Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

(I have two wall scrolls :D One of Gaara and the other Ao No Exorcist :)

When Mayako made contact with my cheek I did get the slightest bit surprised but then quickly regained myself. "Awww, thank you!" The girl pranced her way off to take other pictures, happy to have gotten one like that from us. "I must say, it's nic eto use this as a free excuse for a kiss." I laughed a bit then gave her a quick kiss as we continued to walk to the counter. I scanned over the items and found the pocky, pretty cheap since there were so many people that wanated it. "i'll take two boxs of pocky please." The man handed out the two boxes as I gave him the money, then on a nearby bench we sat down to eat them, overlooking the merchandise.
((I got a Haruhi Suzumiya one and a Naruto poster :D ))

Mayako nibbled on the pocky, a happy grin on her face. "Pocky, the best snack ever~" she sang. She saw some stuffed plushies of some characters on a nearby table. She couldn't help but stand and quickly buy two plushies: one of Axel in chibi form and also a prinny. She walked back to Anther was a stick of pocky still in her mouth. "Look, they can attach," Mayako giggled, clipping them onto her belt loop. "Aren't these cute?"
I smiled a bit and let out a soft laugh. "Yeah it is. But I'm more concerned about... OHHHHHHHHHHH" My face was about as bright as a light bulb and my eyes as big as baseballs were my attention was caught by the sword-shop real swords designed after many many anime characters ones. I saw one from Ao No Exorist, Dragon Ball, the list goes on and on and on.
Mayako turned and saw what caught Anther's attention. Her eyes sparked with childish joy. "Inuyasha's sword!!" she gasped. She hadn't gotten the chance to make that out of paper mache, but the fact that they were actually real blades seemed unbelievable. Mayako giggled when she realized how they both reacted. Mayako thought it was pretty cute how excited Anther was too. "Though they all look really cool, I think I'm going to stick with paper mache," she chuckled, biting off a piece from her pocky. She still liked to work on her art techniques and accuracy when it came to modeling something that was already made up.
I stood looking up in awe like a little child at the store, just basking in the glory of all these blades. I had taken lesson when I was younger and just messed around with swords whenever I really felt like it, and I considered myself at least decent at swordplay. "Wohh..." There were just so many to chose from, but then while browsing throguh them, I found the one that I thought to be the best. It wasn't a sword but something much better than. It was the lance from Buso Renkin, possibly my most favorite anime. It had the cloth at the end, the sharp edges, and the deadly pointed tip, it was beautiful. Just like a child, I pointed at it slowly and had a mesmerized voice. "That one......"
Mayako smiled up at Anther. "That looks badass," she giggled. She looked over the selection of weapons over again, in case she didn't miss something that would've really been worth buying. The lure of getting an exact replica of a weapon from her favorite anime was pretty enticing. Mayako considered that she would save the money for a rainy day. "So you're happy with this one?" she grinned at Anther.
I lifted the lance off of its rack, still basking in its glory. "Yeah..." I was still stunned like a little child, I'm sure that Mayako probably found it cute too. I walked back over to Mayako, the lance laying across my arms. "Yeah, I'm good now..."
Mayako smiled, helping herself to yet again, another stick of pocky as she looked over the pamphlet. Looking at the lance and Anther, it seemed like a pretty fit combination. It looked really cool too. "Hey, do you want to go to the karaoke panel? I think people should know more about your voice," she smiled. Mayako didn't consider singing with him if he agreed, unless that was what he wanted.
I snapped back into reality once she said something about singing. "O-Oh yeah, why not I guess. But first, the lance." I pranced along to the checkout, showed my id, and purchased the lance and all its sharpened glory. They gave me somewhat of a sheath so that I would get a random cut while carrying it since lances don't really use sheaths. Once I walked back to Mayako I had my tongue in between teeth, making a more silly like face.
Mayako saw Anther's silly smile, and couldn't help but laugh because it was too contagious, and in a very cute way. "So let's go to that karaoke panel," she stood by his side and wrapped her hands around Anther's. Just then she saw a cosplayer dressed as Death the Kid, browsing some homemade merchandise. "Death the Kid!" Mayako called out, and he turned around to see them. "Can I get a photo? You're one of my favorite characters," she smiled. "Oh sure," he said, and made a badass pose with his dual guns, along with a smirk. Mayako got the picture. "Thanks! Sorry for interrupting your shopping," she added.

"It's no problem. I was just about done here and headed to the karaoke panel," Death the Kid answered.
(Sorry I won't be on for a week because of spring break so pleaseeeeee don't forget about this role play, I'll be back :)
(sorry I wont be posting for about a week because of spring break. So pleaseeeee don't forget about this role play cause I will be back. Cya :D )
(sorry I wont be posting for about a week because of spring break. So pleaseeeee don't forget about this role play cause I will be back. Cya :D )
(sorry I wont be posting for about a week because of spring break. So pleaseeeee don't forget about this role play cause I will be back. Cya :D )
(Woh it liked spammed my messages three times xD )-.

A interested look swept across my face at Deaths comment. "Say, your going to go sing. I'm going up there myself too. I wanna see how you do for some reason, it isn't like everyday I see death the kid singing. Meet your up there man." With my free hand I gave him a thumbs up as I walked along to the panne, with Mayako, ready to sing or so I thought.
((Yeaah there was an error just before you left. It made everyone think their comments couldn't post when it really did and just ended up spamming pages xP))

Mayako and Anther entered the karaoke panel together, and there were fair amount of cosplayers brave and enthusiastic enough to get on the stage and sing. Some were probably here to watch. Right now it was Mio in the middle of her upbeat song. "Hmm...I think I'm gonna sing too, Anther," she smiled.
"Oh you're going to sing too? Sick nasty, are you gonna sing alone or you wanna sing something with me. Either way it sounds pretty cool that your doing this." I gripped her hand a bit tighter in excitement, I really hope we can sing together, but if not so be it. I'll cheer her on.
"I want to sing with you," Mayako smiled affectionately at him, and hugged his arm. "How about that Vocaloid song Canterella or Cendrillion?" she asked. "Or if you don't know either of those, you can suggest a different song too," Mayako said. "Hey, you two!" Death the Kid sauntered up to them in a leisured manner. "Found out what song you're doin' next? I already decided," he grinned.
I got a bit irritated with his attitude for some reason. I looked over at her and nodded. "Yeah, we know what we are playing. Well shot you better get up there and sing." I motioned him off with my hands, mocking him.
((Ha actually typed sound instead of song what's wrong with me xD ))

Mayako glanced at Anther, seeing how he was teasing him but not really sure why. Mio had finished her song, walking off the stage as she was offered a round of applause. "Alright, alright," Death said. "Wish me luck, guys," he nodded to them, then went up to the stage. Cosplayers who liked the character he was dressed as cheered for him, and Death grinned. Mayako didn't see much nervousness from Death was behind the mic. He told the crowd what song he was going to sing, then the music started.

Mayako's brows were raised, surprised. He's good, but isn't as good a singer as Anther... she thought.
I took my thumb and put it forcibly thrust it on to my chest. "Yeah he's good, but we're going to do better then him, believe it Mayako." I had a large grin on my face, full of confidence in my eyes. I wasn't terribly familiar with this song but I'm sure that I could figure it out pretty quickly, if I didn't get lost in her voice that is.
((Nice new pic by the way))

"Well, I'm not necessarily sure this is a contest, Anther, but I'll do my best with you," Mayako offered a sweet smile. She hoped she could deal with the fact that they would be a crowd listening and watching them. Mayako briefly closed her eyes, getting that out of her mind. Death's song was finished, and he got a round of applause. Now it was their turn to go to the stage. "We volunteer!" Mayako stood on her toes, raising her hand along with Anther's. "The lovely couple, Kamina and Yoko! Come on up," the host smiled as he spoke into the mic.
(You get a gold star if you can tell me who it is :P )

Before we started to make our way up to the man, I gave Mayako a quick kiss for good luck then we proceeded to our spots. As I stepped up I had a small lump in my throat, no matter what I did I always got this lump right before I sang to anyone, except Mayako. I leaned forward so that I would break our hands and told him the song we were doing and he started searching for it in the machine.
((Kamina silly xD ))

The music started, and Mayako glanced at Anther encouragingly before she heard the song go to her cue. She sang, and as she did so she was reminding herself to pretend she was just singing with Anther, like they did so many times before. Besides, this was supposed to be fun, so Mayako was going to make it that way. Mayako got more into it, and began walking around the stage, making gestures that corresponded with the singing and emotion. The song was going to Anther's cue now.

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