Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

(WRONG :P , it's Simon, pronounced Semon. Same anime though)

I started to get into the song then I realized it was my que, thinking of the lyrics, and started to sing along to the track. As soon as I started to sing the lump in my throat seemed to disappear, but I didn't move around as much like Mayako because I never truly danced around a stage of anything when I sang.
((Gaaah Dx Are you April Foolin' me D:))

Mayako sang with Anther, feeling cheerful about this not only because it was actually fun but also the people watching had smiles on their faces for their enthusiasm. She took Anther's hand, pulled her body out, then spun herself to him and made his arm rest around her shoulder. Mayako was doing her best not to laugh about it as she sang.
(Nope, you can look it up, Kamina's glasses only have the two sides peaking up, I'll change my pic to show)

I let a smile crack through my lips at her dancing, she was really getting into it by the looks of it. I continued to sign and at a small pause in the song I leaned down to give her a kiss and everyone made a mixture of 'OHHHHH' and 'AWEEE'. After the pause was over I lifted my lips and looked her in the eyes, continuing to sing as she did as well.
((Okay I don't watch the anime but my friend does yet I still feel ashaaamed. And I'm just paranoid on this day so I always expect something to happen :3 And Hazel if you're new to the whole roleplay concept go to Slice of Life character sheets and make your character there once you find Life is hard isn't it. Not sure how you would jump in at the moment though))

Mayako smiled after Anther had kissed her on stage. Singing with him like this was always enjoyable and fun. With them both singing the last note, the music had ended and therefore it was over. They applauded, then Mayako took Anther's hand a bowed alongside him in front of the audience. She heard the clapping get louder. She glanced over at Anther and mouthed, 'Great job, baby boy,'.
(You don't have to be ashaaamed :P I just watch a lot of anime myself. And what do you mean paranoid, what did you expect to happen?)

I gave her one of my large smile and put my thumb up, this was a great day. I mouthed back. "Back at cha' baby girl." After a few moments of applause we walked off the stage and returned to a clapping Death the Kid with a smirk on his face. "Nice job you two, you really sold it out there." I gave him a point with my free hand. "You weren't that bad either kid,"
((I thought I'd still get April Fool'd at least once today and I thought you'd say 'No I was just kidding April Fool's' something like that))

"Thanks and you too," Death replied. "The important part is that this was fun, right?" Mayako smiled. "Yeah. I dunno if I'll see you guys again but have a good time here, alright?" he smiled to them both. "Yeah, same to you. Bye Death, and thanks for the photo again," Mayako said. He nodded then went off somewhere else---who knows where. "So, Anther. Which place do you wanna go next? We've got a challenge waiting for us at the arcade, remember?" she was referring to Ichigo who still wanted a rematch with them both. "Or are you hungry?"
(Oh I see, and also... HAPPY 1000!!!!!!!!! PARTY HARDY TONIGHT!)

I instantly grabbed my stomach and pretended to make a pathetic looking face. "I'm starving..." I also pretended to lean over a bit like I was pouting, just having a bit of fun with it. At that moment while I was doing this a strange feeling darted through my mind that I quickly shook off, it was probably nothing.
((Thanks! xD You know what that means: WAFFLES ALL AROUND))

Mayako giggled. "Alright, let's get something so you won't starve, okay?" she patted his back lightly. She thought she saw something in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared and Mayako didn't question it. They walked to the food court, seeing just as many cosplayers as there were anywhere really. There were a lot of choices to choose from, but one food stood out the most: ramen.

((By the way I'm doing homework and I won't always check as often))

As I was browsing the menu items ramen instantly caught my eye, my mouth already beginning to water. In the background I heard some people watching tv, the local news was on. I tilted my head quickly to glance at it then looked back, intantly my head jerked back to the tv at the sight of the headline. 'Mr. & Ms. Lanque' The reporter went back on screen. "We are here live at the home of Mr and Ms Lanque, local lawyers that have done much for this community, were brutally murdered moments ago, the killer un-known and escaped. Investigators are looking for the suspect currently." I mumbled under my breathe in shock. "No.." I let go of her hand slowly and then darted out of the front doors, taking someone skateboard from outside, and boarded down to my parents home not too far away as quickly as possible, a trail of tears being created behind me.
((I eat mine with chocolate syrup instead of maple like most do. Really try it! :3))

Mayako's eyes widened when she heard the news, stunned as her heart tightened and dropped to her stomach for Anther. She felt his warm hand leaving, and she quickly looked back to find him going outside and heading somewhere. "Anther...!" she wasn't going to stand by and let him go through this alone, he was going to need somebody by his side. Mayako got on her motorcycle, driving off and following Anther by recognizing his costume that stood out. The convention wasn't important anymore, it could wait.
I continued to speed down the sidewalk, ignoring everything that was in my path, I just couldn't believe what I had heard. At the end of the downhill slope my board got caught in a crack and a flung off it, but I could see their home from where I crashed. I sprinted over to see many police cars and an odd awkward man standing near them. I slowly stepped up, looking at the house. "W-w... What....why...."
Mayako stopped her vehicle, parking by the sidewalk. She couldn't explain how concerned she was as she rushed to his side. Anther was still in shock, staring at the crime scene and terrified. Mayako silently looked at him even though he wasn't returning eye contact and she didn't blame him---she was startled by the fact that something like this really happened. Mayako was leaving such an emotional impact on Anther, and it tore her heart apart seeing him this way. Mayako wasn't sure if he preferred space at the moment, but she threw her arms around him in hope of at least comforting him.
I could feel Mayako's arms rap around me, but it didn't feel the same, it felt empty, like I couldn't feel anything right now. The man started to speak that was next to me, a soft but forcing. I tone. "A'int this a damn shame, bro?" I couldn't help but peer to the side, he didn't say bro like some people did, he meant bro as in.... brother. I wanted to speak but the words couldn't leave my lips.
Mayako softened her grip, knowing that it hadn't helped in this kind of situation. He couldn't speak, she noticed. And it was what anyone would normally do if they were in this kind of paralyzed state. "Anther...." Mayako slowly slipped her arms away from him.

((Ugh, tougher to roleplay at school and only easy when I had my break ;_ ;) )
When Mayako took her arms away I quickly grasp her falling hand, holding it tightly like a scared child would do when it was frightened. "Y-you're what..." I looked back over to where that man was, he had vanished completely. I didn't know what to think, my mind was just completely mush. Without emotion I started to speak. "Come on, let's go home Mayako..." I just needed to go home with her, and clear my mind from what was happening.
Mayako nodded and understood. "Yeah...let's go," she said, her voice quieter than she has ever heard it in a long while. She would do her best for Anther right now, let him think or even give him his own time if he needed it. Mayako mounted on the motorcycle and Anther went behind her. The smile that usually has been in her appearance or aura vanished. Gone, and no trace of evidence. She revved up the engine, and drove to Anther's house.
As we approached my home I signaled her to come on in without saying a word. Once I stepped inside I fell down on the couch, leaned my head back, and a few tears rolled down my face. Once a day that was going well, now it was going to chaos.
Mayako sat down on her knees by the couch, beside Anther's face and softly wiping away his tear with her thumb, like he had done before when she cried or close to it. She put her chin on his chest, looking at his eyes that still wouldn't return her gaze. Mayako rested her head on him, softly whispering, "I'm sorry....that this happened,"
I looked down, seeing Mayako gazing at me, so I returned the stare, a few tears still running down my face. I quickly stood up, taking her up with me, and I squeezed her in a tight hug, my face in her shoulders. "T-Thanks for being here for me...."
Mayako lifted her arms and returned the hug to Anther, feeling the material of her sleeve being soaked by tears. "You don't need to thank me..." she muttered softly. "You were always here for me...and I will do the same for you too," she said, calmly closing her eyes. If he needed to let out his tears it was okay too and natural. And to see Anther so broken to pieces and made Mayako's breath unsteady as her own eyes glistened with upcoming tears as well. She held him tighter.
I fell back down on the couch, bring down Mayako with me, still in my arms. I started to speak once again. "I-I didn't get to show them... I didn't get to even show them you. The-they might have even been proud of me once..." I felt as if I was in pieces with no where to go, but there is one place I went to, asleep. Whenever there were heavy emotions like this I was always tired, and a lot happened today that I couldn't even help it.
Mayako's purple eyes were filled with sorrow when she listened to him, and before she could've replied she saw Anther fall asleep. But Mayako didn't want to leave Anther's side. She took off her glasses and then made her eyes close, having trouble trying because her head was still busy and occupied. Somehow, from the call from fatigue, Mayako finally got to sleep.
About an hour or so had past of sleep before I woke up, seeing that Mayako was still on top of me, I couldn't help but crack a smile. But then I let my head back down and that smile had disappeared. I wasn't sad like other people were when their parents died, no, I was more angry if anything. Angry at the fact that, that now I can't show them what I'm really capable of, who I really am, and to look them in the face and tell them they were wrong. But I'm not heartless, they are still my parents so I can't help but be a bit sad, but I guess all these years of hating them hardened me a bit, made me stronger. I started to run my fingers through her hair, raising that smile again. Ever so softly, I started to speak. "It's a new day Mayako, I'll be ok..." My head was laid back and I closed my eyes, not asleep though, just taking control of my thoughts.
((Sorry for the wait I was watching the tele. And should we pretend they're in their normal clothes, or are they going back to the convention?))

As Mayako was asleep, she felt fingers combing through her hair and woke up to see Anther's face, softly smiling. She raised her hand to his face, still kind of groggy. "I'm glad..." she whispered, feeling like she could fall asleep again but didn't want to. Mayako kept herself awake, simply lying there with Anther since she wanted to stay here like this a little longer. There must have been mixed emotions that Anther was experiencing yesterday, and Mayako wondered what they were. From what she was told by him, his parents never really accepted him or thought he could accomplish things in life. Though, Anther had been crying so he must have cared in some way.
(We'll just say they are in regular cloths and that they aren't going back)

I snuggled a little bit to get Mayako in just the right place where it felt the best. "It's just that, I never really got to show them what I have become, I could show them they were wrong... But I have you, and you mean absolutely everything to me so I can't feel too bad." I let out a soft smile as I looked over at her, my hand still running through her hair and the other gently rubbing her arm, feeling her soft and smooth skin seemed to calm me down.

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