." He says with a smile then looking over at dante. "So am i stuck like this? You seem pretty confident in whats happening." He asks concerned
Luna jumped away after mauling the mans face. She stared at Lucas with confusion "I swear you are more prideful that Kira!" She continued her attack

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